After dinner, the two went their separate ways.

Although they didn't get any useful information today, at least they were more familiar with each other. It wouldn't be abrupt to ask each other out in the future.

It was already past ten o'clock when they returned to the villa. Lin Bin had just finished taking a shower and lay down. He had eaten too much lamb kidneys in the evening and couldn't fall asleep for a while.

At this time, the phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was Lao Xia calling.

"Hey, where are you? Come over and drink with me." Xia Mo's fierce voice came.

Lin Bin looked at the time. It was late at night. If other women had an appointment, he would not refuse.

But Xia Mo, this female hooligan, has not been straightened yet. There is no way she can have any good things. She is even a competitor, so Lin Bin has no interest.

"It's already past ten o'clock. I'm ready for bed."

""Sleep like a jerk, get up and have fun!"

Looking at the hung up call, Lin Bin was speechless. Before he could complain, Xia Mo sent another location.

Although only one day had passed, he also wanted to know the progress of the acquisition of the film and television company, and to talk about Li Anni's affairs, so he had to get up and go out.

The nightlife in the Magic City is more colorful. Even though it is already past ten o'clock in the evening, there is still a constant stream of vehicles on the street, and some sections are even more congested than during the day.

Lin Bin drove the Audi A8 and it took more than forty minutes to get to the location sent by Xia Mo.

This is a place called modo bar.

As soon as he entered the door, the deafening sound of the speakers made Lin Bin dizzy. The bar was crowded with people, young men and women, wantonly swaying their hormones, and people hugging each other could be seen everywhere.

This kind of place is Lin Bin's first He came here once, because he had no money before, but now it’s because he is too rich.

Although there are many beauties here and there are plenty of romantic encounters, he just doesn’t like this atmosphere.

Besides, with his current net worth, he can’t even finish cultivating all the land at home, so why bother coming here to find inferior land.

Lin Bin frowned. Although he didn’t like the environment here, since he was already here, he could only bite the bullet and dive into the crowd.

Soon, he saw Xia Mo’s figure at the bar.

That figure that was about to explode was so conspicuous no matter where she went.

At this moment, Xia Mo was accompanied by a beautiful woman with a good figure. One of her hands was on the other’s shoulder, and the other hand was on the other’s thigh.

I don’t know what the two said. The beautiful woman smiled and left. Xia Mo picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"Old Xia, what are you doing? If you want to drink, you don't have to go to a place like this?"

Lin Bin walked over. Because the bar was too noisy, he could only raise his voice, which scared Xia Mo.

"Tsk! What's wrong with this place, the wine is good and there are many beauties." Xia Mo said.

Lin Bin said:"What's the matter, are you going to come here to pick up girls?"

Xia Mo said:"Why, you men can pick up girls, why can't I?"

Lin Bin was speechless for a moment, this woman has such a good figure, it's a waste of resources, and she has to compete with male compatriots for beauties.

The key is that she doesn't have the diamond, she is just messing around.

Xia Mo pointed at the wine cabinet,"What do you want to drink, it's my treat!"

""Anything is fine." Lin Bin didn't know what was available here, and he didn't see the menu, so he could only say"anything is fine."

"Bring him a Margarita." Xia Mo called out and arranged it for him.

As she said, there were quite a few beauties in this bar, and each of them was passionate and unrestrained. After Lin Bin sat down, his eyes sparkled.

A beautiful woman happened to pass by, and Xia Mo immediately bumped Lin Bin with her shoulder and pouted,"This one has a good figure, but her legs are a little short." Lin Bin took the opportunity to look at her and immediately shook his head,"This one is not good, look at the one over there, she has a good figure."

"Tsk! What's so good about it? It's just a few pounds of meat on the chest. The one next to it is better."

"That one is OK, but just average."

The two like-minded people immediately found the same topic and started to comment on the beauties in the bar.

Lin Bin also forgot about the business, as if he just came here to accompany Xia Mo to see the beauties.

"Look at that beautiful woman who is drinking. If you are generous, you can definitely take her home tonight."Xia Mo pointed to a beautiful woman in front of them and said

"Not interested!" Lin Bin smiled and shook his head,"I'm a selfish person and like to eat alone. If you like, just go and get her yourself."

Although there are many beauties in the bar, the quality is only average, so he is naturally not interested.

Xia Mo gave him a contemptuous look,"What are you thinking, I'm not that kind of person, I only have feelings for Qingqing."

Seeing her serious nonsense, Lin Bin almost believed her.

The two were chatting, and a pretty boy in his twenties with delicate skin and tender flesh suddenly came over.

""Beauty, would you like me to buy you a drink?"

Suriquan is a regular at the modu bar. He comes here almost every night to hunt for beauties. Relying on his Ferrari 458, he can easily get any woman he likes.

For him, he has tasted all kinds of beauties, but Xia Mo, who was sitting at the bar in front of him, had a hot body that immediately attracted his attention.

As for the young man next to the woman, Suriquan automatically ignored her.

Even if this girl was someone else's companion, he would still do it.

Xia Mo looked at the pretty boy in front of her, and an expression of disgust suddenly appeared on her face. She was too lazy to even pay attention to him. She turned sideways and said nothing. Seeing that the other party ignored him, Suriquan felt a little embarrassed and cursed in his heart: Damn it, stinky woman, I must let you taste my power today.

He immediately took out his trump card, which was also a weapon for pretending to be cool - the car key of the Ferrari 458

""Beautiful lady, how about I take you for a ride? Ferrari 458, 4.5 liter, 8 cylinder engine, 578 horsepower, it will definitely make you feel great."

Su Liquan's face was full of confidence and pride. These women who came to the bar had some vision and must know the value of Ferrari 458.

With such a luxury car, many women would scramble to get in.

Seeing the other party's wretched face and buzzing like a fly, Xia Mo directly uttered two words:


"you..."Su Liquan's face fell, and he pointed at Xia Mo's nose, as if he was going to hit her.

Lin Bin naturally couldn't stand watching her get beaten, so he quickly said,"Dude, we're just talking about things, go pick up girls somewhere else."

Su Liquan didn't take Lin Bin seriously at all. He was embarrassed to begin with, and when he heard what he said, he immediately cursed,"Who the hell are you doing? How dare you talk to me?"

Lin Bin immediately frowned. This guy is not only mentally retarded, but also like a mad dog.

"I'm the one who makes keys. How many do you want?" It's better to say the number instead of the number.

But now someone is being uncivilized, so Lin Bin will naturally not be polite.

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