God Rank Hero

Chapter 1070: Floating City of Penalty

With the emergence of the Tall Legion, the chaotic situation instantly reversed, the endless stream of reinforcements in the gate of **** suddenly turned into second goods, Dafei confidence soared, anti-killing comeback is not a dream!

At this moment, the mine space suddenly fluctuated. The seven **** gates and the gate of heaven were all closed and disappeared. The **** cannon fodder that just surged out like a tide suddenly seemed to be suddenly tightened, and disappeared without a shadow. trace!

Da Fei was shocked, what happened?

The president was even more surprised: "The door to heaven is closed! Can't the defender return?"

Dafei was shocked, "Is there such a thing?"

At this moment, a haha ​​laugh came from the channel: "I thought it was just a few rats who stole mines, but I did not expect to have caught the lieutenant Miss of Shenpu fortress. This is an unexpected feat! I can only say, I admire your courage to play space teleportation in front of our **** people.

As soon as the words fell, the **** troops attacking from the passage also retreated quickly like a tide!

——System prompt: the battle is over! You repelled Tassima's offense, you gain experience +44,000, and your ranger hate accumulation skills collect 440 hate points. … ≦

Is the enemy retreating? At this moment, Dafei realized that the intelligence and cunning of this general was beyond imagination. The situation is far from being as simple as imagined anti-killing comeback!

Wuer frowned: "The space we are in is sealed by the devil, and no space teleport can leave!"

The giggle came again from the front of the passage: "That's right, but the entrance of the mine has not been sealed. Miss Lieutenant can seize the last chance to get out of the passage. Otherwise, the mouse in the cage will be immersed in the end Cage torture. But there is no water for torture. There is only hot lava! Wow ha ha ha ha! "

Let me go, is this to drown our rhythm with lava?

The president was even more frightened: "Well! The lieutenant of the European Union was also killed!"

Xiaofang was shocked: "Fei brother, just take this opportunity to break out and kill?"

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Break through? Outside the hole is the demon's thousands of regular troops plus thousands of flying cavalry. If you launch your own attack, it is equivalent to the other party rushing in. It is fast in the middle of the opponent's death. It ’s okay to die. If the important npc hangs up, it is simply-it is impossible to describe your feelings!

As a lascivious player. Dafei has deep feelings for every beautiful npc with high friendliness, not to mention the beautiful npc that coexists with the power and noble temperament!

At this time, Ye Er also said lightly: "Since the other party's withdrawal indicates that there is no full certainty to destroy us now, our army may not be able to break through. As a soldier, I have set aside life and death, and everything is under the command of the Lord.

Da Fei's frown tightened. It was a good terrain that consumed the enemy, and it turned out to be a wolverine situation of his own breakout. This situation was simply intolerable!

It is not the first time that such an almost desperate situation has occurred, and the last time it was in a nightmare space. but. Last time in the nightmare space, there was an archangel Sazel, who spared no effort to open the space door to rescue. What about this time?

Da Fei immediately asked, "Can Archangel Sazel save us?"

He couldn't help it. Then he shook his head and sighed: "Warrior, Lord Sazel, who shoulders the responsibility of maintaining the entire city of punishment, how can he fall into a greater adventure for an adventure?"

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "That is to say, it's not that he doesn't have the ability to save, but that he doesn't have the way to save?"

Wuer frowned: "Warrior, can you give a reason why an angel grows up at great risk to save?"

Dafei's eyes widened: "reason! What other reasons do you need to rescue your subordinates?" Well, brother is so fake! Brother omitted the word "beauty" in front of his subordinates, and Brother wasn't so eloquent.

Ms. Seoul was stunned again, and then looked around faintly: "Angel's life is lighter than Hong Mao, angel's responsibility is heavier than Taishan."

She's not panic at all? This is completely different from the original performance in the nightmare space? Could it be fearless?

Dafei followed her gaze and looked around, then immediately moved: "We have laid a mine! We have also restrained each other's generals. As long as we add another force, we will win a great victory Otherwise, we will lose all our mines and lose our troops. This is a time to test the will and perseverance of both parties, especially behind the deep **** here. The **** also believes that our army will not come to the rescue. This is also correct. It's time for the enemy's will to relax. Isn't it the manifestation of the archangel's responsibility to expand the results at this time? "

Haer could not help but smile: "Although it is adventurous, but it sounds reasonable, but the reason does not seem to be sufficient. I can remind you that the city of punishment can float in the air, but the energy required is very huge. "

"Can the City of Divine Punishment Float?" As soon as this remark was made, the president of Dafei shocked everyone!

