God Prohibitions

Chapter 1344: Hot Pot

Regarding the golden scepter, although it is impossible to hide it, Crick is the first insider after all, but Robben still wants to find some clues by himself first.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

This library is quite huge, but all kinds of books are stored in different categories and they are neatly arranged.

What makes Robben most interesting is that this library is actually completely open, not closed like a treasure room. Robben came in and saw a long cabinet table at the door, with two kind-eyed old nǎinǎi sitting behind. , There is a thick record on hand, a five-big and three-thick tall **** general is smiling at one of them with a simple face, stamping something on something, and then leaving with the thick book.

Is this a library failure?

When Robben walked in, the two elderly people didn't even look at Robben. This made Robben really feel like he was in an open library.

Looking at the neatly organized bookshelves, Robben began to look for possible books according to the labels above.


For example, what kind of scores of magic weapons, a certain tragic war... even the books related to gold and the scepter are all in his hand.

After a while, Robben was holding a thick stack of books directly above his head, placing the books on the large table outside the library with strange eyes around him, and looking through them one by one.

Obviously, there are not as many records of this golden staff as imagined. Robben turned over several books that may have records but found nothing. It was not until he opened the booklet with the name of the magic weapon. The eyes lit up, and the name of the golden scepter appeared on the catalog.

However, when Robben rushed to the page, he found that the record of this golden staff was only half a page.

Except for some details, the really useful introduction is just a few sentences.

"The inheritance is unknown, every short time will appear in the gods, and the time interval is irregular. An ominous thing with great power."

Unknown thing? Robben blinked. Apart from burning people's lives, there is no harm in this thing that he doesn't know.

After reading it repeatedly, he didn't see any other introductions. Robben dropped the booklet and was about to pick up other books. Suddenly a bare hand stretched out from the side and took the booklet.

"Hmm...Golden scepter? Why are you looking for this? Isn't this a good thing?" A strange voice came from behind Robben.

Robben was slightly taken aback, and when he looked back, he looked at the booklet with a strange face.

Seeing Robben staring at him in amazement, he smiled. "I wanted to talk to you, but I found that you were not there. I heard someone say that you were here all afternoon. I was still wondering, but you were looking for the record of this thing. Why... Is this thing again? Appeared?"

Robben was not embarrassed to be caught by the teeth. Anyway, this matter is not intended to be hidden. Turning his head and looking out the window, Robben realized that his head was sinking, it was already dusk, and there was already no one around him. He had stayed here like a bookworm for an afternoon, no wonder he came to the door... …

Pulled a chair to his side. Robben smiled and asked, "I'm so sorry, I was so absorbed in the moment that I forgot the time. Is there anything wrong with Lord Ares looking for me? Could it be...I'm afraid that the three bottles of incense will have passed away?"

You're welcome. Sit down and said, "That bottle of three rì incense will taste the best until tomorrow. Today...you can still bear it. I came to you because Mundo sent me an urgent letter."

"Expedited notice!?" Robben opened his eyes, "What does he want to do?"

Ya took out a thick piece of parchment from his arms, sighed and said, "Ann, he didn't want to do anything, but asked what I want to do?"

"What do you mean!?" Robben felt weird.

Ya looked at the letter, his face was full of tears and laughter, "Ann, you went to Mundo, did you secretly check his news?"

Robben was immediately embarrassed. Robben didn't say anything about it. He only told him what he wanted to hear from the experience.

Looking at Robben’s god, Ya already knew the answer, and sighed and said, "Mondo is very annoyed. He said it was an insult to him. I will give you an explanation. Otherwise, this thing would never be the case. , Uh... it's still very specific."

"Master of War, can I... look at this?"

"Of course..." Ya handed the letter to Robben.

Robben watched it from start to finish, and suddenly felt bitter in his heart. This old fellow Mondo really didn't stop, he had already left and would cheat himself once.

It was confirmed that he saw him without mentioning it, but he said that Robben wanted to vomit blood to prove that he had sneaked into the Temple of War.

