God Rank Hero

Chapter 1031: Preparation for bidding and reshaping the Dragon flesh

The Alliance of Seven Cities of Neutrality, also known as the City of Mage, and the Mage Academy, are seven floating cities located on the desert continent in the south of the world. They are the Holy Crown City, the Golden Crown City, the Huoyun City, the Silver Wind City, and the Silver Peak City. , Shenglong City, Genting City. The city masters are 7 mage heroes with almost god-like powers. They are Timokhan, king of time, Jersey, master of elements, Faiz, master of destruction, Hora the wind whisper, and Magnus, king of the storm. , Deakin the Dragon Slayer, Cyrus the Great Sage.

The earliest was established by a group of teachers who avoided worldly trivia and the mysterious lantern **** from the past. They exchanged and studied with each other. It is worth mentioning that in other districts, the names of the cities and the owners of the seven cities are the same. In the national war zone that has not yet opened, the Seven Cities Alliance also has a general stronghold, the Seven Cities Federation City. Players from all countries around the world can meet there.

Since the purpose of the Seven Cities Alliance is to study and go to the realm of the gods, the teachers are not interested in various management government affairs. Each city adopts a rotating chairman system to manage various affairs. The current chairman city is the Holy Crown City, which is also the Seven Cities. Representative of the Alliance.

With this layer of convenience, Dafei has also added another layer of guarantee to complete the bidding. However, although the masters are not interested in common things, the following masters, such as the general manager of the guild, Tamok Khan, are indeed enthusiastic for power and profit.

At this point, the general manager brought the latest news to Dafei while waiting for tea: "Master, Lord, we have submitted your bid application to the trading center, and you are fully qualified to participate in the bid. This bid will be made in 3 days. Held at the trading center of this city. You have a total of 6 bidding opponents. They are a jazz empire, a lord of the elven kingdom, a businessman of the dwarven kingdom, and a demon lord of the **** forces, the undead. A great Lich of the Empire, a chief of the orc emirate. "

Da Fei's heart is tight, this is where the 6 forces are all available! What jazz, chief, businessman, though he spoke lightly. But Dafei knows that no matter which one of these people is, they must be the big coffees of the rich and the enemy.

Just listen to President Fat continued: "But the Lord of the City does not have to worry, because the Lord is a warrior who is about to cross the border. As long as we do work in the middle, these three people of the Bright Alliance should not compete with the Lord of the City. The real trouble is fire The demon patron of Lord Faiz, the Lord of Cloud City Destruction, is the purchasing official of the demon king, and he is bound to obtain the skin of the demon eye. Even if the warrior accepts the mission of the Titan Lord, the other party will follow him to the end! I want to hear what the Lord Lord is thinking. "

Sure enough, there are hostile forces that won't make him better! Da Fei Egg is extremely painful: "If both of us have taken on the challenge task, that is to win the bidding only after completing the task first?"

Mr. Fat laughed: "Of course not. The task of Lord Titan takes several years to complete. How can we wait a few years for a transaction? Of course, we just use the mortgage method of delivery first and payment later. Say, on the premise that both parties are willing to take on the task, you and the other party are at the same starting line of competition, which is better than the reputation and financial resources of both parties. As long as the city owner wins, you can get the right to use the goods first. However. If the owner of the city loses the task, the owner will not only return the goods, but also pay him three times the compensation. "

Dafei frowned. It turned out that the house was paid first! As long as you win the magic skin first, I don't know how much snowball profit I want to roll out in the past few years, and I still care about the future compensation for failure? Just punch this rule, brother is bound to get it!

Dafei gritted his teeth: "I am bound to get it too! The question is, how can I fight the Devil's Purchasing Officer for the money? The whole country stands behind everyone!"

Mr. Fat said positively: "Then there is only one way. The Lord of the City joins the other three patrons of the Bright Alliance and asks them to focus on funding. The Lord of the City has a Platinum Membership Card. There is a reputation bonus of Saisu and more importantly . The opponent is your defeat. The Lord Titan mainly depends on the ability of the adult to complete his task, so even if we have less financial resources, the odds are still quite large. "

Dafei exclaimed, "I'm going to join those three? I don't know them? Will they listen to me?"

Mr. Fat laughed: "Adults rest assured that customers have their own needs for confidentiality, adults do not need to know them in person, we can mediate in the middle of activities, as long as the adults have the determination to jointly fund, we will persuade them to move Lee, it makes sense. "

Is there such a convenience? But convenience is convenience, but how do you think it is a pit?

Dafei asked quickly: "That is to say, if they help, I have to repay their money after the bid is successful?"

Mr. Fat smiled: "That's for sure! The other party can't invest for nothing?"

What the hell! Brother, this is a dad with three extra creditors! However, this is the cruelty of auction bidding, a **** can shoot sky-high prices, let alone an artifact like a flying boat! What's more painful is that once the brother's mission fails, he must pay the three debtor father x3 compensation! The snowball rolled up, and Dafei felt a shudder suddenly.

Thain also added: "But the Lord of the City does not have to worry. Although the three customers are now confidential, but if they are willing to contact the Lord of the City in the future, the ability of the Lord of the City can naturally help them a lot, and debt repayment is not very Difficult things. "

cut! Brother has played the game until now, and it is not difficult to live without brother.

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Okay! Then I will get it. Ask them to help!"

President Fat said with joy: "Very well, please sign this agreement, and we will lobby these three on behalf of the adult!"

Hey, tossing and tossing, after all, getting rich is your traitor who is self-produced and sells himself, and you have to find a way to raise prices!

