God Rank Hero

Chapter 1069: Gate to heaven

Bright Tears Artifact Stunt, Bright Zone: Bright Tears can build a bright zone in the battlefield, release bright magic in this area, the effect of bright magic will be greatly increased, and additional attributes are added. After releasing the light realm, the dark realm cannot be released.

Da Fei can already imagine that Serbia could go to the **** level without the aid of artifacts. Now what will happen if there is an artifact?

So Dafei shouted, "President, wait!"

The chairman was surprised: "What's up with Fei?"

Dafei laughed: "I want to make a big move in order to increase efficiency!"

The chairman didn't know what he said, "Okay, listen to Fei Ge arrange."

Then the next moment, the entire mine area was golden.

System Tip: Your team member Da Fei has released the "Brightness Realm", and the bright magic that is being released in this area will get a large bonus ...


Looking at the sudden system prompts, the three presidents were shocked at the scene, and the beauties of Xuewei Studio were even more surprised at the scene. Everyone knows that it is either artifact or **** that can play the field skills! As for Da Fei, no matter what kind of thing is pulled out, the beauty cannot scream, tired!

Dafei laughed: "It's time to start!"

Then the president returned to God and began to release the resurrection, but the speed of reading the note was significantly slower than c, w⌒ww. Go!

The chairman was startled and said, "So slow?"

Da Fei could not help but hold back, when Serbia rushed to the god-level bright magic, there was no such anomaly? Is this a slow work in the bright field?

At this moment, everyone in the room, the entire Xuewei Studio, calmly watched the president ’s spell slowly read to the end!

Golden light flashes!

The angel's sword on the ground after the death of the angel's sword flashed white. Rising up. In the shining light, a new angel jumped out and resurrected successfully!

Just at this moment. The chairman's body of gold flashed!

System prompt: Congratulations! You have successfully resurrected an angel warrior using resurrection in a place of light and despair, and you have realized the god-level light magic!

System Tip: Your team member Xuewei Rose has realized the god-level bright magic!

Get to know God!

At this moment, all the beautiful women in Xuewei Studio suddenly stood up in excitement! At this moment, President Zhou Qing couldn't believe his eyes!

Then the next moment, the beauty of Xuewei's studio burst into warm cheers, and Zhou Qing couldn't help leaving tears of excitement: "Success! It's really a god!

Xue Wei's stun gun couldn't help but shocked: "I thought this big fly was a big show in front of the beauty, I never thought he could really do it, that is to say. His nun co-hero must have been God-level early, he So confident! "

Zhou Qing was excited: "Do you know what this means? This means that Da Fei is a super player who can produce god-level bright magic!"

Xuewei's stun gun nodded excitedly: "So we must draw him at any cost and let him promote all of us to God level!"

Xuewei Xiaoyu frowned. "But, sister, will the system really allow an event with energy-producing skills?"

Zhou Qing came back to this: "It is true that intelligent systems may patch this loophole, but no matter what changes the system will make, all we have to do is to maximize the benefits before the system makes changes!"

At this point, Dafei, who turned off the realm, applauded and laughed: "Congratulations to the president, he is a god!"

The president laughed: "Fei brother. Thank you so much! I really don't know how to thank you!"

Well, of course, I invited brother to your guild group! Although brother may not appear easily. But doesn't brother go, does it mean you can say it unintentionally?

Dafei laughed and said, "I said I took everyone to punch your skills, don't hesitate!"

At this moment, the red light on the radar exploded, and a large swath of red dots rushed through the channel, which was indeed a dense 2nd level artillery demon warlord!

System prompt: Battle begins! You have been attacked by General Tahima of the Volcano in the Flames!

Da Fei frowned and came! The assault failed just now, and now the cannon fodder is finally assembled to start the regular battle of the demons!

Then there is nothing to say, fight!

At the same time, 6 red teleportation arrays appeared in the mine at the same time, and Dafei was shocked. This is the **** gate hero's signature professional skill "Hell Gate" skills!

President Xue Wei couldn't help but be stunned: "Why is the scope of this **** gate so wide! Has their coach entered the passage?"

Dafei shook his head coldly: "Not here! Still at the end of the cave!"

