God Prohibitions

Chapter 1345: puppet

Robben had a bulging stomach after eating, and he didn't want to move when he lay down. It was rare that Robben felt very comfortable after eating. Robben seemed to enjoy the short time for a while.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

Suddenly his footsteps came gently, Robben turned his head to look over, and crept over, came to the top of his head, bent down, and lay on the floor with his head facing his head.

Ya sighed, "Today...too much food."

Robben just laughed.

"It seems that I really don't look like a real creature, and my judgment of things is still very simple..." Ya murmured.

Robben said indifferently: "My Lord of War, it has passed, and there is no need to mention the problem of solving the misunderstanding."

"But I care about it." Ya let out a breath, "Ann, I was like that at the time, but why didn't you take any precautions, I might actually kill you."..

Robben smacked his lips, "Well... I don't think it is difficult to figure out the truth, so I won't have anything to do."

"Heh... because of this?"

"This actually doesn't need much reason, you... really thought I killed Crick?"

Ya was silent for a while and replied, "I don't think so...I don't think you would do that..."

Robben couldn’t help but interrupted his teeth and said: “I think this woman has caused us a huge trouble. Now the situation in the human continent has completely changed because of her. It’s a pity that this woman is very powerful. It’s not like trying to kill her. An easy task."

Ya chuckled, "I'm actually very strange, Crick is so clever, how can a keen warrior encounter accidents, I am really stupid. I can't think at all when I see that golden scepter."

Robben suddenly remembered the connection between Ya and Crick just now, and couldn't help asking: "How are you sure that it is the real Crick? When you finally asked her where she was born, her reaction... seemed a little strange. ."

Ya was silent for a while, and whispered: "Don't tell Creek about this."

Robben was taken aback, "Don't tell Crick? But she is the client, how could she not know?"

Ya shook his head slightly, "No, she doesn't know. She doesn't remember what happened at that time, it's her protecting herself."

Robben frowned upon hearing this, "Is there any problem with Creek's birthplace?"

"There is no big problem with the place of birth, although it is poor. It is chaotic, but it is not a particularly bad place. Crick was born there. As the daughter of a butcher."

"The butcher's daughter..." Robben blinked, no wonder this woman is so fierce, because it turns out that her family has inheritance.

"As long as she can remember, she has spent every day in fear and pain. Crick loves small animals, but her father is a butcher. This often makes her unacceptable. His father often beats her for this, very severely. , You know. In those poor, chaotic places, the force of men is everything, and a weak girl is useless, and even her mother is very bad to her..."

Ya paused, sighed and said, "I don’t want to elaborate on the specific things, but the fear and despair that a little child can experience fills every day of Crick’s life, or so to speak, her situation, and The gatekeeper in her house is similar."

Robben was shocked, "But... she is their daughter! Why..."

"Heh... Crick has never been likable, and many things can't be generalized by a family relationship. There are still some unobvious scars on Crick's body. Those are not traces of her fighting, but The scar from her childhood."

Ya sighed helplessly, "She hates everything, desperate for life, desperate for everything around her, and then she took a poor bit of food, left home, and walked into the wilderness..."

"Leave home and walk into the wilderness? Isn't that little girl dead!"

"Ah... Normally, it is impossible for a child to live in such a wilderness for three days. Perhaps she will become the ration of Warcraft as soon as the night comes, but when I found her, there were more than a dozen around her. A sand wolf protected her. She was exhausted. That was the fifth day she left home."

Robben was surprised, "Why is that?"

Ya smiled, "I don't know very well, maybe it's Crick's talent. She likes small animals very much. On the contrary, all kinds of animals like her very much. Didn't you find this?"

Robben shook his head, "She...never had any contact with any animal other than the horse."

"Ah... it should be the case, because I closed off some of her previous memories, so many of her habits have changed, but she is liked by animals and it hasn't changed."

