God Prohibitions

Chapter 1346: New law

"Has any major event happened to the Demon World recently?" Robben asked.レm♠思♥路♣客レ

The witches looked at each other, as if they didn't know how to answer Robben's question. As Jiandong was like this, Robben had to ask again: "For example...what is happening now about the devil's palace being attacked?"

The headed witch showed a sudden sè on her face, and immediately replied: “Since the Queen’s palace was destroyed, the palace of the demon kings seems to be the target of someone’s attack. Since then, there have been seven. The devil’s palace has been attacked to varying degrees."

"Seven!?" Robben was very surprised. When he came back last time, Merial told himself about this, but it seems that there are not so many demon kings.

"Which seven?"

The witch who responded immediately said the names of the seven demon kings, and Robben was immediately confused. These demon kings Robben still don't recognize them, let alone remember their names one by one.


"Then the map!"

The witches immediately took the map, and then marked the locations of the attacked palaces on the map. Robben looked at the map and was extremely puzzled. The queen's palace was destroyed by the demon **** with a powerful lightning. The Devil’s Palace was attacked. It was a masterpiece of himself and Sharok, so what happened to the Demon’s Palace of the other Demon Kings being attacked? Has the Protoss started to be active in the devil world?

This seems unlikely, and it is completely unnecessary.

Look at the demons that were attacked on the map. They are scattered throughout the demons and are not in one direction or in one area. It is difficult to see the attacker's intentions.

Suddenly Robben was taken aback, and the seven magic palaces... were scattered too evenly.

If all the palaces of the twenty-four demon kings were marked on the map, they seemed to be relatively dense. Of the twenty-four demon palaces, seven were attacked. And these seven are scattered all over the demon world, they are very evenly scattered...

If the attacker had the purpose of searching for treasures or obtaining something, it seemed... it was unlikely that this would happen.

Why does it seem to be scattered deliberately? Robben knocked his head, thinking very puzzled.

"The magic palace of the seven demon kings was attacked, um...are we all right here?"

"Since the devil's palace was attacked, we have strengthened our guard. Nothing has happened yet."

"That's good..." Robben touched his chin, thought for a while, and asked again. "How is the strength of the demon king in these demon palaces that have been attacked?"

The witches looked strange.

Robben said directly: "It doesn't matter, just say, this is home."

This very casual sentence touched the hearts of the witches. The witch who was headed immediately replied: "Among the seven demon kings. The Queen is special. Few people really know the depth of her magic. The other six Demon King. Only the Big Demon King is strong, and the other demon kings... are the last ones among the ranked demon kings."

"Um... pick a soft persimmon, that's not wrong... Has Lord Hei Di taken any measures?"

"At present, Lord Hei Di has not personally issued any orders, but the demon kings have strengthened the jǐng precepts. The city where the demon palace is located has been fully martial law, and entry and exit have to go through extremely strict inspections. It is said that many innocent sisters. They were all implicated because they passed by and wanted to come to us."

Robben pondered for a while, "I see that our city is still expanding. Can we still not accommodate a large number of witches here?"

"No, my lord, our city is already very huge now. Because of the support of the Black Emperor and the official scale of resource collection on the plain now, we have a complete city system, but now in addition to the witch, there are Many foreign races poured into our city. They even set up temporary shelters outside the city. Our city has not built an outer wall. As the population grows, we have to expand again and again."

"I will issue an order in a moment to immediately stop accepting long-term residence requirements from races other than the witches, no longer sell houses to other races, and give priority to all the living conditions of the witches."

The witches were a little surprised, "My lord, our city attracts so many people to settle down because of the advocacy of zìyóu. If this order is issued..."

Robben emphasized: "First of all, this is the city of witches, and secondly...I don't prohibit them from coming here. They can do business and play, but I don't allow them to come here to buy at a low price. We have to repeatedly The land for expansion, you know... the witches don’t have that much money."

