God Rank Hero

Chapter 1030: Skyboat Demon Warlord's Hide

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(It's too late, it's a 5,000-word chapter directly)

With a flash of light, the Flyer returned triumphantly with 515 units of booty scarlet ruby. Other people should take a rest, take a bath and change clothes. As for Da Fei, of course, it was a non-stop transmission all the way straight to the Duke of St. Paul's House to hand over tasks.

Even now it's almost 3 o'clock in the night, there are still a lot of players in the city. As long as Da Fei appears in public, the crowd must be watching.

But this time the crowd was inexplicably surprised: "Look, it's Dafei! Dafei has become level 49!"

"Did you defeat the battle and die?"

"Dai Fei's troops have died?"

"Dafei's ship sank?"

What the hell! Listening to the discussion among the players around him, Da Fei could not help but feel a cold! Nima, brother is a national hero, how can you listen to me like a gloat? Can you guys not hurt you?

Ignoring the surrounding discussions, Da Fei went straight to the Duke's Mansion, and then went straight to the study under the steward's guidance, but this time was different. This time it was the Duke who was waiting for Da Fei in the study. Dafei knows that this relationship is no longer the case, and Brother is going to break into the enemy.

The Duke laughed at this moment: "My best student, I believe you must not disappoint me?"

Da Fei turned in two mission orbs: "Although the fighting process was very difficult, in the end, the spider demon was destroyed, the **** of the spider demon was killed, and the spirit was obtained. However, this gem mine was indeed warned by the turtle demigod. No access to the occupation. "

Makar nodded and took Baozhu with a smile: "Of course the demigod's mine cannot be approached by ordinary people. But it doesn't matter, I have a way, and leave the mining to me-"

Having said that, Makar looked at Bao Zhu's expression and sank. Da Fei's guilty conscience can not help but ask: "Teacher, is there anything wrong?"

Makar shook his head and sighed, "This spider demon **** is weaker than I thought. Does it seem that I am a little earlier?"

I'll take it, can you see it? Dafei hurriedly said, "Teacher, even so. This devil has given students a lot of trouble."

Makar smiled with a beard and said, "Also, God is God after all. Well, it's time to give you a reward. But I have to remind you about this reward first, because this is a secret between you and me, so There is no prestige of the alliance. Regarding the sharing of this mine, we have said before that the mine is divided equally, so as a teacher will not take advantage of the students, and the income will be divided equally. Of course, we share the cost of mining. "

Really divide me equally? Lao Ma Zhanyi! Da Fei nodded repeatedly: "Students understand!"

Makar laughed: "Also, the last time you entrusted me to buy a batch of goods from Mage College, Crown City, this goods can still be charged to my account. It will be deducted from your gemstone income. Come on. I can show you the bill if you are interested! "

Da Fei's heart beat, I pulled it. Sure enough, it's time to settle the accounts after the fall, but that's a messy account, how much do you say? No, brother depends on the bill!

Da Fei hesitated and laughed: "Where the teacher speaks, there is no need to read the bills, and everything is left to the teacher."

Makar nodded with satisfaction and waved his hand, Dafei flashed a golden light:

——System Tip: You complete the task of “Battle Collar Blood Sea Gem Mine”, get experience reward +10 million, gold coin reward +3 million, and get half of the share of the gem mine.

——The system prompts: You complete the side mission "Capturing the Weak Deities", get experience reward +5 million, and gold coin reward +3 million. Gain Skill Book +10.

Well, there is no system information screen swipe unhappy, and the last thing I need is a gold coin reward. However, this experience is high and scary, just to make up for the injured soul after Brother dropped. And the most important thing is the skill book, these 10 books are good!

Dafei hurriedly said, "Thank you teacher!"