Ya looked at Robben and said amusedly: "Ann, I want you to listen to the news. It's not surprising that you ran into the Temple of War in Mundo to search for something, but... you don't even want to feed other people's horses. Is it okay? You see, Mundo insisted that it was you. Those two nightwings recognize people... You don't know if there is a button on your clothes."

These two **** stupid horses! They actually bit one of their buttons secretly, thinking they liked themselves...

Suddenly, Robben thought that he seemed to have emergency dry food in his arms at the time, and he added some favorite condiments to it. That Ye Wing didn’t originally want to eat the food in his arms... Thinking of this, Robben There was no sweat.

"Furthermore, they have also said that if an intruder was detected outside the study, you will definitely not be able to afford it this time."

Robben smiled bitterly. Mundo was obviously making trouble. Although the reason is not clear, it is also possible that he wanted to further disturb the chaotic situation, and then wait for the person that Mundo wanted to take advantage of the chaos to show its true shape.

After looking at Ya, Robben found that Ya seemed to think this was funny, and he was not nervous at all. He did not ask: "Master of War, why do you seem to be not worried at all?"

He pursed his mouth and smiled, "What is there to worry about? Mundo is a respectable elder. I sent you to ask for help. Since he believed us and gave us an answer, I think he will understand our approach, of course. ...Everyone will be angry if you put this kind of thing on anyone. If you move his two darlings, the old man must be very angry. It is already very quiet to come over and ask for sin."

"But... if this matter goes out."

Ya shrugged, "Ann, in my current situation, it's really not uncommon to have such a crime. To be honest, almost every one of the various remarks circulating outside is more serious than this. I have nothing to care about. ."

Robben was speechless for a while.

Seeing Robben's helplessness, Ya said with a humorous expression: "But, Ann! You were too careless. The last time you went to Rem's place to make trouble, but this time, it caused Mondo's anger again. Next time you have to be more careful. If they take you as the Robben and slaughter you, then I will lose a lot..."

Robben couldn't laugh or cry. "My Lord of War, it's not that I'm not careful. It's that Mundo's jǐngxìng is really too high. I don't know how he discovered me. I stayed there, and if I didn't do anything, he would find out directly. Things are right."

"Isn't that the horse you fed?" Fang asked with his head tilted.

One sentence left Robben with nothing to say.

"Look, this is so obvious evidence, but... the old man found out that it was you without saying that there was an intruder!"

Robben immediately read the newsletter again. Sure enough, he didn't say in amazement: "But he called me by name at the time...I felt exposed."

"Oh!" Tooth scratched his chin, "What was the situation then, let me hear you."

See Ya's face listening to the story. Robben was very helpless, but when it came to this, he couldn't stop talking about it, so he had to talk about the situation at the time.

"Puff!" Before Robben finished speaking, Ya had already laughed.

"This, what's the laugh?" Robben was inexplicable.

Ya covered his mouth, but when he looked at the pair of Xingyans, he knew that he was holding back the laugh desperately. After enduring it for a long time, Ya still laughed, and the laughter echoed in the huge library.

Robben could only helplessly wait for his teeth to finish laughing before he spread his hands, "My Lord of War, is there any problem in this?"

"Ann, you were fooled, haha..." Ya still had a funny face.


Ya tried his best to put away his laughter, and still said with a full smile: "The study of the old man, I also know that, I also walked through the stairs, and I still remember the surrounding terrain, I think... it's probably like this. The old man discovered that there seemed to be something wrong. After careful consideration, he felt that you suddenly visited that day, and then someone who seemed to be a magician came to peek. Is the eighth achievement you? Anyway, there is no loss, so he shouted tentatively. Hello!"

Robben glared, and said dissatisfied: "But how does he know that I am on the edge of the stairs, and know where I am?"

Tooth touched his chin, and said with a thoughtful look: "Well, that place is relatively spacious. After all, it is the residence of God of War. The blind spots for hiding people are almost only on both sides of the stairs. Besides, the old man’s bedroom is right there. The direction, you just follow from there, most of the sneakers will be very careful to move less, so as not to be found, let alone in a dangerous place like the Temple of War, no one thinks it is necessary to bypass Hide the stairs to the opposite side?"