Robben took a slight breath, "Master of War, you just said... You found her in the wilderness and closed her memory again. What's the matter?"

"I... really just passed by accidentally, thinking that the sand wolves were going to eat her, I went to save her, but found that the sand wolves were protecting her, but later rescued her, she just woke up and just stared. Her eyes shrank and trembled in the corner. She was desperate and scared... I think a little girl spent five days in such a wilderness without food and water. She may not feel anything else."

Robben was silent.

"Later, my medical officer told me that this little girl was terrified of her memory, of everything she had experienced, and later... I closed up many of her memories, and she finally calmed down, although she was a little foolish, But finally nibbling food, drinking water, sleeping..."

"So...you saved her, and Creek was born in a miraculous land."

"No, I did save her, but Crick was not born in a miraculous land, her hometown..." Ya said that he stopped, as if hesitated.

"Is there anything wrong with her hometown?"

He also turned his head, looked at Robben’s upside-down face, smiled and said, "Well, it’s nothing to tell you, and it’s my apologize, but never tell Crick, it’s a secret. God Realm, the one who knows or knows this secret at present. Only me, the God King."

Robben was a little taken aback, the hometown of Creek... is it still a secret?

"Crick was born on the human continent."

Ya's words almost made Robben jump from the ground in shock, "What!! The human continent!?"

With a wry smile, "I know you are this reflection, but I don't need to shout so loudly, my ears are right next to your mouth." Ya said, helplessly raising his hand to the top of his head and knocking on Robben's forehead.

"I said Lord Ares, shall we wait for a while, you said that Crick is speaking out on the human continent!" Robben felt a little confused in his mind. "And Crick's father is a butcher or something... Well, doesn't that mean..."

"Crick is actually a human being." Ya said quietly.

One sentence blocked all of Robben's words back. Robben stared at the ceiling with wide eyes. He couldn't believe his ears. Crick... is it a human? That obviously came from the **** of war. The God of War in the God Realm is actually a human?

"It's hard to believe, right, the God of War... is actually a human being." Ya seemed to sigh. "Actually. Crick’s memory was partly closed by me, and for a long time after that, the memory was a little confused. In fact, she didn’t know how old she was or how long she knew it with me, the beginning of her memory. , Probably in the courtyard where the orphans were adopted in the God Realm city..."

Robben couldn't help being confused after hearing Ya's words. I couldn't help asking, "Master of War, I didn't doubt your words, but..."

Tooth reached out and knocked on Robben's forehead, "Okay. There is no need to emphasize my identity. It sounds like irony now. You should call me by my name. Crick filed a complaint with me. You always call my name directly, but you are very polite when you talk to me. Is this a suspicion of inconsistency."

"I just wanted to pay a little respect."

Ya waved his hand, "Forget it, I don't want those respects now, you are very happy if you don't remember my hatred."

Robben couldn't help but smiled, "Well, it doesn't matter what you call it. If you don't like to hear it, then I will call you by your name, but...why are you called Ya? This name is very strange."

"Because I am the weapon of the King of Gods, it was a long, long time ago. At that time, the gods were annihilated, and all the creatures in this world returned to the chaos, using teeth and claws as weapons to fight for the hegemony position, so I got this name. , Fortunately...I don't call claws, haha..." Ya laughed.

The weapon of the **** king... Robben didn't like this statement very much.

"Ann, I know what you are suspecting. Since Crick is a human being, then why did she come to the God Realm and why she became the God of War? Right?"

"Hmm... Indeed, you saved Crick in the human continent, presumably it was the time of the Gods and Demons battle, but when the battle was over, the Protoss had no reason to bring humans back to the God Realm, let alone cultivate a human being into a God of War. "

Ya smiled silently, and suddenly said, "Ann, can you show me that golden scepter?"

Robben was surprised, and Ya suddenly moved the topic to another place.

No doubt there was him, Robben took out the golden scepter and passed it over his head.