Xiaofang exclaimed, "No, right? Hell gate so far away, wouldn't this general be a god-level **** gate?"

President Shen said: "There is also a possibility that General Tasima's level is particularly high! The higher the hero's level, the farther the battlefield is!"

Dafei frowned: "It should be a particularly high level!"

That's right, the higher the level of heroes, the wider the range of troops that heroes can use. Especially at sea, a fleet of ships led by a low-level hero can easily get too far away, causing their fleets to leave their leadership and leave behind.

Last time I was in this tunnel, the demon hero who blocked Dafei was too late to run and was crushed to death by the lingering dragon, leaving a helmet on the ground. The reason for this too late to run is, of course, because the level of ordinary heroes is low, and the scope of leadership on the battlefield is not so wide. You must go to the front line to command.

Now Dafei is facing a **** gate that is a high-level hero, so the battlefield's defense advantage in the closed space has disappeared. To this extent, this is also an over-horizon strike!

The professional skills of **** heroes are **** gates, also known as "cannon fodder gates". They can open several **** gates in any corner of the battlefield that is not protected by enchantment, including the enemy ’s city walls, to summon people from the depths of hell. Reinforcements. The type of reinforcements can only be the regular forces of the **** clan, and the troops developed by the players themselves cannot summon reinforcements. The number of Master Hellgates calling for reinforcements is half of the current number of heroes.

In other words, play against the **** heroes. That would have to deal with an additional 50% of the troops. The heroic stunt used by Captain Tsukamoto of Japan is the master of **** gate. That is, the number of Hellgate summons increases as the hero level increases. In addition to the combination of Hell Gate and Lucky Spells, "Huge Gate", Tsukamoto can summon reinforcements at level 50 to more than double his original troops.

However, these reinforcements summoned are demons from the depths of hell. They are not real entities. They are very similar to the illusions of god-level arcane, so these reinforcements will be killed by the magic of dispel magic. These reinforcements will disappear once the battle is over and will not give the enemy players any experience. Therefore, the **** tribe has another disgusting tactic. The main force does not move outside the city, and constantly calls for reinforcements on the opponent's wall to harass the defenders in turn.

In the past, there were also many demon heroes fighting in the city of punishment. But Dafei wouldn't wait for them to call for reinforcements and ran away, or directly put the opponent in seconds. It is the first time that they can feel the professional skills of the opponent like this today.

At this moment, in the face of these **** reinforcements who will appear directly at the mine, Dafei has a sense of tension.

And the president who has just been promoted to god-level bright magic is obviously a little eager to try: "Fei brother, my dispel spell is now god-level, and the reinforcements in **** will be handed to us to dispel it. Even if it fails"

Having said that, Xuewei Rose said positively: "Of course I know the value of a god-level skill. I can only be promoted by Feige! If Feige loses this battle because of me, our Xuewei Society will fully compensate Fei Brother. Maybe we don't have this ability now, but it won't be long before we can do it. "

Dafei couldn't help it. Lying down! Thinking of planning a funeral before you start? Really worthy of being a well-informed chairman, no blind worship of brother!

Indeed, Da Fei has no confidence in the development of the battle. This was originally an operation to pretend to have a temporary intent, and there was no preparation for quarrying at all, otherwise Dafei would say something for the whole family. But if one can be promoted to God level, Da Fei has achieved the goal successfully. Compared with a God level, these soldiers brought by him are dead without regret.

It's just that Dafei still can't hang on his face, that is, the destruction of the myth of pretending to be undefeated, will be laughed at by the beauties. Now that the president said so, Da Fei didn't even have the last tangles. I have to say that this beautiful president is really understanding!

Okay, brothers can show you! Da Fei was also very proud: "Since I dare to take these soldiers out of the waves, of course I am not afraid that these soldiers will die, the president is welcome. Not to mention, how do we know before we fight?"

The president laughed: "The more Fei Brother said that, the more I felt unhappy, here it is!"

Dafei nodded: "Okay, fight together!"

During the talk, the six generals of the devil, the warlord, the **** dog, the banshee, and the **** horse abyss monster in the six **** gates in the mine rushed out, and they collided with the troops on the channel.

