What is the most valuable thing in the 21st century? Of course, it is talent.

But no matter how rare Xia Mo is, Lin Bin can't agree to it without even hearing the conditions.

What if the other party digs a pit to bury himself, who can he go to for justice?

Therefore, Lin Bin must listen to the other party's statement first, otherwise he would rather go to someone else to set up a film and television company in person, rather than find more things for himself.

Xia Mo raised her slender index finger and gritted her teeth and said,"First, you must swear not to snatch Qingqing from me, otherwise, you will never be able to raise your head for the rest of your life."

As she spoke, her eyes moved down and fell on the position where Xiao Abin was.

This woman is really vicious.

Lin Bin thought about it and said,"Well, I promise not to take the initiative to have anything happen with Zhou Manqing, but if she takes the initiative, I won't refuse. If you don't agree, forget it. Anyway, without you, I can still find someone else."

The greatness of his aunt made him a little jealous. Although he was not sure that he could win her directly, no one could say what would happen in the future, so Lin Bin left himself a way out.

No! I decided that I couldn't let Manqing be scumbaged by this man!

"How shameless! Xia Mo cursed, and the sense of crisis in her heart became stronger. She raised another finger.

"Second, since you want me to help you, I have the final say on the company's affairs, and you must meet my requirements in terms of funds, otherwise I can withdraw at any time."

"That's no problem. I can guarantee an investment of no less than 1 billion per year, as long as it can promote the development of the film and television base. As for what movies to invest in, you have the final say."Lin Bin agreed immediately.

Compared with the first one, this second agreement is nothing.

The reason for opening a film and television company is to promote the development of Zhushan County. Of course, if you can communicate with some big stars by the way, it would be the best.

"Humph! It's only 1 billion. It's not enough to build a film and television base."

"Don't worry, the 1 billion does not include the investment in the film and television base, and if the funds are not enough, I can always add more."Lin Bin said. He originally planned to separate the investment in the film and television company and the film and television base, and set up two companies, one professional film and television company, and the other professional investment company.

The film and television base project belongs to the tourism project of Zhushan County, which is considered a separate investment project.

Moreover, in Lin Bin's imagination, there should be more such investment projects in the future, so he simply set up a professional investment company.

Seeing Lin Bin agreed, Xia Mo was relieved.

And the other party's opening ten billion also made her a little surprised.

In addition to the investment in the film and television base and the live broadcast company that Zhou Manqing is preparing, this guy is involved in many industries.

Moreover, these companies are being carried out at the same time, and the amount of investment required is not small.

In comparison, a film and television company is still a small fight.

Although Xia Mo said that she didn't care about money, she was actually stunned by Lin Bin's generosity.

How much is this guy worth?

When she thought of this, Xia Mo had a flash of inspiration in her mind, and she suddenly changed her mind about the third item she had originally thought of.

"Third, you have to do me a small favor!"

""What help?" Lin Bin asked without any nonsense.

Xia Mo looked Lin Bin up and down, as if appreciating a work of art.

Without waiting, this guy is quite handsome!

Just when Lin Bin felt uncomfortable being stared at by her, Xia Mo said,"I need you to help me deal with someone!"

What the hell?

Lin Bin was stunned, a little confused, and said,"I don't do murder or arson."

Xia Mo curled her lips,"You don't have the ability to do that."

"That's fine. Tell me, what do you want me to do specifically?"Lin Bin breathed a sigh of relief. He was a principled man who would never reconcile with drugs and gambling.

At most, he would just pretend to be cool and help this woman slap others in the face.

"It's very simple, as long as you can pick up a woman."

Xia Mo showed a strange smile on her face, which made Lin Bin shudder.

Damn! What trap is this woman digging for herself again?

Lin Bin said a little unnaturally:"That...Old Xia, to be honest, I'm not very good at picking up girls."

""Tsk! Is it because you are not good at it, or you are useless?"

Xia Mo showed a trace of sarcasm at the corner of her mouth, and her eyes looked at Xiao Abin, the meaning was self-evident.

Damn it! She really thinks she is just a freeloader, if there is a chance in the future, she must let her taste the power of my diamond.

Lin Bin coughed lightly and frowned,"To tell you the truth, I am not short of money. I can't do something I don't like just because of you.

Besides, I don't know who that woman is, what she looks like, and how old she is."

As Lin Bin spoke, he set his eyes on Xia Mo and shook his head secretly in his heart. This devilish figure, grinding tofu every day, it's really a waste.

Men are really the same!

Xia Mo saw through him at a glance, complained in her heart, and showed contempt on her face,"Don't worry, although the woman's character is not very good, her appearance and figure are not bad, and she is only 35 years old, which must suit your taste."

So, it seems that I am not at a disadvantage, right?

Lin Bin thought about it for a while, but still shook his head and said,"You may not know, I am busy with all kinds of things every day, this matter is not easy to handle, you should change the conditions."

He is so rich now, and there are endless beauties around him, so there is no need to spend time and energy on a stranger.

What a busy schedule! Xia Mo looked disdainful,"If you agree, when the film and television company is established, I can help you introduce a few more big stars, as compensation."

This woman is really good at judging people! Lin Bin was almost moved, but he shook his head,"You don't understand, the landlord's surplus food is not much."

Xia Mo's face was more contemptuous,"What do you want? I asked you to pick her up, but I didn't ask you to really do anything with her."

Lin Bin became more and more curious,"I want to ask, do you have any grudge against the other party?"

When Xia Mo mentioned the woman, she got angry and gritted her teeth and said,"Yes, that stinky woman stole my man, do you think it is a deep hatred?"

That's not right! This woman is obviously a lesbian, why would she compete with others for men?

Lin Bin looked suspicious and asked directly:"Who are you talking about?"

"It's my mother!"

Oh my god! Lin Bin was immediately shocked.

Xia Mo actually asked him to seduce her mother. What a filial son!

Wait, something is wrong!

Lin Bin quickly realized that Xia Mo was already thirty years old, but she said that the woman was only thirty-five. How could she be her mother? Could it be her stepmother?

As if seeing Lin Bin's doubts, Xia Mo nodded and said,"Yes, she is my stepmother!"

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