God Prohibitions

Chapter 1347: ally

The Hei Di silently pressed his hand on Latia's head, who was still in a coma, and a black light appeared from his fingers. Robben was taken aback, "Wait a minute, Lord Hei!"

Hei Di frowned, "Roben, if you have anything to do, we will talk about it later, now I have no free time. レm♠思♥路♣客レ"

Robben quickly said: "He has been seriously injured and unconscious, is it...you want to extract his memory forcibly!?"

"Any questions?"

Robben couldn't believe that this Latia was a demon king, a strong man at the top of the pyramid of the demon world, a faith in the demon god, and... the son of the black emperor!

"Master Black Emperor, you should be very clear about how much damage this will cause him. When you fall into a coma, your consciousness cannot be controlled. It will only automatically defend against intruders. But this will conflict uncontrollably, which may turn him into Idiot! The stronger the jīng god... the more he suffered. We are about to go to war with the protoss. Is it just this way of losing a demon king?"..

Hei Di looked at Robben with interest, "I remember that Latia didn’t have any friendship with you, and he belonged to Bige’s faction. Big’s impression of you was very bad, why did you do it for him? Talking? It has nothing to do with you."

"This has nothing to do with his position. I can't...see death without saving." Robben licked his lips. "And this is related to our power against the Protoss. Lord Black doesn't want us to suffer losses for no reason, right?"

The Black Emperor didn't do anything, but he still pressed his hand on Latia's head, "Well, Robben! Then tell me, how do I know who attacked this place and completely destroyed this ancient palace! This A palace symbolizing the existence of our demons!!"

The Black Emperor’s voice was full of anger, “Since the demons began to dominate this land, such a thing has never happened before, even the Protoss invaded the demon world. The demons have been standing for hundreds of millions of years. Today... shameful The invaders actually ruined this place, destroying the seven magic palaces one after another! Robben, tell me! How long will I have to endure! Or... Now let go of poor Latia and wait for the next one. The Devil’s Palace is destroyed, and the next Demon King is not awake!?"

"Roben, that shameful assailant only left a clue this time, so he will destroy this place. In any case, I must find him immediately and get rid of him. Otherwise... I don't know how serious it will be. s consequence."

Gently stroking Latia’s forehead with his fingers, the Black Emperor said in a deep voice, "My child...If the Demon God cares about you, you will not be hurt. Tell me what you know, you...will become a Demon Race. Hero!"

Five fingers and one buckle. Grasping Latia's head tightly, the black emperor's cold light instantly released. Robben could not help shouting: "The Devil God will not care for him! If he really cares for you! The Devil Palace will not be destroyed!!"

Hei Di shook his body. His face suddenly rolled with anger, and he shouted sharply: "Human, what are you talking about!? You dare to slander Lord Demon God!"

Robben felt a surge of energy on his face, as cold as ice, and a pain like a needle **** on his body, but he still said loudly, "Master Black Emperor. I mean...this may be a conspiracy, neither is Master Demon God. Watching us all the time, if we have done something stupid and eager for the demon god’s favor, it would be... too impractical!"

"What are you talking about!? Yinmou!?"

Robben looked at Latia. The poor Demon King lay there, completely unaware that his life had been spared a few laps at the gate of the ghost. In the distance, all of the Demon King’s subordinates were full of tension. Everyone saw the Black Emperor clutching himself tightly. The devil-sama's head, it would never be the kind of caress of the father to his son, how it seemed that something bad was about to happen.

"Master Black Emperor, I think this attacker's behavior has always been intolerable by the demons. Once caught, he will be executed in the most severe and cruel manner. Then... he doesn't have to leave a way for himself, pull Tia has lost his combat effectiveness, and the entire magic palace is destroyed. I think if the invader did this to cover up, he didn’t have to leave Latia’s life at all, just kill him. Now Latia Lying here may be the scene that the attacker wants to see, including...what you are doing now."

