God Rank Hero

Chapter 1102: Big bets in the sulfur storm

It is now 2 am in Beijing. President Xinggu Xing and President of the Ninth Heaven Gods Online met with the top leaders of the world-famous team such as the Korean Tatazu Liberty Wing team, soul team, wave Xer heaven star team and so on.

The cause of the incident was that the Korean female player Li Yinzhu was maliciously hacked by a Chinese player. This was not a major event, and it would not affect the strategic cooperative relationship between Star Ninth Heaven and South Korea in the Japanese war. However, the pk scolding of Chinese players and South Korean players, especially Li Yinzhu fans, has reached a level of fever. Then, in just two hours, the event became more and more implicated like sparks of fire. The ancient stars and the emperor had to negotiate with the Korean side.

At this time, An Zhen, the current leader of the Korean national team, known as the "fighting Buddha", asked in the chat room, "Will the guild team of Mr. Xiang and Mr. Huang represent all Chinese players?"

The ancient stars and the emperor could not help but shook their heads: "No. But we believe that the influence of our guild can still be roughly represented."

"Influence?" Doudou laughed. "Can your influence restrain those responsible?"

The Emperor shook his head and sighed, "No."

The Fighting Buddha smiled coldly: "So, can you delete the insulting comments made by the perpetrators on the forum?"

The ancient stars and the emperor sighed, "No. But we will try to contact the forum administrator."

The Fighting Buddha smiled slightly: "Since you can't do anything now, what's the point of our conversation? In fact, we can't control those players who are not our guild in our country."

The ancient stars said unhappyly: "What does Ann mean. Let them continue to make trouble?"

The Fighting Buddha said indifferently: "This is also no way out. But the two gentlemen rest assured that the cooperation of our several guild teams in the general direction will remain the same. Do you have anything else?"

The ancient star sullenly said, "No, then good night. Hope nothing happens the next day when you wake up."

After ending the connection with the Korean side, the Emperor said unhappy: "If you look at you, I will tell you not to contact the stick! You are afraid your goddess will be pk!"

Ancient Guxing was depressed: "What a joke! If Deng Xiaozheng was pk-punched. Then our star-face will be lost. Even if we don't want to fight against the stick, it must be hard. Millions of fans of Xiao-Deng are watching. Yes. "

The God Emperor sighed: "Now the club has made it clear that it is necessary to invite private masters to find their place in private. Your goddess is best to stay in the city and not go out, and then ask her guild first-class master for her number Stable. "

The ancient star sighed, "I'm afraid that's all I can do."

The Emperor sighed: "My biggest annoyance is dealing with sticks. My skin is thick and thick. I still like to play games to draw as much as 25 thousand or 80 thousand. I really hope we can raise our eyebrows in this game. Capable of turning the stick. "

Gu Xingchen sighed: "No matter how thick the face is, the book is too thick? The stick is just too pretending to be annoying, but both political and economic are closely linked to our country, and the country's foreign policy covers them. It is an aging and declining society that is so determined to confront our country comprehensively. That's too tempting to hate people. In short, we still move, kill a few more books in a few home courts and shift the public opinion. Look away. "

The Emperor God nodded: "It can only be this way. It is best that Dafei is firing a third bullet to guard the resurrection!"

The ancient stars were not angry: "Are you still the guild boss? Don't expect a folk player to do it?"

The Emperor smiled and laughed, "There is no way, the master is in the folk, and the others are niubi. But then again, where did this Martian master come out? We haven't found out, have you seen this person?"

The ancient star sighed: "Oh Martian! How can this name be remembered? Do you know how many Martians we have in China? At least 300,000 pure Martians! Half a Martian who can recognize half a word can have 2 million! How to check? "

The Emperor sighed: "Then I have to find a chance to contact you."

"Is this nonsense!"

at this time. Mitsubishi Team Command, Japan.

The unexpected contradiction between Chinese players and South Korean players is another ecstatic team. Igarashi contacted Ono Shinichiro as soon as possible: "Ono Jun, you have worked hard tonight, please continue to instigate the dissatisfaction between Chinese and Korean players in the China Forum!"

Ono Zhenzheng said: "Hi Yi! I go all out! The arrogance and shame of the Koreans have long made the Chinese extremely dissatisfied. In fact, we are also dissatisfied!"

"Yoshi!" Igarashi nodded with satisfaction and asked, "Yes, is there a way for Ono to contact Dafei?"

Ono sighed: "There is no way. I can only confirm that Da Fei has not been offline from the real-time update of the personal meager main business of the guild members Bai Huashou who also traveled across the district."

Igarashi frowned. "What's the latest update of this hundred flowers?"

Ono: "The latest update was 1 hour ago, and the content is‘ I ’m looking forward to the third video of Flying Brother ’!”

Igarashi's face twitched: "I see, then Ono Jun will go on busy!"


Ending the conversation with Ono, Igarashi stared at the big screen on the wall with a serious expression. A few hours have passed, and the 15 main players of the Mitsubishi team are still afraid to go online. At this time, the members of the Divine Turtle team in the pool of rays of light were again boarded a small ship to search for the trace of flying in the pool of rays. The results found so far are inconclusive.

Although it is a bit unrealistic to search for a big fly in a large pool of dim light by a small boat, it is better than doing nothing.