Robben was dumbfounded.

Looking at the appearance of Ya, Ya was amused again, "Ann, in terms of these thoughts, you are obviously not the opponent of the old man, and you have to feed the two nightwings because of itching. When I visited The old man was showing off to me like a child. I wanted a horse back, but I missed my breath. The old man immediately took me away..."

Robben feels like he is cheap this time...

After a relaxed joke, Ya didn’t seem to take this matter to heart at all, and then picked up the pamphlet and asked strangely: "Ann, what did you do with the record of this thing suddenly? What happened to the human continent? ?"

Robben thought for a while, still intending to tell the truth. Anyway, if Creek contacts Ya again, Ya will know about this immediately, "This golden scepter is in my hand now."

Ya had a strange face, and even looked at Robben with interest and waited for an answer, but after Robben said these words, Ya's entire face was frozen.

See Ya's reaction seemed a bit unexpectedly intense, Robben was a little nervous, "Master of War? Are you..."

"Come with me!" Ya suddenly stood up, turned and walked towards the rows of tall bookshelves in the library.

Robben was a bit inexplicable, but he immediately followed, Ya's footsteps hurried, and he hurriedly reached out to the library. It was already very late in the evening. There were no human figures around, only the windows on the walls between the bookshelves let in the dim sunlight, which made the surroundings look empty and peaceful.

Ya's footsteps stopped deep in the library, and Robben also hurriedly stopped.

Turning around, the tooth's face was serious, "Ann, there is no one else here. Tell me, what did you just say?"

"I mean... I got the golden scepter?"

"Really?" Ya asked quietly.

"Yeah!" Robben nodded.

Inexplicably, Robben seemed to see a flash of Lenghui in Ya's eyes. Ya asked softly: "Can I see this thing?"

Robben's heart suddenly became uneasy, Ya's attitude was a little weird, he hesitated, Robben asked, "Master of War, can you tell me first. What do you think of this matter?"

"What do I think about this matter, I have to see the real thing before I can decide!"

Robben pursed his lips. Instinctively feel that this is not a good thing. But I can't think of any bad things that will happen. Ya can't say that this thing is not a good thing, so even I blame it? But Crick didn't have much reaction to this, and asked himself to return to the gods to check the record of this thing.

Thinking left and right, Robben still flipped his hand, under the glow of the setting sun. The golden golden scepter appeared in Robben's hand, and the colorful halo around the transparent gem at the top seemed more gorgeous than the setting sun.

Ya saw what was on Robben's hand, and he took a breath, "Really...really!?"

"Master of War. This thing... eh? Master of War? What are you..." Robben wanted to talk, but found that a golden halo of boiling water floated all over his teeth, and his face rose from excitement. Red rose, a mountain-like force was irresistibly pressed on his body, forcing himself to retreat.

"Ann! You killed Crick!" Blood began to flow in the eyes of the tooth, "I can't believe it!!"

Robben was shocked. Where did he say this? Crick is now eating noodles on the human continent! Why did you kill her! ?

"Wait a minute! I didn't..."

Robben’s words were interrupted by a fierce sword aura. Tooth pulled out his own saber and pointed it at Robben, his eyes burning with anger, "I thought you were worthy of trust anyway, even if you and Crick were a little different. There won't be any problems, you will tolerate her and accommodate her, but I didn't expect...you!"

When Robben pointed his sword at himself, he only felt as if he had been stabbed in his forehead by something sharp. He couldn't help being shocked. The teeth burned in anger were like an erupting volcano, overflowing with amazing murderous aura. I have never encountered it in the gods or in the illusion. Now... standing there tightly, I already felt cold in my hands and feet.

The surrounding bookshelves began to groan, creaking and deforming, breaking, and countless ancient books fell to the ground one after another. They were crushed by the astonishing murderousness that overflowed from the teeth, and many stories that could no longer be found in the record were annihilated.

Of course, Robben is not in the mood now but takes care of those old records. Now he is almost killed.