Ya took the golden scepter, and carefully looked at the body of Jin Sè's rod, still with the simple and mysterious pattern on it, and sighed lightly: "It's really this thing... I didn't expect that after so long, this thing is actually It appears in the God Realm again in your hands."

"Ann, do you know what this golden scepter represents?"

"This...I haven't used it, it's not very clear." Robben replied vaguely.

"Represents dominance!" The tooth's tone was heavy, "Represents the dominance of life. This thing has always been used in wars, and has slaughtered countless creatures. It is a blood-stained murderous thing, maybe... it's you. The evil power in her body awakened it, and Crick...because of her almost empty mind, she evoked a light sword with almost no entity."

After a pause, Ya said in a deep voice, "Ann, although this thing has repeatedly made great achievements in my clan, but to be honest, this thing is incompatible with our gods. It is a very dangerous item. If I say that I am now Want to stay and seal, would you agree?"

Robben thought about it carefully for a while. So far, this thing hasn't played any role at all. It seems that the method of use is quite special, and the news from all aspects is indeed dangerous.

After thinking about it, Robben still felt that even if it was only one in ten thousand possible, he couldn't let this thing have a chance to harm the people around him and burn vitality. That is absolutely irreparable damage.

"Since you say that, you can just stay. It's useless for me to hold it, and it seems that this thing is quite dangerous."

Ya let out a laugh, but immediately handed the scepter back, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, it knocked on Robben's forehead.

"I'm just saying, this thing can't leave the owner for too long, otherwise... it will be a disaster, but you say so. I feel relieved a lot, whether it is a golden scepter or a light sword, or For other things, these weapons are driven by the soul of the user, if it is used by a mob. Then this thing will inevitably be stained with blood again, if you...maybe not."

Robben looked at the golden scepter standing on his face. With a wry smile, he said, "I suddenly feel that this thing is very hot. If you accidentally kill it, I think... it's better to stay somewhere."

"No, Ann!" Ya shook his head, "This thing must be with the owner. If it leaves the owner for a long time, it will change very terribly."

"A terrible change? What...change?"

Ya sighed and said: "This treasure. It is also left by the ancient gods. I don't know which god's weapon is, but we don't have the ability to control it. It is not so much that we are using this weapon. Rather, it is a generation. The next generation of users are just caretakers who prevent this thing from falling into a runaway."

Ya's words surprised Robben more and more.

"The strong surprise of the soul will make this thing change greatly, that is, it will take on many different forms. Crick’s is a light sword, and yours is this golden scepter. There are still some in history. Users, they have different things. Currently, there are more than one hundred forms of this thing."

Robben couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

"But...not every user can successfully become a caretaker."

Robben was taken aback for a moment, "What does this mean?"

"The process of obtaining this thing is actually very dangerous. You don’t know what form it will appear in, what it will be, and you don’t know its special features. Sometimes...as soon as this thing appears, It directly swallowed the owner!"

"What!? Swallowing the owner!" Robben couldn't help getting up from the ground, looking at the tooth lying quietly on the floor in surprise.

"Ah...this situation is most common." Ya said quietly, "sometimes this thing even appears in the form of a living thing. I have seen a blue water dragon, very long... it appears. After that, he immediately entangled the owner and strangled him...Finally, he turned into a huge water ball until the next owner arrived.

Robben suddenly realized something in his mind, "Tooth, then Creek..."

Tooth shrugged, "Ann, I know you will be angry, but now that you have got this thing, I am obligated to explain to you, in fact, this thing...most of the time in history, it was taken by humans. In hand."

"What?" Robben's eyes widened again, "Most of them are human!? Why?"

"Because the human soul is more complex and changeable, it can give birth to more forms of this thing, and our Protoss is almost just a few weapons, and they are not very useful. The Protoss does not lack magic weapons. What is lacking are those treasures with special effects and special purposes, such as... the golden scepter!"