Joel laughed: "Of course, I didn't say that the city of magical punishment is the battle of magical punishment 10,000 years ago. Did heaven airdrop to the nine fortresses of hell? Not to mention, the cities of wizards in the ground world can all float. It ’s not surprising that we have a fortress floating in the divine realm. "

Da Fei suddenly realized, yes! With the artifact of the perpetual motion, the commonplace thing floating in the air is nothing more! However, she was obviously seven, and she unknowingly changed to nine, and she really has two new districts. And she gave the initiative to give a hint, that is to break the situation is hopeful!

Dafei hurriedly said, "That is to say, we can drive the city of **** punishment directly here to occupy the mine?"

Noir nodded: "Exactly! But the price is that the city of divine punishment may not have enough energy to maintain the enchantment, so this is a huge risk!"

Da Fei immediately said, "But we have a rich ore! Can the rich ore supplement the consumption of the enchantment? And, presumably, the Blood Demon King of the Blood Lake has already been dispatched, and is pouring blood water in the underground of the city of punishment to prepare for destruction. The death of the demon king in Europa made him learn well, he was rude and refused to fight, and in that kind of plain terrain, we did not have full confidence and his long-term consumption. But we moved to higher mountainous terrain. His blood lake was There is no way to penetrate it. It is equivalent to abolishing him! Not to mention that this is a mountainous area, which is not conducive to the assembly of the **** army, and we also have the terrain advantage! "

Wuer nodded: "But this also means that we are closer to the **** fortress. How can we withstand the day and night attacks of the demon army when the enchantment energy is too late to replenish?"

There is brother! Afraid of hair!

At this moment, President Xue Wei suddenly said: "Master Vindicator, it is time to call all our warriors in Asia. We will not make mistakes in Europa again! Please believe in the power of our mortal warriors!"

Dafei could not help but be shocked! Really deserves to be the president of a famous Chinese guild. This bravery scared my brother! Brother just wants to pretend to be strong. She is full of China, and she has a big breast!

"The warriors said so well!"

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the hall of the mine, and then a beam of light fell from the sky, and suddenly the image of Sazel was in the beam!

Ms. Seoul smiled, "Sir, please arbitrate!"

I pulled it out, and it turned out he had been eavesdropping! No wonder there is no fear!

Sazel exhilarated: "Warriors. Although we all received conservative instructions from the divine world because of the severe defeat in the Europa area, but I know that this is not the true meaning of the divine world, but I ca n’t find a way but to be conservative Respond. I have been watching you all the time. I think you have already created the key to breaking the game. We must use morale to boost morale, so I will start the punishment fortress immediately. This is a huge adventure, but This is also the first step in the city of punishment for 10,000 years. It is time to take this step! And this step requires all the warriors to work together! "After these words, the image disappeared!

At this moment, President Da Fei intersected with surprise, and the whole Xuewei Studio was boiling again!

The president laughed: "Fei brother, you are too strong, you can make an npc force move your nest, you are still the first!"

Dafei laughed: "Whereever, the president still has the courage, and directly proposed that players from all over China participate in the war. This is the heroine of female middle school!"

The president laughed and said, "Where, there is no flying brother to break the game, everything is equal to zero."

Just then, Xiaofang said, "Fei, it's time to clear the battlefield!"

The chairman also suddenly remembered something: "Fei brother, hurry up and rush the skills. Once the **** punishment fortress comes here, it may not be a place of light and despair, there may be no way to rush to the **** level! The system may not allow I even suspect that the player ’s mass production of god-level skills is the internal cause of the system to move the fortress!

Dafei was suddenly shocked, lying down, really speaking like this?

Dafei hurriedly said: "Okay, then hurry up!"

At this point, after the melee with Tasima just now, there were already 6 forest goddesses and 4 angels sacrificed in the chaos. Just one of them was resurrected.

Da Fei urged: "Ready, everyone will resurrect the forest goddess. If it fails, continue. If it succeeds, resurrect the angel. In theory, if it succeeds, this will be the fastest leap from master to **** in the world. It's not enough time to fail, it doesn't matter, next time Brother will take you flying! "

Xiaofang Xiaoli immediately said: "Thank Fei Ge!"

"Start!" Dafei started the field of light again, and Jinguang filled the hall again!

At this point, Dafei Xiaofang and Xiaoli each released the resurrection technique towards their own targets. At this moment, the beauties of the whole Xuewei Studio watched the three men slowly reading the notes while counting down in unison! Da Fei is even more nervous to add. Maybe Xiaofang and Xiaoli have been using resurrection for a long time, and their proficiency is enough. There is no problem in promotion, but brother is the first time to use resurrection! Then the only thing you can count on is your own 3 points of wisdom!

The next moment, the green light flashed three times, and the three-row system prompted Ding Dong!

——System Tip: Congratulations! You successfully resurrected a forest goddess using resurrection in a place of light and despair, and you learned the master-level light magic! Your wisdom +1!

——System Tip: Your team members have learned the magic magic of the Grand Master!

——System Tip: Your team members have exquisite blood arrows to comprehend the master-level bright magic!

success! !! !! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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