The Black Emperor was startled and couldn't help letting go of Latia's head, "You said this was intentional by the attacker."

Robben thought that of course I guessed it randomly, and the ghost knew why the attacker did it.

But Robben said: "Yes, I think it's very possible, Lord Black Emperor, you can look back, Latia's subordinates are looking at this side, if today you forcibly extract Latia's memory, I I think he will probably never wake up again. The Black Emperor killed a Demon King with his own hands before the war officially started. There is no way to conceal this incident. This is good for our morale and for you. Prestige is an unparalleled blow."

The black emperor’s pale face was affectionate for a while, and finally, he reached out and wiped Latia’s chest twice, and the black emperor walked slowly to Luo himself, smiled and said, "Humans are not like our demons. It’s the same, it’s hard to understand, and it’s tricky."

"Master Black, it is definitely not a human who attacked this magic palace."

"Hehe, I naturally know that human beings don't have such strength yet." The Black Emperor looked at the Devil Palace that had become a ruin, "But Robben, this attack is obviously different from the previous one. The Devil Palace was completely destroyed. , And the attack was carried out while the Demon King was here, and the Demon King was seriously injured. Why do you think this is?"

Robben thought to myself that I don't know why, and who knows which of the assailants made the mistake, and repeatedly attacked the magic palace, this time there was such a big disturbance.

Shaking his head directly, Robben said: "This...I can't judge."

Hei Di seemed a little regretful when he heard this sentence, "Since the Queen’s Demon Palace was destroyed, such things have happened frequently in the Demon Realm. I have never figured out what the opponent’s purpose is, and I don’t know anything about it until now. The opponent is very cunning and never leaves any clues..."

As he said, Hei Di walked back again, reaching out his hand and gently stroking Latia’s forehead, “This time, he did something special, no matter it was a trap. He left clues carelessly, but he did the rest. It’s possible, the answer is right before our eyes."

"Uh... no no, Lord Black Emperor, please wait a minute!" Robben saw Black Emperor's hand placed on Latia's head again, and he felt a little weak in his heart. He actually wants to maintain this and his own dime. The devil who has nothing to do with money.

"Master Hei Di, I think we all understand that this may not be fruitful. It will also have a very bad effect. The most important thing now is to catch the murderer immediately and find a way to heal him."

Hei Dimian sighed angrily, "Since the queen's palace was destroyed, we have been searching for the murderer. But to this day we have found nothing! And Latia..."

Holding his head, the Black Emperor lifted Latia from the cart. "Look at him! Weak and feeble. His whole body is limp and boneless. Before this war, even if he could wake up, he could no longer participate in the war. The meaning of his existence has disappeared! Robben! Face this. In this situation, how would you choose?"

Robben licked his dry lips. He whispered, "Master Black Emperor, maybe...I still have a way to wake Latia."

"You!?" Black Emperor's eyes shrunk, and Latia was thrown into the car. "Roben. I know you have unique treatment methods, but he is the demon king and was injured by a strange force. You Are those unfounded and mostly self-exploring treatments really effective?"

"I think... I should try." Robben insisted.

The Black Emperor looked back at Latia who was in a coma, then at Robben, thinking for a moment, and said: "Roben, I don’t have time to wait too long. After this time, the Demon World will enter a state of full alert. We must find that one first. The attacker is good. He is very powerful and even threatens the safety of the demon king. I can only give you a little time. I have issued a summoning order to all the demon kings. The first time they arrive here, I want to see Latia wakes up and answers my questions!"

"I understand, Lord Black Emperor."

The Black Emperor nodded and waved his hand gently. Meriya, who was standing in the distance, quickly walked over. The Black Emperor whispered something to Merial. Merial looked towards Robben. Eyes, immediately nodded and agreed.

Looking at the sky, the Black Emperor said to Robben: "You probably have a day or so, and all the demon kings will arrive before dark tomorrow. I hope you can succeed, otherwise... I will only go to the soul of Latia Asked what I want to know."