Robben's heart was shocked. Could it be that... because he was a human, he got the golden scepter? It was really because of the existence of the power of the curse to get such an evil weapon.

Ya sighed, now you may have guessed, "Since this thing is always in the hands of humans, then we must have enough candidates. Crick... is among the many humans who have been brought back to the gods. one."

Robben looked at Fang incredulously, "You...you treat those humans as sacrifices! The Creek at the time was just a little girl!"

The tooth surface was a little dim, "Ann, this...this was not my idea. I really just wanted to save this poor girl back then... but when she was taken back to the God Realm, I really Unaware of it."

Robben knew that he was a little excited, even unconsciously speaking from a human standpoint, calmed down his emotions and said: "No, I am not blaming you, I'm just... surprised. I never thought about these things. ."

Lie back on the floor in large font. Robben exhaled and said, "Well, what else is amazing, tell me all together, I don't think I will be surprised anymore today."

"It's probably like this... Crick successfully got this thing, she got the light sword, and then her memory was further modified, and she became a member of the Protoss, and was cleverly arranged to become a The warrior, that light sword is integrated into her body, and her growth is so rapid. It is so fast that people can't believe it. In the end, she became the **** of war. The king gave her a treasure, but in fact it was just It gave her a way to draw the light sword."

Ya's tone was a little sad, "She thought she was a protoss. She thought she got this legendary treasure after becoming the **** of war. Many of her memories have been modified. Only the part that I closed back then was returned under strong hints. Will recover. This is Crick. The reason why she got the glimmer of lightsaber, maybe because she has no hope for life, her soul is empty, she is actually a poor child.

Robben was silent.

"Ann, what happened to Crick? This thing would never change if the owner died, but Crick is still alive. This thing came into your hands and reunited. form."

Robben pondered over and over, and slowly said: "If the user's soul changes drastically, will this affect the existence of this thing?"

"The soul has changed?" Fang frowned slightly, "This thing is a form of aggregation according to the characteristics of the soul, but the soul of a creature will not change much in its lifetime, otherwise it will almost be another life, enough The soul change that changes traits... Has anything unimaginable happened to Crick?"

Robben was a little difficult to explain. In the final analysis, he was to blame for this incident, which made it difficult for him to have a standpoint.

"Ann, what the **** happened, I think you should tell me." Fang propped up his body, turned around and looked at Robben, his face was only a few inches away from Robben, his eyes fixed on Robben Somewhat to do.

Robben rubbed his body to the left, and Ya moved a little, rubbed to the right, and Ya moved back.

In this way, Robben only had a wry smile, "My Lord of War, can you stay away a little bit, so I feel so stressed."

"Then tell me!" Ya's face was lowered by an inch.

"Okay, okay..." Robben replied with sweat on his forehead, and Ya nodded in satisfaction, went back and lay down on the spot, and exhaled, "Really eating too much..."

Robben scratched his head and said, "Crick...her light power may have disappeared now."

The tooth that was relieved immediately turned over and sat up again, glaring at Robben and asked: "What? You said the power of Crick's inside disappeared? What is going on!?"

Robben thought that he couldn't hide it anyway, and Crick would say sooner or later that he should be honest now.

Before and after, Robben talked about the matter in more detail, of course, emphatically emphasized that the pressure on Crick during the decisive battle between Ruda and Crick played a decisive role, not his own power. The infection made Crick unavoidably come to where he is now.

Ya didn’t seem to pay attention to what was the focus of the process. After listening to Robben’s words, Ya frowned and said, "That is to say...Crick’s current light power has been swallowed up, and new power has begun. It strongly affects Crick’s soul, so the Light Sword will disappear, and Crick has used the Light Sword for a short time in order to heal injuries, so this sword finally turned into gold in your hands. Scepter!"

"Probably, that's it!" Robben nodded hurriedly. "But, it's a bit strange that Crick seems to blend in with the new power so well, and there is no such bad backlash reaction as mine. Her power is rapidly increasing. ."

