God Rank Hero

Chapter 1103: Sailing in the sky

The 30-second time limit has expired. A violent volcano rang through the sky and the sea. The hot wind was mixed with ash-yellow smoke and roared through the space. The sky was dark between the sea and the sea. The waves tossed, and the boat of the sky shook violently in the wind and smoke. ∮

——System prompt: Sulfur storm starts! Vision -100%, physical strength -50%, sulfur smoke has a chance to cause blindness, suffocation, and poisoning effects. The negative effects of the storm increase with the duration! Please do your best!

Until this time, Da Fei suddenly remembered one thing. Although his god-level navigator made himself through countless storms, now he is not in a sailing state, but in a flying state! Skills don't work? Looking at the sea, even if there is no lava, but the tsunami caused by the double action of earthquakes and strong winds, Da Fei has never been seen before. Even if Da Fei has a god-like navigator, he has no confidence to carry it. The sea surface is more dangerous than the air ?

However, no matter how difficult the task is, there must be a way to complete it. Brother has weathered so many storms. He is an expert among experts and must have a way!

During the violent shaking, the dim smoke began to seep into the cabin where Da Fei was located, and Da Fei's vision began to blur with tears in his eyes!

——System prompt: Warning! Your vision is stimulated by sulphur smoke and your vision is reduced! And have a chance to blind!

What the hell! Originally, my vision was not good. Now my eyes are not good. How can I play?

But it's not over yet, Da Fei's eyes immediately appear another breathing apnea progress bar that appears only when swimming and diving!

——The system prompts: you enter the suffocation state of sulfur smoke!

Lying down! At this moment, Dafei finally realized that the sulfur storm was fundamentally different from the storms he had encountered before! This is completely smothering! Like a fire, many people were not directly killed by the fire. Instead, he inhaled a large amount of dust and choked to death.

But it doesn't matter. Even if the sulfur powder can penetrate all the rooms on the Fly. But it is impossible to penetrate the Holy Vine space! Just like the mercury storm next to Habitation Village, there will never be any mercury that can enter Habitation Village through the space door, that is the absolutely secure sealed space!

Da Fei immediately ordered everyone: "Once everyone can't handle it, go into the Sheng Teng space to relax!"

"Roger that!"

That's right! As long as there is sacred space, the opponent's suffocation will not work, so the rest is vision. This kind of thing may be okay to all the people present, so it is only to find Agalon! Da Fei ordered: "Agalon, can you see?"

Agalon replied, "My eyesight is not affected by the sulfur stimulus!"

Da Fei nodded with satisfaction: "Very good! So how do you deal with this storm as a flying creature?"

Agalon replied, "Follow the wind! No one can capture the wind direction more deeply than I do."

So calm! Dafei was overjoyed: "Okay! Then I will give you the autopilot right. You go with the wind!"

"Yes, master!"

Now the boat of the sky follows the wind, and the bumps float aimlessly. After handing over the autopilot right to Agalon, the swaying amplitude of the Sky Boat was indeed much smaller. This degree of turbulence was at most equivalent to an ordinary maritime storm, and there was no challenge pressure at all!

At this moment, even the npc technicians in Mage City couldn't help but be amazed: "It's hard to imagine, this is the value of life for the Sky Boat! Otherwise, it is difficult to cope with such complexity based on the intelligent operating system built in the Sky Boat As for us, it ’s even more helpless with two eyes and one black! "

After hearing what he said, Da Fei's nervousness finally eased slightly. He couldn't help but smile proudly: "This is strength!"

Alicia reminded: "Master Lord, Sirena said that the other party also had a big sulphur smoke explosion, don't take it lightly!"

Da Fei nodded again and again: "Yes, but it doesn't matter, when the explosion, we will use the cross-plane transfer of Silena's staff to hide!"

The time passed by one second, the progress bar of everyone's breathing and apnea has turned red. As a result, everyone took a breath to enter the Shengteng space from the hatch in batches, and each one was a brand new beauty after half a minute out!

