God Rank Hero

Chapter 999: Robbery of Slave Ships

Da Fei decided to bite his teeth and said, "Okay, I decided to do it. Is there anything I need to pay attention to?"

Suna couldn't help but pleased: "First of all, after the successful ship hijacking, the adults can't appear in the Naga Sea area publicly. Instead, they can go straight to the Siren Sea area according to the original plan. And I will also help! "

You're finally ready to shoot! Da Fei's heart widened: "That is to say, my other fleets can't move with me?"

Suna nodded: "Adults can let the Lieutenants lead the fleet on the road first, and then join the Sea of ​​Siren. However, the Lieutenant's Fleet carries a large amount of pearls, and the main force is not present, which is also a very dangerous thing. If the adults are really uneasy, it is recommended to leave the other fleets in the city. When the adults succeed, they will come back to pick them up. "

Dafei frowned: "Let's stay in the city, I will go all out to destroy this slave fleet!"

Just then, Katerina spoke: "Captain, to save time, let me have the fleet. I will lead the fleet safely to the Sea of ​​Siren."

Da Fei suddenly stunned: "Unsafe! I don't know the strength of the slave fleet can not give you a lot of troops!"

Katrina shook her head: "It is precisely because the captain does not know the strength of the slave fleet, so it is not ruled out that the other party has a leaking fish, which may lead to the leak of the captain ’s robbery. Once leaked, although forced by the contract, the owner of Leicheng City does not We will fight directly against the adults, but it is not impossible to seize the fleet that we parked in the harbor or ask us to compensate him for the loss with pearls. So our fleet cannot stop here. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "That makes sense!"

Let me go! Is it easy for me to black pearl? But if it's not dark, they don't even have a boat. This pearl is also a waste of value, isn't it a waste of time? Only in brother's hands can they make money and create value?

Katrina continued: "And. As a pirate. Now is the time to really test my strength. I can't always grow up under the captain's protection!"

Da Fei's heart tightened. Does this herald that she is getting closer?

Su Na also nodded: "Since this lady Katrina has this meaning, then the time is urgent and start to act."

Dafei gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "So, I will send Elena and all the shooter troops to **** you, you must be stable."

Katerina said positively: "I will be more confident with Miss Elena's skills."

Da Fei nodded his heart, "That's it."

At present Da Fei can only pull out the manpower is Elina. After all, after the first few high-tech beyond-horizon battles. Elina has few chances to shoot and has been playing soy sauce all the time. However, if it is a traditional battle with low technology, Elena will undoubtedly be a cannon that is not discussed by 1,000 ordinary archers.

Not to mention that the Emerald Dragon also has a very powerful Spitfire. Even if the opponent boarded the ship, he could make a siege. Da Fei immediately remembered the video of Katrina burning the royal family, and her confidence increased.

What's more, it is estimated that the pirate forces that robbed pearls will not be so high-end, and should be able to cope with it?

After all assignments are completed, all the angels and siren are flying. And druids, vine monsters and other magic legions all assembled and flew up. All jungle hunters and secret archers were given to Katrina. However, I have to say that although these shooters have been trained by Dafei's Gru professional skills to become a sharp shooter with a 50% increase in hit rate, as long as they leave their direct control and immediately reveal themselves, they are completely pseudo-special forces that limit player trading. This is where it really hurts.

Then the fleet slowly sailed out of the harbour and headed all the way towards the Siren Sea. At this time, the Lei Ji patrol team really went out of the port following the farewell fleet.

Of course, this road is far from the direction of Da Fei's target, but Da Fei scolded them all in his heart. But in order to pretend to be an image, I still endured all the way.

Finally, the fleet left the waters of the city of Leiji, and the **** patrol finally retreated. Katerina's fleet formally parted ways with Flying, where Big Fly is.

Da Fei also exhaled a long breath: "Teleport!"

Tamilla: "Received!"

The flying magic light flickered and disappeared! Then appeared. Then continue to teleport and disappear! Then came again!

After several consecutive teleportations, the mana of the 10 energized crystals of the Fly has finally been used up. At this point, the Flying can only be used for regular sailing, and the entire ship's Druid cannon angel and sea monster forces immediately stepped up to fill the crystal with mana.

It was only at this moment that Dafei felt deeply how apocalyptic the crystal of the mage city was! The man with an artifact is still using an A-class battery, which is simply unbearable! However, Brother has now gained the recognition of Saisu, and his prestige in the city of the wizard has become higher. He should be able to say that he can get a higher-grade crystal battery, right?

OK, this time go to the foot basin area, no matter how to implement the battery! How else to win glory for the country.

. . . . . .

At this time, the chat room of the China Federation of Associations. The big brothers began to discuss the huge debt after the sudden so-called "payment of protection fees."

