God Rank Hero

Chapter 1000: succeed

The more heroes lead the team, the more it shows that this trip is a trivial matter! The more powerful the other party is, the more it will consume the mana of the other party with an artifact!

Come on, now is the time to show my brother's so many days of artifact recharge effects, my brother uses 10 times the mana to consume your entire army, are you afraid?

At this point, the shaman hero performed a large purification, cleared a layer of curse effect of the cursed armor, and the army's blood loss rate was eased a lot.

Dafei frowned, so he lost! It has become his mana consumption? Is it easy for Brother to hang up all night to rush to the ball? It seems that Long Wei must be sacrificed to interfere with each other.

Da Fei immediately said: "Serbia, shoot!"

Serbia immediately plucked the strings, and the sound of the strings fluttered.

The sound of this piano is not strong at all? At this moment, Dafei suddenly found that she had made a mistake. Usually Serbian violins were so loud that Elina lent her divine costume, and now Elena tuned away!

At this time, the enemy hero felt the threat of the sound of the piano, and the soldiers on the ship immediately rushed to the drum rack next to the ship's side to start drumming. Serbia's piano sound was also instantly suppressed from the shadow!

Da Fei's chin fell to the ground, and a sense of frustration sprang up. Playing Sonic in front of the orcs, is it just an awkward job?

Perhaps the other party determined the location of Dafei through the sound of Serbian pianos. The totem-patterned masts on the three giant ships suddenly burst into a thunderous light, and then a gust of wind screamed, and the speed of the fleet suddenly increased toward the Flying Your location is galloping!

Dafei was shocked again on the spot! This barbaric totem mast is completely the same as the keel rune mast modified by the dwarf. It's even better than it! Where is this barbarian? This is a barbarian who has mastered high technology!

As a cowardly human. If even the technology lags behind the orc barbarian, the consequences of this flying can hardly be imagined!

At this time, Suna came forward and said, "Sir, the opponent is on the surface, but they can also escape. I immediately launched into the water and cast ambush to ambush them, please let the adult drag the other and not let the other escape!"

Deirdre also took the initiative to ask: "Master, let me fight too! Several sea-pull sea monsters under the water are also important escape methods for each other. We kill them by launching the water, and the enemy's speed will decrease!"

Da Fei nodded his head: "Okay, you just have to fight in the water, don't show up and fight on the surface!"

"I see!" Afterwards, all of the sea monsters in Suna and Deerdrie all jumped into the sea and lurked.

Now, Da Fei's vision has seen the opponent who roared in the wind, and Da Fei's own mana value has been exhausted. Now he starts to use the reserve mana in the magic orb. At the same time, Da Fei is still counting the number of times the opponent's shaman casts a cure. Each shaman has made 5 attempts? If it was an ordinary shaman, it would have been out of power? Then the other party can only be elite. The opponent's strength really is not weak.

At this point, the shaman hero is another great purification, and the three-layer curse effect of the cursed armor is finally cleared. This means that there is no place for dark realms.

But it doesn't matter, brother still has a bright field! Da Fei immediately closed the dark realm. Waiting to turn on the bright realm.

As for the timing, of course, it's a pain when boarding the ship! The other party's healing does not have much mana, and our healing has an additional attribute bonus. Can they carry it?

Close, the two sides are getting closer! The opponent is like three sharp knives that have blocked any flight route of Feixiang. There is a shocking situation that will cause Fei to crash and sink! If it is replaced by an ordinary sailboat, it will be dead here, but in front of them is the flying number that can be transmitted!

Da Fei calmly calm down, must not be afraid!

However, all of a sudden, Da Fei suddenly remembered that the blasphemy George could seal the transmission of the Flying Sail! Well, if this shaman also has this ability, isn't that brother capsized in the gutter? If you think about it, Dafei's back suddenly burst into a cold sweat.

At this moment, there was a huge earthquake on the bottom of the sea, and a huge wave soared into the sky. The leading flagship jumped like a mine. No, it flew up! Then in Da Fei's incredible eyes-boom! !! !! A loud noise slammed into the sea, setting off a torrent of water! At the same time, the sound of drums full of ships, the wind that haunted the fleet also stopped instantly!

Suna's spell succeeded! Not only did a ship's war drums be banned, it even broke the shaman of the other party directly! What a hero? I'm sure he once completely wiped her out?

What else are you talking about now? The boarding battle is now!

Da Fei immediately said, "Tamilia, teleport!"

"Roger that!"

The light flickered, and the Flyer instantly appeared next to the oscillating shaking slave ship's flagship. At this time, most of the enemy forces on the ship were falling and falling, even if the hero himself was clinging to the mast, he would not fall .

Dafei grinned, naval battle is so fucking, you fate it! Da Fei waved his hand, and then the angel legion, who had been on standby for a long time, flew up!

Then the next moment, Dafei immediately started the field of light, and a large soft golden light fell from the sky, immediately covering the battlefield, and then the Serbian piano sounded loudly!

However, the one-sided killing Dafei expected did not appear! A large group of very mighty and powerful tall orc warriors with blood-red eyes guarded around the Shaman heroes, welcoming the attack of the Angel Legion. These orcs have come and gone and cut off with the Angel Legion!

That is to say, the strength of these orc warriors is no less than that of Naga's elite warriors. This trip is really not something that ordinary players can settle!

Seeing that the shaman heroes in the crowd began to miss a word and didn't know what witchcraft was being cast, Da Fei said nothing and started the god-level lucky trick directly!

At this moment, a rainbow envelops the entire army of the large ship, various "fatal blows", "rolling blows", "tearing attacks" and other rare special effects such as hitting the moment instantly burst out gorgeously. The orc warrior screamed and died, and then revealed the shaman hero behind him!


——The system prompts: You successfully defeated the enemy coach "Kunyak", and Kuynyak will be resurrected in the captain's room. The enemy loses the lead of the main hero and the remaining troops are led by the deputy hero.

What the hell! So there are vice heroes? It was not until this time that Da Fei found that two other orc warrior heroes roared closer to Fei Xiang. This slave fleet is really unusually oily?

OK, your coach is gone, and your healing mana is almost consumed by your brother, so fight it!

At this moment, there was another muffled sound at the bottom of the water, and another "mine" exploded. The other giant ship that came over also suddenly swayed, but the power was obviously not as good as the first one. But it doesn't matter, the battle is set!

The legion led by the deputy hero obviously couldn't compete with Dafei's angel legion. The following is the harvest time. This sale is finally going to be done! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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