After speaking, Hei Di turned away without turning his head.

Robben stood in place, feeling inexplicably sad.

Looking at Latia lying there, Robben sighed slightly. Is this also a kind of father and son? When I was in my hometown, my father had always been very strict with himself, but... he was very generous. He could forgive his mistakes and give himself guidance and advice. It was also his father who forged his ambition and his ideal of saving people. Father has been guiding himself in the front, like a lighthouse... He has never forgotten his father's face.

Latia...If he dreams of the face of the Black Emperor in his sleep, will he feel at ease or fear?

"Roben, let's go, time is running out."

Robben was stunned, but it was Merial who came to speak before him. Merial's face was a little serious at this time, as if he was worried about something.

"What's wrong?" Robben asked, "The face is so ugly."

Meriya looked back at Latia not far away, and said with a wry smile: "Roben, maybe you shouldn't do this. This will make Lord Black Emperor feel that your ideas are very different from ours. I am now responsible for assisting you. Understand?"

Robben nodded slightly, "Understood, watch me until I rescue Latia, even if it is unsuccessful, I must ensure that Latia's soul is intact. It can be heard, right?"

Meriya rubbed her forehead, "Well, then I don't need to talk nonsense, let's find a place to start treatment immediately, I hope you can succeed, if you fail... This will be an undesirable move. "

Robben smiled, "Well, let's find a place that is more spacious, clean and quiet, do you know?"

Merial blinked, "If I remember correctly... there is a large house not far away, let's borrow it temporarily."

"As expected of the witch patriarch, she knows wherever she is." Robben praised him and walked to Latia's cart.

"This is what I should do. There is no good or bad." Meriya shrugged.

"By the way, thank you!" Robben said suddenly.

"Thank you? Thank me?" Meriya was about to lead the way, and suddenly stopped in confusion.

"What you just said was not what the Black Emperor told you to say, can I understand it as your concern for me? Hehe...I found that you witches are very kind. Gentle and lovely."

Melia didn't blush at all, or didn't change her expression at all, turned around and walked forward, "That's because we have to... to survive."

Robben smiled relaxedly, "Not everyone can live by pretending to laugh. I always think that as long as they can laugh, there must be a soft place in their heart."

"We are very happy to hear you praise our witch, but maybe you shouldn't expect too much of us. Robben... We are just a vulnerable group struggling with fate, nothing more."

"Ah, I know... we humans are the same."

After finding a good place to take out what Merial said, Robben discovered that this so-called big house was actually a small manor. It is located in a quiet and peaceful place outside the city.

Of course, no matter where it is, it has to make room for the Demon King.

Merial opened the way directly. Clear all blocking people to both sides. Latia's subordinates rushed into the manor earlier to drive away all the people inside.

Latia was placed in the lobby on the second floor, which seemed to be used for indoor banquets.

Robben asked everyone to prepare the utensils and materials they needed, and he went outside the city to collect some life jīng qi and returned. When he returned to the small castle in the manor, he found that most of Latia's men were already there waiting for him.

"Master Robben. Everything you need is here." A black-skinned, first-born giant horned demon general handed a polished metal box to Robben's hand.

Robben took it and smiled, "Thank you. You guys are waiting here, and don't let the surrounding situation come in. Don't let the enemies that might appear."


Robben was about to raise his foot and walk forward. Suddenly, in two rows of left and right, all of the more than one hundred magic generals knelt down. In an instant, Robben felt that he was several heads higher.

"Huh? What are you doing?" Robben looked strangely at the demon general who knelt around.

The demon general who handed the things to Robben said excitedly: "Master Robben, we know that we have no reason to ask you anything, but... we plead with you, begging you to save Lord Latia, today... We all see Lord Black Emperor's actions. If Lord Latia does not wake up, I am afraid..."

Robben suddenly understood that, in fact, everyone had guessed what the Black Emperor wanted to do. Now these demons must be panicked. If Latia is deposed, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for them.