A huge sense of superiority sprang up! Dafei once again felt the importance of high technology. Da Fei can't imagine how ordinary players can overcome this level? Do n’t you bring a wetsuit for divers? Even Da Fei can't imagine how ordinary masters can survive the opponent's blood monster Rust Dragon Konghai three-dimensional offensive? And looking at the lava waves that turned over the river under the ship, Da Fei was frightened again. Da Fei couldn't imagine how ordinary high-end players would not sink the ship in this sea?

Could it be said that this task is like a new world looking for the goddess' tears, and it is customized for players who have a boat in the sky? Otherwise, how could Da Fei make a sharp turn and cannot imagine how a normal person would take up this task?

What does it mean if the task is really "private"?

While Da Fei contemplates, Catalina, who has been silent, suddenly said, "No, there is a tendency to form a hurricane!"

The npc technician couldn't help but be shocked: "Mr. Captain, the boat of the sky cannot survive the hurricane anyway, please try your best to avoid it anyway!"

Dafei was shocked! Hurricanes, also known as tornadoes, are undoubtedly equivalent to vortices in the air for airships, and once a mighty ship is drawn in, it may not be immune.

Da Fei immediately instructed Agalon: "Do your best to avoid the upcoming hurricane, and you can use a balloon to spray at critical moments!"

The mechanical voice responded: "I have no experience with hurricanes, but I will go all out!"

It's finally here, even in a dim field of vision, you can still see a **** water column connected by sea and sky in the distance! This is the most famous form of sea hurricane, waterspout! Also known as dragon suction, it is a spectacle that the huge suction of a hurricane directly **** seawater into the air!

At this moment, everyone was nervous and silent, Da Fei even gritted his teeth and cold sweat! Can you escape?

The hurricane is getting closer. Faster and faster. The scale is also getting bigger and bigger like a snowball. Although Agalon avoided the direct direction of the hurricane, the airflow in the entire space seemed to continuously join the hurricane's rotation under the suction of the hurricane. The balloon of the sky began to squeeze and deform under the pressure of the suction. The dozens of cables connecting the balloon to the Flying also began to make a crunching sound like twisting twists!

Dafei can't calm down anymore! If it is the hurricane named in the weather forecast, its coverage is no less than that of a large country. Even if the hurricane in the game covers the entire map scene, it is not an exaggeration! If you let this hurricane develop and cover the entire map, you can only hide with the Silena branches!

However, after this hurricane, there is the ultimate trick of sulfur explosion? Use the branches if you are here. Is there any divine power to deal with the last level?

And just then Serbia spoke: "Captain, before the hurricane is fully formed, we destroy the hurricane into the eyes of the storm! Even if it cannot be destroyed, the eyes of the storm are the safest!"

A big earthquake in Dafei's heart!

That's right! Brother is a man chasing the eye of a hurricane, and brother is an expert in dealing with hurricanes! At first, in the Underworld, the force of doom accumulated by absolute doom triggered the Underworld hurricane, and then Samael also demonstrated to Serbia a release of a storm magic that rotates in the opposite direction in the eyes of the hurricane to play a small gear The role of the gear forced the hurricane. It was also this precious lesson. Later, in the Hurricane Sea, the hurricane released by Siren's Siren Siren was released, and the Serbian angel was forced to stop!

at this time. NPC mechanic was shocked: "Now the hurricane has reached a scale? How can it enter the eye of the hurricane?"

Da Fei frowned, and immediately took out Silaina's staff: "Use him to enter the eye of the hurricane! I have used the effect of this staff!"

Serbia also took out the sea soul battle and said firmly: "I'm ready too! Captain, please start!"

well. It's time to go all out! Da Fei immediately ordered: "Agalon, directly facing the direction of the hurricane!" At this moment, Da Fei was infected with the confidence of Serbia, and no longer thought about the egg pain problem in case of failure.


However, Agalon gave out the kind of mechanical blind sound when the radio could not receive the channel.

Da Fei could not help but stunned: "Agalon?"

Agalon finally replied, "Can't you go?"

