God Rank Hero

Chapter 1094: Killing clones

After nearly half a minute of marching, Da Fei also rushed to the battlefield. At this time, the 5 demons had been completely crushed in the magic hood and could not fight back, or they could not fight back to maintain the magic circle.

Looking at the half of the gemstones burned in the circle, Dafei's eyes were bleeding with tears: "I'm so late!"

Then there is nothing to say, the big move starts! A rainbow of light rose and covered the entire army!

At this moment, you get the bonus of flying attack, the penalty of the crusader, and the whole army of Ranger's hatred broke out with the unimaginable destructive power just now—the sound of a loud blast and the magic cover of 5 demons disappeared!

Just at the moment when the magic hood was broken, a large mouthful of cobwebs from Lilim, which appeared in the first battle picture, fell from the sky, and all the 5 demons on the circle were arrested all at once! Then a variety of Elena's big ice seals, the artillery's flame chain vine demon magic bomb forest goddess flying spear compiled into a dense gorgeous barrage whistling!

At this moment, the battlefield was submerged in a barrage of fire and sea, and Da Fei's eyes could only see dense damage data and tons of green light!

A few voices in the sea of ​​fire were screaming in anger: "No! It's almost! It's almost!"

"Don't be proud! We are just trivial avatars, and we will be back! Ah-"

A few screams, the system prompts a jingle!

——System prompt: the battle is over! You have completed the task "Clear Demon Scout" issued by the defender General Delier of Cold Emerald City! The current task completion is 5/5.

Just the demon avatar? That's it? Just in panic, 5 flocks of pink smoke on the battlefield drifted into Da Fei!

——System Tip: Your **** detector has collected 5 weak **** conscious bodies.

What the hell! I'm afraid you won't be able to come back, this time it's cheap Makar! Da Fei came back with a big wave of his hand: "carry the gems immediately! Hurry up!"

"Roger that!"

next moment. The industrious little bee moving against the clock started in Du. Dafei hurriedly searched around the mine. Quickly found a warehouse door burned by magic fire. The warehouse door is glittering and there are half a warehouse's gems!

Oh yeah! Da Fei is jumping for joy. It's really worthwhile for me to race against time! Then there is nothing to say, one piece away! In case the female general asked her, brother said that she was a spy, wow ha ha ha! As for these five spy corpses, anyway, they are also the clone of the demon god, and they are transported back to supplement the vines.

When Dafei looked at the demon corpse of the sheep's head and bat wings, he suddenly found that the five demon seemed to be exactly the same? Ok. Dafei feels exactly the same when looking at the five pigs in the pigpen.

Da Fei asked Deirdre: "Did you say that these five demons are exactly the same? Are they the same deities?"

Deirdre said positively: "Exactly! The demons in this form are very famous and common high-end demons, the Azadres. Azatraz is one of the eight devil kings of hell, and the earliest angel who betrayed God. At the 72-pillar demon, his demons are very numerous, and his image has almost become the representative of demons in the hearts of mortals. The demon gods of these scouts must be a descendant of the Azazil family. "(Note: Azazil, azael, meaning God's power)

Dafei frowned, as if he was the former boss of Samal!

Alicia also said aloud: "It seems that in order to sneak into this space, the demon still sent 5 avatars in succession."

Elena nodded: "But even God. I am afraid it is unbearable to lose 5 avatars at a time. Not to mention that these 5 avatars are not very weak."

Alicia did laugh: "Isn't it better, so **** can't attack the mining area for a long time."

Dafei was surprised and laughed. What does it mean to be weak? I'm not addicted at all. I haven't had time to let Lilim show his power, okay? And the **** has n’t even lost a hair, right? Well, actually, brother is too strong. But then again, these avatars should be unfortunate. When encountering the holy flame angels, they are not afraid of their fireballs. If they are replaced by Lilim, they will be very dangerous!

