God Rank Hero

Chapter 994: Hidden Attribute Wisdom

At 5 am Beijing time, the seemingly dangerous and chaotic eastern seas did not cause much trouble for Da Fei's powerful fleet. Da Fei fell asleep to wake up naturally and felt refreshed. I have to say that intermittent sleepiness and a full sleep are not a concept at all. Tonight, I have spare time to fight all night.

Of course, the first thing I woke up was to check the message of the system information, and this look, Dafei couldn't help but overjoyed. Except for two rows of sailing training information and more than a dozen dancers who made achievements, there was no movement of Alicia. Actually made a major breakthrough!

——System Tip: Your subhero, Alicia, has completed all 10 volumes of The History of the Battle of the Lionheart Empire, as well as related materials such as Shaman Epic, Orc Warsong, The History of the Elven Kingdom, and Elven Narrative Poems , Gain important insights, experience + 1 million, knowledge + 30, attack + 10, defense + 10, advanced defense technology promoted to expert level, advanced offensive technology promoted to expert level! Gain Wisdom +1.

——Wisdom: Hidden attributes can improve the comprehension skills, the comprehension profession, and the chance of advanced race. The higher the intelligence value, the higher the chance of getting advanced.


When Dafei saw this last attribute, Dafei was stunned! This is a property that Dafei has never heard of. No matter whether it is public beta data or expert forums, no player has mentioned it!

Can improve the chance of comprehension skills! That is, as long as the wisdom is high, in fact, it is not a dream to realize that the master is a god? It turns out that this is the essence of the library on-hook flow!

but. The kind of library that hangs on the stream is a dead-reading book, and it is also a low-grade book, which is totally incomparable with the elder brothers. No matter how many people hang, they may not be able to hang out wisdom. Otherwise, the attribute of wisdom will not be heard by players!

At this moment, Da Fei knew that he had finally opened a new door. Da Fei, who realized that the priest was a god-level horse, didn't really care much. Da Fei was concerned about the advanced race! The mortal advanced is the saint, what St. Paul, St. John. St. George, Sao Tome. Santa Maria, all saints! Then go to the next level, which is demigod! Of course, it is impossible for players to reach this point. Just be a saint. Haha, wow hahaha!

Just as Da Fei looked upright and laughed, Alicia came calmly. Wow ha ha ha, little! With 1 point of wisdom, you start playing deep, don't you?

Da Fei rushed forward and rubbed his hands and smiled, "Alicia, congratulations on your major breakthrough. Did you check the key points in the book?"

Alicia smiled lightly: "I'm just talking about this. Actually, history has its cause and effect. It cannot be judged separately, so there is no point. It must be read all. And adults must step up to learn Orcs and Elves are otherwise ineffective. "

Let me go. Brother was studying from the first grade of junior high school to the fourth grade of college. After studying English for 10 years, I finally managed to pass English Level 4 with good luck, and then I never had a chance to use it in my life. Then, I never expected that in the game, I actually had to study two foreign languages. The busy people still had to recharge the ball, could it not hurt the brother?

Da Fei had to sigh: "Of course. Of course! Let's work together!"

Alicia laughed: "Okay, now I've given all the books to Miss Elena. I'll go and study the other books, and my lord will be busy."

Da Fei laughed and said, "Okay, Professor An is slowly busy!"

After Alicia left, Da Fei remembered the crystal that Hilda had taken to study. Presumably, after two days in the game, she was fruitful.

So Da Fei came to the bar again, and the dancers in the bar each concentrated on sitting and meditating.

Hilda greeted with a smile: "Master, Lord, welcome. Now the little girls have all learned meditation, and they will be successful in the future!"

Dafei grinned and said, "That's all the hard work of Miss Hilda!"

Hilda shook her head and smiled: "It seems that adults are not particularly happy and excited? In fact, on the surface, they realize that they are slow, but I suddenly find that I have overlooked a very important issue-"

When Dafei saw that she suddenly sold off, she stopped talking and said, "What's the problem?"

Hilda laughed: "The average apprentice learns meditation in an environment that is absolutely quiet and absolutely forbidden. But they are different. They have always been on a turbulent boat, and can understand meditation in such a bad environment Adults can imagine how far they can go in the future, not to mention their will is beyond the firmness of ordinary people! They are all talents! "

Dafei was stunned and said ecstatically: "That's the case! What else is needed for future training? Miss Hilda just speak!"

Hilda laughed: "The formal training in the future will not be the kind of casual guidance now, that is, the Lord of the City will formally hire me as a spell teacher? OK, the fee is not high, 200,000 gold coins a week!"