At this time, Igarashi's mood was very contradictory. Did not see Da Fei, indicating that Da Fei must have deliberately avoided reconnaissance and defended the resurrection point. This is the seductive tactic of Dafei creating the illusion of absence. If you see Da Fei, it means that Da Fei is indeed guarding, and the result is even more desperate!

During the tangle, the team members suddenly made a new discovery: "Report the captain, we found a large clear lake!"

Then there was a report again immediately: "We found a lot of creeping creatures on the bottom of the lake. It is the army that Da Fei has stationed!"

At this moment, Mitsubishi Command was shocked again: "What is this?"

Tsukamoto only regained his mind after half a ring: "It's a slime monster !?"

The president was surprised: "How could there be such a huge slime?"

Tsukamoto said, "Although I don't know why this kind of troops appeared, but the slime monster has the purification ability. This is the big fly purifying the pool of light. If you let them purify at the current speed, I am afraid it will take a few days .The Pool of Light is fully restored! "

The president gritted his teeth and said, "Yoxi! It's time to test Dafei, and when the next boat comes out, the Heshen team will immediately dispatch!"


. . . . . .

While the Mitsubishi team was still struggling with the movement of Da Fei, Da Fei's dragon hunting operation had been going on for an hour, and more than 100 Rust Dragon patrolmen had been killed. This efficiency, this sour. The excited big fly can't stop at all! After all, no matter how good these rusty dragon attributes are, but the speed and height and even the spatial dimension are not in front of the sky boat, it's all a tiger's flock!

At this moment, Dafei is really drunk! Take advantage of this tens of billions of debt in exchange for the development opportunity of rolling snowballs. value!

Also when Da Fei was looking for the next target, there was a change on the radar. All the rusty dragons retreated and shrank back to the volcanic island. A red dot on the map was invisible!

Da Fei frowned, and finally NPC will not let his brother do whatever he wants. This is the rhythm of a big move? Da Fei immediately ordered: "Army alert! Be ready to retreat at any time! Elina Serbia stepped up to assist in recharging Crystals add mana! "

That's right, the dragon hunting has reached this point, and Elina and Serbia are no longer needed. The battle was settled between light and flint. Either spike, or escape, there is no chance for Elina and Serbia to read a spell. The two fell into adult-type chargers.

Then the next moment, a series of huge roars came from the sea bottom of the Blood Sea and the volcanic island, and then the volcanic island of the sea bottom flickered, and a huge amount of thick black smoke spewed out from the island and multiple sea floors at the same time!

The system prompts:

——Campaign mission reminder: Warning! Enemies activate the volcano, a sulfur storm is about to start, and the space will be distorted and unable to teleport back to the city. Be cautious within 30 seconds, and you can spend the most critical moments with the divine asylum of the mission item Silena Staff. At the same time you can also choose to return to the city within 30 seconds. The mission will be declared a failure!

——System prompt: Countdown to the start of sulfur storm: 29 seconds!

——System prompt: Sulfur storm start countdown: 28 seconds!

. . . . . .

What the hell! Finally made a big move!

And at this moment, Da Fei did feel unprecedented pressure! Da Fei has experienced large and small blood sea storms. There are many storms in the undersea, but there has never been such a reminder with a systematic reminder, and there is even a system warm reminder to get my brother back to the city!

Alicia exclaimed: "Master Lord, this is the sulphur storm that even Sirinel has solemnly warned. It seems that its power is not trivial. Do we really need to take this huge risk on this task that is not required to be completed? ? "

Zavala also said in a deep voice: "When the power of the storm is enough to distort space, this is not an ordinary storm, it is like a magic explosion, adults must think twice!"

What the hell! When Brother is about to ache in the **** battle, how can you, as the most intimate lieutenant, make Brother retreat?

The NPC technician of Sky Boat also immediately advised: "Mr. Captain, Sky Boat has never been tested for carrying a big storm. Please stop the balloon launching."

Launch? At this point, the whole sea of ​​blood has boiled into a large pot of lava mixed furnace. Where can Dafei have the courage to launch? After all, this flight is wood, not a ceramic ship in hell!

How to do? Dafei's unwavering confidence just started to shake! But npc will not publish missions that players obviously can't complete, and it also gives a special branch of magic power, is it okay? Is it all right? However, Gordo killed hundreds of patrolmen, and apparently still accidentally advanced the task process. Will this task be the original difficulty?

Between the tangles, a mechanical sound suddenly appeared on the console instrument for several hours: "Agalon smelled a familiar breath!"

Agalon wakes up? Dafei was pleasantly surprised: "Agalon, are you sure you will survive this sulfur storm?"

The mechanical voice answered: "It feels like a spring breeze!"

Dafei frowned! That's right, the fragmented Flying has experienced a bright storm in the pool of light, and has been upgraded a lot. Sulfur is the devil's vitamin, which is the opportunity for Agalon to grow! As for letting Agalon go to the new world to bathe the sea of ​​light, let it go first. The devil is still the devil after all, so let it be.

At this moment, Dafei finally gritted his teeth, and once again decided to use all his net worth to make a shock bet in this unknown storm: "The whole team entered the cabin! The boat of the sky descended to the low altitude above the sea! Ready to challenge the storm!"

"Roger that!"

"As you wish, Captain!"

(Today there is only 1 more) (to be continued)


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