God Rank Hero

Chapter 1105: Understanding the New Talent: Fluid Mechanics

When Da Fei threw all 2,000 speculative rounds into the hurricane vortex, the momentum of the hurricane became slower and slower, and cyclones in Serbia had spread out about 100 meters around the boat in the sky. ◎ The situation developed to this stage is completely in the hands of Da Fei. At this time, even if the mana of the sea soul battle and the tears of light were used up, Dafei believed that he could resist the remaining hurricane in the eyes of the hurricane.

At this moment Dafei could not help but be filled with emotion. Sometimes it is really inadvertently inserting willows. It was originally intended to be used to bomb a painful slingshot. As a result, in order to control the rhythm, it has no use. I never thought it would come in handy here.

And looking at Serbia can even cast such a terrifying storm magic, Da Fei could not help but startled! Dafei finally understands how ordinary high-end players deal with the rusty dragons here, and the master-level bright magic players group hair. Sometimes a situation that looks very complicated may not be as complicated as you think.

The time has come to finally come. Thousands of stone bombs around the hurricane keep falling and colliding. The Flying also started to decline with the falling waterspout. Finally, as all the stones crashed into the water, this once-stable sulfur The hurricane turned into a chaotic space again and again!

The whole army cheered! Dafei looks forward to waiting for the exciting swipe information! That ’s right, this kind of earth-shattering occasion and brother so high wisdom do not realize, brother eats three pounds!

——System Tip: You fight against the storm, your professional talent "Storm Sailing" gains you experience +400,000!

——System Tip: You have realized the new talent “fluid mechanics”, you are in mud and lava. water surface. You will gain an additional speed boost when sailing in the sky. Extra ability to fight hurricanes and whirlpools, and accumulate academic experience! Your wisdom +2!

——System Tip: Your fluid mechanics skills have gained you the notes of air navigation!


Dafei carefully review each word of the information word by word! New talent! Fluid mechanics! Ability to sail through mud lava!

At this moment, Dafei finally realized it! Da Fei suddenly remembered that when he was still in the European Union area, he was teaching Angel Force sailing with Angel Elfer, Air Cavalry Instructor Isinger, and Angel Hero Elda urged a discussion about the ability of other races. Learn the storyline of the Naga Lizardman race stunt "Marsh of Marsh". (Chapter 795 "Achieving Brainwashing Conditions")

It turned out that since that time, he has opened up opportunities for today's understanding! Then, sailing on the lava river and swimming in the lava while fighting Tasima are accumulating for understanding! It turned out that his understanding was not accidental. It is the result of long-term accumulation!

At this moment, Dafei burst into tears! Although there is no imagination of aviation, but from the words of Duke William, it is already known that there is no aviation skill in the game. Players need to develop and create it by themselves. Creating a non-existent skill is definitely more difficult than understanding an existing skill!

Then this process must first require a “sage” with great wisdom to acquire talents in this area, then gradually accumulate notes, then finally summarize skills, and then sublimate skills into a profession, and this profession must be Duke William The so-called "Skywalker"!

And the saint with this great wisdom must be the brother! Brother is also a double talent now! Haha, hahahahaha! this moment. Dafei who wants to understand laughs again!

Just then, the system prompts again:

——Campaign Information: Warning! The sulfur smoke explosion will start in 60 seconds! Please do your best!

——System prompt: Warning! Countdown to the start of the sulfur smoke explosion: 59 seconds!

Lying down! After the big move, there is a final big move! Have you guys finished?

but. For the big fly that saved a lot of Silena's staff from the resistance to the hurricane, the opponent's ultimate move is no longer threatening. Dafei fluttered his hands with enthusiasm: "The whole army retreats back to the cabin! Ready for a plane shift."

Just then, Alicia stepped forward and asked, "Now that our army has not dropped any stones, how can we destroy the enemy's mine?"

Dafei frowned and immediately thought: "Of course, he sent troops to land and smashed them!"

Alicia nodded: "Now the wind is weakening, there is still a lot of time for the sulfur smoke to explode, and the enemy is in a sheltered state, and I can't shrink back. I think we can take advantage of this gap and then use Silena Divine power's shift of the plane further advances the mine. When the explosion is just over, we can attack it and enter the mine! "

"Make sense!" The so-called off-plane transfer is actually the principle of mage stealth. It is wasteful not to use it in offensive situations! Da Fei immediately ordered: "Agalon, jet at full speed towards the volcanic island!"

Agalon: "Yes! Great master!"

Dafei could not help but be great? Was he deeply convinced by my brother's bull? Wa hahaha! It is this effect that is required to serve people with virtue.

With the balloon trembling, Agalon turned into a discouraged balloon and burst into an unusually high speed whistling through the wind!

Dafei is even more excited! This speed must be the result of the newly acquired talent of brother? However, such a big scene is obviously wrong for me to understand alone, and my subordinates should be able to gain a little. It is estimated that their transcripts can only appear at the end of each day's sailing training summary. Since this is the case, let this day be very fulfilling. Let the daily summary be more weighty with a thrilling battle!

In the system's continuously refreshing countdown information, the boat in the sky approached the volcanic island where the flames and smoke billowed.

——System prompt: Warning! Countdown to the start of the sulfur smoke explosion: 10 seconds!

At this moment, the volcano in front of Dafei's eyes blasted into the sky, and the flames soared, and the sulfur cloud in the sky immediately began to burn! Da Fei has no doubt that the ultimate trick is to turn the entire space into a powder barrel filled with gunpowder, and then detonate it. Da Fei can already imagine that it must have the power of a nuclear explosion.

——System prompt: Warning! Countdown to the start of sulfur smoke explosion: 5 seconds!

At this moment, the billowing fire clouds around the boat of sky came towards us, and the huge wind pressure once again made the balloon feel the squeezing pressure like a hurricane!

Da Fei's heart shook. Can't hold it to 0 seconds. Flash now!

Da Fei started the wooden staff again, and the scene changed by the golden light, Da Fei returned to the dark ectopic plane again. Observing from an ectopic plane, the flames and dust covering the sun and the sky have faded, and Da Fei has finally seen the whole picture of this volcanic island, which is a volcanic island with many.

So, where is the Dragon Cave? The next moment, Da Fei saw the only huge extinct volcano that did not have a fire eruption, and it was probably it!

(Um, I fell asleep immediately as I wrote last night. The ashtray feels like it really dies before it ages ...)

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