"Ah, hooligan! If you don't stop, I won't be polite!"

Zhou Manqing was like a frightened deer, with her hands on her chest.

Seeing that she was guarding so well, Xia Mo could only attack her by surprise and stretched her claws behind her,"Hehe, Qingqing, I miss you so much, let me kiss you now!""

"you......"Zhou Manqing was so angry that she was shaking all over. After realizing that she was attacked, she could no longer bear it and gave up her defense. She grabbed Xia Mo with her big hands. However,

Xia Mo did not intend to dodge at all, and even took the initiative to meet him,"How is it? Does it feel good?"

"Can you please stop making trouble? There are people watching you."

Zhou Manqing was completely speechless, fearing that the woman would say something lewd again, so she quickly reminded her.

Xia Mo was stunned, and turned her head to look, only to find Lin Bin eating melons on the side, and her face suddenly changed,"Where did this stinky man come from? What are you looking at!"

Lin Bin, who was watching the show, was awakened by the scolding, and finally came to his senses and retracted his reluctant gaze.

"Hello, my name is Lin Bin, and I'm Manqing's friend."

Xia Mo, who was gesticulating, suddenly stopped, turned around, stopped Zhou Manqing behind her, and stared at Lin Bin with a bad face,"Boyfriend? Who are you?" Before Zhou Manqing came, he did not inform her of the purpose of this trip in advance, let alone say that he came with Lin Bin. Xia Mo had never noticed it before.

Now looking at the handsome young man in front of her, she felt a huge sense of crisis in her heart.

Before Lin Bin could speak, there was a crisp sound in the air!

Zhou Manqing slapped Xia Mo on the butt, then pulled her away with force, and said viciously:"Old Xia, if you keep making trouble, I will just leave."

"Hey, my dear, please don't go......."

Ten minutes later, in the luxuriously decorated villa, three people sat with their own thoughts.

"This is what happened. Mr. Lin is planning to set up a film and television company and build a film and television base in his hometown to boost the local tourism industry.

Old Xia, you have had successful cases before and are very familiar with the film and television industry, so I recommended you."

Zhou Manqing gritted her teeth and recounted the story, still a little angry about what Xia Mo had done just now.

Especially in front of Lin Bin, she blushed a little when she thought about it.

"Humph! Is he worthy of letting me work for him?"

Xia Mo snorted. Seeing that Zhou Manqing and Lin Bin looked very familiar with each other, she felt unhappy.

Especially this guy named Lin Bin, he was still a young and handsome guy. If the two of them were allowed to have contact for a long time, she was worried that Zhou Manqing would be snatched away by someone else.

No rich man is a good thing.

Zhou Manqing pointed at her nose and said angrily:"Old Xia, don't be ungrateful. No film and television company will hire you now. If you miss this opportunity, you will never be able to stay in this industry for the rest of your life."

"If you can't make it, then don't make it. Anyway, I'm not short of money." Xia Mo didn't care at all and even joked,"Qingqing, are you being kept by this pretty boy? You should quit your job and I'll support you!"

""Support your uncle!" Zhou Manqing cursed directly, and then couldn't speak for a long time. It seemed that she was very angry.

What kind of things had this woman done in the past that she was so hated by the heavens and the people that she couldn't make it in the entire industry?

Lin Bin didn't know what had happened between the two of them before. Seeing that Zhou Manqing couldn't be persuaded, he had to use his money ability,"Ms. Xia, as long as you agree to help me manage the film and television company, the salary and other things can be discussed."

"Bah! It's just a few bucks, why are you showing off? Do you think I'm short of money?"

Xia Mo showed contempt on her face. Although she likes women, she doesn't have much resentment towards men.

The reason why she can't stand Lin Bin now is because he is too close to Zhou Manqing.

Lin Bin frowned, always feeling that Xia Mo's attitude towards him is a bit too much.

It can be said that women's hearts are hard to figure out, just because their breasts are too fat.

Lin Bin knows very well that he is just an ordinary person, who has more money, and personal charm is nonsense.

But if the other party doesn't care about money now, then he will have no choice.

The film and television company is imperative. If the woman in front of him is really unwilling, then he can only spend more time and recruit a few more talents. There is no need to hang himself on a tree.

However, this woman's attitude towards Zhou Manqing seems to be a bit problematic, and he can make a fuss about it.

Lin Bin suddenly had an idea and said,"Manqing, you go and have a rest first, I will talk to Miss Xia alone."

Xia Mo said:"Qingqing, don't go anywhere. If you want to leave, let him go."

Zhou Manqing was still angry. Without saying a word, she stood up and walked towards the garden of the villa. Seeing this, Xia Mo ignored Lin Bin and was about to chase after him.

"Miss Xia, I advise you to listen to me, otherwise, I guarantee you will regret it."

Xia Mo paused, with a look of disdain on her face,"Just you? I have nothing to say to people under 18cm.""


Seeing that Zhou Manqing had walked far away and should not have heard the conversation here, Lin Bin said directly:"I know you are not interested in money, but others are different, such as Manqing"

"What a joke. I have known Qingqing for many years. She would never do anything stupid just for money. Besides, if she really needed money, I would help her."

"You misunderstood me." Lin Bin smiled and shook his head, deliberately provoking,"Although I haven't known Manqing for a long time, we get along very well. Do you know why she wants to cooperate with me?"

Xia Mo's pupils shrank,"Why?"

"Although Manqing is not tempted by money, she has her own ideals. I promised to let her witness the birth of a huge business empire, so she will be used by me."��Lin Bin said.

As expected, after he said this, Xia Mo's expression changed obviously,"So what?"

Lin Bin raised his lips,"Manqing's sexual interest is very normal. I live with her day and night, and she is so outstanding. If I pursue her, how confident do you think I will be successful?"

"You dare! Qingqing is mine, no one can take her away!"

"How about we give it a try?"

"you..."Xia Mo was immediately furious and pointed at Lin Bin's nose,"Despicable!"

Lin Bin was not angry, but nodded with a smile,"Thank you for the compliment, but I advise you to think carefully about my suggestion."

"I'll go tell Manqing now to stay away from you."

Lin Bin vowed, not panicking at all,"Do you think she will believe you?"

Xia Mo's heart skipped a beat. She and Zhou Manqing were old acquaintances, but the other party had been avoiding her for so many years. If it weren't for this time, Zhou Manqing would never have come to find her.

In comparison, Zhou Manqing was more wary of her and might not believe what she said.

Xia Mo calmed down instantly, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The atmosphere was a little silent, and Lin Bin was not in a hurry. He slowly waited for the other party's answer.

He had a hunch that the other party would agree in all likelihood.

After a moment, Xia Mo gritted her teeth and said,"Okay, you're so cruel, I promise you! However, I have three rules for you."

"Tell me first?" Lin Bin sat up straight immediately.

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