Makar laughed: "I said, as long as you complete this occupancy operation, you can put forward any requirements for your interregional national war. By the way, your banshee deputy should tell you this hourglass It is the National War Assistance I gave you in advance, you can still use it once. However, you are now bearing the cost of using artifacts. I also have a hard time imagining that you dare to try again. Request for further mention. "

That's right! I don't know if you're helping me or pitting me. OK, ask to talk about business!

Dafei hurriedly said: "The batch of A-level rechargeable crystals that the teacher ordered for the students last time is very easy to use. I want to upgrade to s-level! I do n’t know if I can buy it under the relationship of the teacher? Also, the students heard that The city has the technology to reshape the flesh, and the student got a Dragon Soul on this Eastern trip and wanted to ask the Master Academy for help. Also, the student's main battleship Feixiang urgently needs to modify the advanced mast. I wonder if the teacher has good goods? "

Makar murmured on the spot and immediately coughed out, "Your requirements are too high and too high-end. Even the teacher, I can't meet it. So, let me lend you my platinum membership card for the Master City. You can use it to make a special deal at the Holy Crown City Trading Center. Remember, only once, the consumption is still charged to my account and paid with your gemstone. "

——The system prompts: You have obtained the Platinum Membership Card of Santa Cruz City Trading Center temporarily borrowed by Makar.

Great Fei's heartquake, Platinum membership card! At this moment, a breath of high-end atmosphere is coming! Sure enough, only with a mine can you enter the real upper class? However, Brother made three requirements. This card can only complete one sale. It can't meet Brother's needs!

Da Fei hurriedly said, "Thank you very much, teacher! The students from the mage college dare not bother the teacher, but as a world-famous navigator, there is always a superb mast?"

Makar shook his head and sighed: "Even if there is, bring the mast from me to the elven kingdom where your battleship is located. It will be another month. Are you enough time? I suggest you find the elven kingdom nearby. Or use me Zhang Ka finds the city of mages. They may be able to send mages to enchant your masts. Well, if nothing else, then I look forward to your good news. "

This is the rhythm of delivering passengers. Da Fei is inconvenient to die, and he has to say goodbye: "The student must work hard and live up to the teacher's high expectations."

Leaving the Duke's Mansion, Da Fei directly teleported to the Holy Crown City and headed for the Alchemist Guild to find Thain. That's right, this kind of high-tech business must have acquaintances to help.

At this time, the Alchemist Guild of the Holy Crown City was no longer left out of the gate. There are already a large number of players in and out, and many of them are professional players with the Stars Dragon Dragon Guild badge on their heads. Players who can enter and exit here undoubtedly represent the highest technological level in China. The presence of them also gave Da Fei a sense of urgency. If you don't work hard, you will be overtaken by so many people.

Under the sense of big flying, he was teleported to the door of Thain's office through the guild's internal teleportation array, and then stunned by the scene in front of him! I saw an overnight long line outside Thain's office, and a dozen people were waiting outside.

What the hell! How is this going? When did Thain get so hot? Or to say-at this moment, Da Fei remembered the advertisement he made with the hand of forged steel. That is, advertising works? Let me go. What time will Brother wait?

The appearance of Da Fei also caused a commotion among the queuing crowd: "It is Da Fei!" "It is actually the legendary Fei Ge!" "How can Da Fei also appear here?" "Shit, you are stupid, people. When Fei Ge entered the alchemy guild, you didn't know which rookie village to use for mobs. "

Just then. A member of the Tulong Guild badge above the head of the third line shouted, "Fei, you guys have to do business, right. I know you are busy, I will give you my place!"

And the player in the ninth heaven who ranked first was even more acquainted: "Fei brother, I'll give you my place, you come to me."

Da Fei suddenly felt a joy, really good comrade, really sensible! But no, when Comrade Lenin went to the haircut, he read the newspapers in a regular manner. People in the front row also said that Comrade Lenin should be busy first, but Comrade Lenin did not agree. Therefore, I can't agree!

Although this is a very painful thing, this is the self-discipline of being a celebrity in China! Just make up for sleep while you are in line. Da Fei smiled and waved his hand: "No, everybody comes and arrives. Whatever you can do, you can't cut the line."