Robben looked out, and the high floating island could almost overlook the huge city. "I saw too many fat-headed guys on my way here. They took us here as a new cornucopia, new A business opportunity base, but here... is actually a shelter we built for the poor witches. We don’t long for a life of rich clothes and food. What we want now is a safe and peaceful environment, understand?"


"Also, we started with zero tax, but from next month, our tax rate will be twice that of ordinary cities!"

The witches were distressed, "My lord, I am afraid... will cause a lot of dissatisfaction."

"Dissatisfied?" Robben frowned. "I am also very dissatisfied with their presence on my turf. We are not making money for them to build this city. If we can't set up other witches as the premise, we want those fat What are the big-eared guys doing? Tomorrow, I will personally issue this order. If you are dissatisfied, tell them to come to me."

The witches did not expect that the usually easy-going demon lord suddenly became tough, and everyone could only smile bitterly. Everyone noticed this. The witches have almost no status and respect. Many witches who can come to this city seek refuge. , But when this place began to grow, more and more other races came here. Although this allowed the Hanging City to prosper quickly, it also brought a lot of problems, because most of these people were wealthy businessmen, or some owned the Hanging City. Tourists who are short of goods buy land here and build their own houses, although this does not violate the laws of Hanging City, which do not have many laws to follow. But this has indeed become a problem.

Moreover, openly welcoming visitors from all directions, this statement was put forward by the demon lord at the time, and no one dared to change it. It seems...this situation will be completely resolved today, although...this will definitely attract a lot of opposition. sound.

After talking about this, Robben continued to ask: "Regarding the destruction of the Demon Palace, how did most people in the Demon Realm react? Do you... do you have any opinions?"

The witches looked at each other, and they all wondered how the Lord Demon asked such a strange question.

Everyone look at me. Looking at you, I finally focused on the witch who had been answering Robben's questions.

"My lord, we...we were just servants and hires before, or Mrs. Metz promoted us... Our views may not help you in any way."

Robben shook his head, "It's okay. I just want to know the impact of these things on the demon world. Do you have any guesses? Or are you afraid?"

"Um...I. I'm afraid...There are still some." The witch who answered the question showed some worry. "We are about to go to war with the Protoss, but now that something like this is happening, it may not be a good sign. The guy who attacked the Demon Palace must have no good intentions. Maybe it was sent by the Protoss. I'm afraid... what At that time he came here too, we only have some witches who don’t understand force, I’m really scared... the next time the lord returns, we can only show you a destroyed city. In that case... How can we be worthy of the kindness that the adults and the lady have shown us!"

Robben took a breath, walked to the witch and patted her on the shoulder as a comfort, and said with a smile: "It's okay, don't be afraid. Although the Hanging City currently does not have any powerful guards, this ancient place is a black The remains of the sè fortress lifted into the sky, but there is a very powerful magical guardian. Before I leave this time, I will strengthen this guardian array. As long as you carefully control it, nothing will happen.

The witches nodded, but apparently still a little worried.

Robben had no choice but to say: "Don't worry, although our place is getting bigger and bigger, but speaking of it, there is no treasure to rob. If the saboteur is a wolf, you can consider attacking our place, but since it hasn't come yet, I think he thinks we don’t have much oil and water here."

Robben's statement made the witches laugh and cry.

"Okay girls, don't cry and cry. You have to believe me. When an accident happens, gather everyone around the inner city of the Hanging City. This guardian array will protect you."

"My lord, then...what about the outer city?"

"Outer city?" Robben touched his chin, "Tomorrow I will issue a new order to let the witches live as close to the inner city as possible, and those who come to make money and beg their wives, please ask them to live in the outer area."

The witches couldn't help being dumbfounded, "Big...sir, this...this is going to cause a lot of complaints, maybe there will be resistance, many of those wealthy businessmen have already bought real estate, they won't leave."

