God Rank Hero

Chapter 1096: Dive into the Sea of ​​Brimstone

Da Fei trembled with excitement at the thought that her elven dancers were most likely the priests of Silena. what does this mean? It means that one's relationship with Sirena is getting closer! He saved the priest he had lost for many years!

At the same time, this also means that these elven dancers are likely to leap forward under the guidance of Silena, becoming their own powerful fighting power!

Dafei rejoices: "Sir, General, I have a few elves who have been rescued from the demons. I suspect they may be the priests of Sirena, is it convenient for you to introduce them?"

The female general could not help but startled: "Warrior confirmed? Is there any evidence?"

Da Fei suddenly sighed, and then sighed: "No, the only evidence is that they are excellent priests who are eligible to be brainwashed by the demon Koko family. But I think it's enough to let Lord Silena see it?"

The female general frowned: "Well, when the warrior has completed this task, I will arrange to introduce it. After all, Lord Silena is a god, and he will not easily meet mortals without special circumstances."

Dafei was overjoyed: "Then the trouble General! I will definitely do my best to let Master Silena meet his lost priest in the best mood!"

The general said with a smile: "Yes! God has principles, but mood is just as important."

It's done! The so-called principle is actually not just God, all high-level npcs are the same, w △ ww. For example, an npc at the level of the Duke Prince Mayor, under normal circumstances, unless there is a mission story, not ordinary players can see. This is the current relationship between Dafei and Silena. If you don't initiate the task or mix up a student status, you can't see it if you don't see it.

So this is why Da Fei can also sacrifice rewards and mix up a mission from him. What Dafei wants is to be able to meet him constantly.

Here's how to rent a warehouse to make room for Sheng Teng. There is still time for unloading. Dafei took advantage of this time to eat and drink Lazarus. To meet new challenges with a new and full spirit ...

At 2:30 pm Beijing time, the interregional national war in Japan has been going on for more than 5 hours. After the forum in China experienced the initial enthusiasm, and then the popularity of Dafei, it has now attracted a new wave of live video streaming!

The leader of this wave of tide is the **** sea! In front of the Bloody Sea, to deal with the enemy ships, a small vortex needs to be waved. The enemy ships in the vortex can not control but cannot escape except for rotation. Can't aim with a crossbow gun, even the players on the ship are dizzy and can't fight without distinction, becoming a living target! Naval battle was so simple!

The **** sea is like a hungry wolf at sea, hunting and killing all Japanese ships crazy. Compared with the horrible unsolved vortex of the **** sea, his speed at sea is also incredible. When the killing of the 100th Japanese ship of Blood Sea Kuangtao was reached, the studio gunmen immediately helped, and the entire China Forum and Japan Forum were filled with video posts of Blood Sea Kuangtao. Rising Super Nova!

At this time, the blood sea studio cheered. In order to celebrate, Xuehai Kuangtao invited the team members of the studio to have a spicy barbecue dinner and made an exception to allow each team member to drink a bottle of night beer. usually. The **** sea is not allowed to drink. As for the **** seas and the pony, Tiange and others, of course, they are drinking higher-grade champagne.

Brother Tian said with emotion: "This time Atao finally became famous in the world. After Atao wins the big ship, presumably players from all countries in the city will be convinced to listen to Atao's command."

The pony laughed: "In fact, the world should have been famous for a long time, and A Tao has to retreat with the garbage and fly away. But there is a problem. Will A Tao's constant use of the power of the devil be free? what?"

Brother Tian was surprised: "Play off? In what way?"

The pony frowned: "Of course **** party also dispatched god-level npc?"

Brother Tian laughed in surprise: "A Tao's goal is to make the world famous. As long as the goal is achieved, are you afraid of the sky falling?"

Blood Sea Kuangtao smiled lightly: "Yes! I can't wait for the **** side to also use the god-level npc! The bigger the scene, the cooler it is. I heard that God is universal in all districts. When the next step has a large ship, kill some wildly Each player collects 1,000 hero souls, so I will contact the devil **** of Japan in Japan. The biggest advantage of cross-region is that the npc lock can't follow me, and I can see the devil alone and enjoy the demon **** power. "

Xiao Ma said, "Even if it can be found, it is estimated that the actual time will be two or three days back and forth, right?"

Brother Tian laughed: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, there isn't a week in this Japanese national war that you don't want to fight down. There is time."

Xuehai Kuangtao laughed: "That's it, brother, drink slowly, I'll keep busy!" ...

US Supernova Corps Command. Fordson quietly watched the situation in the major battlefields in Japan. Under the frenzied offensive of Chinese players, the Japanese hell's offensive was immediately frustrated, and players from various countries gradually united under the command of Chinese players to further form a team advantage.

At this moment, a blond teenager behind Fordson frowned: "Captain, do we really not interfere in the war in Japan?"

Fordson laughed, "What do you think?"

The boy replied, "No! Otherwise we don't have to arrive in Japan."

