God Rank Hero

Chapter 1053: Challenges of foreign names

Place of Exile, Hongming Village.

Da Fei first appeared in this desolate and desolate land. To enter Hongming Village is simple, kill a few more people, then be arrested by the city management, and then refuse to pay the gold coin fine. It's also easy to come up with a red name village, and pay a fine several times more to the winged angel npc who keeps the village. So I knew why now, why players who do not want to come to Hongming Village are obediently paying a fine the first time.

At this time, in the ruined square of Hongming Village, the long-lost Elda is still intently portraying the huge array that can strengthen the recruitment of the soul of Lilim. And it doesn't look like it can be completed in a day or two. This time, Dafei deeply realized how lucky he was to get the help of two great god-level strongmen, Samael and Lich Dragon in the Underworld.

Seeing Da Fei's arrival, Elda could not help but hesitated: "It turned out to be the Lord of the City, why did the Lord of the City come to such a place?"

Dafei laughed and said, "Of course I haven't seen you for a long time, so I miss you so much, so come to see you. Are you okay here alone?"

Elda smiled lightly: "For ten thousand years like a day, all the troubles are buried in the yellow sand ..."

amount! Da Fei coughed and started to talk about the business: "Yes, you, as the village head of the exile, must have a decent configuration. I want to build a warehouse in the village to hoard supplies. Later, Miss Elda wants to repair anything. Take the materials from the warehouse to repair anything. We built this desolate place into a ≯ →, w +, bustling ca n’t be talked about, but at least the protective fortress is always okay, is n’t it? Naturally, right? "

After all, Elda is not her deputy hero. It is impossible to tell her directly, help me build a warehouse here. She agreed obediently. After all, she had to make a round to benefit her.

Elda shook her head and sighed. Then he pointed to the surrounding ruins: "People who have this idea. The Lord is not the first, but you see it, do you know why?"

Dafei was surprised: "Please Miss Elda for advice?"

Elda sighed: "This is a place of exile, a place of cursing. Any gold coins and materials consumed here are several times the normal condition, and more troublesome is that the durability of both weapons and buildings will wear out quickly. So incapable of maintenance and eventually collapsed. Lord Lord, do you have that determination? "

Secretly, how could this Hung Ming Village have such an insidious hidden attribute?

Dafei exclaimed: "How can this be?"

Erda said, "Of course, God has built a city here to prevent exiles. But this result also makes it impossible for us monitors to build a stronghold here!"

It turned out to be the case, but the plan has already reached this point, and it cannot be stopped anyway.

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "I have determination! What others cannot do is not the same as me!"

Elda smiled: "Okay, if other mortals say such things, I must laugh at him. But if the Lord of the City said this, I really look forward to it!"

Oh yeah! Just agree, let's talk in depth!

Da Fei immediately said: "I know that transportation is not convenient here, so my plan is like this. I first build a warehouse and locate the coordinates of the warehouse. Then I use the space technology of the Master City to continuously transport various resources to Coming from the warehouse, of course, this is a very secret operation. Try not to let others know, so long as Miss Elda knows it. As for the maintenance of the workers, I will contract in the name of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce where I am. How about it? "

Erda laughed: "As long as there are materials and workers, construction is of course no problem. The trouble is that the durability of the building is constantly worn out, which requires constant addition of materials for maintenance. This is the root cause of the predecessor's failure."

Da Fei said aloud: "I dare not say anything else, but it should be okay to keep at least one warehouse, as long as there is a warehouse, there is hope."

Alda nodded: "Very well, then I will give a hint, the higher the defense, the higher the durability of the building will be able to persist here, so if the Lord of the city wants to repair the warehouse, try to upgrade the warehouse, and then have If conditions permit, it can also add durable construction equipment to the warehouse. "

Sure enough, it was the pressure of the brother to upgrade the level 10 warehouse? Da Fei nodded: "I know, I will implement it immediately."

Erda laughed: "By the way, since the Lord's warehouse is used to transfer transportation materials through space, then simply repair the warehouse on this law array that I have arranged. This law array also has space transmission function. When the French Array transmits Unicom's terminal, transportation to the Lord of the City should be a lot easier. I will immediately copy down the space coordinates of this French Array and the instructions from China Unicom.

After talking about Elda, he took out a magic scroll, and then fluttered his fingers on the scroll to write quickly.

Dafei is overjoyed, this is really a dual purpose! Indeed, two-way teleportation in two directions is always more labor-saving than one-way teleportation in one direction. This is the proper rhythm for brother to grab a pain!

Soon, Elda handed over the scroll to Da Fei: "Master City Lord, just give this to the Master of Teleportation. He knows how to do it."

Da Fei's satisfied scroll: "By the way, if there are too many materials to be shipped in the future, and a warehouse can't fit, Miss Elda will continue to let our chamber of commerce repair the warehouse and transfer the materials. Don't be so kind!"

Erdahaha laughed: "Okay, I really look forward to what the Lord Lord can't do!"

Dafei also laughed: "It's always right to need a good wish first."

It's time to go back and take over the business. At this moment, Dafei found a large group of foreign red names by the pond outside the village and stretched his head and looked at himself. Needless to say, as a world-class celebrity, even an international friend is deeply convinced by his style.

As a world-class celebrity, you should say hello in the past, at least you should improve your feelings to prevent them from being bored. So Da Fei came forward and greeted, "Hello!"

This group of foreign red names also beckoned warmly: "Hello!"

Then an Italian player asked straightforwardly: "Mr. Dafei, there must be something remarkable about such an amazing player in Hongming Village, can you tell us?"

Da Fei laughed in surprise and had to say that foreigners were really straightforward. Yes, his foreigner asked him to be upright, and that brother was also upright.

Da Fei laughed: "I want to build this village, although the difficulty is not small, but it is much better than the boringness of nothing now. If friends are interested, they can come to help."

A lot of foreigners suddenly realized: "That's it!"

Then there was a foreigner's brain wide open: "Okay, repair the house. The angel said that he can't kill people in front of him. With the house covering his sight, we can just kill anyone!"

Everyone laughed loudly: "Anyway, the first person to be killed must be your weak chicken!"

Dafei laughed: "I'm very glad to meet you, I'm busy now, goodbye everyone!"

"Please Mr. Dafei, wait!" At this moment, a colorful national flag suddenly called Dafei suddenly.

Dafei was surprised, "What's up?"

The player stood up and said, "Although I know that this is a very impolite request, it is indeed the most urgent desire in my heart. I want to take this opportunity to play against Mr. Dafei. I want to know the gap between me and Mr. Dafei. How big. "

Zhonghong Ming immediately looked forward to Dafei indefinitely.

Dafei jaw dropped! Lying down! Sure enough, no one dares to pk in Hongming Village. I suspect the equipment is not enough, right? The key is that Brother No. 1's united soldiers fought against the enemy, but at this moment, when he was singled out, he found that the other party was also a human spearman. Secret, brother has no room to refuse, otherwise he will lose his national character!

And in case brother and he go out to heads-up, this group of red names will hug the brother and they will lose out!

Suddenly, the player immediately said, "In order not to disturb Mr. Dafei, let's use the learning mode, and we can play here."

Oh yeah There is also this mode, which is very good. Da Fei smiled slightly: "Okay, let's get started!"

Oh! The red name present applauded!


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