God Rank Hero

Chapter 1085: Barely making a divine drama

For current players, Level 4 soldiers have become popular among relatively high-level players. However, due to the development of each town and the player's reputation, Level 4 soldiers have not yet formed a scale. And high-level players have begun to set foot in the field of level 5 soldiers. As for the 7th pawn, it is still a field out of reach.

However, the Japanese area that triggered the plot is different. The 15 main demon long players that the Mitsubishi team obtained the demon lord qualification can rent a large number of 7th-level big demon from npc.

Big Devil: Devil creature of **** size, attack 32, defense 32, life 211, attack speed 10, damage 3666, fire resistance 90%, magic resistance 60%, acrobatics: teleportation movement, summon abyssal demon, doom falls, mental immunity , Flames slash, hatred strikes, bright enemies.

This is the attributes of the 7th-level army devil that the hells are proud of. Each stunt is a stunt. In front of the teleportation movement, the enemy on the battlefield has nothing to do in front and back, and directly determines the long-range troops. During the first Battle of China in the Shining Pool of China, the sawsaw of the American Devil was to maximize the ability of teleportation. The kind of beheading that flew across the field was still fresh in the memory of the Chinese players at the time.

Then the big devil can sacrifice a corpse of the same health on the battlefield to summon a 6th-level abyss demon, which is equivalent to obtaining additional powerful reinforcements, which greatly makes up for the innate deficiency of anemia. Of course, the output of the big devil can also make up for the anemia, w → ww.

Then the big devil's fire cleavage stunt is equivalent to the power angel with its own fire damage. Hate Strike randomly increases the critical strike chance by 5% to 20%.

Then there is the core stunt "Bright Enemy" of the big devil, and the big devil is against the light creature. Natural creatures deal an additional 10% to 50% damage. Is a natural killer of angel and elven arms. Then this core stunt cooperated with the racial profanity of 15 demon lord players in Japan. It can increase the extra damage to angels and elves by more than 100%! That is to say, the damage caused by the fiends of the fifteen lord lord players to the Dafei troops is crit, which can greatly make up the gap between Dafei's offense and defense and the official position.

This is the big devil. In addition to the only disadvantage of anemia, the **** tribe's flawless killing machine! At this moment, the Mitsubishi team pinned all their hopes on the ultimate arm of the **** tribe.

At this moment, the flying fortress in the sky was like a dark cloud slowly passing over the demon camp of the lakeshore.

At this moment, the atmosphere of Mitsubishi Command was unprecedentedly dignified. Success or failure is here, the first battle is a decisive battle!

"The gun went right into the battlefield position!"

"Ghost Nozomi enters the battlefield position!" ...

"Killing Guan Bai enters the battlefield position!"

Tsukamoto reported loudly: "President. All main players enter the battlefield attack position!"

Igarashi waved his hand sharply: "Big devil, attack!" ...

At this point, in the Captain's Room of the Flying, Da Fei looked at the red dots of the 15 enemy players on the radar and entered the battlefield attack range with a lot of cannon fodder. It seems that it is going to attack!

Very good, Da Fei also wants to know if he is the other party, what methods will he use to restrain himself. After all, as a master, you must have the habit of transposition thinking, otherwise it is not good to play chess. The big fly asked Tamelia to open a space door and withdraw a part of the jungle hunter who had been secretly crowded on the deck into the Holy Vine space. This frees up a position for militant pain.

At this moment, the giant teleportation array of the Demon Camp flashed. Hundreds of Level 7 Puppet Demon suddenly appeared among the smirks of the camp!

Da Fei's heart jumped, and it really came! Just lying down, so much!

The next moment, the flames flashed again, hundreds of big demons disappeared, and then the fire exploded in front of Dafei. Needless to say, the big devil teleported and landed!

Come on! Fight a pain!

With a big wave of Da Fei's hand, the wave ss-class angel army has been preparing to fly for a long time, but most of the angels are classic fat female transfiguration images, yes! This is the "Beseb" that shocked the world at first, and I didn't know how to die if you wanted to die!

The battle begins! When each big devil giggled and appeared in the fire, the sword light that greeted it turned giggles into screams!

Spike! Spike into pieces!

In the face of Dafei's high-attack and various terrifying professional skill bonuses, these 200-blood ordinary big demon are no different from the cannon fodder blood flesh outside the city of divine punishment! And in the face of Da Fei's high attack speed doubled than ordinary people, the first batch of large devil to teleport landing completely did not even have the opportunity to shoot!

Not to mention the 200-blood devil led by Japanese players, even the npc hero of Tasima's offense and defense, can't bear the slash of flying!

This is the difference between the attributes of Dafei and the main players in Japan, and this is the difference in the quality of arms! In front of Boss-class angels, the dazzling stunts of the big devil are useless. In fact, even if the big devil is facing an ordinary regular angel, the angel only needs one healing skill to resist the many stunts of the big devil. This is the balance between the top soldiers.