Robben shrugged, "Beautiful lady, you have to understand that you rely on the balance of interests and stable development to manage the city, but that is not what I am thinking about. I am not going to reason with them, this is an order! They do not Obey, then expel! I have seen too many worms along the way. They even have witches as servants. We are not here to give them pleasure!"

The witches are all a little moved, and doing so is bound to cause chaos, but... seems to be the only way to solve this ever-increasing trouble.

"We won't discuss this issue now. Anyway, there is no value in discussing it. It should be regarded as a decision of my own. Anyway...they only follow the orders of the devil, right?"

Robben chuckled, "Now let’s go back to our original question. Who do you think is responsible for the attack on the Devil’s Palace and why?"

The witches felt that the questions of the Lord Demon Lord today were very strange, and no one answered them for a while.

Seeing calmed down again, sitting in front, she almost became the witch who had been pushed out by her companions to answer Robben’s question and whispered: "The current demon palace is being attacked. It must be done by the Protoss. Who else would do such a thing? What? That will be punished by Lord Demon God."

Having said it, the witch felt that this was even more so, and continued: "This may be the yīn plot of the Protoss. She sneaked into us beforehand, and then started sabotage before the war."

"But... how did the Protoss come to the Demon Realm? You'll be seen through it soon, right?" Someone spoke, and another witch began to express her opinions.

"It's not impossible for the Protoss to come to the Demon Realm. I've heard before that we actually have the ān of the Protoss here!" The round-faced witch sitting at the end also spoke.

Soon, the witches started talking about this matter, and caused a small dispute. The source of the dispute was whether or not the Protoss could appear in the devil world. Both sides fought hard, even citing classics.

Of course, these disputes seemed ridiculous to Robben... These witches may have learned how to manage the city, but these issues are still a blank paper.

But Robben also understood that most of the residents of the Demon World were like this. They should think so too. This cannot be done by the Demon Race. Anything that happens in the Demon Palace protected by ancient magic will alarm the Demon God, and it will definitely be severely punished. This must be a good thing for the Protoss...

Robben couldn't help looking out the window. The Demon God is just a more powerful existence. He is not omniscient and omnipotent. Even far from this level, even those ancient gods could not achieve omniscience and omnipotence, and what he can do is even more limited...

It is impossible for the Protoss to destroy the Devil's Palace. There is no reason, Ya knows nothing about it, and Mundo has not acted yet. This kind of premature destructive action has no real impact effect at all, and it will make the Demon Race more alert.

Of course, it can't be a human being. At present, there is only one human being in the Demon Realm. And there is no reason for humans to do this...

So... this should be a plot.

Robben glanced at the map. There were seven demon palaces evenly distributed on it. Except for Queen Biris and Bigg's demon palace, the other five were scattered all over the place, and they were very evenly spaced...

Although not sure, it does seem to be done deliberately. This thing...Who will get the benefits?

Looking at the witches who were still arguing, Robben said with a smile: "Okay, girls! The discussion is over. I am a little tired today. You can also go back and rest. If you think about what happened recently, tomorrow I report, and... I will inform the whole city now, tomorrow I will have important words to tell everyone!"


After all the witches left, Robben came to the window, looked around, and finally his eyes fell on an ordinary cloud in the sky.

"Haha... It's really hard work, you come to see me as soon as I come back, don't you want to say hello?"

The cloud that was still floating in the sky suddenly twisted and rolled down like a cyclone in a straight line, descending to the floating island where Robben was located, hovering outside the guardian magic wall outside the city, and gradually spreading into a huge Mist.

A misty voice came from the fog: "Human, don't you plan to return my things to me?"

Robben chuckled softly, "My Lord Demon, are you too exaggerated so that many people will see you? You see, some people have already looked up."

"They are stupid, they can only see a cloud, they can't hear my voice, human beings...Don’t think that I am as stupid as you, you return my things to me earlier, I will not embarrass you ."

Robben smiled and nodded, "You are really magnanimous, but this seems to be different from your attitude that day. When I bring Bi Er into this world, you seem to want to kill us all."

