The next day, when Lin Bin opened his eyes, the sun was already shining on his butt.

He rubbed his sore waist and turned his head to look. Li Anni had disappeared.

With a ding, he suddenly received a message. He picked it up and saw that it was from Li Anni.

"Abin, I didn't want to disturb you when I left this morning. I've already boarded the plane. I hope you'll be as happy as you are now when we meet next time.

By the way, I left a little gift for you in the living room. I hope you like it......."

This woman actually left without saying goodbye!

I want to go to the airport now, but I'm afraid it's too late

"Sister Annie, have a safe trip."

Lin Bin smiled bitterly and could only reply to the message, then got up helplessly.

When he arrived at the living room downstairs, he saw the familiar handbag at a glance.

When he opened it, he found that it was full of underwear brought yesterday.

Last night, Lin Bin got interested and asked Li Annie to wear all of them again.

Now the clothes seemed to still have the smell of this sister.

Just thinking about it, there was a ding in his mind.

"Ding! Triggering a critical hit, a 12,560 yuan consumption rebate from Li Anni, a sincerity index of 100%, and a reverse critical hit of 10,000 times!"

"The amount received is 125,600,000 yuan, please check it!"

The sudden system prompt made Lin Bin stunned.

It was not because of the amount of more than 100 million yuan, but because of the 10,000 times critical hit rate.

Li Anni's sincerity index has reached 100%!

Is it that simple?

Lin Bin was stunned and stood there stupidly. He carefully recalled the process of their acquaintance. From beginning to end, he didn't spend much money on Li Anni.

Even every time they had a meal, it was the other party who paid the bill.

Just because of the first time they met, Li Anni was completely moved by his"bulk" sincerity.

Moreover, when the two met for the first time, Li Anni's sincerity index was particularly high.

Now it has reached 100% unprecedentedly!

What kind of experience did she have that made her so easily devoted?

At this moment, Lin Bin suddenly became very curious about Li Anni's past.

"I don't know if there will be any extra rewards if the sincerity index reaches 100%."

Just as I was thinking about it, my mind suddenly made a buzzing sound.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has achieved 100% sincerity index for the first time, and an extra reward is obtained!"

Sure enough!

Hearing the prompt sound, Lin Bin was overjoyed and began to get excited.

"What kind of reward will this system give?"

He doesn't lack money now, so he is looking forward to some extra surprises.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a powerful pill! Do you want to extract it?"

What the hell is this?"

Lin Bin was stunned, and subconsciously confirmed the extraction in his mind.

The next moment, he felt that there was something in his hand. Looking down, it turned out to be a black pill.

"That's it?"

Looking at the pill in his hand, Lin Bin was a little dumbfounded.

This thing looks slightly smaller than a peanut, black and round.

"What is the effect of this thing?"Lin Bin asked subconsciously.

There is not even an instruction manual, let alone a production date and expiration date. It is a three-no product.

Soon, he had more information in his mind.

Dali Pills: can enhance physical strength.

Usage: Oral.

Side effects: unknown!


A series of question marks popped up in Lin Bin's mind again.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, there was no other information.

I looked forward to it for a long time, and in the end I was given such a pill. It was too bullying!

Lin Bin was speechless, and his joy was completely dashed.

After feeling unhappy for a while, he looked down at the powerful pill in his hand.

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should take it.

This pill is a genuine product of the system, and it may even have black technology, but the unknown side effects made Lin Bin hesitate.

In fact, the safest way is to find a medical institution to test and analyze the pill first, but he was afraid that he could not explain the origin clearly. If the existence of the system was exposed again, it would be a waste of time.

"Forget it! I guess this system won't harm anyone, right?"

Lin Bin thought for a long time, and finally gritted his teeth and swallowed the pill.

The pill melted in his mouth, sweet, and fragrant.

Then, a cool feeling came from his body, as if every pore was dilated.

It was quite a refreshing feeling after finishing something.

"Is that the end?"

Lin Bin waited for a long time in fear, but his body showed no reaction. He didn't grow taller or fatter, and he was still as handsome as before.

"It seems that this medicine is not very effective!"

Lin Bin shook his head and sighed, but as soon as he finished speaking, he froze in place and soon found something strange.


It seems that his waist is no longer sore, his legs are no longer painful, and his second brother is standing up again!

Lin Bin froze in place and reached out to touch his old waist.

He was overworked last night, and he still felt a little sore when he got up just now.

But now, he doesn't feel anything at all.

"Strengthen your body!"

Lin Bin suddenly remembered the effect of the Dali Pill, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Just now, he was still worried about his body, and even considered whether he should restrain himself.

But now, after experiencing the benefits of the Dali Pill, he was overjoyed.

"This is the real good stuff!"It cures kidney deficiency and does not contain sugar.

Lin Bin could clearly feel that his whole spirit was very good at the moment. He was still disliking the Dali Pills just now, but after eating it, he realized that this thing was really delicious!

For a whole morning, Lin Bin didn't care about anything else, so he stayed in the villa, carefully feeling the changes in his body.

The effect of this Dali Pill is not achieved overnight, but it slowly improves the body.

Although there is no measuring instrument at home, Lin Bin can clearly feel that his strength has increased a lot.

As for endurance and recovery ability, it is estimated that they have also increased.

It's just that it hasn't been tested yet, so he doesn't know how much it has increased.

But Lin Bin is very clear about one thing: after taking the Dali Pills, he will never have to worry about running out of bullets again.

Such a happy thing, of course, must be shared with others. Lin Bin immediately took out his mobile phone and called Leng Yiza.

More than half an hour later, Leng Yiza rushed over in a hurry. As soon as they met, he hurriedly asked:"Brother Bin, why are you calling me here so anxiously? Is there something wrong?"

Lin Bin smiled,"Come, I'll show you a big treasure. Leng

Yiza looked bewildered as he led her into the bedroom.

Then he led her to the kitchen, balcony, and garden.......

Leng Yiza is a chubby girl, about 1.65 meters tall and weighs over 100 pounds.

In the past, Lin Bin was powerless and could not put many theoretical knowledge into practice.

But now, he can easily lift things weighing more than 100 pounds without affecting his body movements.

Even his speed has improved.

"Have I become so strong?"

After the actual combat, Lin Bin was overjoyed!

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