What's more important is that Lilim is a soldier occupying a tactical position. There is no army of the same family to share magic damage for her. Even if the blood is over 10,000, she can't stand the god-level battle! Da Fei immediately remembered that there were two Lilim souls in Lilim's barracks.

Then it goes without saying that when this matter is finished, let the sea soul battle of Serbia refine them. The requirements are not high, the blood multi-demon resists high energy sharing damage, and the old formula of deep sea cryolite still needs to be changed. As for whether to try to develop a new formula, this will wait until there are more Lilim souls in the future.

The time passed by Da Fei's busy time, and soon, Da Fei's bee handling team swept away all the gems in the field and the gems in the warehouse with amazing efficiency, a total of 1473 units!

Oh also, cool! These are all the nutrition of Shengteng Center Village! Compared with them, the 7000 units of sulfur obtained from the demon are worthless! But in this case, it seems that the brothers ’ally is more serious than the enemy ’s. No, no, this is not good, I have to find a chance to go to the enemy and pit it, wow ha ha ha!

Finally, as Da Fei waited and waited, a large green spot came flying in the sky, here it came! Although you are coming quickly, you still have no brother's hands and feet, after all, wow ha ha ha! When the green dot flew near, Dafei found out that the female general was riding a pegasus!

Alicia wow again: "So beautiful! So handsome!"

Let me go. It turns out to be the General Pegasus in Japan! Da Fei was heartbroken for a moment, why is our Pegasus General in China a man!

At this time, the female general Pegasus came to Da Fei and smiled joyfully in front of Da Fei: "It is indeed a warrior from across the region. The ancient tree of Sirena has detected the disappearance of the invader. Warrior, you prevented the enemy from escaping in time. This is the reward you deserve! "

——The system prompts: you complete the task, get reward experience value +5 million, get gold coins +500,000, get skill book +5!

amount! This reward can't be lifted at all! Dafei grinned and said, "This is what I should do."

The female general laughed again: "Furthermore, the outstanding and efficient performance of the warrior shocked the ancient tree of Sirena. The ancient tree wants to see you, and the warriors will bring their own heroic team. Anyone who can see the ancient tree will benefit. It's superb! "

Oh yeah! This is the reward that Brother wants! As long as God sees the brother, isn't it crying and crying and begging him to be a little brother? However, my brother's brother is not so easy to collect, at least the other party must be beautiful. Well old trees, then there is no hope, wow ha ha ha.

. . . . . .

When Dafei made a major breakthrough in another battlefield, the Mitsubishi team was still at a loss.

Yes, the 15 main players of the Mitsubishi team still dare not go online. Although the classmates staying in the city saw the general returning, they also came forward to inquire about the situation and wanted to talk from the npc. But how could the general have a good face for these ineffective students? A military secret was sent straight away.

Needless to say, this is Da Fei's rhythm of defending the Mitsubishi team all night! The entire Chinese forum is killing to level 0, the call of exposure equipment, with so many people supporting, Da Fei must stay to the end.

When Igaran gritted his teeth and felt helpless, some team members reported: "President, Minister Nehru of the Tianlong Eight Division of the Indian District, looking for you!"

Of course, Igarashi knows what it is. It is nothing more than asking for the sharing of Dafei's video materials and information. Although Igarashi has always looked down on the Indian area, and knows that the other party must be watching the joke of the Mitsubishi team secretly in his heart, anyway, it is also a good thing to let Dafei have one more opponent.

Of course, Igarashi does not know that the current India area is no longer the India area that was previously equal to nothing. Just shortly after, the Indian region was stimulated by the World Announcement of the Great Dragon's Tomb, and 20 dark tide members sent by it were driving medium-sized ships that were not suitable for the ocean. After nearly four days of ocean trek in real time, they miraculously survived 8 The famous team members finally reached the Undercurrent Temple!

The Indian area thought it might not exist, and it seems that this time it is a real bet! If the whole world is marveling at the high attributes of Dafei, and feels that there is no way to catch up in a short time, the Indian area feels that it is okay, because there are Triton tribute that can add attributes! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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