God Rank Hero

Chapter 1121: Go to other battlefields

At 9 am Beijing time, Dafei woke up with a smile from his dream. ☆ → Go online again after eating and drinking Lazar. At this time, two days have passed in the game. The first thing for Dafei is to check the progress of ship repair.

At this time, on the pier of the Cold Emerald City, the trunk of the huge Silena tree covering the city like a hanging tower hangs the boat in the sky in the sky. Numerous green flower demon and red evil demon drag the red and green The interweaving magical light flew up and down around the Fly, as if it covered the Fly in a large circle. The huge hole in the bottom of the ship is still shocking, and there is no obvious sign of healing.

At this moment, Tamilla appeared next to Da Fei and greeted, "Master Lord, Fei Xiang has now completed the repair of the damaged external wooden structure, but the internal energy fusion still takes a long time. Right, The cargo hold of the Feixiang has been repaired, and the Blood Demon high-pressure impulse pump of our army's newly captured artifact can be placed. Will it be installed? "

——Blood Demon High Pressure Percussion Pump: Artifact, giant machinery and equipment, war machine (cannot be carried around). The high-pressure gastric pouch produced by the abyss blood demon has evolved over the years and can be used as a pump or as a police sprinkler. Police water cannons have a stun effect and have no damage value. Players who attack the same faction with water cannons will not be judged as malicious pk by the system.

Dafei said nothing: "Install now!"

Da Fei remembered being ambushed by an undercover player from the Japan Bright League when he arrived at the pool of light yesterday at 4 pm. This kind of thing will not be the first time and it will never be the last time, and you can't bear the price of red name unlimitedly. Therefore, this war machine, which is not harmful but will not be famous, is definitely a well-deserved artifact in dealing with undercover situations.

Tamilla nodded: "Good lord. By the way, now that all the energy of the vine is used to fuse Hydra bones. Now the evil demon barracks in the center village has stopped operating."

Da Fei nodded: "It's okay. Focus first on fixing the big things. Defense is the foundation."

"Yes, sir!"

Then Da Fei remembered the captive dragon mother Cindy Gossa, how could she revenge her? How should she always love her?

So Dafei waved his hand: "Take me to see Cinti Gossa."

"Yes, sir!"

Da Fei entered the space of Saint Vincent's passenger and cargo, and saw the dragon mother Cindy Gossa being held by Nasir and a group of soldiers. At this time, Cindy Gossa was still lying on the ground with a saddle on his head and neck.

Da Fei came forward and said, "I killed you Azark the Blood Devil, and I avenge you."

Cindy Gossa slightly opened half of the long eyes and said, "Although I really hope Azak will die. But I didn't ask you to help me get revenge, so this matter has nothing to do with me. Besides, I become a demons The spawning machine has long been dead-determined, let alone succumb to a mortal mount, kill it if you want to kill it, don't waste your time! From now on, I won't answer any questions from you. " Head slumbered.

Dafei frowned. In general, even if the npc did not send a task beforehand, but the player completed it in advance, he would still get the npc task reward. It is the most typical case to complete the 5th stage of the Dragon Cavalry Chamber of Commerce by yourself. The only explanation can be that the negative effects of this dragon saddle are quite large. Directly let the Dragon NPC reduce their favorability to a negative number.

The problem is that the saddle is put on. Can't take it off! This is the system warning before using the saddle, what should I do?

Da Fei's heart moved and asked, "What if I am not a mortal, but a saint?"

Cinti Gossa: "..."

Da Fei waited for a while and then asked, "If I become a demigod, even God?"

Cinti Gossa: "..."

Lying down! Really not talking back? Even if you ridicule "You can be a **** by yourself"! Or does it mean that the accidental captive dragon mother, which is most likely to be a power leader, will be greatly restricted by the system and will not easily allow players to gain benefits?

Now the situation is either killing, letting go, or dropping. Killing is absolutely impossible. In the current situation of insufficient friendship, it is even more impossible to put it, it is better to kill a few kilograms of dragon meat directly. Then there is only one way to reduce service. And if you want to surrender, at least you have to be able to talk to her. The problem is-at this moment, Da Fei thought of the peerless beauty Savala.

Yes, they are all Dragons. Although it was not right to meet at the beginning, they are also regarded as Dragons. Even if they are scolded, they are also exchanges. As long as they can communicate, there is a chance.

So Da Fei exited the space and found Zavala: "What do you think is the likelihood of her surrendering after I put the saddle on Cinti Gossa?"