"Okay, don't you say that I will do my best, and I don't want to see the devil fall before we fight the Protoss. You are waiting here quietly, and I will try my best to bring you good news."

"Thank you Lord Robben!" The demon commander said, respectfully dragging a wooden box half-person tall in front of Robben and gently laying it on the ground, but this gentle movement still made the wooden box and the ground dull. The crash sound.

Judging from the sound, Robben felt that there might be treasures and the like inside. It seemed...mostly magic gems.

"Master Robben, we are not going to blaspheme your sincerity and Master Latia's life, but please allow us to express our hearts and minds in a way, everything, please."

Robben looked at the treasure chest, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly smiled. He stepped forward and opened the treasure chest. A strong wave of magic immediately radiated out. Robben was quite surprised. This very inconspicuous wooden chest was still a piece of cake. Pieces of treasure can conceal the energy fluctuations of treasures. It seems that they are specially used to collect valuable treasures. These magic generals can't give up.

Seeing Robben opened the treasure chest to check, the magic generals showed joy. This at least shows that this human will try his best to save his own demon lord, but the next Robben's actions made the magic generals extremely surprised. .

Robben looked at the box full of rare and precious treasures, bent down and began to pick them out.

Those cups, staffs, beads of strange texture... etc. Robben would ignore them and throw them all aside. For a while, there would be clanging in the box, and from time to time some priceless things would hang out. They were dumbfounded.

After a while, Robben straightened up, and there was a huge magic gem in his hand. This gem was half the size of a football, and its surface was composed of countless crystal faces, which looked radiant. Very beautiful.

"Okay, I accepted the gift, thank you very much, but you should take the rest back, I can't get so much at one time!" Robben smiled and carefully put the gem away.

The giant horned demon who offered the treasure chest was stunned, and said quickly: "Uh... Lord Robben, please redeem the powerless subordinates. These are all for you, and that... that gem. Actually, there is no one. What's the use, it's just a gem of magic power, at most...just a little better, you..."

"I know." Robben nodded, "You know. I have a baby girl who always pesters me for this and that. I think she will like this gift from you. I will tell me. Daughter, their demon general uncles prepared gifts for her, thank you."

After that, Robben strode into the castle, leaving behind the magical generals who looked at each other.

Upon arriving on the second floor, Merial was already waiting here early.

Leaning against the window. Seeing Robben coming in, Meriya took his gaze back from the outside and said softly: "This is the first time I have seen the demons ask for help from humans for something, and also offered gifts."

Robben put down the things in his hand. Said: "This shows that there is not much difference between the demons and humans. Humans always think that the demons are brutal and bloodthirsty. But you see, these living beings also have their own feelings, glory, and their own persistence and beliefs. It’s just that we have too little communication. Even the current human continent can truly accept the existence of the Demon, that is, the area around Caton. The rest of the world is still very afraid of the Demon."

Meriya nodded, but said something that seemed a little irrelevant, which almost made Robben fall: "It's also the first time I saw someone open someone's gift at this time, and picked one that I liked and accepted and left. "

Robben replied sweatingly, "I just want to relax when I go back to meet my little ancestor."

"What a happy little girl." Meriya sighed, "Okay...you do your thing, we have a good time, you must have results before tomorrow's fall."

"In the future, I think the witches can live happily at the age of a child." Robben said, coming to Latia and starting to check his body.

Meriya was silent, looking out the window again.

As the night slowly descended, Robben kept poking and squeezing Latia, opening his eyes for a while, then squeezing his chin, as if he was picking animals...

"It's been a long time, Robben."

Meriya turned her head and saw it for a long time, the sun was going down, but Robben was still spinning around Latia.

"I know, it's getting dark, I can see it." Robben replied casually, and then picked up Latia's hand and shook it gently.

Meriya looked helpless, looked at the metal box that Robben had left at the door, and asked, "Aren't you going to use your customized tools?"