He bit his lip, "Yes, it should be like this. If this is the case, then everything will make sense..."

Seeing Ya talking to himself, Robben couldn't help asking: "Ya, do you know what?"

"I just guessed it, but the details are not clear." Ya still sighed, "Crick’s situation is a bit special... Maybe the same can be said of the human being who can get his own thing in this treasure and control it. , Are all special, and the special thing about Crick is that her soul is blank."


"Yes. She was just a child at that time. She had no extravagant hopes for living, she had no goals, she had nothing. She did not have the strong emotions of most humans, nor did she have the piousness of our Protoss. Faith, some are only blank. The King of God once said that Crick is a very good container, and her soul is empty. It can hold many things."

Robben couldn't help saying, "You mean, the reason why that power can expand rapidly is because there is no reason for Crick's soul to resist?"

"It is very possible that her power of light did not come from the firm belief of the soul, but was implanted later. And the evil force you mentioned is stronger and will quickly occupy the soul of Crick. She The soul itself will not resist. That's why it will merge like that."

Robben thought for a while, "She seems to know this herself."

Ya nodded, "Yes, she still knows herself very well, and she modified her memory as little as possible, so that it will not affect her future judgment. She is clear about many things, but she is blinded in key places. She understands her own characteristics, and she also knows what she is holding... but she doesn't know who she is."

"A puppet?" Robben said in a deep voice. "For this strange treasure, the Protoss has been using humans as puppets, should that be the case?"

Fang exhaled weakly, "Ann...I am helpless when you say that, because this is indeed the truth."

"What will happen to the creek? She can no longer become the **** of war who stood before ten thousand people, but she said to me that she would be fine, I think...this is her wishful thinking, right? , Or... This is a conclusion drawn from a concept that others have instilled in her."

Teeth rubbed her forehead, "She knows the plasticity of her soul. She may think that she can't be blamed for this thing, and this treasure also reproduces the golden scepter in the Protoss, so she thinks nothing will happen, but..."

"But what?"

"But if her light power disappears completely, even if she can come back, she will definitely not be the **** of war again, and the fact that she was invaded by evil power cannot be spread..."

"Will it be handled quietly and secretly?" Robben asked immediately.

"Ann, I don't know... but I think, no, after all, she has done a lot for us, and..."

Robben shook his head, "Tooth, sometimes you are more naive than me. The so-called puppet is to use as much as possible when it can be used, and throw it away when it cannot be used or repaired. If the puppet becomes a handle, it will naturally Handle it secretly."

Ya's face stiffened, "Ann, I...I don't think so."

"Yes, I don't think you will, but the Lord God King doesn't necessarily think so."

The tooth was speechless.

Robben sat up from the ground, twisted his neck and said, "I didn't expect to chat a few words after the meal, but then came up with such a heavy topic. I'm really sorry for wasting the precious time after this good meal.

"Ann, what do you want to do?" Ya also straightened up, looking at Robben and asked.

Robben shrugged and said, "Even if I want to, what can I do? I can't tell Crick now that you are a human being. You may be in big trouble now! She won't believe it, unless it is. Tell her yourself."

"I...I can't, this is tantamount to betraying the Protoss, I..."

Robben nodded very understandingly, "I understand that you are in a difficult position now. This is not something that can be controlled by your position. Regarding this situation, you should keep the matter of my golden scepter secret first. You can't help you. Rick, just keep silent, and I don’t want to be approached by that **** king immediately."

Ya groaned for a while, nodded, "Okay, this matter...I don't know for the time being."

Robben stood up, patted his belly and exhaled, and said: "It's all annoying things, this **** woman Crick still stares at me every day, not knowing that disaster is imminent, forget it... it's me. Go find a way."

Ya was surprised and delighted, "Ann, can you save her?"

Robben shook his head directly, "No, no."