The player in the first row continued to shout, "Fei brother, don't be polite with me, I can go offline immediately. This task can be done or not."

Da Fei smiled lightly: "That just made the classmate behind you pick it up. In short, thank you for your kind intention, it's wrong to cut things in."

There was a sudden uproar: "Feige is really high in style!"

Then the player in front of Dafei immediately asked: "Fei, you guys can give pointers. There will be so many npcs in the alchemy bank. Is there any difference between this npc called Thain?"

As soon as this statement was made, all players in the front row immediately snorted and listened.

Da Fei laughed in surprise: "Then why did you take his task?"

The player couldn't help laughing and crying: "I was watching everyone else take the task of Thain, so I came to take over."

So it is, obedient, foolish! However, I like it! OK, it's time for me to advertise in person.

Dafei nodded solemnly: "Listen, this npc is the youngest and most motivated manager in Master City. Only motivated players can advance and retreat with him! To put it plainly is a sentence, you dare Play with him! "

Everyone was shocked again.

Just then, the office door opened, and a player who finished the task walked out of the door, and then a voice called from the door: "Please Mr. Dafei who has urgent matters to enter, please wait for other visitors outside the door."

As soon as this remark was made, everyone was uproar again! Da Fei brows and frowns. This is not even giving him time to doze off. He is desperate for this privileged world!

Da Fei had to beckon and beckon to everyone: "I'm so sorry for everyone."

The players hurriedly said, "It was originally what Fei should have, don't be polite!"

Dafei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, but fortunately the style was just a little bit higher, otherwise he would be a villain.

Enter the office. Da Fei saw the long-lost Thain. Sain was excited: "Master Lord. I heard that you have inherited the dragon **** Saisu. Saisu is one of the founders who guided the Seven City Alliance. Now all divisions of the Seven City Alliance will look at the Lord City Lord. It's up! "

Da Fei suddenly burst into joy: "That is to say, it would be much easier for me to buy things?"

Thain stunned: "Well, there are rules for buying things. It's hard to say. It depends on what adults want to buy."

Da Fei hurriedly said: "I accepted the task of cross-regional national warfare. I urgently need to replace the A-level rechargeable crystal that I ordered last time. I want to replace it with an s-level. Can it? No problem, I want to know the Master City Is there a superb magic mast, I want four. Also, I have a dragon soul, and I want to ask the mage city to help reshape the body ... "

After talking about Dafei, he pulled out his platinum membership card: "I still have a borrowed membership card, can't I?"

The light flashed in Thain's eyes, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "It is indeed the Lord of the City! And speaking of the recharged crystal and magic mast, the purpose of the Lord is to make the battleship more mobile?"

Da Fei nodded: "Exactly! Can it be done?"

Thain indeed shook his head with a mysterious smile: "I think that these two things may not be worthy of the Lord of the Lord. The Lord of the Lord still remembers the magic eye that made the" Boat of the Sky "that was sold to our guild. Warlord's hide? "

Dafei was startled suddenly: "That hot air balloon?"

Thain said positively: "That's right! It's the balloon of a hot air balloon that can be hoisted in the sky! If you are interested, you can consider buying that thing. And the bag has good stealth performance, and it is extremely capable. A big guarantee for the safety of the boat of the sky. "

Brother Flying really can fly? Dafei was shocked: "Can such an advanced thing be sold?"

Thain said mysteriously, "There is an inside story. Because this airbag is the skin of the Devil's most beloved Demon Eye Warlord. Using its skin to make a boat of the sky is a serious provocation against the Devil, which is against the neutrality of my Seven City Alliance. Principle. So even if this material is excellent, it has to be stopped halfway, but even semi-finished products can still be used. Not to mention that adults are suppliers of this material. In principle, it has the convenience of recycling, and more importantly, With the prestige that adults now have in the Seven Cities Alliance, as long as they can afford the price, this set of equipment can be bought back! "

That's it! Brother sells the best materials at a low price, and then you sell the semi-finished products to brother at a high price. Brother is the legendary injustice!