The demon god's voice instantly turned angry: "Human! You have blasphemed the great god! You brought a soulless thing into this world, you usurped the noble blood of the demon! You have done something you absolutely should not do! In the future, you will regret it."

"Really?" Robben was unmoved, "but I think you don't care about the so-called noble bloodline, but only the cold stone. The real Queen Beris could have been resurrected, but you forcefully controlled it. He killed her and stuffed her soul into a black dragon. I don’t know if this is a kind of blasphemy against the noble blood that the demon race inherited from their ancestors."

"Human! You are not qualified to say this to me!!" The Demon God's voice was extremely angry.

"No, qualifications are never the final decision of some people. I just want to say that maybe the situation is not developing as you think, and I may not have the day when I kneel down and beg you, you Look... The dragon demon that was controlled by you is now gone, right?"

The demon god’s angry voice was a bit more mocking, "Human. Hypocrites! Did you kill her, right? I can feel that the black dragon's strong body has been shattered, being attacked by a powerful force, without mercy... You said that it had been Want to save her? Mankind, your soul will not be redeemed, soon... your filthy soul will bring you to my front, you will kneel down and beg me, beg me to let you be redeemed, when the time comes, You will offer what I need. That way... I will consider whether to have mercy on you."

"If you are talking about the power of cursing, then maybe you have to wait a long time." Robben's eyes became a little colder, "In my opinion, although this power is dangerous and violent, it... You guys who pretend to be gods. But those who do the dirtiest and dirtiest things in the world. I will not be swallowed by this power. Let alone beg you..."

"You will... even if you don't, the people around you will too!"

Robben's face sighed, "What did you say!?"

"Humanity, there is not much time left... I can't even wait for you to come and kneel at my feet and enjoy the last zìyóu time. You can't see far away with your mediocre eyes. Never know what the future will be. What will happen……"

The Demon God uttered a series of loud laughs, and the expanding mist gathered fiercely and floated towards the sky. It quickly merged into the clouds in the sky and disappeared.

Robben frowned deeply.

The next day, in the morning.

Under the witches' dressing up, Robben, who looked a little more aristocratic, appeared on a floating island protruding outside the Hanging City. The projection magic projected Robben's huge image into the air and immediately gathered in the street. The residents on the square knelt down and saluted Robben.

"Hello, my loyal subjects, I am sorry to interrupt what you are going to do at this time and ask you to come here to listen to some of my words, but I think it is necessary for me to issue a few new ones for the future of this city. Decree! First of all... we will no longer accept applications for long-term residence from any race other than the witch!"

Robben's first sentence caused an uproar.

"Secondly, I will re-plan the area of ​​this city. In consideration of the living habits of special races, the witches... will move to live near the inner city, and the other races will be adjusted out of order. Of course, I will give you A lot of compensation."

This sentence undoubtedly dropped a big bomb, and immediately countless voices rang, some were surprised, some were excited, and some were opposed...

"Secondly... our city will start to levy high taxes. Of course, my dear girls, witches will not be treated like this. I am talking about the guys who come to this city of zìyóu to make a fortune."

After Luo himself, the witches who administer the city are already a bit untenable, because obviously the crowd below has begun to shout loudly. These words of Robben can be said to arouse a wave of waves. Many people are opposed. And they are all wealthy foreigners who have brought great wealth.

Robben knocked on the situation below, coughed and said: "I have to remind you that now... your Lord Demon is... announcing orders to you!"

Suddenly, all the sounds disappeared.

"That's right..." Robben's voice became a bit cold. "This city is the city of the witches' zìyóu. It is built and managed by the witches. It is the symbol of the witches' heart. We are not a bustling city. The huge city is just a refuge where the witches live. We yearn for prosperity, but... we don’t care about the cost. I don’t look at this place from time to time, but today I actually see... foreigners are building in this city. Luxurious residence, and using the witch as a servant, I'm sorry..."

