God Rank Hero

Chapter 993: Strategic flicker

At 2 am Beijing time, the countdown to the start of the national war is 7 days. At this time, players in various time zones and regions around the world are still fighting day and night, and professional teams are fighting for the level to collect information on the progress of other services.

The national battlefield of the City of Divine Punishment in the European Union is undoubtedly the focus of the world's attention. Perhaps due to the influence of various rumors about Japan, the European Union region did not rush to launch an offensive after the **** crystal mine was attacked. Instead, it adopted a ant moving method to transport the **** crystal of the mine back to the rear.

After all, even if there is no transport vehicle, a player can bring 10 units of resources, and the low-level Seraph's ammunition skills can also bring 3 units of resources. If you launch all the hundreds of Crusaders in the European Union to transport them, this traffic is quite scary. of.

And this is of course unwilling to see in Japan. The 15 main players from Japan came here to find a way to lure the European Union into the pit, rather than really make them rich. Time in Japan can't afford it.

So at this moment, several senior team members from Japan and the European Union are talking on the joint chat channel: "Friends in the European Union, you can't mess with the fighter! If you win and chase, you will be responsible for the losses that follow. Things. And once you miss the time and end this battle, then we will receive a new task, and the failure of the task is a loss of our reputation, and we cannot afford to lose! "

"Even if we cooperate, we still have the bottom line. If you don't cooperate, we will return to this area immediately, so that some people don't stop rumors to destroy our relationship. Not to mention our area also triggered the national war mission. We're going back to defense! "

The EU team immediately spared no effort to appease: "Friends in Japan. We really have no strength or confidence to launch such a risky attack in the depths of such a distant hell. After all, the current player's level is not enough! But when it comes to your area, it is about to trigger For the national war mission, we can also send someone in the past, or we can help you through the crisis through our current cooperation. This is cooperation with each other! "

The Japanese team hurriedly said: "We already have an absolute advantage. Even if the npc launches a national war mission and invites Bright League players from all over the world, it will not be possible to come back, let alone this kind of mission. Professional teams cannot take risks and ordinary players are not Our opponents. So this mutual cooperation approach proposed by your area is not fair to us! "

The EU team immediately asked: "What if a big fly appeared?"

The Japanese area immediately said: "Impossible! He went to the Eastern World and cannot come back!"

The EU team: "What if it comes back? This is a very disgusting player. One person can disgust you all. You must not underestimate his ability, let alone underestimate his incredible ability in the npc world World reputation ... "

The Japanese team angered: "Our zone is not a city of **** punishment in your zone. Even if Da Fei comes, there is no room to play. He is just a player and nothing great!"

At this time at 3 am Tokyo time, this is another sleepless night of Igarashi. Igarashi looked impatient at the chat room quarrel.

Because just now, Ono Shinichiro reported bad news, and the Dafei Guild and the Royal Guild officially reconciled. This means that Ono Shinichiro's "Cancer Plan" has become meaningless. At the same time, it also issued a very bad signal-is Dafei leading the major guilds in China?

This possibility is very high! It is normal for a player that is too far ahead to be hired by major guilds. That is to say, the secret joint operations of the major guilds in China are completely to cooperate with Da Fei's advanced actions?

In anxiety, Igarashi's message rang again. It's Ono Shinichiro again.

Ono was excited: "President, finally collected the latest information, this information is absolutely reliable!"

Igarashi hurriedly said, "Ono Jun, hurry up!"

Ono exclaimed: "This grand guild action in China is a real joint action. Chinese players found a channel leading to the great desert from the Bacchus fugitive at the bottom of the dwarf prison. The Grand Alliance of the Bright Alliance collected all This kind of high-end liquor When summoning the Bacchus quest props enters Dabianhuang from prison, the Dark Alliance of Dragon Slaying Guild enters from the orc kingdom. At present, players of the Bright Alliance have found diamond mines in Dabianhuang-

Speaking of which, I immediately sent a few pictures. The picture was suddenly the gleaming rune tower, the mining site under construction, and the dense bird body in the sky.