"I have a set of my own. Naturally, I won't use those guys to make it temporarily. They probably don't know where to build these things carefully."

Meriya was taken aback, "Then what do you tell them to rush to make those things?"

"Just in case it's confidential." Robben spread his hands.

"Confidentiality? Just in case..." Merial frowned. "Roben, what does this mean?"

Robben rubbed his hands and said, "Meria, are we friends?"

"Yes, but it's just a friend, more, I am the witch patriarch, and you are the human demon king in the demon world."

Robben crooked his mouth, "The division is so clear, it seems that you are still very wary of me."

"Roben, are you... what are you going to do?" Meriya looked at Robben in surprise.

"No, I don't plan to do anything special, but now I can tell you one thing."


Robben pointed to Latia, "He was wounded by a very strange force. His body is as we can see. In fact, he didn't suffer any damage, not even the wound, but his jīng **** was seriously damaged. Now he has fallen into an unconscious coma. I don’t know if he can wake up himself, but I’m sure...for a short time, he can only lie in bed and fall asleep."

"What then?" Merial asked, staring at Robben.

"Then...Although this is a very difficult situation, to me, it is actually nothing."

Merial was shocked, "You said...what?"

"I mean... as long as I want to, it doesn't take much effort to rescue him, and it can ensure that he is sane. In the future, he can continue to be his demon king, at most, it will be weak for a period of time because of the severe impact. "

"Then... why don't you save him soon?" Melia turned slightly, her feet gradually spreading apart, staring at Robben and asked.

Robben smiled lightly, raised his hands and said: "Meria, you don't have to pose to me like this witch fighting posture. I also know witches well, and even know how to fight witches. Nalan taught me. Many, maybe... you are not my opponent yet. In terms of magic, I think you have no chance of winning."

Melia tightened, "Roben, what do you want to do?"

Robben gently moved the cart that Latia was lying on, and took out a small stool from the ring. Sit down and said, "Meria. I want to talk to you. If you think I can be trusted, just leave from the window and come in front of me. There is not much foundation for this conversation. , It’s just our mutual trust."

Instead, Merial moved a step towards the window. "Roben, I now suspect that you will be against our demons!"

Robben smiled helplessly, "Yes, I am a human being. Cunning and deceitful, I may do something that is not good for the demons, but...the reason why I want to talk to you is because of this. The witch may be advantageous."

Melia stopped moving to the window, "What are you trying to say?"

Robben took out a small bench and put it in front of him, "If you want to know, let's talk."

Meriya’s eyebrows were beating constantly, "Roben, you are a human being, but I have always believed in you. I even feel that believing in you exceeds my respect for your status as a demon king. I treat you as a friend, we Witch’s friend."

"As you wish, I have always been a friend of the witch, before, now...in the future." Robben stretched out his hand and pointed to the small bench.

Melia's body slowly relaxed, then looked back at the window close at hand, and said in a deep voice, "Roben, you'd better not make me regret it. I have many ways to call countless companions at once."

Robben smiled lightly, "Ah, I know...You still have two magic bombs tied to your thighs, right, you use them just in case you die with the enemy."

Meriya was about to walk over, and was surprised when he heard Robben's words, "You...how do you know? Don't you..."

Robben happily said, "Yes, in that illusion, the relationship between me and the witches is also quite good. The Black Emperor didn't elaborate on this matter, and no one would investigate it. This may be a small one. Secret, but I hope you know now, I have always been a friend of the witches, and you trust me very much in the illusion. I know a lot of your little secrets. For example, your room is messy like a garbage dump, full of Documents, moldy food leftovers, tableware left there without washing, in order to prevent messing up any information, you never let people clean your room, but unfortunately you don’t have time, the only clean place in your room is your office Table, and you..."


A loud noise interrupted Robben's words. Merial had already arrived in front of Robben, took out a huge chair from the ring and smashed it on the ground, smashing Robben's small bench.