Robben took a breath, "The original intention of establishing this city was to free the witches from the fate of being enslaved, so that the poor girls who came here a long way would have a place to live and work with their own hands... Zìyóu, those who are not enslaved, but... this place is gradually no different from other places. I will now... correct this mistake!"

After a pause, Robben said loudly, "Those who are still young, but most of the witches who are several times older than me, please allow me to call you kindly: My dear girls! I may not be able to bring you the past For a good life like the master, I can only give you a home, some limited food, a job that is not easier than the original, but I can guarantee that you are zìyóu, no one can enslav you! All I can do is These, for a long time in the future. Our lives may not improve much, but... we will get better and better, please believe me."

A huge cheer rose from the city, like a heat wave rushing into the sky...

"Thank you..." Robben smiled and took out a small notebook. "Just in case, I wrote some of my decisions in the notebook. Don't laugh, now I'm going to read them one by one. "

The laughter spread from the city...

Robben issued a series of new laws, including prohibiting foreigners from hiring witches here at high prices. Transfer the funds for urban construction to buy more food, cultivate more land... etc.

The scene was very chaotic. The cheers of the witches were mixed with many other voices. Robben couldn't tell, but Robben knew that these decisions should be right. Because many of the decisions that followed were discussed with the witches in the morning, those witches knew what they needed. It's just that they can't call the shots.

At last. Robben added, "This is me, the new law issued by your Lord City Lord and Lord Demon Lord, which will take effect immediately. Violators will be punished according to the law. As for those who oppose... kill!"

There were still quite a few guys who were clamoring for protest, but when Robben said the last word, these opposition voices disappeared without a trace.

Robben spent more than a day in the Hanging City, in addition to understanding the current situation of the Hanging City. Most of the time, I walked around the city, chatted with the witches, and checked some actual conditions.

This also allowed Robben to learn a lot about the current realities of the Demon World.

Some mysterious power has never stopped attacking the Demon Palace. The most recent one was more than ten days ago. Although that time did not cause any substantial harm, it is a fact that the Demon Palace was invaded.

The witches have a lot of different opinions about this, but most of them still think that the gods are tricking ghosts, maybe it is the methods used by the gods to control the demons, or the gods are doing it directly. In general, the witches still showed a lot of anxiety.

Robben felt that this was somewhat similar to the current situation in the God Realm. The God Realm was currently in chaos. Although the situation was somewhat different, in general, it was the residents who were worried about the enemy's invasion.

But what made Robben a little puzzled was that with regard to the attack on the Devil’s Palace, the Black Emperor only issued a brief period of martial law and search warrants when the Queen’s Demon’s Palace was destroyed. The reaction is that the demon kings work independently and strengthen their guard.

Maybe the Black Emperor knows something.

I remember that this happened when I came back last time, and the Black Emperor also gathered the Demon Kings and seemed to want to find out this matter. Obviously, the Black Emperor did something, but I don’t know what he did. Including those that have been seen, and those that have not been seen.

Time is not infinite. After receiving countless information on this matter from the witches, Robben still plans to go to the Black Fortress to listen to the official opinions and meet the Black Emperor by the way.

But before Robben left, some guests came to the Hanging City first.

Robben was quite surprised when he saw Merial, "Meria... I didn't expect that you would have time to leave the Black Fortress and come here!"

As the witch patriarch, Merial was welcomed by the witches, but on the surface, Merial did not smile at all, "Roben, Lord Black Emperor wants to see you!"

Robben raised his eyebrows slightly, "Master Black wants to see me, then... why do you look like this? This is a witch's city. You rarely come here, don't you like it?"

Meriya said in a deep voice: "I am very happy to see this city continue to grow, and I deeply regret this. As the patriarch, I did not bring shelter to these weak people, but a human being for us. Having done so many things, Robben...I thank you, but! Now I am not in the mood to say this. Yesterday, another magic palace was attacked."

