God Rank Hero

Chapter 1124: Bubble Korean beauty

In the Supernova Team Special Operations Unit's computer room, David was stunned and pale. I do n’t know how Da Fei resisted the blow of the summoner, nor did the angel where Da Fei came from to kill himself. This frustration of knowing nothing about the opponent severely hit David's young maniac. Proud pride.

At this moment, Tommy's merciless ridicule followed one after another: "There is no need for disobedient people, let alone useless people, you can get away!"

The anger at this moment completely stunned David's brain. The freckled boy snarled and concentrated his fist on his fist and directed at this yellow-haired boy who had not been pleasing to the eye! But isn't Tommy long enough for this big bastard, waiting for an opportunity to teach him hard?

The time is now!

boom! !! With a muffled sound, the fists of the two sides crossed, David's jaw was hit hard by Tommy's undercut, his teeth and blood spurted out, and David's tall body was knocked down-angry. Dazed David is no longer Tommy's opponent!

The other teenagers in the command room were in shock!

At this moment, Tommy knew that his absolute leadership status was finally determined! Man, after all, it still depends on fists. Tommy has been waiting for a long time!

But David refused to lose. When David's **** roar climbed up, the majesty of Captain Fordson came out at the door and said, "Bastard, give me a stop! See what you have become? From now on, you Go to the 7th team! Tommy, now you take over David's game character in person, Alex, you take over Tommy's current game character! "

Tommy's exalted salute: "yes, private r !!"

And at this moment, David cried. Tears and blood filled his face.

Fordson said coldly: "I hope Team 7 is your new starting point, not the end of your gaming career!"

David burst out of blood and tears on his face. "I will come back! You wait for me!"

Tommy smiled coldly: "I'm waiting for you!" After pointing out, he pointed to the other wait-and-see teenagers and pointed to the ground. The teenagers immediately got up and cleaned the scene after the fight as quickly as possible, and Tommy took over as soon as possible. The account left by David.

Fordson looked at everything with satisfaction. Then he said indifferently: "Only by defeating the male lion threatened by the challenger can you truly gain the power of commanding the lions. This is why I have kept you and David together! Now that you have won, you say that you are against Dafei the opinion of."

Tommy suddenly stood up: "Whether it was the last time Feifei defeated the Mountain Giants in China, or this time he defeated David, they have one thing in common: they have withstood the powerful attack of Wave SS without being harmed. This has been surpassed In view of the conventional concept of dodge parry, I think Da Fei must use some kind of space-transferable artifact, and the last time a Chinese player named Blood Sea Kuang Tao played a video of ambushing the big spaceship in the strait. This video Prove that Da Fei has such an artifact! "

Fordson nodded. "Continue! I'm listening!"

Tommy exhilarated, "But such an artifact cannot be used unconditionally, and it will definitely consume a large amount of mana. So if I strike again, it is very likely to kill Da Fei! And Da Fei's victory just now is extremely great. The possibility of underestimating the enemy is that I dare not continue to challenge. "

Fordson was surprised: "But you must know that fallen angel transformation and demon calling cannot be used unconditionally."

Tommy Shen said, "I think it's worth it, and I won't repeat David's stupid mistake. I won't be close to Dafei."

Fordson shook his head unwillingly: "You are the captain of the special operation group, you judge for yourself, I hope you can bring good news!"

"Yes, private r !!"

While Tommy was talking to Fordson, a Korean female player on the big screen came to the resurrection point with a look of disdain and gloating: "Dare you tell me where Dafei is?"

Tommy couldn't help it. The female player didn't wait for him to answer and laughed, "deserve it!" After that, she moved quickly towards the burning forest.

This Korean female player is Li Yinzhu, and the entire army of the elite army did not make her cry all night. But the mission must continue, even if there are no soldiers, we must not give up. So after Li Yinzhu went online, he avoided David's mission.

The efficiency of single-person missions and troop-led tasks is absolutely different. This huge contrast and pain make Li Yinzhu hate this Chinese Martian! Gritting teeth between teeth, the regional channel appeared a message of flying!

