"Ahem, what did Old Xia tell you?" Lin Bin asked with a guilty conscience after a dry cough.

He was really afraid of this female hooligan.

If she said something inappropriate, his image as a sunny and cheerful big boy would be completely ruined.

Li Anni's expression was indescribably weird. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said,"Xia Mo said you wanted to see the company's products, so she asked me to bring them all here."

Holy crap! Is this woman so good at assisting?

Lin Bin's eyes lit up,"Sister Anni, how are you going to show it?"

"I...I brought a few new products, take a look first." Li Anni blushed and handed the handbag in front of him.

Lin Bin was stunned for a moment before he realized that the bag was filled with"skin"!

""Well, what, Sister Annie, how about you show it to me?"

Seeing Lin Bin looking at her eagerly, Li Annie had already prepared herself mentally, nodded slightly, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito.


"Come on, I'll find you a bedroom. Sister Annie, go change your clothes first." Lin Bin couldn't wait to take her to the guest room, and helped carry her handbag like a gentleman.

Bang! The bedroom door closed, and Li Annie leaned against the wall, her heart pounding.

Looking at the handbag she brought at her feet, her pretty face had already become hot.

Lin Bin paced at the door, rubbing his hands from time to time, looking forward to the next good show.

After waiting for half an hour, the door opened with a click.

He looked up quickly, and at one glance, he was stunned.

Li Annie was wearing a white"skin" and a tulle on her body, showing her perfect figure.

So beautiful!

At this moment, she seemed to have become pure and flawless, like an angel fallen to the earth, and people could not raise the slightest blasphemy

"Abin, you...What do you think of this dress?"Li Anni blushed and asked cautiously.

"Great! It's just too perfect!" Lin Bin came back to his senses and praised repeatedly,"If it were me, I would definitely buy this dress no matter how much it costs."

Hearing him say this, Li Anni became even more shy,"But, this dress is a new model just launched this year, and the sales are not good at all."

Lin Bin chuckled,"That's because there are too few beautiful women like you, Sister Anni, and you are not worthy of wearing this dress at all."

Although this flattery sounded a bit corny, Li Anni felt happy in her heart,"Abin, do you think there is anything that needs to be improved?"

She came here this time to ask Lin Bin to help find faults so that the company can be revived again.

Lin Bin walked around Li Anni for a few times, but he really couldn't find any faults, so he could only say,"Or, Sister Anni, you can change a few more sets, I'll take a look first."

Although this set is stunning, Li Anni brought a big bag, and there might be some surprises in it.


Since she had already started, Li Anni also relaxed a little, and immediately returned to the room and started to change into the second set of clothes.

The second set of clothes was completely different from the first set, and it was pure black lace.

If Li Anni was a pure and flawless angel just now, then she was now a devil full of temptation.

Lin Bin almost couldn't control himself when he saw it.

"Abin, this set is also a new model this year, and the sales are also not good. Can you tell me where the problem lies?"Li Anni asked again.

Lin Bin could see a few problems, and now he just wanted to enjoy this visual feast.

"Sister Annie, I have found the problem. Please change into another set and I will talk to you later."

Li Annie was delighted when she heard this and hurried to change her clothes.

Then, she changed into five or six sets in a row, each with a different style.

But each style could bring new surprises to Lin Bin and feast his eyes.

These clothes were obviously carefully selected by Li Annie, and they were all her size.

After each change of clothes, she would take the initiative to introduce the design concept and features.

Lin Bin nodded frequently, his face was serious and thoughtful.

Time passed little by little, and two hours later, Li Annie finally showed all the clothes she brought.

"Abin, I only brought so many clothes, what do you think?"

Ideas? I want to dig a well!

Seeing her looking at him expectantly, Lin Bin had already thought of the words in his mind,"Sister Annie, can you show me the suit you just wore, so I can check the material."

"Wait a minute." Li Anni turned around quickly, took out the clothes she had just worn, and handed them to Lin Bin.

Seeing him holding the clothes she had just worn, Li Anni blushed immediately.

Lin Bin didn't care at all, he touched the silky clothes, and pretended to say:"This clothes is good, it feels really good!"

"However, the sales of these clothes are not very good, and the company is now heavily in debt......."

When Li Anni thought about the company's situation, she looked more worried.

"Sister Annie, in my opinion, these clothes have too much fabric, so the cost must be too high, and the price is also high, which leads to poor sales."Lin Bin swore nonsense.

Li Annie thought he was talking nonsense at first, but after hearing Lin Bin's words clearly, she was speechless.

How could she not guess what this guy was thinking?

"Abin, it's not just a matter of cost. The company's recent market share has shrunk by more than half, and there are still a lot of debts. If there is no solution, it will be difficult to maintain it."Li Anni said worriedly. Lin

Bin smiled faintly,"Sister Anni, don't worry, these clothes are so beautiful, I decided to invest 1.5 billion to help you solve the current funding problem"

"Really?"Li Anni exclaimed, her red lips widened

"Of course it's true! And I believe that with this money, Sister Annie will definitely make the company overcome the current difficulties and create greater glory."Lin Bin nodded confidently.

The stone hanging in Li Annie's heart finally fell,"Thank you, Abin!"

Lin Bin's eyes turned, and he suddenly said:"Sister Annie, why don't you give me these clothes as a thank you gift?"

Li Annie's face flushed again,"This......These are all worn ones. I'll pick out some new ones and send them to you later."

What's the point of new ones? I only like these worn ones."

"Sister Annie, I just like these sets!" Lin Bin didn't want to hide his gaze.

Li Annie also understood what he meant, and said with a red face:"Abin, can I be your sister in the future?""


This is great!

Lin Bin agreed immediately and said with a sly smile:"Other sisters all hold their brothers in their mouths and hold them in their hands. Sister Annie, can you do it?"

"Of course I can!"

Li Anni just finished speaking, and then she reacted.

Looking at Lin Bin's burning eyes, she immediately lowered her head and remained silent.

"Hey, Sister Annie, your brother is here!"

Seeing her like this, Lin Bin let out a wolf howl and pounced directly at her.......

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