Lin Bin is really not good at picking up girls. He doesn't even know the basic way of chatting up girls.

After all, he is not as good at speaking as Bitch.

But he firmly believes in one thing: there is no girl in this world that you can't pick up with money.

If there is, it's because you don't have enough money.

According to Lin Bin's guess, since Li Anni chose to marry an old man in his forties, it was probably for money.

And it just so happened that the thing he lacked the least was money.

Lin Bin planned to spend all the more than 60 million he got from Xia Mo on Li Anni. If it was not enough, he could continue to get more.

In the end, he would get both the woman and the money, and he only paid some sweat and energy, which didn't seem to be unprofitable.

Even, maybe Xia Mo would call him dad.

Everything has been planned, and Lin Bin knows what he is doing. The next step is just a chance encounter...

Magic City, Dynamic Century Fitness Club.

Li Anni was alone in the corner, lifting dumbbells


After exercising for more than ten minutes, Li Anni, who was sweating profusely, was already exhausted. She stopped her movements and began to adjust her breathing.

"Alas, I don’t know when I can help Momo find a suitable partner.

As soon as she stopped moving, Li Anni began to feel melancholy.

The things the chairman had entrusted to her before he left kept ringing in her ears like a morning bell.

"Annie, the one I'm most worried about is Momo. You must help me keep a close eye on her and make sure she has a suitable home."

Xia Mo's father is called Xia Yutang. He is a real Chinese. He knows his daughter's sexual orientation very well and has quarreled with her for this reason.

In addition, he is busy with work on weekdays, and the relationship between father and daughter has always been like fire and water.

Xia Mo insists on doing things that Xia Yutang doesn't let his daughter do.

A year ago, Xia Yutang suddenly fell ill, and Xia Mo could not be contacted at that time. In addition, everyone in the company had their own ulterior motives and wanted to gain power. In desperation, the two had to go through the marriage procedures, allowing Li Annie to successfully control the company.

On his deathbed, he could only entrust Li Annie to take care of the company and his daughter.

Li Annie's life was given by Xia Yutang, and she was very grateful to the chairman himself. Of course, she respected him very much.

However, when Xia Mo learned the news, Xia Yutang had passed away, so she pushed all the blame on Li Anni.

She thought that she had hooked up with her father a long time ago just to plot against her father's company.

Li Anni followed the chairman's instructions and could not reveal the real reason to anyone unless Xia Mo could officially inherit everything in the company.

But the premise of all this is that Xia Mo must get married and start a career before the age of thirty.

Xia Yutang left too hastily and did not have time to tell Li Anni the specific situation of his daughter, so she still does not know that Xia Mo likes women.

After dealing with Xia Yutang's funeral, Li Anni returned to China and began to contact various Outstanding young men are all for finding a suitable partner for Xia Mo.

However, none of the men she picked out stood the test.

These people were attracted by her beauty or her family property.

Li Anni would naturally not introduce a guy with unsatisfactory character to Xia Mo directly.

During this year, Li Anni has been staying in China to solve Xia Mo's lifelong event, but the foreign company has encountered a financial crisis.

If additional funds cannot be found in a short period of time, the company is likely to go bankrupt.

At that time, Xia Yutang's lifelong efforts will be completely in vain.

Li Anni has been very worried recently, but she doesn't know what to do.

If she continues to stay In China, Xia Mo's problem hasn't been resolved yet, and the company is going to close down.

But if she goes abroad now, Xia Mo will soon exceed the agreed age. By then, even if she saves the company, she won't be able to fulfill the chairman's last wish.

Under this kind of internal and external troubles, Li Anni still insists on exercising every day. She knows that she can't fall down no matter what, otherwise she will lose the trust of the chairman.

Xia Yutang is abroad all year round, so he only has one property in China. That villa is now occupied by Xia Mo. Li Anni only rents an apartment. There is no fitness equipment at home, so she can only come here to exercise every day.

Just as she was thinking about it, a female employee of the fitness club walked straight over.

"Ms. Li, I'm sorry to bother you."

Li Anni frowned slightly,"What's the matter?"

She is the highest-level member of this fitness club, and she was specifically told not to disturb her. She didn't expect someone to come up to her.

The female employee hurriedly said,"It's like this, Ms. Li, your car was hit in the parking lot. Fortunately, it was discovered by the security guard in time. Now please go down and deal with it."

The car was hit?

It's really a case of adding insult to injury!

Now that the company abroad has problems, she can't get her monthly salary, and Xia Yutang didn't leave her much funding before, so it was not enough to spend. If the car is hit again, she can't afford a new car.

"Is the collision serious?" Li Anni asked.

"The security guard said it wasn't serious, just a little paint was rubbed off." The female employee answered honestly.

Li Anni was relieved and shook her head,"Forget it, let that person go."

""Okay, Miss Li, I'll notify the security right away."

Seeing that Li Anni didn't pursue the matter, the female employee naturally had nothing to say and left directly.

After resting for a few minutes, Li Anni was in a particularly irritable mood today and didn't want to stay any longer. When she was about to leave, the female employee came over again.

"Miss Li...The man downstairs refused to leave and insisted on compensating for your car. What do you think?"

The female employee also looked depressed.���One thing, and ended up meeting a fool.

Li Anni frowned,"I see."

She was planning to leave, and now it was just right to go down and take a look.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, the female employee breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated.

Li Anni, this iceberg beauty, is famous in the fitness club, and almost no one dares to come and disturb her.

If it weren't for this kind of thing at the moment, she wouldn't bite the bullet and come again.

Li Anni didn't rush to leave. She went to the bathroom to take a shower first, then changed her clothes, and then turned around and came down.

In the parking lot of the fitness club, Lin Bin was pushing a shared electric car, with the scorching sun above his head, beads of sweat slid down his cheeks, and he had already started cursing in his heart.

According to the information given by Xia Mo, this woman named Li Anni has a senior membership in this fitness club and comes to the gym almost every day.

After Lin Bin drove to this place, he really found the other party's car in the parking lot, so he came up with a plan and prepared to learn Mu Wenjun's method to create an encounter.

But he didn't expect that the other party didn't need him to pay.

So after being out in the sun for a long time, he didn't even see Li Anni.

Lin Bin had no choice but to learn from Mu Wenjun's serious spirit and insisted on paying her, but who would have thought that the other party didn't come down for a long time.

And the sun outside was too strong, and he was almost smoking.

""If I had known this would happen, I would have never had such a chance encounter and would have just used my money to hit him!"

Lin Bin was thinking when his eyes suddenly lit up.

Right in front of him, a beautiful woman with a voluptuous figure and delicate features was walking towards him.

The person looked exactly like the photo he had seen. It was Xia Mo's stepmother Li Anni!

No wonder they both like fitness so much. The figures of these"mother and daughter" are simply comparable.

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