God Rank Hero

Chapter 1106: Malevolent Mercury Storm

The so-called Silena wooden staff is actually a stealth battle of the Legion. With such a sharp artifact flying, of course, it rushed to the crater suspected of Dragon's Cavern without fear. ← And the huge excitement of talent just gave Dafei great confidence and courage.

At this moment, Dafei just wanted to fight a pain, and never thought about how the enemy's heroes would hurt.

——System prompt: Warning! Countdown to the start of sulfur smoke explosion: 0 seconds!

boom! !! !! A red light flashed between the sky and the sea, a huge explosion sound blew up in the silent invisible alien space, and the next moment, the alien space seemed to be torn apart by a huge gap, and the flames sprayed in from the gap, the edge of the grey alien space Quickly burned and disintegrated by flames, the golden light of the wooden staff in Da Fei's hand is also rapidly dimming and turning into decaying dust!

I pulled it out, and I couldn't think of being bombed out of hiding in a different space! This stealth technique is not safe!

At this moment, Da Fei was dragging the ever-decreasing warfare, a heart and liver also mentioned his throat! However, Dafei believes that he has saved a lot of divine power and must be fine. Even if something happens, this space has resisted so much explosion damage for the brother, and the remaining brother resisted hard!

Not to mention the fact that the boat of the sky is about to rush into the crater where the dragon cave is located. This terrain is both a natural shelter and an important facility for the enemy. How can the enemy not blow itself up?

At this point, the portal in the space resounded with Sirena's voice: "Warrior, you are the first mortal who can force the enemy to release a sulfur explosion! This also means that the enemy has consumed a lot of sulfur reserves This can be regarded as an indirect achievement of the purpose of destroying enemy production. If you retreat now, you will still get a good reward. "

Dafei suddenly stunned! Consuming a lot of reserve sulfur? Lying down! Is that brother here to grab a watermelon? Nope. Even if there is no mine to grab. I want to kill the dragon and grab the dragon meat!

Dafei hurriedly said: "Master Sirena, I think compared with the loss of your wooden staff's magic power, the sulfur consumption of the enemy is not much, so continue to wait for my good news!"

Silena chanted: "Warrior, the wooden staff is about to run out. Once you miss this last retreat, the consequences are unpredictable!"

Lying down! God-level npc is testing brother again! Da Fei insisted: "I will go forward!"

Silaina said with emotion: "It is worthy of being a warrior! Then may the light of the world tree guide the warrior's path to victory!"

The next moment, a golden green beam of light shone from the space portal and shrouded the whole body of the sky boat. Until the portal is finally closed.

——System Tip: Your Sky Boat and Flight have been blessed by the ancient tree Silena's wisdom. Within 10 minutes, the damaged area of ​​the unit will restore durability +100 every 5 seconds!

It turns out that this is the reward for the brother's death. This restoration effect is too cruel! At this moment, Dafei really moved!

well! Skyship's own fire resistance and durability plus self-healing, plus the restoration of this blessing of divine power, brother and yours are on the bar!

Finally, the wooden stick in Da Fei's hands was burned out, the explosion of flames devoured the invisible space, the sea of ​​fire rushed towards the face, and the huge impact caused the boat of the sky to tremble as if in a hurricane. "The burning damage data from the fire rushed out from all parts of the hull!

Big flying eggs are broken! This Nima's have saved so much divine power that they have not been able to fully resist it. If you switch to ordinary players, it is absolutely dead! But as long as Silena's blessing is added, this damage is completely within our army's recovery capabilities. Can stand it!

At this point, the entire sky was burning, and everyone's "swimming air" progress bar quickly turned red and started to indicate that choking was critical!

I have to say that this is an authentic incendiary bomb, even if hiding in a strong bunker, it will not be burned by fire or smoke, but why does the other party burn out oxygen instantly?

Da Fei immediately shouted, "Tamilia, open the door!" Yeah, no matter how incendiary the incendiary bomb is, but Naihe rushed to the next door to breathe fresh air?

Finally, Alicia reported: "Master, Lord, our army has reached the target crater!"

Da Fei waved with a big hand: "Down into!"

At this moment, even the npc technician, who had no expression, couldn't help but tremble with excitement: "If you wish, Captain!"