The ancient stars did not feel good: "To be honest, we don't know what Da Fei did to transport the wine. What do you think about this debt?"

The Emperor Shen sighed: "What else can you think? Ordinary players who arrive in the Eastern World will not be killed if they are killed by npc, let alone do business. Let Da Fei give us a security business license. "

Xuewei Rose laughed: "The main reason is that the island's basic facilities are not complete. After the island exchange is repaired in the future, transactions will be carried out from the system accounts at that time, which will be much more standardized."

The ancient star sighed: "Only the exchange can be repaired. By the way, there is also the shipyard, as if there is a boatyard on the island, right? Let's hurry up and expand the size and research and development of the shipyard. The surrounding small tribes run business, and then strive for rapid development to CSSC. "

The royal overlord hurriedly said: "As soon as the shipyard leaves the ship, we immediately airborne all members of our guild's first fleet to the Lighthouse Islands to take over the ships!"

Xuewei Rose smiled: "Look, don't wait for the Chinese ship? Compared with the exotic goods in the Eastern World, the goods you are shipping are not worth it."

The hegemon of the royal family laughed: "The beauty said it makes sense, OK! Then let the shipyard start to build boats, and we will send someone to receive it immediately!"

The Emperor smiled and sighed: "I have to say that this big fly really has the ability. There are no other facilities in the Lighthouse Islands. There is only one shipyard. The shipyard drawings are quite difficult to obtain."

Xuewei Rose laughed: "From this point, it can be seen that Dafei deserves to be a master. Even if everyone is pitted, you will recognize it."

The royal overlord laughed: "I don't feel pitted at all, I think I have now walked in the forefront of the high end of the world! I will go down to strengthen the confidential education for the team immediately!"

. . . . . .

At 9 am Beijing time, a day passed, Feixiang created a miracle across less than half of the earth. Feixiang really left the waters of the Eastern Islands and reached the vast ocean. At this moment, Dafei couldn't believe it! If Flying is so powerful, what's the point of forming a fleet? Of course, I can help my brother run business when I sleep and hang up, wow ha ha ha!

At this moment, Suna came to Dafei holding the animal skin chart and was energized. "It is indeed an adult who even the Lord of the Dark Tide is jealous. According to the calculation of the information, the slave transport fleet is in front of our army. Please adults Be prepared to search the enemy and fight. Although the strength of the opponent is unknown, the orc is not a strong maritime clan and does not have the underwater **** of the Lord of the Halberds, so the adults need not worry. "

Da Fei laughed, "Okay, the whole army stepped up their time to rest and recover mana."

Then Da Fei summoned the blood eagle to search forward, and sure enough, three Viking-style huge animal skin canvas paddle boats appeared in the blood eagle's vision.

Frightened eyelids jumped! Is this the orc giant? From a distance, it looks like an orc village with animal skin tents floating on the sea! The size of the fleet is only three, but the size of the ship is large, the length of the oars, and the rough and mysterious masts of various animal skin sail totem masts are indeed another big shock!

Orcs have always dominated the steppe wilderness, relying on huge mob transport teams to do business. It has never been a strong sailing clan, not even a few decent ships. But the three giant ships seen in front of Dafei clearly subverted the perception of Dafei.

When the blood eagle flew closer, Da Fei was shocked again. The bottom of the three warships clearly had several giant water monsters pulling the boat!

What the hell! This is the orc's implementation of the idea of ​​a land ox cart into navigation, which completely makes up for the disadvantages of the orc's navigation technology. Not to mention, but there is still a looming momentum? Which orc is so great?

At this moment, there were several eagle calls in the sky, and the blood eagle screen exploded red:

——System prompt: Warning! Your reconnaissance blood eagle was discovered by the other reconnaissance flying eagle and is about to be exposed! Be prepared for battle or evacuation!

puff! Dafei took a sip of water! The eagle that no one can serve in Hell is so easily discovered by several orc barbarians? Is this high-tech or primitive instinct?

Then there is nothing to say, do it! I want you to know what is really high-tech!

The invisible hand of Dafei immediately started the dark realm of tears of light. At this moment, a black light instantly enveloped the slave slave fleet, and then Dildel's cursed armor was started. Three black lights fell from the sky. Under the bonus of the domain, slave slave Orc sailors on the fleet began to bleed and bleed!

At the same time, it was found that several orc reconnaissance eagles of the blood eagle could not escape the curse greatly, so there is nothing to say, let the blood eagle fight automatically to kill each other.

Sudden battles struck the other slave fleets, but soon an orc shaman wearing a wolf-head mask appeared to add blood to the stable scene, and then an orc shaman hero stepping on the hero's aura came out of the flagship room!

Da Fei's heart was shaken, he was a hero! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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