God Rank Hero

Chapter 1123: Give you a lesson, no thanks

US Supernova Corps Command. The emergence of the big fly immediately attracted great attention from the headquarters. Fordson's active provocation was acquiesced, because everyone wanted to know how strong Da Fei's single-player combat is! And regardless of the victory or defeat of this battle, as long as the video is sent out, it will be interpreted as a serious disunity among Chinese players, which will also damage the morale of Chinese players and shake the confidence of other countries in the leadership of Chinese players.

Now, David's perspective is broadcast live on the big screen of the headquarters, and David's ghost sentry all over the forest quietly follows Dafei. At this moment, the big fly seemed to move in the direction of burning forest unprepared. The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer until they reach the battlefield range.

In the dense forest, even if there is only one tree and one grass between the two sides, the other party may not be seen. This is the high end of the jungle war. Obviously, David is very fulfilled, even superior, for being able to approach the legendary first person in the world without a word! And when he thought that it would be possible to kill the so-called world's first person at this distance, David was shaking with excitement!

It's close! Even if the distance is large, the angel will have possession and there will be no time to cast spells to escape! But Da Fei is still unaware that it can be closer!

Getting closer! At this distance, ∫ ↓, then Dafei has entered the state of angel possession and has no chance to escape! At this moment, the entire supernova commanding section saw a "dead" character from Da Fei's head, and could not help exclaiming excitement!


The billowing black smoke immediately enveloped David's game characters, and then a huge black summoning array jumped out, and the whole ground began to rumbling. The whole forest began to tremble-this is the only place that can alarm each other. But at this time. The other party has nowhere to run!

At this moment, Da Fei on the big screen finally moved—he turned his head and looked in the direction of the ground and the forest shaking, nothing more! Without the first time to escape and the first time to prepare for the cast, Dafei's slowness was another surprise for the entire Supernova Command!

David exclaimed in excitement: "Come on, Buckley the Fallen!"

At this moment, a beast full of black flames burst out, and the trees and flowers around it were burning and withering in the black flame!

——System prompt: The battle begins! You launched a malicious pk attack on Chinese player Dafei!

this moment. The entire Supernova team headquarters couldn't help but suddenly stood up, eyes wide open to witness the arrival of this decisive moment! In the face of the huge flames coming out of the jungle, the big fly on the big screen still had no movement except for the indifferent eyes!

He's dead!

--boom! !! !! The monster was smashed down, and the flames were scattered with sand and stones scattered, and the big fly was buried by the giant's huge body and pyrotechnic sand immediately!

At this moment, the entire Supernova clan is in panic! And at this moment, David, who was just excited, couldn't help but be disappointed. The so-called first person in the world was at this level? Isn't this too challenging? However, this means that he is the first person in the world. I am the real no1! It is not a problem to replace Xiao Huang Mao Tommy as the captain himself. It is not a dream even to replace him as the captain of the team after Fordson retires!

Let this big fly be my stepping stone! Think of it here. David is excited again!

At this point, the time was four or five seconds after the command panic, and the hammering and roaring of the fallen demon continued. It was unexpected that being able to support such a long time in the face of the contracted demons such as the fallen devil.

Returning to God, David immediately zoomed in and wanted to see how much damage the fallen demon had done to Da Fei. The attack of the fallen monster comes with real damage that ignores defense and chaotic flame damage that ignores magic resistance. Even if the defense of Da Fei is as thick as a city wall, it is impossible to stand for so long!

But it's hard to see! The huge body of the fallen devil is simply holding the big fly underneath, plus the radiant flame smoke and dust, and the scarlet letter cannot be seen at all! Come closer!

At this moment, Da Fei spoke unhurriedly: "Even if you have a powerful summoner, you are indeed a scum, and that is useless--"

Dafei's sudden opening shocked the supernova team in watching the game. It took him 11 seconds to finish this sentence! That is to say, Da Fei resisted the attack of the fallen monster for 11 seconds! How did he do that?

Just at the next moment, the light flashed in the smoke, and a dozen white lights and shadows rushed down like lightning — and at this time, David who approached the scene and wanted to view the injury data could not escape at such a close distance!

The light flashed! Suddenly ashes on the big screen!

——The system prompts: You are killed by Chinese players flying! You lost 620,000 experience, 54,000 gold coins, c-class strategic treasure telescope, and s-class strategic treasure "Battle of the Fallen Angel"!

At this moment, the entire Supernova team headquarters was in shock! The turn of a few tenths of a second is simply beyond imagination, and even beyond the reaction limit of professional players!

"Is this an angel?"

"Dafei has a spell to summon angels?"

And David was stunned. David just blinked! And in the blink of an eye, the world in front of me is dark! Then the next moment, David returned to the point of resurrection in the Unicorn Lake.

——Regional Channel: Give you a lesson, no thanks!

Supernova clan is booming!

Fordson was even more shocked when the cigar fell to the ground: "Call up David's data and analyze how he died!"

. . . . . .

At this time, with the angelic forces of Dafei Angel Space successfully beheading the anti-killing Martians, the Martian summoning demons also retreated from the summoning circle and disappeared due to the loss of the Lord, and the battle was over!

Looking at the blue stripe that I had been in charge of, I was looking at sleeping and hang up, half charged, and the tears of the light ball were empty again, and Da Fei couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat, the cost of this pretend is too high what!

Then there is nothing to say, first mock the fragile mind on the regional channel, and then see if what he explodes can compensate the brother.

——Battle of Fallen Angels: s-level strategic weapon, main hand weapon position, magic 30, knowledge 30, duration of summoning fallen angels is increased by 20%.

Dafei frowned, this equipment is quite good! Generally speaking, after the red name is counter-killed, the lowest-level equipment is usually dropped, usually the player's necessary telescope, and then it is dropped to the high-end one by one, and finally it is the artifact. That is to say, this battle is not a different kind of equipment on him? Is it possible that he still has artifacts on him?

At this moment, Dafei regretted not to pretend. If this pretends to scare him, he will never dare to come forward to challenge the equipment, then he is really a big loss? (To be continued ...)


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