Make a key? Make several keys?

Su Liquan was a little stunned, but he quickly reacted,"Fuck! Kid, do you know who I am? How dare you talk to me like that?" He always used his identity to scare people, just like a child playing house. Lin Bin was not interested in this kind of guy at all.

"Oh? How many do you have?"

"You are looking for death!"

Suriquan was immediately furious and was about to teach the young man a lesson when he heard a sweet laugh.

"Hey, who made Young Master Su angry? Why are you so angry?"

Accompanied by a sweet laugh, a slender figure quickly walked over. As soon as

Su Liquan saw the appearance of the person, he immediately suppressed his anger and said,"Sister Hong, you came at the right time. You should raise the threshold of your modu bar, otherwise any garbage can come in."

Although he didn't mention any names, his eyes fell on Lin Bin.

A biting dog doesn't bark, and a barking dog doesn't bite.

Lin Bin was not afraid at all, and even didn't bother to pay attention to Su Liquan, but looked at the visitor with interest.

The other party was a mature woman in her forties, with a charming figure and a protruding front and a curved back.

She was wearing a black lace hip skirt with a hollow chest, a piece of snow-white looming, and it was unfathomable at a glance, which could arouse people's infinite reverie.

Especially this woman, she exudes a charming charm all the time.

She is simply a goblin who eats people!

Sister Hong is the owner of the modu bar, and Su Liquan is a frequent visitor here. The two are naturally familiar with each other.

""Mr. Su, since you are here to have fun, why do you have to make things unhappy?" Sister Hong showed a charming smile,"Come on, give Mr. Su a glass of whiskey, and put it on my bill."

Her voice was soft and sticky, her red lips were alluring, and her every frown and smile was full of charm. Even her eyes seemed to be able to seduce people. How sexy she was.

After Sister Hong finished speaking, she set her eyes on Lin Bin and said with a smile,"Handsome guy, why don't you sit down and have a drink together and make friends."

Although she didn't know where Lin Bin came from, since he was a customer, Sister Hong didn't want to offend him.

What's more, she has been very short of money recently, and she is counting on the income from this bar to fill her own holes.

Lin Bin didn't bother to pay attention to the idiot just now, but he was quite interested in the beautiful lace young woman in front of him,"Ms. Hong, right? If you are willing, I would like to buy you a drink."

Sister Hong has experienced countless situations. Seeing Lin Binhao's eyes wandering around her unscrupulously, she didn't feel disgusted. She was even a little curious about his identity.

"Haha, this is my territory, so I should be the one to treat you."

Seeing Sister Hong trying to ease the atmosphere with just a few words, Su Liquan was furious, but he couldn't continue making trouble.

However, he couldn't swallow his anger if he didn't deal with Lin Bin.

"Sister Hong, as long as you kick this guy out, I will deposit one million here, how about that?"

Su Liquan gritted his teeth and said cruelly.

One million is his pocket money for several months.

Although he often comes here to play, he only spends one or two hundred thousand a month.

Sister Hong's smile froze. Although one million is much less than her hole, it is not a small amount. What's more, she is really short of money now, and every penny she can earn is a penny.

Lin Bin was about to have a drink and chat with the lace beauty in front of him, but the flies around him started to make noise again, and he felt a little unhappy.

"Sister Hong, let's do this. I'll pay for the entire meal tonight, but you have to drive the flies out first so as not to disturb our fun."

"Boy, why are you pretending to be a rich man? Do you know how much it costs to spend here in one night?"

Suriquan was immediately furious. He had just said that he would deposit one million, but the other party wanted to pay for the whole place. This was simply another naked slap in the face.

Moreover, the consumption of this modu bar in one night must be at least several million. This guy is wearing cheap clothes, and he doesn't look like a rich man at all.

"Oh? How much does it cost here for one night?" Lin Bin looked at Sister Hong, asking for advice humbly.

Sister Hong was stunned. She felt that this handsome guy didn't seem to be joking, and quickly persuaded him,"Handsome guy, we are all here to have fun, there is no need to hurt the harmony."

Although she was short of money, she also knew that some money was hot and not so easy to earn.

Lin Bin was too lazy to talk nonsense, and waved to the waiter at the bar,"Please bring the payment code over."

Seeing that the boss didn't say anything, the waiter quickly handed over the payment code.

Ding! The crisp sound of payment rang out.

Lin Bin shook his mobile phone and said with a smile,"I just scanned 5 million, and I don't know if it is enough to drive away the flies?"

Fuck! Five million!"

Su Liquan's pupils shrank, and there was only one thought left in his mind: Who is this guy, and how can he spend five million at once?

If this money is given to himself, I don't know how many girls he can pick up!

Lin Bin didn't know what he was thinking, and even if he knew, he would be even more disdainful.

A mere five million is nothing!

Now he can pick up girls without spending money, and he can also make money.

He looked at Sister Hong again,"Sister Hong, why don't we find a place to drink so as not to be disturbed."

Although it cost five million, as long as this mature woman buys him a drink, the money will be earned back, so Lin Bin didn't feel bad at all.

Sister Hong was still in shock. She came back to her senses after hearing what Lin Bin said, and nodded,"Handsome guy, how about we go to my office for a drink together?"

Lin Bin shook his head. He had spent his own money, so how could he not pretend to be cool,"Sister Hong, it's okay to go to your place for a drink, but should we drive away the flies first?"

Su Liquan saw him pointing at himself, and his face immediately darkened,"Huh! Why are you trying to drive me away? This bar is not yours. If you have the guts, why don't you buy it?" He was in a dilemma. Even though he drove a Ferrari worth millions, he couldn't afford five million.

If he just left, he would lose face.

"That's right! Paying for the whole place is nothing, it's better to just buy the bar!"

Lin Bin's eyes lit up, but before he could say anything, Xia Mo suddenly came to life, grabbed his arm, shook it and said:"Yes! Let's buy this place!"

Lin Bin looked at her in surprise, not knowing what this woman was so excited about.

Xia Mo seemed to see his doubts, and hurried over and whispered:"As long as you buy this place and let me take care of it, then I will let you take advantage of it."

As she said, she straightened her heavy chest and rubbed it.

It feels really good!

Lin Bin was a little confused, but he reacted quickly.

This female hooligan, I'm afraid she wants to be the boss here, so that it's easier to pick up girls

""Ahem, who wants to take advantage of you?" Lin Bin coughed dryly and glanced at this waist beauty. He was really moved.

Xia Mo curled her lips and said disdainfully:"You still don't admit it. Your two eyes are eager to be on the elder lady. Don't think I don't know."

Damn! This woman is really bold.

Lin Bin immediately changed the subject,"Sister Hong, I wonder if you will consider taking action in this bar?"

""Handsome guy, are you kidding me?" Sister Hong was even more shocked.

Who is this young man?

He just spent 5 million and now he wants to buy his own bar.

"What a joke, it's just a bar, if you're willing to sell it, I'll buy it for fun." Lin Bin shrugged.

Seeing that he really listened to her advice, Xia Mo shook her arms even harder!

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