God Rank Hero

Chapter 1001: Doing three things in one go is unusual

The battle is in the harvest time. Even if the opponent's total strength is ten or even twenty times that of the Dafei Angel Corps, even if the opponent's individual soldiers can cut back and forth in front of the angel, it is no longer Dafei's opponent.

This is the particularity of naval warfare, as well as the particularity of high-tech warfare. The so-called high-tech is playing a whole system. To put it bluntly, the sea, land, and air reconnaissance harassment together. Although the other party also has high-tech, but the system is single, how can it be carried.

Da Fei was feeling more and suddenly more worried about Catalina's fleet. Not to mention anything else, once you meet an opponent of the level of blasphemy George, it will be quite difficult.

Just then Serbia frowned suddenly: "Strangely, my sea soul battle cannot collect the souls of the enemy's dead troops!"

Dafei frowned, and sure enough! If it used to be a war, how much the opponent died, there will be white smoke drifting into the sea soul battle, but now this phenomenon is completely gone!

Such a weird scene suddenly saw another look at these orcs. In fact, if you think about it, the homeland of the Orc Kingdom is grassland. At best, there are several inland lakes and rivers. In fact, there are no decent seaport cities. Where did such an orc battleship come from?

When thinking about it, Dafei realized again that the problem was not so simple! This is the distant east of the earth. From the map, only the orcs on the far side are sailing. It's a bit reliable. The problem is there are orcs on the far side? That is to say, these orcs are not actually from the orc kingdom, are they hidden forces?

At this point, Da Fei immediately became interested. So he shouted, "That Kuenyak. You are defeated. You still surrender!"

An orc co-hero yelled angrily: "Orcs, never slaves !!!"

What the hell! You haven't been hacked yet? Da Fei tempted: "I am from the Alliance of Light. I have never heard of the Orcs of the Dark Alliance. Is there a misunderstanding?"

The deputy hero furiously said, "We are the Clan of Warsouls, so we will not join any alliance like shit. We will fight to the death!"

Dafei frowned, really hiding power! As a high-end player, do n’t let go of any hidden forces!

Da Fei hurriedly shouted: "Since you are not the Dark Alliance, then we have something to say. Let us cease the war and surrender!"

Vice hero furious: "Never surrender!"

Lying down! It's really time for brother to fight the saliva! Even if it is a hidden force, I want to associate with a beautiful race like the Siren Flower Fairy and the Banshee. Who has the patience to entangle with your barbarians?

Dafei didn't feel good: "If you don't surrender, shit, and then collect the corpses to study and eat!"

Tamilia couldn't wait to say, "I feel that there seems to be a natural force in the bodies of these orc warriors, which is exactly the nourishment that Santa needs!"

I pulled it, as if nothing was not the nourishment needed by Sheng Teng! Da Fei had to say: "Then you will fight to death!"

Just then, a weak voice came: "No, we surrender, please let the warrior let go of our war dead body!"

System Tip: The enemy hero Kuynak is afraid of your force. Ask for surrender. May I accept it?

Wa hahaha! That's right. accept!

System prompt: The battle is over! You defeated the enemy hero Kuenyak and captured the enemy! You gain +353 million experience! Gain trophy + 735 units, dry meat + 106 units, pearl + 200 units, 100 one-eyed slave warriors, 1160 minotaur slave warriors.

System prompt: Congratulations! You get the "Victory of the 23rd Campaign", and you gain a commanding power bonus of +10. You get the "Victory of the 17th Brilliant Battle", you gain a commanding power bonus of +20, and a personal life of +20.

With a stunned eyelid, the slave arrived, and the legendary Cyclops and Minotaurs! The Cyclops is a level 7 orc race of the orcs. That's okay, but the minotaur is obviously not a creature that can be produced by the orc kingdom. This is definitely a creature on the edge of the desert!

Da Fei hurriedly jumped on the slave ship to look at the slave. Just now the shaman hero was escorted by the support of the other two orc deputy heroes and the angels to Da Fei and said, "Warrior, we are defeated, but I Pray that the warriors will allow us to resurrect our brothers who died in battle for the sake of Mother Earth. "

As a victor, Da Fei laughed a lot: "In fact, I was wrong. I thought you were the Dark Alliance. This is a complete mishap. Hahaha, don't think too much, then resurrect it. I won't embarrass you. "

The shaman hero hurriedly said, "In fact, the relationship between our Warsoul clan and the orc chieftain United Kingdom led by the Warsong clan is not very good. Hundreds of years ago, our clan was disapproved by the Warsong clan's leadership, so it was rejected by the entire emirate. To suppress the exclusion, we had to migrate to the eastern wilderness, and finally came to the most eastern coast of the mainland. Then we knew Naga, which is the only civilization we can communicate with, but we are very barren, except to capture the creatures in the wilderness. Training as slaves, we have no other resources. "

Dafei suddenly understood: "These one-eyed monsters and minotaurs are really creatures on the edge!"