Fordson laughed: "Tom, listen well. Even when playing games, our thinking can't be the same as other small countries. We are ruling thinking! For example, Japan's previous one-sided cleaning of the Bright Alliance npc has, It is conducive to the development of the Japanese region and also helps us to obtain a stronger ally, but we also cannot allow the Japanese region to expand indefinitely, and the system does not allow the Japanese region to easily expand, so the emergence of this national war is inevitable, and we have to do Yes, it is to balance the strength of Japan. So we just need to wait and see. "

The young man suddenly realized: "That is to say, it will be impossible to wait for the Japanese area. Are we dispatching?"

Fordson laughed: "Exactly! So you just need to level up and do the tasks. As for the Chinese, we will find a suitable time to let them know. They are not suitable to be world leaders."

The teenager rejoiced, "I see. Then. What about the biggest threat, the captain said?"

Fordson laughed: "I heard that he is guarding the resurrection point! But it doesn't matter anymore. No matter what he is doing, he just helps us balance the power of the Japanese area and let him ignore it!"

At this point, Fordson couldn't help shaking his head and sighed: "At least we don't think we can manage it. For Dafei, all we can do is race against time ..." ...

Da Fei went offline after a short rest, and then went online again. at this time. All 5,000 units of sulfur in Shengxiang Space have been unloaded, cleared and stored. As for the cold jadeite gems, although Da Fei also wanted to keep it, but for insurance purposes, it was no longer stored, so it should be the dry food in the central village.

Now that everything is ready, Da Fei finds the female general: "Master, I can go."

The female general nodded: "Very well, please have all the warriors' troops on board. Immediately the power of Lord Silena will transfer the warriors to the battlefield. There is a place where the Demon has operated for many years, and the warriors must be careful."

"Got it!"

The next moment, a green beam of light descended from the sky and enveloped the Flying on the pier. Then the scene changed. Familiar tips pop up again:

System prompt: Please wait patiently while the scene is loading.

Another big map scene! it is good. No big deal! Then the next moment, Da Fei appeared in a boiling sea of ​​blood, which was filled with thick yellow smoke. At the same time, the red light on the Dafei radar exploded, and several huge red dots in the sea of ​​blood rushed around.

Familiar recipe, familiar taste! It is exactly the same as the scene where Da Fei had escaped from the demigod turtle to the blood sea sulfur mine!

Dafei really moved, very good! I first used this as a test suit, and after I got the experience, I went back to get the sulfur mine in my hometown. As for these big red dots, when Da Fei first encountered it, he was so scared and fleeing that he didn't know what it was. This time, he must understand it.

Da Fei calmly waved his hand: "The whole army is ready!"

For the current Flying, the only fear of floating on the water is the size of the sea monster. A "giant whale" sea monster with a body size of more than half of the "Flying" may directly overturn the "Flying". At this time, the sea monster became a stormy wave-like existence, and the flying number is not significant in terms of durability and defense.

However, the red dots rushing over now are obviously not so big, so Da Fei is quite ready to eat seafood.

It's close! Appeared in sight and saw! The five red and black heavy armors on the body are like monsters with a familiar atmosphere. Isn't that the Leviathan who suddenly appeared when attacking the city of light and killed tens of thousands of pounds to kill an abyss blood monster?

Dafei laughed! The rank of this devil is absolutely high. Brother's vine space is just waiting to be fed. I ’m sorry I did n’t have a good time to come here! Moreover, when Brother appeared casually here, a blood demon came over to find trouble immediately. It can be seen that there are quite a lot of blood demon here, and it is even more painful.

Even closer, these five golems used the sea monster's usual tactics to dive under the ship. For ordinary players, this is an unsolvable tactic, but for Flying with a parasitic vine, small and medium-sized sea monsters will be caught once they get close, leaving no room for escape!

Bang! !! !! The bottom of the flying ship shook slightly, then a wave of water came out abruptly, and Tamilia exclaimed excitedly, "Catch it!"

This is the routine! Da Fei waved a little lightly: "Lilim, strike!"

At this moment, five sharp roars came from the bottom of the water, which was as loud as Da Fei's encounter with the giant whale of the sea caravan in the Eastern World!

Well, this is the alarm! Finally gave Brother a real challenge!

Da Fei shouted immediately: "Dearly, all the emperors will enter the water, and the battle will be decided quickly!"

"Roger that!"

Under the attack bonus of Da Fei, it was not a problem for the whole army to smash these blood demon. Tamilla also opened the Holy Vine Space Gate and dragged the corpse for the first time. At this time, a large piece of red dots flew on the radar of Da Fei, and the speed was extremely fast. Obviously, it was not a sea monster, but probably the Air Force.

Deserves to be the enemy behind the enemy, a hero is sure to lead the team. OK, brother's first task is anti-submarine arrest, and now it's his turn to hide and seek to be a spy, you have the ability to search out the brother!

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Alicia, Katerina, get lost now!"

"Roger that!"


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