Lying down! Actually disobedient! Da Fei finally realized that life may not be all good! Although Agalon could not resist the manual operation instructions of the console, as a captain, he must serve people with morality.

Dafei sighed, "I am afraid of a small storm of this scale. How can you be a hero? Trust your master."

Agalon: "Okay."

As Agalon adjusted the direction of the boat in the sky, Da Fei could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, on the other hand, knowing fear is also a good thing, which shows that he has emotions and is not a pure machine, which shows that he has great potential.

Now, a thick black water column rushes between the sky and the sea, and the huge air pressure causes various unknown cluckles to erupt from up and down the ship. Just the approach is so imposing. Once it is really involved in the hurricane, the consequences are so great that it is completely unthinkable!

And what Da Fei is doing now is something that Da Fei couldn't even imagine! At this moment, Dafei suddenly started to persuade again! However, there is no turning back!

Dafei gritted his teeth: "Silaina stick, use it!"

——System Tip: You used Silena's Wooden Staff, Silena's divine power will transfer your troops to different planes!

The next moment, the dazzling golden-green light erupted from the branches of Silena, and the world around Dafei was suddenly bright when the scene changed!

That's right, although it's still the long silent gray world, it's too clear compared to the darker, darker, and smoked sea of ​​blood that can't see the scenery! At this point, the hurricane that came on the face completely became the image in the mirror, and it would no longer have any impact on the boat in the sky. What Dafei has to do is quietly pass through the hurricane in the ectopic plane to the eye of the hurricane.

Just then, a familiar voice rang through the space: "Warrior, if you feel reluctant, you can retreat from the portal I opened! While the wooden staff is still powerful."

Da Fei suddenly looked up with joy, and sure enough, there was a green space door in the space!

Dafei finally realized that no matter how difficult this task was, there was a way out! The system really does not really pit players into the dead! After all, this is the task of God to test mortals!

At this moment, Da Fei has no worries anymore, and he can't help but be brave: "Please rest assured, I can still fight! Look forward to my victory news!"

A laugh from Silena came from the space gate: "Very good! I'll wait and see!"

The spirited Da Fei asked Katrina: "Can you determine the location of the Eye of the Storm?"

Katerina nodded: "It's on the top of the water column! Listen to my password!"

Fei Fei nodded: "Very good, Serbia is ready!"

"Roger that!"

Near, the boat of the sky quietly waited for the hurricane to pass through. As the smoke became thinner, Caterina shouted, "All grasp the handrails and prepare for collision!"

"Roger that!"

"Already in place!"

The next moment, Dafei canceled the use of Silena's branches! As the scene changed, huge bangs and vibrations came to our faces! At this moment, Dafei had a feeling of flying again!

——System Tip: You fight against the storm, and your professional talent "Storm Sailing" gains experience +110,000 for you!

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbia casts a god-level bright magic angel, which increases the attribute by 21%. . .

——System Tip: Your co-hero Serbia casts the god-level bright magic “Storm Strikes”. . .

In the ensuing world, the only thing Dafei can see is the system information in the information bar!

At this moment, Dafei was shocked on the spot! Brother's talent for storm sailing works? Why didn't it work for half a day, and it worked as soon as I entered the eye of the hurricane? Did he admit that he was sailing when he entered the Eye of the Hurricane? Or--

Just then, Katrina, who grabbed the handrail, said, "Captain, we are at the top of the water column sucked up by the hurricane! This is the center of the eye of the hurricane!"

Dafei was shocked, and hurriedly watched the monitoring screen on the console, sure enough! Flying is exactly at the top of this water dragon, like a small paper folding toy boat lifted by a fountain! What an amazing spectacle!

Dafei finally realized that his brother's talents worked. As long as there was water under the boat and the sky was windy, the system acknowledged that he was sailing in a storm! So the question is again, what exactly is this kind of navigation in the sky?

For a moment, Dafei was excited! As a high-end player, Dafei realizes that he may have captured the tricks of "aviation" and "skywalker"! Because this is a transitional period between sailing and aviation! The transition phase of sailing in the sky!

(Sorry friends, it's too late.)

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