God Rank Hero

Chapter 1068: Destroy Air Cavalry Main Force

Dafei was shocked at the scene. It turned out that the beauty club had been the master for a long time!

But Da Fei came back instantly! Yes, they have been in service for so long. As the president of the famous Chinese Beauty Association, if you ca n’t even master the skills of eating, that ’s really the laughing stock of vases in China.

What effect this strong wind will have in this narrow channel, Da Fei can already imagine, no, it has already been seen!

Under the double pinch of Devil Wolf's Terror Echo and Long Wei, even the most elite troops led by powerful heroes began to lose control and collide with each other, and the strong wind of the chairman was the last straw that crushed the camel. The dragon knights in the entire channel can no longer hold it, and they crashed into pieces crashing into the ground!

And how can Da Fei miss such an opportunity to beat the water dog with a big wave of ecstasy: "Charge!"

The next moment, the unicorn wave ss is currently in the same narrow aisle. The cavalry's signature charge and trample skills are fully exerted on it at the moment. Wherever they go, "Crush trample 1000" The exaggerated damage of "Crushing trample 1200" is in a line!

That's right, the enemy's fall to the ground is one of the two most terrifying negative states in the game, "knocked down"! The other is "stunned." Once the negative state of being knocked down, the defense will fall wildly! This is also where the violent storm strikes this horror of air magic, and it is also a powerful body of large-scale charge soldiers, w ≠ ww.

Behind it is the angel corps flying all the way to harvest. The scared flying cavalry corps that just scared just became the harvested flesh of its own. The situation is reversing fast. Da Fei is totally afraid to think!

And this moment. The whole Xuewei Studio was also screaming and cheering, and the joy of raising an eyebrow was filled with the laughter of the beauties.

Xuewei Qi laughed loudly: "Did Dafei's expression just turn back?"

Xue Wei Xiaoyu laughed: "Recorded! It's so fun!"

Xuewei Qiqi laughed: "This way depends on him pretending to act, and now it is finally our turn to pretend to act at a critical moment!"

Xiao Yu laughed: "That is, if you don't have the hair dryer at this critical time, I think it will be big enough."

Xue Wei's holy gun waved his hand: "Let ’s go, Dafei ’s various crossbow artillery grandmasters, lucky masters, and various unknown part-time jobs are not as good as you. In short, everyone is ready to take up this mine. China The process of the city of divine punishment will be greatly improved, and everyone will fight for the first batch of cities to be punished. "

Qiqi was surprised: "Does the mining have anything to do with our city of divine punishment? This mine is so important?"

President Zhou Qing smiled lightly: "The mine may not be so important, but this mine did fall further on the premise that the Blood Lake was defeated and the Blood Lake Demon King was dispatched. This is the weight that caused the tilt of the war balance to further tilt. The key point in the magnitude of the advancement of the campaign. "

The beautiful women seemed to understand.

At this point, Dafei hunted all the way back to the hole, saw the enemy reorganize, and immediately retreated to the mine. In this battle, Da Fei lost only one ordinary angel. The enemy looks like the main force is no less than a hundred dead! If it was Dafei's angel army who suffered such a defeat, Dafei is estimated to burst on the spot. Spit and died.

This battle once again sounded a wake-up call for Da Fei. Today, these elite flying dragon knights are likely to be the tomorrow of the Angel Legion proud of Da Fei. Therefore, we must be cautious in using soldiers. It is about to face the National War to face more npc legions, and even more careful.

After returning to the mine, Da Fei's eyes watching the beauty president completely changed, and the other party has never been to belittle it.

Dafei laughed: "Thank you very much for the chairman. If it were not for the timely wind, it would not have been so easy for us to make a comeback."

The president laughed: "Where, Fei Ge just didn't bring his own sub-hero. Although I'm not good, I still have to be able to compare with Fe Ge's de-hero."

Dafei laughed, "The chairman is too modest!"

At this point, the system prompts a jingle:

System prompt: Congratulations! The battle is over! You defeated General Tasima and gained +280,000 experience points. Your ranger hate accumulation skills collected 1130 hate points.