Then the next moment, the three magicians of the president Xiaofang Xiaoli's dispel magic began to kill these reinforcements piece by piece, but these six **** gates were like six gates that opened the floodgates.

Although they are all conventional arms that Da Fei usually despise, even the level 6 abyss demon is the level of flesh and blood cannon ash outside the city of divine punishment, but in the face of an opponent with similar offense and defense, these The cannon fodder began to bring a lot of pressure to Da Fei, and the scene soon became extremely chaotic. The only thing Dafei can do now is to kill the devil first. This level 1 strategic soldier who can absorb blue is the biggest threat to the Dafei Legion.

Fight, consume, and mess! Two minutes or three minutes passed, the entire mine was crowded with a steady stream of demonic reinforcements, and it was continuing to increase its troop strength. At the same time, the channel charge troops have also begun to upgrade to faster 3rd level **** dogs.

This is a typical tactic of consuming troops with cannon fodder. However, I brought a lot of wisdom angels and power angels to cope with this pressure-resistant scene, not to mention that I still have the last bottle of large-amplitude potion unused, and I must stand up, if I ca n’t even attack the summons I can't forgive myself.

Just then, a new **** gate appeared in the sky of the mine, and the area of ​​this portal was significantly larger than the others!

Xiaofang was suddenly surprised: "The seventh **** gate! It is really a god-level **** gate!"

Dafei couldn't help but be shocked on the spot! That's right, the legendary god-level **** gate can summon the regular ultimate forces of the **** tribe, the angel's enemy, the devil!

The reason why Da Fei can hold it now is that there are angel troops and demon wolf troops in battle. Once the other side constantly calls for big demon with similar attributes, then this battle cannot be fought! This Tasima is indeed the archangel solemnly warned her powerful existence!

At this moment, the president pulled out a glittering scroll and laughed, "Feige, let's make a big move. Is Feige's bright field still usable?"

Dafei was surprised: "What are you?"

The president laughed: "It's our guild doing missions in the monastery. The god-level scroll gate of heaven rewarded by the dean. After using it, you can summon the angelic forces of heaven to fight for us, and the master-level bright magic can be used. Now god-level words Of course, the angels summoned are more and more powerful. If I add the bright field of Feige, I would not dare to think of this effect! "

What the hell! Brother really underestimates the players in the world! Dafei was shocked: "Is it really good to use such an expensive scroll in such occasions?"

The president laughed: "What's so bad? It's painful to say that fighting is painful. Instead, we don't need to look like our little family is so furious!"

Since the big beautiful woman Bai Fumei didn't care so much, Dafei didn't show affection, and the invisible hand opened bright tears. The next moment, the whole room was bathed in the golden light field again. It was also in such an instant that the dispel operation released by Xiaofang Xiaoli also instantly killed the **** reinforcements in the full 6 ranks!

The audience was instantly refreshed, and the improvement of the effect in this area was really immediate!

At the same time, the president crushed the scroll in his hand, and a golden portal appeared in the air in the lobby, matching the enemy's great demon portal!

At this moment, Da Fei waited and waited for the beauty of the whole Xuewei Studio to hold a chest in her hands and pray for a miracle!

The next moment, a glittering sword shield angel came out of the door! Then there was an uproar, and Dafei even dropped his chin!

This angel is not someone else, but the slayer of the city of punishment! Then in the portal was a group of angel troops roaring out, and it was the creation angel troops of the city of divine punishment!

Da Fei suddenly returned to God: "What about the gate of heaven?"

Wuer smiled bitterly: "There is no heaven in hell, and we can only respond to the call of the scroll as close as possible! But since it is the Lord of the city, then I will continue to direct you! I believe your ability can continue to lead us to victory!"

The system prompts: Yeer leads 30 elite angel troops to join your team!

Da Fei came back in a moment of shock! To win, they must win in the brother! And also must win! Since the beauty of Xuewei has taken out the big trick of pressing the bottom of the box, what else is there for me? Demigod crow? That ’s right, it ’s also a Mao **** that can be used once again, although I do n’t know what ability, but as long as I can help behead the Tasima!

(Sorry friends, the ashtray's eyes are swollen again. I can't stare at the computer. Today there is only one more.)


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