"Okay, let's talk now." Meriya sat on the big chair with a black face, flat on the ground two heads higher than Robben.

Robben looked up at Merial, scratching his head helplessly, "Okay, let's talk about it like this, first of all... I want to make sure, Merial, whose interests do you represent?"

"Me? I naturally represent the interests of the witch. My life, everything I will be dedicated to the witch clan."

"Where is the demons?" Robben asked.

"Devil?" Meriya's eyes trembled, "Roben, the witch is the demon! Without the demon, there would be no witch!"

"But the witch is not equal to the demon clan, and the benefits of the demon clan are not equal to the benefit of the witch, right?

Meriya frowned deeply upon hearing this sentence, "Roben, are you making any terrible idea? If you want to drag the witch clan into your crazy ideas, I will never compromise, no matter what you propose. Such conditions."

"Well... I seem to have some problems when asking this. Before I get a clear statement, I want to be as cautious as you, and I won't say anything outrageous, so... I can understand better."

Robben crossed his fingers. After brewing for a while, he said: "Meria, I know that you wholeheartedly hope that the Witch Clan can become stronger and that the Witch Clan can improve its status among the demons. This battle is an opportunity. Nalan has also entered the human continent. The fate of the demons is fighting to the death. You must know... the first to go to the battlefield is often the fastest to die."

"We are not afraid of death, what we are afraid of is eternal sinking. We cannot let our race become slaves forever, we never give up, but... we will use the right methods to do this and get what we want ."

"Um... great idea!" Robben nodded and agreed. "But... if I said that the Demon Race hadn't thought about making the Demon Race prosper, I don't know what you would think?"

The Meriya noodles tightened. "What? What are you talking about!?"

"I said... Demon Race. Those nobles, or... Black Emperor! He didn't intend to let the Demon Race prosper, but only intended to let the Demon Race exist as a ravaged part of the Demon Race God Realm. I don't know what you would think. ?

"Nonsense!" Melia got angry and glared at Robben, "You are slandering Lord Black Emperor!"

Seeing Meriya was emotional. Robben was not in a hurry, rubbing his hands and said: "Well, I say that you will not believe it, then I can ask. During your tenure as the witch patriarch, has there been any change in the status of the witch clan? "

"No! But that's because we have been mediocre and we have done nothing."

Robben smiled, "What about the previous witch patriarch?"

"The predecessor... it was still peace time..."

"Haha... I know, there must be no change, so what about another term? Or, in the history of witches you know, has the status of witches improved a little bit?"

Merial couldn't help but couldn't answer.

"Obviously, no!" Robben said affirmatively, "And while I said this answer, I didn't understand the history of your witches' struggle for so long. I don't know what you have done, but I You know, you must have never shaken the situation of the witch being pinged by other races.

The green veins under Meriya's face faintly appeared, "Roben, on earth...what do you want to say to me?"

Robben sighed and said directly: "Meria, the demons cannot allow the witches to rise again. Everything now is a phantom. What those witches who risked their lives to fight on the human continent are meaningless. All you get is death and sorrow, and nothing about you will change."

Merial shook her lips a few times, "How do you...how do you know? What basis do you have for saying that? We bleed for the war and sacrificed for the war! We do everything for the entire demons! We deserve what we deserve!"

Staring wide-eyed, Melia said loudly: "We are fighting against the Protoss on the human continent! We are weak, and we have countless sisters sleeping in a foreign country! But we have never given up! Now the Protoss on the human continent is the God of War! We witch... Never flinched!! What we deserve is not death and sorrow!"

Melia lied to Robben and gritted her teeth and said: "The whole demon world is looking at us... The Black Emperor cannot deny our value, Robben, I don't want to listen to your words anymore! Now let Latia wake up! It's up to you For the sake of doing so many things for our witch, what you said just now...I can't hear it!"