Seeing that Ya's eyes condensed, it seemed that he was about to attack. Robben snorted softly, and a layer of black energy flashed across his body. The shocking aura that pushed the teeth toward him slightly bounced away. Once there was a gap, Robben immediately Yelled: "Crick is still alive!!"

Ya's footsteps had already taken a step forward, and the ground on which the boots were stepped on was silently turned into dust, and the heel of the other foot had been slightly lifted, only the toes remained on the ground.

Robben's face was cold and sweaty. Lifting this foot up meant a stormy attack...

"Alive?" Ya asked in a trembling voice.

Robben said quickly: "Of course she is alive, and she is alive and well. She is resting on the human continent. Perhaps at this time, she is watching the sunset and eating dinner by the beautiful lake! Why should I kill her? I have no reason! I don’t know what happened to this golden scepter! She asked me to come back and find some records for myself to see."

Seeing teeth in his eyes seemed to be increasingly suspicious, Robben tugged his neck and shouted: "We can go back now and contact Crick immediately!!"

This sentence actually worked. Ya hesitated for a moment, and slowly let go of Robben's sword, "If what you said is true, I will apologize, if it is false!"

"It's true!" Robben quickly emphasized.

Ya put away the sword, his face was cold, and walked out without saying a word. Robben sighed and wiped the cold sweat on his face. Suddenly he felt cheated. Crick asked himself to come back and look for the record of this golden scepter. Maybe this was a plot!

He Ya returned to the spacious lobby where Ya often stayed in the Temple of the Gods of War. Ya took the strange stone. After working hard for a long time, there was an echo on the other side.

"Master of War, do you have any instructions?" The image cast by the magic stone was blurred, but the voice should be Fleet.

"Let Creek come to see me!" Ya Han said.

"Yes!" Fleet on the opposite side agreed immediately.

Less than five minutes passed. From the other side, Crick's voice appeared a little excited, "Ah! Tooth! You contacted me! I thought you were angry with me and won't care about me anymore. Actually, this has already happened. , I don’t think you need to be angry. I will wipe out the war in the human continent, and take credit for meritorious service at that time. I will definitely not cause you trouble. And maybe I can get any special merits, like that. We might be rewarded, it is very possible, and I think..."

"Enough..." Fang frowned, but there was a little more doubt on his face, this tone...It was indeed Crick. Even this eager to explain the way of speaking is exactly the same.

The voice on the other side immediately weakened, "Um...Is it still angry?"

With the effort of speaking, the image gradually became clear, and the reflection of Crick was clean. The brilliance shines on people's faces.

Robben vaguely seemed to see Crick desperately cleaning up his face when the picture was blurred. To be honest, this was the cutest face that Robben saw, Crick.

The picture became clear, Crick was smiling, and was about to talk to Ya, but suddenly he found Ya with a cold face, and there was a nasty face behind him that looked over, frowning, and said, "This **** was there!"

Ya asked directly: "Crick, where are you now?"

Crick immediately regained his smile, "I have taken the Pioneer Battalion and temporarily stationed in a safe place. Let's take a rest, and I will also cultivate for a short period of time before attacking. It is about five days away from the Caton border. It only took us two days to advance at full speed. It is a lake with the effect of belonging to our clan."

Robben thought that you really found a lakeside station!

Ya stared at Crick tightly, staring at him, without saying a word. The Crick staring at was a little hairy and couldn't help asking: "Ya, what are you... staring at me? Is there anything wrong? The stone seems to be running out of magic power. When the **** behind you comes back, can you bring a piece back? I know this thing is not easy to handle, but you should always have some stock, right?"

Ya slowly said: "You, is it Crick?"

Crick froze for a moment, his face looked weird, and he smiled: "Of course I am Crick, who else can I have?" With that, Crick stepped back a few steps and twisted his body, "Look. , Why would you ask like that."

Ya's eyes suddenly chilled, and he said again: "Really? You are Crick...Where is your light sword?"

This question stopped Crick at once.

Looking at Robben behind Tooth, Crick grinned, "This...tooth, there has been a small accident, you may have discovered it, but don't be surprised, I..."

