God Rank Hero

Chapter 1122: Encounter "Martians"

The teleportation flashed, the scene changed, and Da Fei appeared in the sacred forest on the sixth battlefield. At this moment, a forest of wonders in the forest with green light shining white mist suddenly jumped in front of him, and beside him was a lake in the forest. On the shore of the lake, a group of elves and beautiful girls riding white snow unicorns led a group of unicorns to play in the water.

Then looking around, a large cloud of fuming smoke in the distance from the forest instantly destroyed this beautiful mood.

At this moment, a female elf guard next to the teleporter said: "Welcome to the warriors from across the region. Although unicorns do not like male approaching, but as long as the warriors have enough reputation, they can still get unicorns. The beast's affection and love. The Warrior can find the Unicorn King in the center of the lake if he has any questions ... "

Under the guidance of the guard, Da Fei saw a huge unicorn with a golden horn above his head, surrounded by golden light, and several elves and beauties around him scrubbed and scrubbed his body.

Lying down! Obviously it is just a horse, and it still has a harem, and it is still under the circumstances of the devil! Dafei was upset instantly. But for the high-end unicorn mane, then take the task.

And just as Da Fei approached the half-trunk lake, the unicorn king spoke, and his voice was indeed coercive and heavy: "I heard that you are a warrior recognized and appreciated by Silena, I will not waste time Test you, the Demon Elite Corps suddenly sneaks into our forest without alarming the border fortress, and uses the tactic of summoning the image of the abyss demons to burn down our territory and destroy the enemy forces as long as you do well I will give you the reward you need most! "

——System Tip: The Unicorn King will issue to you the battlefield battle mission "Destroy the Demon Legion that Invaded the Divine Forest"!

——Task Tip: The main force of the Demon Legion has superb hidden skills that are difficult to find. At the same time, the mirror image of the abyss demon summoned by the opponent will not provide any experience and loot.

Da Fei's heart beats. Anti-stealth mission again? Is this to make Brother get the anti-Hidden Artifact Longan Ring? but--

Da Fei asked, "What do you think I need most?"

The king of unicorns muffled: "You have a phantom bow composed of 3 accessories. You should need a better component that can replace your current unicorn mane. I can do it here. Provide. You still have two abyss blood bottles, and I think you will have great interest in combining these two blood bottles into one. "

Lying down! Really the same as my brother thought! And there are unexpected gains! Dafei asked in surprise: "Can the abyss blood bottle be combined into one?"

The King of Unicorns nodded: "Of course, just like the three Warrior Phantom Bow components are completely combined, they only occupy one jewelry equipment bit. Does n’t that mean much to you? Is it better to act, time? Urgent. Go, search for the enemy and destroy it! "

——System Tip: You can use your Alliance Reputation to redeem troops to the Unicorn King. The conversion ratio is 100 reputation = 1 command value.

Da Fei just came to step on the point. The angel space for his saint treatment has 2 contract angels and 10 ordinary angels. In small-scale battles, there is no need to lead soldiers. Not to mention that prestige is so precious, how can it be used for large-scale consumption? Da Fei turned his head without talking nonsense, and the province continued to watch it open its harem.

So Da Fei stepped into the dense forest and began to search. Da Fei suddenly found that there were no players in this battlefield, that is to say, this scene was more high-end than the pool of light? At least there are a lot of local players in the Japanese area. If there is such a high end. I am afraid that this battle is quite difficult to fight?

From the task reminder, summoning the 6th-level Abyss Demon Mirror is the signature skill of the hell-level 7th-level big devil-when there is a corpse with a total of 100 life on the battlefield. The big demon can sacrifice the corpse to summon a 100-life abyssal demon cannon fodder. The sacrificed corpse cannot be resurrected after the war, and this is the disgust of the great devil.

When Da Fei first met the American big devil player sawsaw in the pool of light, he was sacrificed on the spot by several dead sailors, resulting in an inability to resurrect.

However, although this skill is disgusting, it is really difficult to sacrifice units with an individual health value greater than 100, which can be considered to barely guarantee the resurrection probability of the player's senior soldier. But this is just an ordinary big devil, and this legion that can hide stealth must be an elite big devil. This battle is indeed not easy to fight. Once his own death appears, it is really possible that everything can happen.

While Da Fei was exploring the road between tangled thoughts, a small green dot on the radar map of Blood Eagle's vision suddenly showed that the player's green dot was approaching himself.

Da Fei frowned and hurriedly switched the perspective of Bloodhawk. Is he actually a Chinese player with a small red flag over his head? At first glance, the name of a string of Martian text above him suddenly reminded me of the pk Korean female player who was instantly famous in China last night! That's right, it's him! Dafei remembered that the battlefield was the scene of the incident.

And looking at him from such a distance, it shows that the other party already knows his current position clearly, and shows that he also has a reconnaissance tool like blood eagle or a gargoyle like scout.

The visitor is not good!

At this moment, Da Fei was immediately alert and extremely unhappy! Dafei arrived in this realm. Of course, the Chinese can not beat the Chinese, but it does not rule out that other people must step on the celebrity in order to fight for everything. He could forcefully pk Korean female players yesterday, and he can deal with himself today.

Now, watching the opponent's position on the radar approaching him more and more accurately, Da Fei felt instinctively that the other party was not here to say hello. It's time to come, and it's finally here.

And thinking of the smoky monster he summoned in his video, Da Fei sank even more: can he deal with him?

can! As long as Dafei sneaks, Dafei believes that his stealth master who has a high-level sentry addition to his god-level reconnaissance, should not have too many opportunities to decapitate and kill him. However, in this case, the effect of pretense cannot be achieved, and the other party cannot feel the huge difference between him and him. He is unwilling to come and challenge next time. This kind of troublesome and painful thing is flying. Don't want to happen again.

So Da Fei cannot sneak, as soon as he sneaks, he expresses his fear! So the question that Dafei has to think about now is how to achieve the best loading effect? At this moment, Da Fei remembered the dragon **** Saysu teaching his pretend magic skills! OK, it's time to sacrifice the magic.

. . . . . .

At this time, in the command room of the Special Operations Group of the US Supernova Team, a blond teenager was yelling at a freckled boy: "Dave! What do you want to do? You are playing a Chinese player now, and you will let others do this to you. Ignorance of identity! "

The freckled boy smiled disdainfully: "I'm just playing Chinese players! Aren't all the Chinese on the forum guessing if I can beat Dafei? Isn't this the wish of Chinese players?"

Captain Tommy was furious: "I'm the captain, I order you to stop!"

The freckled boy sank: "Your order is stupid and cowardly, and I can disobey it!"

Tommy exploded: "If you fail, get out of the team!"

The freckled boy smiled coldly: "Do you think I will lose to an unprotected single player? You are too bad!"

Tammy was dumb. (To be continued ...)


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