The battle is over? Da Fei was shocked at the scene, and the opponent obviously assembled outside the hole, so why didn't he attack? What is such an unbeatable battle victory?

Xiaofang said suddenly: "Don't you dare to come when the enemy is beaten?"

Dafei sighed with a smile: "I don't know. I may have eaten a sullen man and prepared to mobilize cannon fodder to come and consume us."

Xiaofang laughed: "Shouldn't matter? The other party's main force was destroyed, and then there is such a good terrain, Fei Ge is not afraid of too much cannon fodder, and Fei Ge also carries a cart of supplies of water, food and ammunition, which is completely consumed Too. "

Dafei nodded: "Well, as long as the opponent's main force is destroyed, I am not afraid."

and many more! The main force is destroyed? Destroy a ghost! Da Fei suddenly waved his hands, all the troops rushed into the channel immediately, and all the corpses of the dragon knights underground were returned to the mine.

Xiaofang then returned to Shinto: "It turned out that the enemy's truce was also to revive the army!"

Dafei laughed and said, "I want to raise them up!"

At this moment, the blood eagle, which was lurking in front of the passage, really saw the squadron riding around, covering several mage and deputy heroes into the hole, and started casting on the corpse!

How can you make you wish! Keep roaring!

The demon wolf roared again with an echo cannon. The artifact Longwei worked again. Although the dragon knights were not affected, their dragons did enter a state of fear. Dafei found that the artifacts had an effect on the dragon race. It's really big!

With this roar, it means that the battle begins again, and the resurrection can only be carried out after the war. Once pulled into the battle, it cannot be resurrected. Even if it is a non-traditional battle beyond the line of sight. But moving the corpse was not affected in any way, which made a lot of time for Da Fei to **** the corpse.

As a result, under the interference of the large and small devil wolf relays, in the perplexity of the enemy forces at the entrance of the cave, Da Fei raced against the clock to seize more than 70 corpses, and the remaining 20 of the cave entrance were no longer in fear. This is the true elimination of the main force of the enemy. Da Fei also learned from Essinger's mouth that it was not easy to train air cavalry. The more than 70 inscrutable losses were truly a victory.

And Da Fei constantly keeps the interference tactics of the devil wolf relay roar. Don't say that the npc at the entrance is confused, the three presidents can only guess about it, and they are also confused.

Da Fei laughed secretly. There is no need to introduce this kind of high-tech war with sound waves beyond the horizon. Military secrets are not used to pretend.

Dafei laughed: "Well, now the enemy is not thinking of resurrection, it is our turn to resurrect it."

The president laughed and said, "Yeah, our army lost an angel just now. Let me resurrect it."

Dafei laughed: "Then try it, President. This is the rhythm of smashing skills!"

"Divine?" At this moment, Xuewei Rose couldn't help being excited, so she waved!

The system prompts: You release the master-level bright magic resurrection to the angel troops who died in battle, the resurrection failed!

The system prompts: You get the information of god-level bright magic.

The president's surprise intersection: "Failed, but got god-level information!"

Xiaofang exclaimed: "So, as long as the chairman continues to accumulate proficiency, when the angel is rescued, he will be successfully promoted to **** level!"

Dafei laughed: "Exactly!"

Xiaoli also finally asked: "But the president's master-level bright magic can't save it, we master-level can't save it anymore, how can I rush to the master?"

Hey, I haven't seen Xiao Li talk about this way except to hear Xiao Li's wow, so it's not good to be introverted. But being able to ask questions is an improvement.

Da Fei smiled comfortably: "Then resurrect the goddess of the forest, don't go to resurrect such high-end troops as angels, and change your mind!"

Then the president was surprised: "That's it! Well, I'll hurry up and fight for resurrection and promotion before the next war!"

Next war? I'm afraid there's no time left for this? Da Fei suddenly remembered that the tears of light in his invisible hand have the skills of the light field. If the light field is opened, will it be resurrected successfully?


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