Da Fei also appeared here? What does Da Fei mean?

At this moment, Li Yinzhu seemed to understand something, so he rushed back to the city as soon as possible, and saw the Chinese Martians who were resurrected in a weak state. Li Yinzhu completely firmed his judgment, which was sour. What I want is this effect!

. . . . . .

At this time, Da Fei, who had run out of mana, was squatting on the forest trail, and the egg was so painful to recover mana. Da Fei is now a full-time commander. It must also develop in the direction of spells. Then there is nothing to say. Da Fei took out 5 skill books funded by Duke William and used them all. He learned master meditation and increased the mana recovery speed by 50%. As for the other sub-skills, which are used for combat casting, Da Fei does not need them, so save a few skill books.

In the middle of meditation, there is another green dot on the radar indicating that the player is approaching him quickly.

Da Fei couldn't help but hesitate, and then he came to revenge? Isn't his 10-minute death feeble effect good? So switch the blood eagle's field of vision and be surprised! It turns out to be a stick player! It was the Li Yinzhu that I encountered in the ancient city of the international qualifier, and the victim last night! I'll take it. Really, where does life not meet? OK, brother is bored and uncomfortable, see what you have to say.

After a while, Li Yinzhu ran to Da Fei in the squatting position and opened his mouth.

Da Fei laughed secretly, women, all countries are the same, will be embarrassed, this requires men to take the initiative. So Da Fei said faintly: "Oh! See you again!"

Li Yinzhu crooked her lips and finally popped out two words: "Thank you!"

Da Fei couldn't help but enjoyed it, it turned out to be a compliment! Brother dreamed of this day! But the other person is a Korean girl. Brother and Korean dramas don't watch you from the stars.

Dafei teased, "Thank you?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Thank you, of course, for helping Europa to teach me that bad guy!"

Oboe! ? Secret, brother became Obasmida!

Dafei laughed and said, "Why do you thank me, Oba?" How can I send a real-life video? They all say that Korean girls are open. This little requirement is not excessive.

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Of course it is teaming with Ouba! To know that in the unicorn family, some mission rewards can only be obtained by female players, male players can not work hard, but if you team with me, then Everything is possible, what do you say? "

——System prompt: South Korean player Li Yinzhu sends you an application for team formation. May I accept it?

Dafei was shocked on the spot! Let me go. It turned out to be holding Eupa's thigh! And it was so natural and so straightforward, this stick girl was really open! But I don't want this kind of openness, okay? And brother is a state secret. Is it necessary for brother to leak?

When Dafei Egg was in pain, she remembered the star goddess Bufeiyan, so go ask her. So Dafei sent a message to Bu Feiyan: "I met Li Yinzhu, and she asked me to take her. Will this kind of thing fix the contradiction between Chinese and Korean players?"

Bu Feiyan immediately wrote back and laughed: "Feige met Li Yinzhu? People are 15-year-old Korean super beautiful girls, and they are still pure natural and not plastic surgery. Feige is a blessing! As for repairing the relationship between the two countries Does the matter have anything to do with Fei Ge Pick up? "

It's okay if I pull it! Pickups know no borders!

Bu Feiyan continued to laugh again: "However, the other party is a high-end professional player, but there are a group of think tanks watching behind him. It ’s better to pay attention to what whispers you want to say!"

Lying down! This feeling is like when dozens of cameras are broadcasting live in the room when you and the beauties are smashing in the room, why is it so painful? However, it's too irritating for a beauty to take the initiative to come home, or is it not a man?

Seeing that Dafei didn't speak for a while, Li Yinzhu continued: "And our common goal is to deal with Japanese players, right? I don't care if I am maliciously pk by that Chinese player, what does Ouba care about?"

Brother cares about the cameras behind you, okay? Dafei shook his head and smiled: "I care about whether you will be scolded by players in your country with me?"

Li Yinzhu waved his hands again and again: "How is that? Teaming up with Europa can just calm down the quarrel between players from the two countries last night!"

It's a joy to fly! That's true too! There is no way, then for the relationship between the players in China and South Korea, I would like to baffle Korean girls. (To be continued)


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