Robben's eyes flicked, "Another one! Is this the eighth?"

"Yes, and the damage was serious this time. The Demon King... was also injured."

This surprised Robben a bit, "The devil is also injured! Could it be that the devil who was attacked this time fought with the attacker."


"Has the identity of the attacker been determined?"

"No, because the Demon King can't speak anymore, it's likely... he won't wake up at all."

Robben was shocked, "What!? The attacker...so powerful!?"

Meriya sighed, "We will talk about the specifics on our way. Lord Hei Di knows that you are back, so I will invite you in person as soon as possible. I hope you will go there soon!"

"Okay. Let's go!"

Saying goodbye to the witches in the Hanging City, Robben and Melia moved quickly to the Black Fortress. They didn't have many opportunities to talk along the way. They rode the teleportation array and hurried on their way until they finally landed on the Black Fortress's docking square. When Meriya quickly walked to the main hall of the fortress, Robben had the opportunity to ask questions.

"That Demon Lord, isn't it dying, right?"

"Not yet... but it's possible." Meriya hurriedly replied.

"Is there anything in this matter?"

"It happened yesterday. I received the news earlier today. Lord Hei Di has already ordered to rush over there, I hope we can come back in time, maybe Lord Hei Di has already set off."

All the way unimpeded, in the end, in the huge Demon Hall of the fortress. Meriya took Robben to find him, well dressed, and seemed to be about to leave. But now the Black Emperor is standing in front of the Demon God statue.

Melia bowed on one knee. "Lord Black Emperor, Demon Lord Robben is here."

"Yeah..." The Black Emperor waved back slightly, Meriya knew, stood up and silently exited the Demon God Hall, leaving only Robben and Black Emperor in the empty hall.

"Roben, you're back." The Black Emperor said something innocent.

"Yes, Lord Black Emperor. The situation in the human continent has temporarily stabilized. I will come back to see the situation in the Demon Realm. I'm sorry that I didn't come to see you directly."

The Black Emperor chuckled, "It's okay. You don't understand the situation, so you should do this. After all, the queen also hates the important thing, how about... She is still used to living in the Hanging City?"

Robben is sure that the Black Emperor is asking for it knowingly. Although the news is blocked, he will definitely try to find the queen's news. He is the master of the devil world. This is not difficult to do. He should know that the queen is not in the Hanging City at all, and should Think that the queen went to the human continent with herself.

"Fortunately... It's just that the queen's mood is not very good, and her heart is closed."

Hei Di smiled, "It's normal to be emotional...it's normal. I believe she will come out later and confess her mistake to me, Robben...you have to enlighten her more, you know?"

This is the idea of ​​telling me not to fight the queen, and send her back... Robben smiled in his heart, the real queen has now lived a free and comfortable life in the human continent, and will never want to return to the demon world in this life. .

"Yes, I will." Robben replied.

Hei Di slowly turned around, and asked with a smile: "Looking at your calm look, presumably the battle situation on the human continent is not tight. Ruda is still quite powerful, right? How does he compare to that creek? Well? I think they should have been in touch."

"Yes, he has fought against that creek, no victory or defeat is determined, our hearts are in a truce, so I will come back to see."

"No victory..." Hei Di repeated in a low voice, a smile appeared from the corner of his mouth, "Ruda has indeed grown."

"Grow up, if he grows a little bit more, I think we won't have enough food."

Hei Di laughed, "Don't mind, it's not uncommon for him to be a big man who eats more, and the key point is that even if he gives ten times that amount of food to others, he can't compete with Crick. "

"This...is not bad."

"Well, we'll talk about the battle on the human continent later. Now I'm about to leave, and you just arrived in time. We can go and see the situation together. This time... the enemy seems to have done a little too much."

Robben nodded, "Yes."

Hei Di used his own special aerial carriage, but in Robben's view, it was completely a shuttle tool, and the two strange creatures pulling the carriage had never been seen before.

