God Rank Hero

Chapter 1095: Priest of Silena

Da Fei returned to the towering cold emerald city. Under the leadership of the female general, the group reached a broad courtyard in the center of the city. In the courtyard, a giant tree as large as a skyscraper. Numerous tree monster houses on the giant tree were like Christmas tree decorations. The ancient trees are beautifully dressed.

This is the style of Silena! And he is just a guardian **** in the world tree space. Da Fei can no longer imagine how big the world tree will be. For the world tree whose roots run through multiple worlds, the branches that mortals can see in the capital of the elven kingdom are only a small part of his appearance. The world tree has reached a large and invisible state.

"Warrior, please!" In the greeting of the female general, Da Fei and his party entered a shining space door in the tree cave, and then the scene changed, and a small garden floating in the air appeared, looking around, A panoramic view of the entire lake area.

Under the big tree in the center of the garden, an old man with a white beard carrying a green light cane smiled and greeted, "Welcome, warriors!"

The female general introduced: "This is the human form of Lord Silena."

This pomp, high-profile and refined, eh! Da Fei hurried forward and saluted, "I've met Lord Silena!"

Silena smiled: "In fact, I also heard about the name of the warrior. The warrior solved the problem that has troubled me for many days, and it really deserves his name, so see the warrior anyway!"

This is the benefit of high world reputation! Just hug the tree legs now. Da Fei laughed happily: "Actually, in our Asia region, I had contact with Lord Silena. I saw the Habit tribe rescued by Lord Silena during the solar eclipse war thousands of years ago. Then again Using the tree branches of Lord Silena's power that year to fight against evil many times. "

Silena's beard shook. Then he said with emotion: "It turns out that the Habit tribe is still alive! It is so good, it is so good. In the battlefield of the gods at the time, I was not sure what to do to do anything, it can be done as a fact. It's great. "

God is indeed a plane creature across the region! It's great to be able to see an acquaintance hit by just eight poles in other districts!

Da Fei said excitedly: "Master, rest assured, the Habit tribe is now doing very well with our help, and they are always thinking about the asylum of the adults!"

Silena nodded reassuringly: "Very good!"

The general said with a smile: "Master Sirena. Don't just leave the old days behind, there's still business!"

Silena laughed: "Yes, yes, warriors! In recognition of your efforts to repel the devil, I can enlighten your wisdom and make it easier for you to comprehend master-level and even god-level skills. Of course, you can also ask Get character levels, or some attributes. You can choose the same, too much of my old wood will not work. "

Dafei brows, this is the extra reward? This reward is actually the same as seeing the ordinary ancient tree of wisdom. However, even the ordinary old tree of wisdom is not so easy to see. Therefore, when the Battle of the Lake of Lights in China started, the ancient tree of wisdom of Nasir was discovered. Don't say players from various countries, even the npc of the **** tribe cannot calm down.

In short, it is indeed a good reward. However, for Dafei now, it is not a matter of understanding the master's **** level, and it is probably not a matter for the family to improve the skills of a master. It is even more important to upgrade the attributes! This extra reward can only be called the icing on the cake for Da Fei, and it can be said that it is optional. This obviously wastes an opportunity to get in touch with God to promote favor.

It is quite possible that after receiving this extra reward, there is nothing peaceful about Dafei here. Dafei only has to fight back to his home, and he will never see this old man's fate.

That is absolutely not possible! How can a high-end player and a low-end player have a result? Da Fei quickly calculated the pros and cons between the sudden change of heart, or decided not to go the ordinary way and try to trigger a new plot!

Da Fei laughed: "Thank you for your kindness, but the kingdom is in crisis, and the adults are also on the front line of resisting the devil. It is better to retain their strength as much as possible. The team below is already on the path to proper growth. Everything Knowledge and improvement can be done in battle. "

Silena couldn't help it: "The Warriors mean, don't need my inspiration?"

Da Fei hurriedly saluted, "Yes! I just need to keep fighting."

Silena laughed, "It's interesting! It's really interesting!"

The female general also laughed: "No other warrior just wants to see Lord Silena do not have this qualification. The Warrior did see that Lord Silena did give up this opportunity. It is really incomprehensible!"

Huh! Is my brother's foresight able to think through? Since the NPC's reward has been rejected, according to the system's compensation mechanism, it can almost be requested.

Da Fei said, "Master Sirena, I have a view on the future battle situation. Since the demons smash our mines, we can't always passively defend, we should also kill and destroy their mines? If our army is inconvenient to move, we are ready to dispatch! "

Dafei believes that most of this request at the expense of rewards can get the consent of npc, and even get the care of npc. The key is to take care of it. Without God-level npc as the backstage, how dare Dafei fight a pain? This is also Da Fei's weakness in the main battlefield of the pool of light.