Da Fei swaggered, "Then the manager is troublesome, so is this done?"

President Fat said: "It's over. The Lord of the City can just ask us to attend the bidding conference in 3 days. Even the adult's mouth doesn't have to be moved, and the bidding will come to an end."

A breath of cheating is coming! For the results of this auction. Da Fei has no suspense and definitely wins. After all, the essence of the game is to systematically pit players.

Da Fei said again: "Yes. I have one more thing. I want to resurrect Dragon Soul, this—"

Mr. Fat laughed: "The deputy manager of Thain said this. I would like to ask who this dragon soul is. If it is famous, it will further increase the reputation of the Lord of the City. This will be more conducive to this bidding. "

Da Fei hurriedly took out the shard of Saisu's godhead: "It is a dragon hero named Zavala. Saisu gave her a fragment of her godhead—"

When Dafei said here, Mr. Fat flashed in his eyes and hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter what the name of this dragon soul is. The key is that this fragment is the deity fragment of Saisu! No problem. Absolutely no problem, our Holy Crown City She'll do her best to cast her body! "

What the hell! Is it so convenient for celebrities to do things? Da Fei rejoiced: "By the way, I also collected a lot of dragon blood crystals, it is said that this is the material to reshape the flesh!" After finishing Da Fei, he took out a box of blood clots that was blindly collected in the 4 dragon tombs. .

Mr. Fat laughed and laughed: "That would be better, then please invite the Lord of the City to come with me, we must resurrect this dragon soul within three days, so that the Lord of the Titans will look at the Lord of the City, and our success rate of bidding It ’s improved further. "

Dafei couldn't help laughing, "Okay, then trouble Mr. Tymokhan."

After all. Under the guidance of President Fat, Dafei teleported all the way to a very sci-fi laboratory hall in the alchemy guild. A variety of brightly lit instruments, a variety of wise staff. At first glance, it is a high-end atmosphere. Compared with them, the alchemy laboratories of the earthly jars are simply children playing.

Fat always said with emotion: "This is the general laboratory of our Alchemy Guild of Alchemists and the highest level laboratory in the world. Generally, we do not bring people to visit, but in order to reassure the Lord of the city, we make an exception. Let the Lord Lord see our strength. "

Da Fei was stunned by the high-end shock in front of him: "Of course. Who else can you trust if you believe in your bank?"

At this time, several Dengshen experimenters in white coats came forward and greeted, "Welcome to the general manager."

The fat man said to Dafei: "Master of the city. This is our technical director, you just tell them your requirements."

Da Fei hurriedly took out the **** fragment and a box of bloodstones, and then said Lai Yi. For a while, the general manager was shocked on the spot!

The fat man even narrowed his eyes with a smile: "How? This is high-end technology, you must have no problem."

The Dengshen technical director gave a cough: "This, Mr. General Manager, regarding the dragon family, is still more professional at the Alchemy Guild of the Dragon City, and our words are a bit--"

With that said, Da Fei's smile stagnated on the spot, didn't he? Sure enough, there is a specialization in the surgery industry. Brother is in the wrong place? That ’s right, the holy dragon city in the Seven City Alliance is Deakin, the dragon-slaying mage of Megatron Dragons. They are more proficient at dragons than anyone else. For the sake of my family's good birth, I have to find them!

At this point, Dafei hurriedly put away the box!

The fat man rushed to the box in a hurry: "Master City Lord, this is their self-esteem, it is a word of humility. What can we do about the strength of the Alchemist Guild of Alchemy?"

The technical director was suddenly shocked, and his tone became extremely firm: "Sorry, my words just misunderstood the client. Just rebuilding a body is no different from rebuilding the body of the Titan. Let us rest assured. "

Dafei Muran on the spot! The explanation is to cover up. Will Brother believe you? No, for the sake of Zavala, I'm just tearing my face and not letting you, the laymen, intervene!

Dafei gritted his teeth and yanked back the box. With the lightness of the **** of light, even the fat man couldn't hold the box.

This time, even the technical director was anxious, and threw himself on the box: "Customer, Savara should be the name of a female dragon clan? If you give us resurrection, it will definitely shape the image of a peerless beauty of the adult. If it is To the guild that can only kill dragons, where do they have any aesthetics, most of them directly created a female orc for the big man! They even directly created a big and improper dragon-shaped creature, without any interest! "

What the hell! Dafei was stunned, "Is this the case?"

The fat man hurriedly said, "Will there be a fake of this kind of thing? Look at the layout style of Shenglong City, and you will know the taste there, which is bold and rough!"

At this moment, Da Fei was finally convinced: "OK, you can make me an image of a peerless beauty!"

The technical director said joyously: "Master, the city owner, I have a beauty picture book here, all kinds of beautiful women have, you choose a style you like."

After waving, Da Fei popped up with various beauty models in front of Da Fei, and Da Fei was shocked. Wouldn't Nima's guild specialize in the production of "gas pumping dolls"? However, I like it, wow ha ha ha!

Looking at the fireworks dazzling beauty illustrated book, Da Fei immediately found it difficult to make a choice and plunged deeply into his hands. In other words, I have all kinds of beautiful heroes, Deirdre's charming charm, Katerina's enthusiasm and boldness, Alicia's lively spirit, Elena's **** lady, Serbian noble and holy, Tamelia Fresh and natural, what's your difference? It's really hard to do, it's hard to die, wow ha ha ha!

Decided, since it is a poisonous dragon, let's have a feminine cold Yanyan who does not lose the female vampire type! (To be continued) r655


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