"Lie!" Tooth clenched his fist, and the clenched fist rattled, "You... killed Crick, and you got such a fake to blind me!"

Turning around fiercely, Ya's sword stopped in front of Robben's neck like a rainbow, and shouted angrily: "Now! What else do you have to say!?"

There was a cold sweat on Robben's head suddenly, and he was puzzled, "I...I said Lord Ares, Crick is not there, you...you see! How is this fake? Is this a foolish woman as nervous as her?"

"What did you say!? Be careful I killed you!" Crick yelled immediately.

Ya roared loudly: "Crick's chest is flat!!"

Ya's roar suppressed all the voices, Robben's explanation, Crick's cry...

Robben opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't find words for a while, while Crick over there seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and his face was too weird...

"Uh...this, Lord Ares, this..." Robben really didn't know how to explain this.

The tip of Fang's sword was trembling, "Ann, I'll give you one last chance. I want to know what happened to Crick? What happened to you? How could her light sword be in your hand!? It is death that will lose the holy relic of ownership!! How could it be held in your hand!!"

Ya looked extremely excited, but compared with just now. The immense sadness seemed to make Ya suffer a heavy blow, "I see you as a friend, as a kind! Crick is my only good friend in the God Realm! The only one!! You actually killed her!" My friend actually killed my friend!!!"

"Say!!" The teeth and eyes were cracked, "Otherwise! I will be here to kill you for Creek!! I swear!"

This misunderstanding is too big! Robben felt like a soul flying beyond the sky.

On the one hand, he was extremely nervous, but on the other hand, Robben was furious. He stared at Crick who was still absent there. Robben roared: "Damn woman! Why don't you talk to me! Or I'll do it." I was slaughtered!! The truth comes out all the time! I see how you come back to the gods to see your teeth!!"

Crick was yelled at by Robben, and he suddenly became sober a little, and yelled, "Ya. Stop! I'm Crick!!"

The corners of his teeth trembled, "I'll go back and kill you, you will wash my neck and wait! You dare to impersonate the dead Crick! This absolutely cannot be forgiven!"

"Tooth!!" Crick hissed, "I, my chest... there is a reason! You can ask me! The things between us... only we know. I know all about me! It's really Crick! That...the golden scepter in that bastard's hand is also for a reason, not what you think. I just wanted to play him. But I didn't expect you...I mean, I mean... …do you understand?"

Crick was obviously a little incoherent.

Ya slowly turned his head and looked at Crick, his face became increasingly cold, "You... haven't even the soul of Crick let go? You..." Ya's voice trembled, "You stole it." All her memories! Right?"

Creek looked uncomfortable as if he was about to cry. "Ya, this is really a misunderstanding, you...you can suggest any way to identify me, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer. Definitely!! You...you don't kill that **** first! You kill him, I ...I can't go back!"

Seeing it, he seemed to have some hesitation. Robben slowly moved his footsteps and moved his neck away from the front of Fang's sword. Who knows he moved a step, and the tip of Fang's sword pointed to Robben again like lightning. Front of the neck.

Robben could only smile bitterly, and said carefully: "Master of War, don't be nervous, listen to me, remember this kind of thing, no matter how powerful magic it is, it can't be completely stolen, because the individual's own memory has many defects. Stealing online through magic can only find those memories with particularly strong impressions, and... the memory of a **** of war is extremely large, and there is no way to steal it completely. This... is absolutely true!"

Tooth frowned, and suddenly asked: "Crick, what kind of face do you like?"

Crick took a moment to look at Robben, who was pointed at with the sword by his teeth. The corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he replied, "Of course, it's gold... ah okay okay, don't stare, it's a fan!! I like pink, my room is just pink!"

"How long have we known each other?"

"Two thousand two hundred and forty-two years and seven days!" Crick quickly replied, "Actually...that was after I became the God of War, one hundred and twenty-five years before that..."

"I see." Ya immediately interrupted Creek, which made Creek look resentful.

"how heavy are you?"

Crick's face moved impulsively, "Ya, do we change to another question, or you let the one behind you..."

"Answer!" Ya emphasized.