The shaman hero nodded quickly: "Exactly, the slaves of these three ships are all the results of our family's fighting over the blood prisoners for a year. Our tens of thousands of people urgently need to rely on this batch of trade to survive. Since the warriors are injured by mistake, they are better than the warriors.

With that said, the shaman's head is lower and his voice is more shy like a woman: "It would be better for the warriors to return these slaves to us. My war souls will always remember the endurance of the warriors and are willing to conclude with the warriors. friendship!"

Dafei's eyes widened in amazement! Let me go. Brother said it was accidental injury. How dare you climb the pole? How dare you find your brother to return to the slave? !! Is such a big deal possible? Is this npc so cheeky is the system testing the bottom line of player's emotional intelligence or the bottom line of IQ?

Don't even think about it, I took such a big risk to do this vote and I was not interested in concluding a friendship of hidden forces. Not to mention that Brother is about to return home to fight for the foot basin area, and he has no time to develop friendship with a puppet force.


For a moment. Dafei hesitated again! Da Fei thinks that he can get to where he is today. Other than luck. I'm afraid the most important point is not playing cards according to common sense? The thought above is completely normal thinking, but what if Brother doesn't follow the normal thinking?

In other words, even if Brother swallowed the slave and sold it to Siren for a good price, it also increased the popularity of Bingge. According to common sense, Brother should strike iron while hot and continue to run a business between Siren and Naga. The results this time played a snowball effect. but. Brother is about to withdraw troops to fight the national war, and a huge fault appears in time. This snowball effect must be greatly reduced.

In short, in the final analysis, it is because I have to close my hands to go home. Whether it is swallowing this item or selling the other party's friendship, it will be impossible to maximize the effect because of the faults in time! That is to say, this trip to the East will definitely lead to imperfections due to time constraints!

Not perfect. It is precisely that the big flying over the scenery can not be tolerated. This feeling is like one of his mistakes that caused the artifact properties to be incomplete, which is quite tangled.

at this time. Seeing Dafei's silence, the shaman hero quietly raised his head and gave Dafei a glance, and this one happened to hit Dafei in the tangled! Da Fei clearly saw hope in his eyes, saw anxiety, saw helplessness, saw humiliation, and all the expressions in words!

Let me go. As an npc hero, why do you have so many functions? And thinking of yourself once you are the other party and become a prisoner, what is your mood?

At this moment, Da Fei was excited! Da Fei decided to believe in his intuition and continue to take an unusual path! However, now that Dafei is a high-end player, even if it does not follow the unusual path, that is not the unusual path!

Therefore, after much consideration, Da Fei responded: "Excuse me, are you dealing with the only owner of the city of Leiji?"

The shaman's heroic hesitation suddenly replied, "Yes, only the Lord of the Thunderhawk can guarantee the safety of our fleet."

Dafei smiled lightly: "Now you see that he doesn't have this ability. Then I am asking, you should rely so much on the buyer of Thunderlord City, should there be a bullying situation in the store? The acquisition he opened The price is not always satisfactory to you, right? "

The shaman hero frowned: "There are indeed unstable prices."

Dafei laughed: "That's right, because you have no choice but to be exploited by him. In this way, I will show you a new buyer and see how they see the price?"

The shamanic hero suddenly said, "What does the warrior mean?"

Da Fei laughed: "I am very willing to make friends with your clan, so I will also introduce a new friend to you by the way, and this new friend is definitely not threatened by the Lord of the Thunderknife. I will show you the results of the transaction. Then I will return the items you traded to you to show my good faith with you. This is not much different from returning slaves to you directly now. What do you think? "

The shaman hero stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and said uneasily, "We have no choice but to let the warrior take off. We also ask the warriors to read that my tens of thousands of people will keep their promises in extreme cold.

Dafei laughed: "No problem, you should take time to rest now, resurrect the soldiers."

That's right, Dafei's intentions are threefold:

One: Until the value of these slaves is unclear, they must not be repaid now. They must be sold by hand. Then depending on the situation, how much the other party.

2: Selling such a large piece of goods by yourself can give you the skills to do business, and even realize the new profession of "arms transporter". Dafei has given Deardley the big deal of selling wine. This opportunity to redefine his career must not be missed.

Three: After bringing these orcs to the territory of Siren, they sold and sold them, and also returned their reputation, which also allowed Siren to establish trade links with the orcs.

In short, this is called killing three birds with one stone. (To be continued ...)


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