Tooth froze.

Robben continued: "But I don’t have to think about it, try to do it, although I don’t like this woman very much, but... whether it’s going to the human continent or being invaded by other forces, these are directly related to me. Relationship, I can't watch her being treated like a used doll, if possible...I want to save her."

The corners of Ya's mouth twitched slightly, "Ann. I...please! Help her."

"Ah... don't worry, I will find a way. You don't have to worry about this. What you should worry about now is how to deal with the attack on you from the God Realm. Maybe there will be new changes recently, that human Luo We at least know who he is, but there are some enemies that we can’t see. This is the most dangerous."

Ya smiled lightly, "I'll be careful, those guys who are hiding in the dark and dare not come out. I don't care much about it, but if they jump out, I will never spare them."

"Okay, then I will go back to sleep first. I will stay here for a few days. We will talk about it tomorrow if we have something to do."

"Ann, wait!" Robben turned and walked away. Ya stopped Robben.

"What's the matter?" Robben turned around. Suddenly he said, "This set of stove, table, pot or something will be given to you, I still have it."

Ya couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm not talking about this, I mean...Thank you! Although I may seem to be untrustworthy when I say this, but...I think you are trustworthy. I pointed the sword at you, so..."

"I already blamed you, and you brought me the wine, so I don't have to apologize..." Robben turned around. Waved away, "As for what you said, I naturally believed it, no matter how angry and murderous, but for you who can pinch me to death in the blink of an eye, let me live until now, I know what you said is not It's a lie, good night... a good night's sleep."

Sitting on the ground, when Robben's figure disappeared, Ya's frustrated ball softened like a soft ball, lying on the floor leaning forward, taking a long inhale and a long exhale...

"It's really exhausted... I ate too much, I really want to just fall asleep like this." Ya felt his eyelids fighting...

Although Robben originally planned to stay for a few more days, once he figured out what he wanted to know, Robben felt that time became more urgent. Perhaps... the Protoss will begin to invade the devil world tomorrow.

After staying for one more day, Robben also took a break. He took a closer look at the current situation of the God Realm. He met with his black armored soldiers and his men. The cold-faced Jessica felt hairy in his heart. Ya had a hot pot meal, did some trivial things in a scattered way, and quickly disappeared in a day.

"Ann, this is the magic stone we use for contact. Save some use. This kind of thing consumes amazing magic power." Before Robben left, Ya handed a crystal clear magic stone into Robben's hands.

"Understanding, cross-space connection, consumption I still understand, but Crick always hopes that you can contact her, this time I will tell her this." Robben carefully put the magic stone away.

The teeth showed a smile, but the smile was not so natural. "Ann...I know that Crick is very dissatisfied with you. Now you can't explain anything, but please help her. You can bring it to her. help."

Robben took a small bead from Tooth's hand in doubt, looked around, blinked and said, "This thing... is for recording the sound, right? Do you have something to say to Crick? The letter is complete, and the beads don’t seem to contain a few words."

"If there is a voice, Crick will believe it more," Ya insisted.

"Well, that's right, she can be said to be obedient to you." Robben put the beads away and couldn't help but ask strangely, "Why does she like to stick to you so much, like a child, and she has no more respect for you." , I even thought she still had some strange thoughts about you."

"Strange thoughts?" Ya was puzzled.

"Ah... Forget it, I didn't say anything just now." Obviously, Ya didn't understand these words very well, so Robben stopped there.

Ya saw that Robben wasn’t going on, and didn’t want to pursue it. He said helplessly: “Crick, although she has a very hollow soul, she has a keen sense, or a natural strong intuition, she can see. Seeing the things that many people can't see, I think...Although the memory is closed and modified, she can still feel the kindness I saved her."

Robben crooked his mouth, "Now I plan to save her too. I hope she can feel this too. Whenever she can smile at me, then I will feel very fulfilled in my life."

