He originally planned to spend money to pick up girls, but in the end he didn't spend a dime, and instead earned more than 20,000 yuan.

Lin Bin was going to ask Xia Mo what was going on with Li Anni?

However, he estimated that Xia Mo didn't know the true face of this stepmother.

"That stinky woman can only seduce men, why do you ask so many questions?"

Sure enough, after the call was connected, Lin Bin just tried to inquire about Li Anni's personality and so on. Xia Mo kept calling her a stinky woman, but she couldn't say anything specific. There was still some noise on the phone, and he didn't know what Xia Mo was busy with, so Lin Bin didn't talk much and hung up directly.

Nothing can be rushed. After leaving the fitness club, there was nothing else to do for the time being, so Lin Bin simply strolled around and had a Western meal at noon.

The last time he came to Shanghai, the time was too tight and he didn't have time to go to many places. This time he would stay for a few days anyway, so he was not in a hurry.

In the afternoon, Lin Bin didn't rush out, but stayed in the villa, studying Li Anni's information carefully by himself.

As a result, after studying for a long time, apart from reciting Li Anni's measurements by heart, he didn't find any clues.

"It seems that practice makes perfect!"

Lin Bin set out decisively, and after leaving the villa, he drove directly to a snack street.

According to the information provided by Xia Mo, Li Anni lived near this street and often visited a barbecue restaurant here.

Logically speaking, Li Anni inherited the business of Old Xia's family and should be worth over 100 million yuan. How could she like an ordinary roadside stall?

This made Lin Bin even more puzzled.

The sun gradually set, and at seven o'clock in the evening, the barbecue stall business began to become lively, with many customers sitting inside and outside the store.

Lin Bin did not sit in the store, but chose a conspicuous position by the roadside and sat down, ordering dozens of barbecues at random.

Li Annie doesn't necessarily come here every day, he was just trying his luck.

Coincidentally, Lin Bin had good luck today.

Not long after he sat down, he saw a blue BMW parked on the side of the road.

Li Annie parked the car on the side of the road, and without paying attention to other people's eyes, she walked straight to the barbecue restaurant on the side of the road.

She has lived abroad for more than ten years. After returning to China this time, she completely fell in love with all kinds of domestic food.

Especially some street snacks, which are inexpensive and delicious, and people never get tired of eating them.

If it weren't for her figure, Li Annie would have wanted to come here every day.

She was about to enter the store when a surprised voice suddenly rang in her ears.

"Hi, beautiful lady, what a coincidence?"

Li Anni turned her head and saw a familiar figure, it was the sunny boy who insisted on paying compensation this morning.

"Eh? You're here too?"

Lin Bin walked over and said,"Beauty, are you here for barbecue too? How about we go together? I'll treat you as an apology for what happened this morning."

Although they met each other twice in one day, Li Anni didn't doubt it and nodded with a smile,"Okay, but I'll treat you."

"No, I must treat you today."

The two of them quickly came to a table on the roadside and sat down. Lin Bin pointed at the skewers that had just been served and said,"These were just ordered. I haven't started eating yet. If you don't mind, let's eat first and order some more later."

"Haha, what's there to be disgusted with?"

Li Anni said as she took a skewer of roasted lamb without any intention of being polite. Lin

Bin also started to chew it, and said casually while eating:"By the way, my name is Lin Bin, we are really destined to be together."

"It's fate indeed. My name is Li Anni.

Although Lin Bin is not good at picking up girls, he is a salesperson after all, so he is very good at talking and can easily find topics to talk about. The two of them chatted happily for a while.

"What is this? It tastes pretty good."Li Anni picked up a string of strange-looking skewers, took a bite, and asked curiously.

Although she is a frequent customer here, she always asks the waiter in the store to recommend it every time she eats. She has never eaten this thing in front of her.

Lin Bin glanced at the thing in her hand and coughed dryly,"This is lamb kidney, very nutritious."

Lamb kidney? Li Anni was suspicious. She had never heard of this strange name before. Although there are barbecues abroad, she has never seen this kind of thing.

She is a woman, so the clerk naturally would not recommend this delicacy.

After hearing Lin Bin say that it is a very nutritious thing, Li Anni did not ask any more questions, and smiled and said,"Since it is a very nutritious thing, I have to eat more. By the way, you should eat more too."

Lin Bin suddenly felt guilty. If this woman continues to eat more, he doesn't know if he can bear it.

"Since you like it, then eat more."

Lin Bin was eating skewers while looking at the other party.

Li Anni was wearing a beige dress today, with only a little makeup on her face. Her facial features were not particularly stunning, but they were very attractive. The more you look at her, the more beautiful she is.

If Xia Mo was a ripe fruit, then she was the ripe one, tender and juicy.

While Lin Bin was looking at her, Li Anni was also paying attention to the big boy in front of her.

She was very confident in her temperament and appearance, but when facing Lin Bin, she was not at all restrained.

Riding a shared electric car and eating roadside stalls, this should be just an ordinary person.

But such an ordinary person actually has an inexplicable self-confidence.

Lin Bin even looked at her openly, as if appreciating a work of art, which surprised Li Anni even more.

"What an interesting young man, but it's a pity that he's a little young."

Li Anni pondered in her heart, not knowing whether he was suitable to be Momo's partner.

"Abin, what do you do for a living?"

���Bin said,"Sister Annie, I used to sell cars. I just quit and am planning to start my own business."

Li Annie nodded and said casually,"Starting a business is good. Young people should be motivated. By the way, how old are you?"

"I'm 28, right?"Lin Bin said something nonsense. Li Anni was suspicious. According to her guess, Lin Bin was at most 21 or 22 years old, and he didn't look like 28.

However, if he was really 28, he would be a good match for Momo.

"It seems that I need to find an opportunity to test this young man again."

Except for the chance encounter in the morning, this was also the first time the two met. Each of them had their own plans in mind, but they just chatted casually, and no one was in a hurry to reveal themselves. When masters fight, they often compete with each other in patience.

The meal took almost two hours to finish.

Lin Bin was about to pay the bill, but Li Anni was one step faster,"Xiao Liu, this table is mine, you can just deduct it from my card."

For convenience, she had specially applied for a membership card in this store and directly recharged 10,000 yuan.

The barbecue restaurant did not originally have this business, but someone took the initiative to deposit money, so the boss was naturally happy.

""Okay, Mr. Li." The shop assistant agreed immediately.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 168 yuan consumption rebate from Li Anni, a sincerity index of 95.88, and a reverse critical hit of 9588 times!"

"The amount received is 1,610,784 yuan, please check it!"

Another sincerity index of 95%, even higher than this morning. If this continues, could Li Anni become the first woman to break 100%?

If so, wouldn't Xia Mo definitely call him dad? He earned more than 1.6 million yuan for a meal, and he didn't spend a penny.

Who is picking up who now?

Lin Bin suddenly felt a little numb.

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