Crick's forehead seemed to be a little sweaty, "One hundred and thirty-six catties, now... it seems to have grown a bit now, that **** bastard, what do you think I am doing!?" Crick saw Robben staring in surprise, suddenly The fire is big.

Robben was a little surprised. Although Crick looked tall, his body was still very symmetrical and slender. He did not expect to weigh nearly 70 kilograms! It seems that her bone density and body strength are indeed different from humans.

"Last question!" Ya's voice is still cold, "Where was Crick... born?"

Crick was taken aback, "I...where was I born? I don't know, Ya...you know that, I..."

"Answer!" Yahan interrupted Crick's words.

Crick was surprised, his face suddenly became awkward, "Ya, this..."

"If you are real Creek, you will know the answer, if you are real Creek. You can imagine this answer." Ya said slowly.

Crick nodded, "Okay, okay... you wait, I... I can think about it, but... well I think! My birthplace, I... I was there when I remembered It’s in the city, but my birthplace, birthplace... That is something more before, but I don’t remember much, I don’t remember much at that time..."

Crick nervously began to talk about the past. It seems that I want to remind myself of something...

Ya slowly said: "It's the past, if it were Crick... she would remember it."

"Before...before things...before..." Crick gently shook his head, closed his eyes, as if thinking hard.

Robben suddenly noticed that Crick's voice seemed to repeat endlessly. My shoulders are constantly shaking...

"Before, before. Before..." Suddenly Creek called. He opened his eyes sharply, staring at Ya and Robben, "Before, before..."

Robben was taken aback, Crick's appearance became very strange, even a little frightening. A pair of eyes stared at the screen with wide open eyes, without blinking, their pupils were trembling slightly and nervously repeating a sentence. The teeth seemed to begin to rattle.

Ya's sword slowly put down, no longer pointing at Robben, looking at the suddenly changed Crick, his face solemn.

Soon, Crick shook his whole body, and the whole person seemed to be caught in some extreme fear. His face was pale, he lowered his head, holding his body, and the clucking of his teeth was clearly audible here.

Ya sighed, slowly inserted the sword back into his scabbard, and said softly: "Crick... come back, we have other things to do, don't think about the previous things anymore."

Crick trembling violently while holding his body shivering violently, his body seemed to have been electrically charged, suddenly a Ji Ling raised his head with cold sweat on his face, and his eyes were full of nervous panic.

Quickly touched his face, Crick looked around nervously, and finally his gaze returned to Ya's body, swallowed his saliva, and asked, "Why...what's wrong?"

Ya smiled softly: "It's okay. Creek, it's just a misunderstanding. I believe you. Take a good rest during this period. Let's talk about this first. The magic stone on your side seems to be running out of magic. I will ask Ci'an to take a piece back when he goes back. Don't worry."

Crick still gasped slightly, with inexplicable horror and puzzlement on his face, but since Ya said so, Crick nodded, "Okay, then..."

Tooth smiled softly, "Crick... it's better to have a plump breasts. You can tell me the secret when you come back."

Crick was stunned, his face flushed like a soldering iron, "Okay...Okay..."

Ya waved to Crick, cutting off the contact.

After the radiance of the magic stone began to fade away, Ya let out a long sigh, as if his body suddenly lost strength.

Robben looked at the misunderstanding as if it had been resolved, although he still didn't quite understand how it was resolved, he tentatively asked, "Master of War...we, are we all right?"

Fang untied his sword and threw it aside, "Now, you have the right to get angry, you have the right to shout, and you have the right to attack me. I will not speak out or resist until you are satisfied."

Robben wondered how this remark made people think...

Rubbing his hands, Robben said with certainty: "In other words, this is definitely a misunderstanding. Lord Ares feels sorry now, and I can still make some small requests for this."

"Yes, I'm sorry." Ya didn't seem to be jīng god.

Robben breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I really thought I was going to throw my life here today."

After taking a few deep breaths, Robben looked outside. With such a disturbance, it was already dark and said, "Master of War, I can make small requests, right?"

"of course."

