God Rank Hero

Chapter 1052: Da Fei was going to build a city in Hongming Village

The storm is continuing, and the crisis has not yet resolved. However, with Da Fei's own big ship, this level of storm is no longer a threat. The next thing to do is to stabilize those surrendering medium-sized pirate ships that are still struggling in the storm, and then search and rescue those troops floating on the sea. By the way, save the player who is still dead with a piece of wood.

As for Barak, he sat directly on the bow and looked at the sky while drinking.

At this time, the entire Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce channel was cheering and chanting, praising Fei Brother's bully, and the hundreds of flowers that did not participate in the event were still quite interesting and asked "how is it possible?" Then the soldiers immediately sent a video screenshot to prove that they were flying Brother, nothing is impossible.

As for Da Fei himself, he was completely puzzled. Although the heavenly pie is a good thing, this kind of feeling that I don't know why is still a little bit uncomfortable. I wanted to ask Jinx in person to ask the reason, but so many people in the guild looked at it, how could I ask? As soon as I asked the brother's image that things are as good as gods, it would be gone.

So just need to quietly check the properties of this Jinx:

Jinx: Former senior pirates of Blackwater Pirates, sincerely surrendered to you. Non-arms npc, attack 160, defense 53, damage 79100, attack speed 17, life 1860, stunts: predatory, advanced sensitive dodge, advanced parry, drinking recovery, intimidation, hook climbing, c, ¢ ≡et bargaining.

Da Fei frowned, as this non-hero npc boss couldn't be more brilliant. Of course, it may be that the player surrendered, and the system weakened many of his attributes in order to balance. Pirates should have all the skills. Nor is there anything extraordinary. Since there is nothing extraordinary. Why is it such a weird surrender?

Just wondering. Dafei suddenly saw his last skill, bargaining!

Well, is this a bargaining skill of a businessman? This is a skill that pirates should not have even appeared in pirates. This pirate is special! But is there no connection between bargaining and capitulation?

Anyway, it is good to have a bargaining technique. When the brother is short of money, it is also good for a young man who runs a business to help the brother make money. OK, I will arrange him to run a business later.

Then Dafei looked at these pirate warriors. Can't help brow jumping!

These pirate warriors are also all npc, not units. The attribute is only about half of Jinx, which is quite terrifying compared to conventional arms. This is also in line with the general law. Normally, only heroes will carry units. Non-hero npcs have no role in the army's hero aura, they all take npcs.

That is to say, the biggest use of these npc pirates is to be a citizen, and the citizen is undoubtedly the favorite of the lord player, especially those citizens with abilities!

The value of the 500 citizens' income to Dafei is simply beyond words! As for the origin of the pirates, it is completely trivial. Dafei even included the fishermen. What pirates do you care about? They can be placed anywhere in the Lighthouse Islands or Fatalong!

Wow ha ha ha, cool! At this moment Dafei's mood is extraordinary! but. Seems like I forgot something? Did you come here to kill the red name? Dafei laughed in surprise, but forget it. Let's do this trivial matter with everyone.

So Dafei laughed at Haoge: "Hao!"

Hao brother did not say anything.

Dafei shouted again, "Hao brother!"

Then Yijian Donglai and the soldiers also immediately shouted, "Hao brother, Fei brother call you!"

Hao Brother returned to his heart with a half-sound: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I had a nice hush in the toilet just now, what is wrong with Fehhh?"

Dafei laughed: "That's it. I'm going to build a large warehouse in Hongming Village ..." So I told you everything.

Haoge nodded again and again: "No problem at all, we can each take 10 units of stone resources to build a warehouse in Hongming Village. There is no problem at all. The problem is that if we want to repair the warehouse in Hongming Village, we have to fly to the village. The little secret nodded! "

Dafei laughed: "Brothers take the materials to build the warehouse, and it's me to say hello to Xiaobi."

Haoge asked again, "Yes, why did Fei repair the warehouse?"

Da Fei shook his head and laughed: "Anyway, Hongming Village is also an international village. Anyway, there must be a building. Then start with a warehouse. After the National War Zone opens, the monsters in Hongming Village will probably be lively. There must be a place for stuff. "

The soldier then realized: "Feige wants to build a city in Hongming Village!"

Dafei laughed: "Think too much, but there is always good preparation in that area. I also want to upgrade the warehouse to level 10!"

The members laughed loudly: "It's worthy of flying brother! Wait for flying brother to kill our red name into the village!"

Da Fei was not so angry: "How can my brother start? Or I went out to buy someone's red name."

Members hurriedly said, "Fei brother, fat water does not flow outsiders' fields!"