But even so, Da Fei couldn't help but surprise and said: "This semi-finished product will not happen?"

Thain shook his head: "No, it's nothing more than endurance and flight altitude. It's just a lot stronger than a traditional watercraft anyway, and it saves mana more than a ship's teleport. If the ship's flight cooperates with the teleport, that's even more Even more powerful! "

buy! Not buying is not human! My brother regretted losing out! The British Royal Ark is the oldest, and Brother's Flying can already fly!

Da Fei made a quick decision: "Okay, I want to buy it, Mr. Thain can help me introduce it."

Thain said excitedly: "No problem! As for the remodeling of Dragon Soul mentioned by the adult, this is not a small guild manager I can think of, but it does not matter, the adult has gained the reputation of Saisu, the adult There is a chance to meet the owner of this city, and it can be resolved then. "

It's convenient to have an acquaintance who supports you by yourself! Da Feidun felt wide: "Okay, let's get the skin of the magic eye first!"

Sain said: "Okay, we have to call our general manager on this matter, which is the big fat man Dengshen who bought the magic skin last time!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, the more grand the better!"

As a result, Thain broadcasted outside the door: "There is something very important today. Please come and visit us someday."

I'll pull it out, how sorry this is! Just now they were still praising brother, and now they are not scolding him all over.

Then, under Thain's leadership, Da Fei met the long-lost fat man Dengshen Taimo Kehan ​​through the internal teleportation array, and the skinny Dengshen accountant Maher who accompanied him to see the goods. And Tamok Khan is the surname of the owner of the city, which is the anti-mage hero who has the title of King of Time.

If Makar's artifact is to stop for a few seconds, then this Timok Khan is even more indescribable, and it is no exaggeration to call it a **** in the world. Dafei is a person who has important things to ask the city owner, and naturally respects the fat man in this city.

So Da Fei directly gave a gift: "I've met Mr. General Manager!"

The fat man laughed and said, "Master, Lord, you are a warrior who has been approved by Saisu. I should salute you."

Dafei busyly said, "It is because of the teachings of Saisu, that I have to be courteous to others!" Humming, the last sentence is to ask for something.

The greetings are over, that is to mention the matter directly.

Timok Khan said with a serious expression: "So it is, but this devil skin is the material of the artifact sky boat. It was jointly supervised by the Seven Cities Alliance. Its sales are also jointly determined by the Seven Cities. Not our family can say Forget it, in a word, the Lord of the City has to face at least 6 bidding rivals. The Lord of the City is our patron, and of course we will fully support the Lord of the City to bid. "

Dafei was shocked and said, "Isn't it? Anyone else fight with me?"

Timok Khan said positively: "Of course, the guilds in other cities also have great customers like the Lord of the City, and of course they will fully support their successful purchase."

Let me go! If the player and I are fighting, I'm not deceiving. The problem is that it's clear that it is npc, and npc's arrogance was already seen in the dwarf auction house. I'm really scared!

Da Fei Broken said: "How could a new-born little town owner ever compete with those old heroes?"

In the eyes of Timok Khan, a flash of light: "We will propose the ultimate winning plan, that is, let the Lord of the Lord take over the difficult task released by the Lord Titan! Whoever dares to take it will sell it to anyone! I believe the Lord of the Lord who has won the appreciation of Saisu The strength of adults, as long as the Lord of the city dares to take over, others will naturally retreat!

——Ahhh! Dafei took a spit of water. Brother's old life, can he not hurt him? (The novel "God Heroes" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% raffle gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click the "+" sign "Add friend" on the upper right and search the public No. "ddxiaos confused" and pay attention, speed up!) (To be continued, please search floating astronomy, novels are better updated faster!


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