"Then... can I trouble you to bring that bottle of three fragrances? Although it is not yet time, I think we need to drink some wine to suppress our shock."

Ya looked at Robben in confusion, "Is that bottle of wine? Okay, I'll get it."

After Ya took three incenses, he returned to the lobby, but was stunned.

Because there is a small square table on the outside of the bamboo forest on the edge of the lobby, and now there is a small pot on the fire, and the pot is bubbling with bubbles and bursts of aroma. The table is almost full of various meats, vegetables, dried fruits and the like, as well as bottles and jars of spices.

Robben was sitting at the table, tasting the soup in the pot with a spoon.

"You...what are you doing?" Ya walked over in surprise.

Robben pointed to the other side, "It's already night, but I haven't eaten anything this day. I just prepared something on the road this time. Now I take it out to eat."

Tooth is a bit at a loss. Putting it on the table, after thinking about it, he still sat opposite, watching Robben feel guilty, but these things in front of him made Ya a little curious.

Seeing that Robben only cares about being busy, he will add this to the pot later. I will add that one later, without talking. Had to speak actively. "Ann, I..."

"Open the wine and pour it, we are about to start eating, it seems to be the first time eating hot pot here.

"Fire...hot pot?" Ya curiously looked around.

Seeing his teeth stunned, Robben had to take the wine bottle and open it, then pour the wine. Ya reacted, but found that the wine glass had been placed in front of him, and his heart was even more disturbed.

"Ann, I... I don't know if it's okay to say sorry. But... But Crick her."

"Well, my Lord of War, this incident scared me to death. Now I have to eat some good food to compensate for the loss of energy, so don't mention it for now!"

Ya suddenly shut up, a little at a loss.

Robben threw the meat slices into the pot, then began to season himself, and picked up the bowl, "My Lord of War, do you see it, this way? Ask about the seasonings, you can taste them, but not too much, and then Match the portion according to your preference, the meat will be cooked in a while, take it out and eat it! Understand?"

Robben threw a small piece of cooked meat out, dipped it in the dipping seasoning, and threw it into his mouth, immediately full of happiness.

Ya's face was surprised.

"Ann, you... don't you blame me?" Ya seemed to understand something, and asked tentatively.

Robben was adding meat to himself. Hearing this, he straightened his face immediately, "I want to be beautiful! I am not interested in being pointed at the neck with a sword, and almost cut off my head for a neurotic stupid woman!"

Ya's eyes suddenly darkened.

Robben immediately lowered his head and ate the meat, "So I asked you to get this bottle of three incense, which is considered an atonement for me."

Ya suddenly looked strange again, "This bottle of three fragrances was originally intended to..."

"That's tomorrow, but I drank it today." Robben took a small sip from the glass. "So, let's clean up."

The teeth were stunned.

Robben smacked his lips, "Why, are you dissatisfied? Or do you think my hot pot is unpalatable?"

"Uh...no, no, I...I like it very much!" Ya hurriedly added meat to herself.

In the mouth, it is fat but not greasy, and the mouth is full of fragrant. Tooth is a bit surprised, it is only a small piece of meat, and...tooth feels that he seems to understand what is moved.

"Ann... why, forgive me so?" Ya raised his head and asked, "I just... really wanted to kill you."

"Oh... I got it." Robben just focused on eating.

Fang watched Robben gobbling down, feeling a little helpless for a while, "Ann, I...very disturbed. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"

Robben raised his head and said, "That's right, I forgive you now, it's actually bad-hearted making you uneasy, which is more effective than I punish you."

Ya immediately froze.

"So, now give me something to eat honestly! These, these, and these... have to be eaten all, there can be nothing left, do you know?"

"Oh...oh, I know!" Ya quickly agreed.

Two people were sitting at the table, no one said anything, they were desperately adding things to the pot, eating desperately, like two hungry ghosts...

Soon, everything on the table was eaten clean by the two men.

Robben patted his bulging belly, fell straight back comfortably, and lay on the floor, "Hoo...I'm full."

Tooth also fell backwards, "support...support."

Unanimously, both of them laughed. (To be continued...)

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