At this moment, Ono's heart trembled, and Ono finally understood Dafei's layout intention in Hongming Village during this time. Although I don't know if it is feasible to build a city, but if the enemy supports it, I will oppose it! This matter must be taken seriously by headquarters.

Talking and laughing, the storm gradually subsided, and Da Fei also rescued dozens of survivors holding wood. These players were witnesses who witnessed the miracle of Da Fei from beginning to end. It is incredible to everything in front of you! It's not just that they are incredible. The reason why Haoge was so busy just now is that he was busy reporting videos to the Mitsubishi headquarters, and the entire Mitsubishi headquarters is also incredible!

Da Fei smiled and condolences to everyone: "Jiao Xuehai also acknowledged that he was in charge of compensation, and he really has a responsibility. Everyone will look for him when they are ashore."

The players nodded again and again and exclaimed: "It is indeed the legendary flying brother. A boat sails out and pulls a fleet back. It is great!"

Another player exclaimed: "It turns out that this is the feeling of riding a big ship! Now few players in the world have a big ship. Now Fei Ge has two more in a blink of an eye. If Fei Ge gives these two boats to the guild brother Isn't that guild brother following invincible? "

This player is obviously a novice! However, this is a good opportunity to reach out to the masses and improve their relationship, not to mention someone must be recording video on the spot, so the image is very important.

Da Fei explained it patiently and kindly: "It's not that simple. Players must have a reputation for a ship certificate to open a big ship, and a pirate ship needs a pirate reputation. I have neither a pirate reputation nor a ship certificate. I myself followed it. The NPC took the job as the temporary chief mate, so if the guild brothers would drive these two ships, they would only be able to act as the NPC. "

The player suddenly realized, "Anyway, there is a big ship, even if you follow the npc, it is invincible!"

Dafei laughed and said, "NPC is no better than your deputy hero. It really doesn't have to be mixed with NPC!"

Then another player asked, "Fei brother, can you tell me what happened to the storm just now?"

Dafei grinned: "I have to ask the boss of the **** sea Kuangtao, and everyone can blow the wind with a rough fart."

Another player asked, "Fei brother, I heard that you are going to the foot basin tomorrow, but we heard that your flagship is broken, is it too late to fight?"

Dafei smiled proudly: "Even if I go alone to the foot basin area?"

The soldiers on the side immediately added a sentence with interest: "Even if Fei Ge is single, he can still pull out such a large team!"

For a while everyone laughed. When Dafei answered the questions from the crowd patiently and kindly, Hades Seaport arrived. Although the players in this city already knew that Da Fei brought back a fleet, when they saw it in person, especially when they saw two big ships, the players in the whole city were in awe.

And just as Da Fei was preparing to call at the port, the urban patrol's urban management swarmed and boarded the ship for inspection: "Don't move, we are the Coast Patrol of Heidis City. We suspect that your ship, seafarers and goods are of unknown origin. We want to check! "

Da Fei suddenly froze, and then remembered that there was still such a thing. This situation is the same as the last time you brought a fisherman into the city, and it is also checked. Similarly, if a player robs another player's ship in the open sea, if he is forcibly towed back to the port without a ship certificate, he will also be forced by the city management, and then it is determined that the illegal income is confiscated.

Let me go. Brother, are these pirates? How does the system determine their identity? Are you going to labor reform? Do you want brother to pay them bail?

Just then, the red-haired Jinx came to Dafei and frowned quietly, "Boss, don't worry about us, you should be busy with whatever you have, someone on us!"

Someone above! Let me go. At this moment, Da Fei can understand how deep this pirate is! Just such a deep connotation for Mao to admire Brother? However, with so many players watching at the scene, even if the sky collapses, it will not change its face.

Da Fei beckoned gently to Jinx: "Take your brother, and run a business when you come out!"

Jinx nodded nicely: "Understand!"

As a result, when Da Fei and a group of players came ashore, this huge fleet was all taken away by the city management.

Barack also laughed, "Boy, there will be a period!" After entering the market, he disappeared into the market.

The next time I meet, I will bring Katrina to kill my father. Da Fei shook his head, and then waved to the members of the guild: "Go, go to the resource exchange to buy stone on the road to Hongming Village!"

The crowd was excited: "Okay, Fei Ge personally took us to Hongming Village!" ...

At this time, the news that Dafei was about to build a city in Hongming Village was notified to Mitsubishi headquarters by Ono. The Mitsubishi headquarters has reached the final stage of killing the European Union. In order to show the last friendship and trust, Mitsubishi informed the British Royal Ark team of the news.

Let this kind of thing be done by the British who are keen on that angel hero.


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