"If your sacrifice, your blood is worthless, does not help the Demon Race, and if you add a lot of troubles, what do you think will be the result?"

Meriya's expression instantly froze on her face, "What...what did you say?"

Robben took a breath and said sincerely: "Meria, there are some things you didn't know, and I didn't intend to tell you this, but the situation has changed and time is running out. I have to come to you. Asking for your help also brings an opportunity to the witches. Of course... this is also accompanied by risks. It is your own judgment whether to accept my proposal."

Merial narrowed her eyes, "Roben...you, what are you..."

"Meria, I am not an ally of the demons. I will confront the demons in the near future and become an enemy of life and death."

Melia's face changed, "What did you say? Are you crazy? Are you going to be our enemy?"

"No, Merial... I don't want to be an enemy of you! But I don't have room to survive in the Demon Realm. The Black Emperor is not kind to me, and the Demon God wants to kill me and hurry up."

Melia's face was pale, "Wh...what? Lord Black Emperor...and Lord Demon God? You...are you kidding me?"

"Meria, I am naturally not joking."

Melia couldn't help but stepped back, "You...you have taken refuge in the Protoss!?"

Robben smiled, "No, I took refuge in humans."

"Human?" Meriya's expression was very strange, "What the **** are you talking about!?"

"Meria, frankly speaking, I have neither taken refuge in the demons nor the protoss. Although I seem to belong to these two forces at the same time,...maybe it is the surprise of the race. They are not very friendly to me. The purpose is also very simple, I just want to live, quietly, with my family, and my compatriots... I have regained my position in the human camp, and have met many companions, including jīng spirits, dwarves, werewolves, dwarves, and giants. Dragons, there are protoss and demons. We stand together now, working hard for our future survival, and now... I will fight for you to join our camp."

Merial was extremely shocked, and her voice tremblingly said: "You...you are crazy! You have to fight against the gods and demons at the same time!"

"Maybe I'm crazy, but... I have no choice! Even if I'm crazy... I'm driven crazy."

Merial's eyes drifted away, her face changed rapidly, and she shook her head and said, "This...this is ridiculous, this is unbelievable, Robben...you disappointed me too much. I thought you would be our ally. You are having such crazy dreams, we...not friends anymore."

As he said, Meriya stared at Robben with both eyes turned over, and the two short blades were already in her hands. Her body arched like a civet and slowly moved back.

Robben didn't make any movement or frustration. He just looked at Meria and said softly, "Naren has joined us."

Meriya was startled, and she couldn't help but hate her, "She is crazy! This will bring a huge disaster to the witch!!"

"And the Queen."

Melia's moving steps stopped again, and her whole body was petrified there, "Wh...what did you say? Female... Queen?"

"You should know that Lord Queen is not in the Hanging City at all, but went to the human continent with me. Most demons think that as long as the magic barrier between the demon world and the human continent is not eliminated, individuals as powerful as the devil will pass through, but Here, I want to tell you one thing, the queen’s magical magic is actually in the same vein as the witch, and the root is the same."

Melia felt an urge to explode in his mind~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The human being was bombarding his nerves with words, "Same?"

"This matter involves the ancient secrets of the Witch Clan, Meriya, this is the last time I elaborated. If you believe me, please sit back and I will tell you a lot of truth. If you don’t want to... I’m sorry, I must subdue it. You, erase your memories of this period of time. I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to deal with friends. In the Devildom... I have no friends."

Meria stood there, the double blades in her hands trembling slightly.

For a long time, Melia took a stiff step, still holding two short blades in her hand and walked back...

"I think, the moment I sit down, it means that I have begun to be seduced by demons, right?"

Robben looked up at Meriya and chuckled: "Perhaps, from the perspective of a demons, it should be like this, but...Although demons are all cunning, they never deceive anything, but only use enough The weight of the bait seduce the target, if there is enough reason... will definitely not be tempted by the devil, and moreover, will get a lot of things.

"I hope so..." (to be continued...)

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