Let me go! Talking about money is not affectionate! Dafei laughed and said, "OK! No problem, now Miss Hilda is their official teacher!"

Hilda nodded with satisfaction, then took out the crystal of Hungwal's heroic power, solemnly said: "This is indeed the devil of the Gusin family. The method of committing crimes is exactly the same as the method of mutilating these girls. It can already be determined that they are the same god! But this **** is very weak-of course, relative to God, it does not rule out the possibility that the other party is a clone. From this perspective, the other party is not invincible. As for the way to defeat the other party- — "

Having said that, Hilda shook the crystal again: "You can use this thing as a breakthrough, do you know what it is?"

Dafei frowned: "Isn't that the hero of Big Brother?"

Hilda shook her head: "It's the same as the wig I made for you. It's a medium of divine power. The hero's power in crystal is limited. Most of the hero's power is in the demon. That is, after others use this crystal, A lot of levels and experience can be obtained from the demon in an instant, but once they die, the experience and the level disappear, precisely, it is recovered by the demon Gushing. "

Da Fei immediately remembered the incredible fifty levels when the terrifying giant thunder chased himself, and he couldn't help but shock: "That is to say, after I use this crystal, as long as I die, this skill is gone?"

Hilda shook her head and smiled: "Of course not, the skills stored in this crystal are all sorted out by this old hero. This is something that the devil cannot recover."

Oh, Da Fei, I was relieved.

Hilda sighed: "The remaining power in the crystal is so rich, this can imagine how the power of this old hero's heyday is. Is the adult interested in getting back more power of this old hero?"

What the hell! Is this the rhythm of going to war with God? Too far ahead of him!

Even so, Da Fei couldn't help but be shocked, so Da Yi said suddenly: "Of course, the big brother's things can't be taken away by the devil just like this, I want to get justice!"

Hilda nodded: "I also said when I was making a wig last time that the medium of divine power is the way to connect with God. Through the study of this crystal, I already know the way to contact the demon. But the difference is that I There is no way to transform this crystal so that you can gain strength for free from Gu Xin, after all, this is the medium to obtain the power of heroes, and the kind of wig that quietly twists the tap to borrow the power of the devil's fur is completely different. but--"

Hilda's voice turned: "But we can forcibly ask for power from the devil! In fact, your wig can also forcibly demand more effects from the devil, but the consequence of that is to shock the demon, There are two types: First, the devil completely cuts off the connection with you as a medium, and no longer pursues it, so that the power you ask for will be earned in vain. Second, the demon will be angered, and the demon will come directly to see the culprit, and that is the moment of war It ’s time for you to be ready to defeat the demon! ”

Really want to fight with God! Da Fei's eyelids jumped wildly: "What shall I prepare?"

Hilda pointed at all the dancers present: "I said last time that they are the key! The role of power is mutual, the devil steals their power, their body will instinctively contact the lost power, so they These victims are the most suitable candidates for the reverse use of this medium, adults know? "

Dafei nodded in a hurry. This reason is the same as that of the European Union City of Divine Punishment in the First World War with 13 Taibao Angels against the Demon King.

Hilda said calmly: "The specific operation method is to wait for their strength to recover enough. I will arrange a magic circle in a place that the adult thinks is safe. This crystal of the adult is the core of the driving law circle, and then I start The magic array, they came here to help! This magic array is a force array for forcibly reclaiming power. Only when they are strong enough can they instantly return a lot. At the same time, this adult crystal can also return the power of many old heroes. The greater the momentum we create instantly, the more the devil will think that when he encounters a god-level strong person, the more he will lose the courage to fight with us. So much of it is the first situation that the devil recognizes. Then we are more secure. "

Dafei suddenly said: "So it is!"

The dancers present were also excited and said, "Please rest assured, please rest assured that Hilda, we will definitely practice with all our strength."

Hilda shook her head and sighed, "You can hear us talking just because you are not concentrating on meditation, and you will be punished for continuing meditation for a day!"

The crowd was pleasantly surprised, "Yes, Teacher Hilda!"

I'll take it, and I won't go to the toilet all day? Dafei couldn't help but sigh, "I can't think of this crystal being so useful! I never knew how to fight against God."

Hilda laughed: "So, the medium of divine power is the key to the door of the house of God. God will be very careful to give it to the mortal. Losing this crystal is a major mistake of the other party. In short, when the Lord Lord is all right Just go and watch the progress of Ista. She is the most important debt collector. Once she can become a hero in advance, we will be almost sure that the devil can eat it. "

Dafei nodded joyfully: "Understand!" (To be continued)


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