With the closing of several jet tubes, the sky boat slowly descended in the burning sky until it entered the crater. At this point, the flame damage around "-30" just began to drop to "-29"! That's right, 32 to 31 can't be seen, but 30 to 29 is not ordinary dazzling!

Then as the boat in the sky keeps falling, the damage is getting lower and lower, once dropping to 20! Dafei laughed, and it really is a good place to enjoy the cool. This may be the only haven for the entire map. It seems that Alicia's strategy is to play a role of system prompt indirectly.

Just then, a huge space gate appeared on the bottom of the crater! Is a copy of Dragon's Cave?

Da Fei laughed even more happily: "Enter the space gate, and the whole army is ready to fight!" As long as you enter the copy, it is to say goodbye to the explosion outside, and it is as simple as it is to escape the ultimate trick!

At this moment, the npc technician reminded: "Mr. Captain, this is a one-way space door. Once you enter, you cannot come back from the same way!"

It turns out to be a clearance copy! But at this time, he could not help but hesitate: "Go ahead! The whole army is ready to fight!"

As the Feixiang entered the space door, the scene changed, and before the big fly could see the environment, the deafening dragon roared immediately! Then the radar exploded red:

——The system prompts: You enter the rust dragon's lair in a special scene, and you are attacked by the rust dragon legion! The battle begins!

Then the next moment, the overwhelming sulphur dragon came to his face! At this moment, in addition to only seeing the dense red dots on the radar, Da Fei was a black eye!

Let me go, this is the rhythm of ambush!

——System Tip: Your derelict Deirdeli applied for the curse stunt with the artifact “Cursed Armor”. Would you like to use it?

use! Dafei waved a big hand in panic: "The gunboat crossbow gun fired back!"

At this time, Da Fei was sprayed and did not dare to send troops out of the cabin to fight, and he could only fight back with a crossbow gun in a turtle shell! And in such a situation of unknown vision, even shooting a crossbow cannon shot rate is conceivable!

Watching Feixiang and the sky boat continue to fall and endure, Da Fei was anxious! It ’s impossible to be such a daddy? How can you play directly when you have a copy? Is this the temptation to pit players to death?

At this moment, a grievous and overwhelming female voice came from the Dragon's Lair: "It turned out that this is a warrior sent by the Bright Alliance. It can escape the sulfur hurricane and the sulfur explosion and come here. It is really amazing! But you only That's it, you have two paths. One is to lose with your baby ship! The other is to surrender to me, Dragon Mother Cinti Gossa! "

——The system prompts: Dragon Mother Cindy Gossa asks you to surrender, is it acceptable? You have 30 seconds to think about it!

Dafei was shocked! surrender! ? Surrender again! The system did not hang the player to death, the system still gave the player a chance to choose!

At this moment, Dafei suddenly felt a joy. Whether it was that he encountered the nightmare in the nightmare space, or later met Saisu in the tomb of the dragon, as long as the system npc gave the player a chance to surrender, most of them had a second surrender. opportunity!

But surrender is absolutely impossible! Da Fei has to take advantage of the precious opportunity of the system to release water. After all, Da Fei still has Makar's ultimate magic weapon. Time still hourglass!

At this moment, a Holy Vine space door suddenly appeared beside Da Fei, Serbia and Tamilia who had rested in the Holy Vine space and recovered their mana appeared.

Tamilla solemnly said: "Master, Lord, now we are surrounded by thousands of rusty dragons on all sides. It is no longer possible to send troops out of the cabin to fight, but I can use the power of the Holy Vine once to assist Miss Serbia in casting. Miss Serbia can directly attack the rusty dragon outside by casting directly in the Sacred Space! "

It turns out that Sheng Teng still has this high-tech gameplay? Lying down! This is a must drop! This is like a fort! Dafei hurriedly asked, "Serbia, are you going to continue to cast storms? The other is a large dragon, are you sure?"

Serbia gloomily said: "I just learned something new in the confrontation with the sulfur storm, that is, the mercury storm! Judging from what Habit village once experienced, this is also completely feasible. Captain, we are not yet on board. Have you brought 500 units of concentrated mercury? I want to use mercury as a medium and use the power of the Holy Vine to launch a storm to spread concentrated mercury to poison them! Please use the captain's approval! "

At this moment, Dafei dropped his chin!

Ruthless! It's so overcast! I have never seen such a vicious little nun! But I like it!

Da Fei's excited big hand waved: "Okay! Poison them!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better and faster!

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