As soon as he said this, Silena nodded again and again: "It is indeed a warrior, and his perspective is very unique!"

The female general also nodded: "It makes sense that the warrior's skilful combat power displayed in the pool of light and the outstanding performance of us here, I am afraid that only the warrior can perform this task. There is indeed a **** in the space around us. The blood sea volcano sulfur mine operated by the clan, but the area is shrouded in sulfur smoke, and there are various negative states. The most terrible thing is that the sulfur smoke explosion that covers the entire space can erupt at any time according to the needs of the **** clan. , The killing range is extremely wide, it is a very difficult place to conquer! "

Dafei frowned. Blood sea volcano sulfur mine? Isn't this the space next to my blood sea gemstone mine? Brother has even seen the mercury storm, what big bang cares?

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Is there a god-like strong guard?"

The female general laughed in surprise: "If I said no, wouldn't I disappoint the Warriors?"

Not good! Brother ate too much before thinking of living with God. Dafei rejoiced: "Leave it to me! Sulfur is an important resource for the Demons. Only by attacking the enemy from the source of the economy can we fundamentally curb the hell's offensive!"

Silena satisfied: "Well worthy of being a warrior! Very good, this task will be entrusted to you! As for me-" Speaking of this, Silena gave the green light stick in his hand to Da Fei: "This stick Owning a part of my divine power will allow your entire army to enter another plane to avoid huge damage. Each use will consume a certain amount of divine power. If you have used it, remember to save it. "

——The system prompts: You accept the battle mission "Destroy the Blood Sea Volcano Sulfur Mine of Hell Corps". You get the artifact "Silaina Staff"!

——Mission Tips: Destroy the equipment of the mine. Kill the workers or the garrison, making the mine unable to produce for one month to achieve the conditions to complete the task.

Sure enough he was taken care of! Isn't this the thickened version of the old village chief's Silena branch? This is the magic weapon of the whole military!

Dafei said: "Please rest assured, I will use it well."

The female general nodded: "The warrior, let's get ready. When you're ready, Lord Silena will send your troops to the battlefield."

Smiley laughed: "I look forward to the good news of the Warriors!"


The only thing Fei Fei has to prepare now is to vacate 5000 units of sulfur in Holy Vine Space. Under the circumstances that Dafei's current mission merit is not very high, the exchange is definitely a loss now, and a batch of gems have been obtained, and there is no rush to redeem it, so I will rent a large npc warehouse to store it first Besides.

After all. Da Fei's group followed the female general out of the garden space again. As soon as the gate of the courtyard, Alicia could not help but exhale: "So nervous! I didn't expect to see the ancient Silena tree!"

The general said with a smile: "Master Sirena is very kind. Don't be nervous."

Alicia asked, "By the way, is General Lord the priest of Lord Silena?"

The female general was surprised: "Is this recognized by the lady? Yes, there are many priests in the city, Sirena, but only one of them is a part-time guard general. I never thought I would be recognized without wearing a priestly clothes. "

Alicia sighed: "It is the priest's mark of the general's neckline! In our district, this mark can only be seen in history books and museums. It's a shame."

Dafei frowned! Suddenly chatting between npc, what story might be triggered?

The female general sighed: "It is true that the solar eclipse war thousands of years ago, the power of the devil swept across the world, Lord Silena's several **** bodies in other worlds were destroyed in the war, and a large number of priests died and disappeared This is really a very tragic thing, so we must not let the disaster repeat today, we must fully resist the attack of the devil. "

Alicia nodded: "Yes! So please rest assured that we will work hard to fight every battle."

Speaking of which, the two hurried away again and the atmosphere became solemn and heavy.

And Da Fei is even more strange, so don't say it? No more text? Suddenly the topic of a priest popped up and stopped?

When talking about the priests who died and disappeared during the war, Da Fei suddenly remembered that there were not a few elf priests in his dancer group. Will they be priests of Silena?

Lying down! Maybe it is! Suddenly NPC chat for no reason is to remind players! Those who can understand are masters, and those who do not understand are novices!

Dafei hurriedly asked, "Sir, General, does Sirinar recognize every priest?"

The female general was surprised: "It's hard to say, but those who are particularly devout and outstanding must know each other."

That's it! It must be particularly outstanding to be able to be brainwashed by the devil **** Gushing family! At this moment, Da Fei's intuition is almost confirmed! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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