To Robben's words, Ya could only smile.

Patting his teeth on the shoulder, Robben showed a relieved smile, "Well, don’t worry about anything. I will try my best to get everything done. You have to be careful here. It seems that neither here nor the human continent peaceful."

"Safe, take care, everything about the human continent is up to you."

"Of course." Robben smiled again and turned to leave.

Returning to the human continent again, Robben felt a little more relaxed. This time he still only used the power of the curse to protect his body, but he didn't have the effort to come from the human continent.

Robben thinks it should be the cause of the emptiness. Fighting the turbulence of space here is definitely a good way to cultivate, but... it's too dangerous, it's better to come here less if it's okay.

The return this time is not small. But... it was almost all bad news, which made Robben a little helpless.

Arrived in the human continent smoothly, breathing the wild wind, Robben took a few breaths, and then left in a hurry.

Robben did not intend to return to the Pioneer Camp immediately. After all, there is still time. From the conversation between Ya and Creek, it can be seen that Creek is in good condition. And stay in a safe place.

Through hypothetical magical teleportation arrays everywhere on the continent. Robben quickly arrived at the Crystal Lake, activated the large teleportation array, and returned directly to the Demon World.

The first thing Robben did when he returned to the Demon World was not the fortress of Queheis, but went straight to the Hanging City not far from the Flame Canyon.

Robben hasn't come back for a while, and the whole city was full of joy when he returned. Robben walked all the way from the Hanging City. Saying hello to all the witches, the shaking hands were a little sour.

At the same time, Robben also found that the Hanging City seemed a bit bigger, and that the city was still expanding outside. I really don't know how many witches in the Demon Realm gathered in this place.

Of course, Robben did not come back to see any changes in his city, but to understand intelligence.

Although Merial is a relatively reliable friend, her position determines some things, and some news, it is safer to inquire on her own territory.

Back at the home where they hadn't visited for a long time, the home was spotless, and several witches ran out with all their faces excited to pay Robben a salute, all excited.

Robben also happily chatted with them a few words, and then asked them to run a leg for himself and went to the city to find some people back.

Not long after, there were a dozen witches sitting in the lobby of Robben's house, while Robben sat on the main seat, looking at them with a smile on his face.

The witches were a little excited. The Lord of the City in front of him, who is also Lord Demon, is not always visible. Now he is fighting against the Protoss on the human continent. Even the God of War of the Protoss can’t help him. It can be said that this human being is among the witches. A position beyond imagination.

"Master Demon King, do you... do you have any orders?" a witch in the lead asked excitedly.

Robben chuckled, "Ah, I have something to do with you, but first of all, ladies! I want to thank you. When I was away, you managed this place very well. It is becoming more and more like a witch’s house, you I have seen all my hard work, and before leaving this time, I will give you some small gifts."

The witches all lowered their heads, not knowing whether they were panic or moved.

"Master Devil is serious, this is what we should do!"

Robben smiled and said, "Okay, okay~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be so restrained. By the way, is the Queen okay during this time?"

When this question was asked, the witches immediately looked at each other. Although it was rumored that the Queen lived in the Hanging City, because he was deprived of the title of the Demon King, and no matter what happened in his anger, the managers of the Hanging City knew that. It's obvious that the Queen didn't live here at all. The other courtyard that was specially opened was not inhabited at all except a few cleaning witches. And there are rumors...Actually, the Queen was fascinated by the human demon lord, not only with her body, but also followed him to the human continent.

However, there was still a very clever witch who reacted and quickly said: "My Queen is all well, but I still don't want to go out. We have already hired someone to serve the Lord Queen. Don't worry, Lord Devil."

The witches were immediately stunned.

Robben smiled happily, "That's good, let her live here now, and don't bother if she's okay, she will be angry, so as not to involve you."

"Yes!" The witches answered together this time.

"Then... next I ask you something else." Robben raised his eyebrows. (To be continued...)

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