At this moment, Da Fei can already imagine how powerful the Japanese team should be. It was just that Da Fei was really tangled and said that it was time to release water. As a result, the 7th-level soldiers who relied on them cut the vegetables and chopped vegetables. Did they not go to the United Nations to make trouble? Shouldn't I pretend to be afraid to return to the enemy, so as to appease them?

However, even if they are pretending to be afraid, they have to cooperate to some extent, and it is only necessary to exhaust the physical strength of the brother ’s force, otherwise the acting of the brother is too exaggerated? OK, then kill more.

Dafei guessed right, Mitsubishi headquarters was uproar at this time! Watching the live video of the American Supernova team is even more solemn!

"Don't see it !!!"

This mysterious army, which has only appeared on the forum in China, has actually appeared in front of Japan, and has shown amazing combat effectiveness! Aside from the personal attributes of Da Fei, this Besib's combat power is already far above the level 7 soldiers, no. Above level 8 soldiers!

this moment. Immediately, a member returned to God and mourned: "Captain! Withdraw! It is not an opponent at all. It will only lose its strength for nothing!"

Tsukamoto gritted his teeth and looked at the shocked Igarashi.

Just then, Captain America, who watched the video, said: "What is the significance of the retreat?"

Igarashi was startled, "What does Mr. Fordson mean?"

Fordson whispered: "Sometimes it makes more sense to die than to live!"

At this moment, Igarashi suddenly realized: "The old one will not go, the new one will not come!"

Fordson nodded: "It is indeed Mr. Igarashi. This is a famous proverb of your Orientals! With the high-end advancement of Dafei equipment and troops, it is impossible for the current configuration of the light pool to stop him. Say, you will lose this battle! In this case, you will simply lose it completely and die clean, so that the progress of the plot will advance, and the NPC will send out a more powerful army! You know, **** people can God-matched races, these current arms of the **** clan are mortal arms, and they do not reflect the true strength of the **** clan! "

Igarashi suddenly realized: "So, thank you for your advice!"

Tsukamoto also immediately said: "This is the same as our original plan, the more high-end Fei Fei. The more likely it is to stimulate the **** to move the strong!"

Igarashi exhilarated, "Yo West! Then we don't need to care about the gains and losses of this city of light pool!"

Fordson laughed: "So, go ahead. Let's see where this Besib limit is!"

Tsukamoto firmly believed: "All the big devil is out!" ...

At this time, the first batch of hundreds of large demons that landed on the Flying Deck fell down, and their presence did not pose a little threat to the "Belzeb" legion, just like the flesh and blood cannon ash outside the city of punishment. I believe that the death of hundreds of big devil will make Japan reflect on life.

At this moment, Tamilla appeared happily beside Da Fei: "Master City Lord, now the Holy Vine Space has just merged the soul of Hydra, and began to try to cultivate the flower demon barracks. It is when nutrition is urgently needed. , The bodies of these big devil are relatively high-end, it is too timely to come! "

Da Fei was suddenly overjoyed. Yeah, I have to kill both pain and let Sheng Teng take pain! Dafei laughed and said, "Take it away!"

Tamillah said joyfully, "Yes! The Sacred Vine, which incorporates the soul of Hydra, can digest demon corpses far more quickly than before!"

Between Tammelia's talking and waving, a sacred vine portal appeared on the deck of the large devil's corpses. These corpses did not need to be transported to the door and disappeared.

It's so convenient. This feeling is like giving meat to your mouth!

At this time, the teleportation circle of the Demon Camp was a smirk that resounded through the camp, and a group of big devil teleported in place. Then the fire exploded and the second group of big devil landed!

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go. Are you professional players? Even if he wants to consume his physical strength, he also knows that his spacecraft can take the initiative to retreat! Even Kamikaze knows how to tie up a bomb. How can you let your brother feel like giving him away? I'm so embarrassed to shoot the video, otherwise the players all over the country are scolding him for shooting the anti-Japanese **** drama!

Dafei gave a long sigh, there is no other way, for the nutritional milk powder of Sacred Space, I will reluctantly make an anti-Japanese drama, just hope that the general audience will not distort the world view and sympathize with Japanese players.

The battle is ongoing and the slaughter is continuing. Although it is said that water will be released, it cannot stop at all! Da Fei can't remember whether the 7th or 8th wave has been slaughtered now. In short, it should have killed 1,000 big devil? Even Da Fei started to feel heartache when he couldn't see it. 1000 big devil, if the player can take away the other battlefields freely, I don't know how terrible and invincible it is?

Finally, when the last demon fell, the teleportation array of the Demon Camp finally came without any disgusting smirks, and finally stopped?

Even so, there were countless demonic forces assembled on the bottom of Feixiang's ship, and these forces were completely targets for Dafei to kill.

Da Fei shook his head, no more, and said that the water had to be drained by a foot and an inch, but where did the inch go? In this way, the road will be one foot tall, and you will break your own head, so you can't kill any more. You have to kill only 15 people, haha!


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