At this moment, the entire Mitsubishi Corps headquarters could not help but be upset!

Igarashi was shocked: "What a big deal! So what role does Dafei play in it?"

Ono frowned. "It's not clear. There is no information to indicate that Dafei has participated in the activities of the Grand Guild."

Igarashi Omatsu breathed in a breath: "That's it! Very good, very good, Ono has worked hard!"

Ono sighed, "I haven't collected information about Da Fei, and I'm so sorry I don't dare to call myself hard."

Igarashi laughed: "As long as Dafei is still alone, there is nothing terrible. Regarding your plan to support the **** sea, we have studied it and found it very feasible, and you will implement this matter Right. "


Now basically it can be determined that the threat factor of Dafei is not big, and Igarashi's confidence is enough, so he resolutely instructed the team members in the negotiations: "Continue to put pressure on the EU, and we will not accept their conditions of cooperation."


Of course, Ono Shinichiro didn't know that the information that he had acquired heavily was actually false information. Although it is difficult to keep secrets on the Internet, it is not impossible for the Grand Guild to keep secrets.

To deceive the enemy, first deceive yourself. That is to say, in fact, most of the team members involved in the activity have also been fooled by the strategy. When everyone believes in the existence of Bacchus, not to mention Ono, who has been trying to obtain information before.

The Star Guild Headquarters, the mood of the ancient stars tonight is extraordinarily good. Of course, it's not that the ancient stars have to stay overnight, but that they can't sleep at all.

At this time on the big screen on the wall, the flying reputation team organized by Bufeiyan has brought five or six members of Dafei Guild into the copy. With this layer of symbolic significance, it indicates that Da Fei is likely to participate in the cross-region national war. Looking at the situation when the lighthouse is busy loading, it shows that Dafei is really racing against time. The possibility of going to war is even higher.

After seeing the results of Da Fei's lone country war in the European Union, even the ancient stars were obliged to accept it. Changing to any professional-level master, I'm afraid he can't reach his level. As long as Da Fei is out of battle, the foot basin area must be disabled. Not to mention, there are so many helpers this time. As long as you think about the disability of the foot basin area, why is it so sour?

At this moment, Wu Guxing's friend's message rang. Wuhe Xinlong said: "President, please look at the big screen. In some cases, a lot of npcs and convoys came from the Fujimon Village teleportation team!"

The ancient stars hurriedly switched to see the big screen, and suddenly stunned: "Isn't this the moving team of Ai Luolin's demolition plant? It turned out that they had been here for two days!

Wuhe Xinlong couldn't help but exclaim: "Boss, you can move npc to move factories, this kind of ability is almost like moving mountains and rivers!"

The ancient star sighed, "Go and talk to the npc, and take it when you have a task."

"Got it."

At this moment, the head of Fujikuni Village Tajiusi warmly and enthusiastically led the welcoming transport team of Fujikuma to sing and dance.

Wuhe Xinlong came forward and said, "Village chief, can I help you?"

Tajius is satisfied: "Warrior, during this time, you help us to repair the shipyard, help us build warehouses, and help us grow trees. I appreciate your ability, I think, I should treat you so good. The Warriors introduced us to the nearby Habit village, and they need help more, so your first task is to help transport this batch of equipment to Habit village! "

Wuhe Xinlong said in surprise: "Is Habit village also a subordinate village of the city of light?"

Tajius smiled. "It is precisely that Habit village is a swamp with many monsters. It needs such a talent as a warrior."

Wuhe Xinlong was shocked and sighed, and only had a long sigh: "Boss, I think I am quite advanced and high-end in the elven kingdom, but people are more deadly than popularity."

The ancient star Muran said: "It's good to get used to it, just take it under the big tree and enjoy the cool."

(Sorry friends, the ashtray is not in good condition today, and it can only be one more chapter.) (To be continued, please search floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!


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