As soon as Li Anni arrived at the parking lot, she saw Lin Bin under the scorching sun.

He was about 1.8 meters tall and had a well-proportioned figure. Although he was only wearing an ordinary T-shirt and casual pants, he was very neat and tidy.

Moreover, he did not look very old, only in his early twenties, and he looked very handsome.

What a sunny and cheerful boy.

As for the fat middle-aged security guard next to him, he did not even catch her eye.

Taking a few steps closer, Li Anni could even see the beads of sweat sliding down his forehead, as well as his anxious expression. He was probably worried about damaging the car.

As soon as she saw the other party's appearance, Li Anni completely gave up the idea of asking him to pay for it.

Although her life has not been very good recently, she is still driving a car worth millions. Even if it is just scratched, it will cost thousands of dollars to repair the car. The other party may not be able to afford it.

"Mr. Li, it was this guy who hit your car."

Li Anni is such a beautiful woman. The fat security guard was very impressed. When he saw her coming, he immediately stepped forward to take credit.

Li Anni then realized that there was another person. She nodded at the other person and was about to speak when the voice of the sunny boy rang out.

"Beauty...Is this your car?" When Lin Bin thought about picking up this beautiful woman, he was inexplicably excited, and his voice was even trembling."Don't worry, I will definitely compensate you."

Seeing that he was stumbling, Li Anni thought that he was worried about the compensation, so she smiled and shook her head,"Forget it, it's just a little paint loss, you don't have to pay for it.""

"That won't do!" Lin Bin was immediately anxious.

He had worked so hard outside in the sun just to talk to Li Anni. If he really didn't have to pay compensation, then what was the point of doing it?

Lin Bin quickly said,"Beauty, I hit your car, I must pay compensation, otherwise I...Conscience....."

He tried hard to recall what Mu Wenjun had said before, and even tried to imitate his expression, but he could not get the essence of it. He felt a little guilty as he spoke.

It was his guilty expression that made Li Anni think of herself when she first went abroad and had no relatives.

"Forget it, it's really not necessary."

Li Anni was driving a top-of-the-line BMW 7 Series. She had already seen the shallow scratches on the car body and the shared electric car parked next to it.

Looking at Lin Bin's nervous and uneasy look and sincere attitude, she had already made up her mind not to ask the other party to pay.

This is fucking screwed!

Lin Bin was anxious and was still trying to figure out the wording when the fat security guard next to him came to his aid.

"Mr. Li, your car is worth more than one million yuan. Even repainting will cost several thousand yuan. How can you let this guy get away with it?"

Hearing the fat security guard's words, Lin Bin was delighted and nodded quickly, saying,"Yes, I must pay for it."

Li Anni was also surprised. She didn't expect that there are still people like Lin Bin in this day and age."Well, the money you give me is considered compensation to me."

"That...I'll transfer 2,000 yuan to you first. If it's not enough, you can come back to me."

Lin Bin felt relieved. His meal was not in vain.

"Two thousand is too much, just give me two hundred."

Li Anni smiled and shook her head. Judging from his clothes, this sunny boy didn't look like a rich man. She didn't really plan to ask him to pay her back, just a token of her gratitude.

Two hundred is two hundred!

Lin Bin couldn't stand the heat, so he was ready to take the first step first, and then talk about the follow-up."Okay, I'll transfer it to you via WeChat."

Seeing that he had already opened the payment interface, Li Anni didn't hesitate and directly opened the payment code

"This is a car worth more than one million yuan, and the compensation is only two hundred yuan. It's really a bargain for you kid."

The fat security guard said sourly, and it was unclear whether he envied Lin Bin for paying the money or envied him for being able to get close to the beautiful woman in front of him.

Li Anni frowned when she heard the security guard's sarcasm, and felt a little unhappy.

Fortunately, the big boy in front of her did not show any inferiority, so she didn't say much.

With a beep! Scan the code to complete the payment

"Beauty, how about we add each other on WeChat? When you repair your car, tell me how much it costs and I will transfer it to you."Lin Bin looked at Li Anni with burning eyes.

"Really, it's not necessary." Li Anni saw that the other party had paid and was so sincere, and her heart was somewhat touched.

Seeing that he was sweating profusely, she directly opened the car door, took out a bottle of mineral water from the car, and handed it to him,"The weather is so hot, and you have waited for me for so long, please have a bottle of water."

Lin Bin was stunned, looking at the mineral water handed over by the other party, his brain was a little bit unresponsive for a while, and he could only rely on his body's instinct and subconsciously reached out to take it.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 3 yuan consumption rebate from Li Anni, a sincerity index of 95.23%, and a reverse critical hit of 9523 times!"

"The amount received is RMB 28,569. Please check it carefully!"

What the hell? 95% sincerity index?

Lin Bin was stunned, with a look of astonishment.

From Lu Xiaoyu to Mu Wenjun, the sincerity index of more than 90% has refreshed his three views.

But now, although it is just a bottle of mineral water, the sincerity index of 95% makes Lin Bin completely confused.

"Drink some water, you're so hot." Li Anni looked at Lin Bin who was in a daze and chuckled.

"oh..."Lin Bin was a little thirsty to begin with, so he unscrewed the bottle cap and took a big gulp, then blurted out,"Beauty, can I add you on WeChat?"

Li Anni thought that the other party was still insisting on paying her, so she smiled and shook her head,"Really, no need, and you've already paid her money."

"cough...Your car is definitely not worth two hundred after repair, and I am rich and can afford it. Let's add WeChat, and when your car is repaired, I will give you the exact amount."

If before it was to help Xia Mo fulfill the agreement, then now Lin Bin is simply curious about Li Anni.

How can a woman with such a high sincerity index not be like what Xia Mo said.

Moreover, the other party does not look like a woman who will do anything for money.

Lin Bin believes that no matter how good the other party's acting skills are, even if she can deceive the whole world, she can't deceive himself.

Because he has a system.

Puff! Li Anni couldn't help laughing and laughed again.

This big boy still has a strong self-esteem. He was afraid that she would not let him pay the money, and he said that he was very rich.

"OK! I believe you are very rich, so let's add WeChat."

Ding! Add Annie Baby as a friend!

Lin Bin looked at the friends in his phone and fell into deep thought.

What's going on with this woman?

"Hey, wake up! A toad wants to eat swan meat, but he doesn't even look at what you look like."

Li Anni had already driven away. Seeing that Lin Bin had actually added the other party as a friend, the fat security guard couldn't help but feel jealous.

Toad? Tsk!

For this kind of stuff, Lin Bin was too lazy to waste his breath and directly took out the car key and pressed it.

While the fat security guard was stunned, he drove away in the Audi A8 parked next to him.

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