In the time of a meal, the carriage has fallen down, and the demon generals and servants who are accompanying are still chasing after the sky...

The Black Emperor didn't speak much, let alone the teams that rushed to greet him, and walked directly to the magic palace.

Passing through the bustling city, through the streets where collapsed buildings gradually began to appear, and some traces of energy impact appeared, the huge magic palace finally appeared in front of the black emperor and Robben.

The Black Emperor was expressionless, but Robben was completely shocked once.

This magical palace has been almost completely destroyed, more thoroughly than the destruction of Queen Biris’s magical palace. It seems that some huge power erupted from the magical palace, blasting this ancient palace to pieces, and now the magical palace’s There was only a fragment of broken tiles on the original site, and it was impossible to know at a glance that a magnificent magic palace once stood here.

The Black Emperor stood there for a long time, Robben seemed to see his hands trembling faintly, not knowing whether it was because of anger or something else.

"Where is Latia?" The Black Emperor turned his head and asked loudly.

Immediately a demon general ran up, "Master Demon Lord was seriously injured and is healing in the city."

"Bring him here."

The demon general was taken aback, "Master Black Emperor, Master Demon King... he hasn't woken up yet."

The Black Emperor became angry and shouted loudly, "So I said'Bring' him over! You idiot!!"

The demon commander knelt down in shock, "Master Hei Di calmed down, and his subordinates will do it immediately!!"

Robben watched the demon general leave in a hurry, and couldn't help but said, "Master Black Emperor, since he is still not awake, there is no benefit even if he is brought, so let's ask him about the situation after his injury is better. "

"It's too late." The Black Emperor shook his head slowly.

Too late? Robben rolled his eyes, he didn't quite understand this sentence, what did the Black Emperor say too late?

"Roben, have you got any important news from the Protoss?" Black Emperor suddenly asked.

"Currently...not yet." Robben thought for a while to answer.

The Black Emperor seemed to want to ask about the war, he understood that the purpose of the Protoss was to invade the Demon Realm, because the arrow of judgment had already disappeared.

"Really..." The Black Emperor seemed to be thinking something, and then suddenly asked, "Then what do you think of the current situation? This magic palace was completely destroyed. Did the gods do it?"

Robben glanced at the ruins and shook his head, "Master Black Emperor, I can't be sure about this. There is no strange energy left here. You should feel it. Obviously, the opponent is paying great attention to hiding."

"It's true... but why the damage to the Demon Palace in the previous few times was not serious, and even the Demon Palace in the last time was not actually destroyed, but this time... the situation has suddenly changed?"

"This..." This Robben is really unclear. It seems that the other party intends to destroy this place, but he doesn't know what the purpose is, "I don't have a clue about this now."

"This is also the first time that the Demon King has been injured. The previous few times, the attack was completed while the Demon King was away or avoided meeting with the Demon King. This is the exception... Why?"

Robben frowned suddenly, "Master Hei Di meant...this time the murderer accidentally left some clues, so..."

The Black Emperor looked at the ruins in front of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and murmured: "Roben, maybe we should consider another question now, why did the other party attack the magic palace? What is the reason? Judging from the situation of these times They have nothing in common. I really don’t understand why the Devil’s Palace was attacked. I can’t figure it out.”

As for why the Devil's Palace was attacked, Robben had some speculations, but he still had many doubts, and he could only shake his head again.

At this time, the demon general who rushed away had already brought people back, and on a small car was a guy with a bandage all over his body.

In Robben's impression, this Demon King named Latia didn't seem to have many characteristics, and had always been very low-key, but he didn't expect to become like this now.

"Master Black Emperor, Master Demon King has brought here." The demon general reported loudly.

The Black Emperor waved his hand, and the Demon General immediately led the people back quickly.

Walking to the side of the small car, Hei Di sighed and shook his head, "Poor fellow, he turned out to be like this, but for the sake of the Demon Realm... I have to make you wrong." (To be continued...)

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