God Rank Hero

Chapter 1086: Rabid Revival Point

For high-end players, advancing the progress of the game is not a skill, complete a big task or kill an important npc. But being able to control the process, control the rhythm, and avoid risk is the ability.

Dafei doesn't want to make things big, so it's time to control the rhythm. That is to say, those dense low-level troops on the ground cannot kill them all. If you want to kill, you can only kill high-end arms such as the big devil. The rest are junk food, which wastes the digestion time of the Holy Vine space.

As for the players, especially the players in the hostile camp, there is nothing to say. It is not too many to kill 100 times.

At the next moment, in the laughter of Da Fei, the overwhelming arrow rain set fire, and the murderous "Besib" rushed forward. Even with a large amount of cannon fodder, the 15 main players in Japan still avoided Avoid beheading!

——The system prompts: You have killed the "Blood Gun Jiuro" in Hell in Japan, and the troops of Blood Gun Jiuro are in chaos.

——The system prompts: You have killed the "Hikami Hanzo" in Hell in Japan. . .

——The system prompts: You have killed the "Haido Bow" player of the **** race in Japan. . .

. . . . . .

Da Fei laughed in surprise, it turned out to be an old acquaintance! This is Hanzo, a bow. It looks like the last time they killed them in the ruins of the ancient city of the qualifiers. Now, after so many years, the gap between them and their brother has not been closed, but has been reduced to the point of being killed by the group. This will not leave them a psychological shadow, right?

At this moment, Da Fei really felt that sitting on the boat in the sky and holding everything up high was really cool. No, it was simply God's superiority! That's what it takes to play a game. Therefore, it is even more necessary to control the rhythm, not to provoke the devil to disgusting himself.

With emotion, a red light flashed on the map radar, and a group of Japanese players appeared in the Demon Camp not far away! It's Ginzo Hanzo and others just beheaded!

Dafei frowned! Let me go. This is the resurrection in situ, right? How many years have I kept doing this? it is good. This video must be recorded!

Then the next moment, "Besib" was culled again. The poor resurrected the weak Mitsubishi team main force had no power to fight, and the thousands of cannon fodder on the scene could not keep their heads, and they turned into death again and again.

Dafei laughed on the spot, cool! have to say. The sky boat's vision bonus of 100% is really easy to use, otherwise it really makes the sample hide! Okay, my brother ’s sky boat personally moved above the resurrection point, and see how he fixes you!

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team was astonished: "All members. Forcibly offline!"

No way, in the case of keeping the resurrection point, you can only forcibly disconnect the network cable. For the sake of convenience, it is indeed a major mistake of the Mitsubishi team to use such a temporary resident as the demon camp.

However, even in ordinary online games, player characters spend more than ten seconds before the game exits to allow the system to count down to save game data, not to mention Hero Genesis, a huge data game, which takes half a minute to go offline How much!

And half a minute is enough for each person to die many times! this moment. The big screen of the Mitsubishi Command was logged out of the game in gray and black, and the faces of all the players were equally dead! Dignified professional players were killed and resurrected. This kind of thing spreads out is a laughing stock in the professional game industry!

And at the moment. Da Fei was out of breath and smiled. The angle of the video of Da Fei's video was dangling and unstable due to his laugh, so Da Fei watched the other side from level 50 to 49, so To level 48, and finally disappeared offline.

Gone! Da Fei Yi still did not sigh. The biggest regret is that they did not blow up the other party's equipment. The hero battle must destroy all of the opposing forces before the battle ends to gain experience and equipment. And Da Fei had no time to kill their massive cannon fodder. Had to let go of their gear.

In short, it is now to drop a gargoyle sentry to watch over the top of the camp. As long as Ya dare to go online, brother immediately sent troops back to hack, and then went to destroy the earthquake workshop.

There are no players present, and Da Fei doesn't need to hide it. The Fei Xiang directly teleported in the air. The next moment, the spacecraft flew away from the dense ground troops and appeared above the workshop. Yes, the spacecraft can also teleport, which is a secret that Dafei must keep in front of the player. Of course, it is estimated that players with a little brains can guess, that is not a secret. So Dafei's current biggest secret is Shengteng Space, which is a national-level strategic secret that cannot be known to any player.

Now, the earthquake workshop is underneath. Da Fei only needs to toss down more than 2,000 trebuchet ammunitions that have been prepared long ago, and then it can easily complete the task.

However, Dafei hesitated again! Once the workshop is smashed, the battle mission will not be completed, and will the process be promoted again? Therefore, you cannot smash them all, you can only smash them selectively! It ’s not right. Let ’s grab a wave first, or else I ’m really sorry for the “War Looting” skill of punishing the Crusaders, first check if there is oil and water, and then depending on the situation.

That's right, just grab it! Dafei came to Japan mainly to promote our country's prestige but many years of desire, and to grab a huge debt quickly. As for completing the task, it is not necessarily in the priority range.

As a result, the Angel Army flew into the workshop again, and sure enough, the Army suddenly found 500 units of sulfur in the warehouse of this earthquake workshop. This workshop really needs fuel such as sulfur to start!

And there are 500 units of sulfur in a workshop. Isn't it 3,4000 to grab it around? This is a big deal!

With great joy, Dafei waved his hand greatly: "All flying units should hurry up to move sulfur!"

Then the next moment, Tamilia opened the Holy Vine space door at the bottom of the ship. Various angels, vine demon, artillery, forest goddess, flower demon militia entered and exited like hard-working bees, and half of the warehouse was moved in an instant It was empty, enough for the particles in the camp to chase before returning to the warehouse.

Haha! Cool!

While there is still a little time, Da Fei cut out a video clip of the resurrection point just recorded and is ready to send it to the forum to explain to the people of the motherland. However, does the personal forum reveal his forum number? In the event that the US f is forced to investigate, even if it is a haze body, it is difficult to say whether it will be beheaded by their drone laser positioning?

Therefore, let this kind of thing be left to others. Brother disdain to do this kind of thing in person, highlighting the noble character.

Dafei opens the friends list. Since it is currently a cross-region, many friends on Dafei's friends list are in a gray state that cannot be contacted, but Bu Fei Yan, Bai Hua Sha, Yan Lan smiles. The three beautiful women who are on the same trip can indeed be contacted. of.

Although Bu Feiyan has the most influence, the sensational effect of making her video is also the best. But after all, it ’s not her own guild. This will make the guild's beauties chill, and let the flowers kill her. She looks cheerful.

So Dafei sent a message to Baihua: "Beauty, how is it going?"

Baihuasha immediately responded: "Progress is not good, Japanese players are so disgusting, we ca n’t get out of the city if we deliberately block Luca!"

Da Fei said, "Okay, brother sent a video to calm down, just pick an exaggerated title to make the audience all over the country happy."

Baihua said with a smile: "It's worth flying brother, there must be something good!"

Dafei laughed: "Okay, you guys keep busy. Be patient. Brother is busy."

"Feige is busy!"

Although Baihuasha was dispatched with Yan Lan, Bu Feiyan and some of the stars, but the battlefield allocated by the system did disperse them, which made Baihuazai feel more isolated, and then was harassed by players in Japan. At such a depressing moment, being able to receive Fei Ge's condolences is really another miracle.

When Baihuasha opened the video from Dafei, he was shocked! Then Haha laughed wildly: "The face of Japan has been lost!"

So the next moment, at the China Forum, a long post titled "Feige resurrection point to kill the 15 main forces of the European service in Japan, the $ 8 million worth of God-level heroes collectively lost two levels," shocked China, Then shocked the world with tens of millions of retweets! (To be continued)


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