Zavala shook her head: "Even when she was weakest, her willingness to die had resisted the enslavement of the dragon saddle, not to mention that she has now passed the weakest period, as long as she is not willing Then there is no possibility of tame. "

Da Fei's heart sank, so wouldn't he waste an artifact saddle?

Just then, Zavala spoke again: "However, she will not surrender to adults, but she may not surrender to me who is also a dragon. If I can be promoted to be a hero, she may surrender to me. It will increase further. This is equivalent to indirectly surrendering to adults. What do adults think? "

Dafei suddenly hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, that's what I mean, and this is what I need you to do."

Zavala nodded: "However, she is unlovable now, she must give her hope and motivation to live, otherwise, no one will be able to surrender her. I wonder if the adults have any relevant plans? "

Dafei frowned. This was indeed a problem. It was useless for a living impatient person to threaten temptation. So what is the plan of the relevant parties-

At this moment, Da Fei remembered the sulphur blood sea in China, right next to the blood sea gem mine guarded by the demigod turtle. The maps of China and Japan are different. It is estimated that there is no China in Japan. Therefore, the blood sea sulfur mine in China is likely to be an undeveloped place, which can be used to house Cinti Gossa. Let her regain her status as leader of the camp!

At this point, Da Fei immediately had an idea, so he instructed: "Tell her, we will take her to the sulphur sea of ​​blood in our Asia region, and let her start a new life there from the new development. In short, no matter what method you use, you can persuade patiently, you can just laugh at the excitement, or just bore her with melon seeds and chat. In short, this task is left to you. "

Zavala nodded: "Understand, I will do my best to save her."

Komatsu sighed with satisfaction. Anyway, Bazi has finally gotten rid of it, so let's carry it out so slowly.

Then, there are 5,000 units in the Cold Emerald City Warehouse and hundreds of units of sulfur collected from the Longxue Battlefield during the Longxue Battle. Originally Dafei's plan was to exchange them all for gems, but in the battle of sulphur and blood, the fuel and backup fuel brought by Dafei were huge, and they could not be moved. Then keep hoarding.

The next thing is to take a look at several other battlefields, first step on the point to find out the situation before talking.

So Da Fei came to the Cold Emerald City teleportation array, and the guard greeted: "Warriors from across the region, now you can freely transmit the major battlefields in this area, but this teleportation array cannot transmit troops, and the warriors can use their own The Alliance ’s reputation is exchanged for strength with generals in various battlefields, and the Warriors are invited to choose the battlefield that is about to leave. "

——System Tip: Please select the battlefield you are about to teleport:

1. The frontline of the No.1 Fortress on the wall of the ancient tree. Battlefield introduction: The first line of defense in the southern part of the capital of the Elven Kingdom is also the most solid line of defense. Once this line of defense is breached, the security of the kingdom's capital and the world tree will face devastating blows. Urgency: 5 stars. (Note: won the Merit Award on this front and won the reward for racial prestige of the Elf Level 6 Pokemon)

2. The front line of Fortress 2 on the wall of the ancient tree. Battlefield introduction: The first line of defense in the east of the capital of the elves kingdom. . . Urgency: 5 stars.

3, the front wall of the No. 3 fortress wall of the ancient tree. . . Urgency: 5 stars.

4, the pool of light underground battlefield. Battlefield Introduction: The Demon Legion arrives directly at the key battleground of the world. Once the battlefield is breached, the world tree will face a deadly threat of death and collapse. Urgency: 5 stars.

5. The frontline of Siqiange Island. Battlefield introduction: The Elven Kingdom can finally obtain the island port of the human allies. Once the line of defense is breached, hundreds of thousands of elf refugees who have taken refuge here on land will become slaves to the demons. Urgency: 4 stars.

6, the sacred forest hinterland defense line. Battlefield introduction: The barracks in the hinterland of the Elven Kingdom is full of 5-level unicorns. In order to limit the assault healing ability of the elven kingdom, the demon army sent an elite demon army commander to attack the place, and at the same time can firmly restrain the elven kingdom's reinforcements. Urgency: 3 stars. (Note: Received the Merit Award on this front and won the racial prestige award for Elf Level 5 unicorns)

. . . . . .

Looking at the major battlefields with different urgency levels, Dafei couldn't help but lament how magnificent the scenes of the national war were. However, although the battlefield of No. 4 ray of light seems to be a 5-star emergency, in fact, it has been firmly controlled by its own rhythm, and there is no need to worry.

As for the battlefield of the ancient tree wall that guards the four directions of the capital, it is the goddess Bufei, killing hundreds of flowers, and smiling at the battlefield where they are located. Of course, it is also the battlefield with the largest number of cross-region battles. In fact, there is no threat at present.

Siqiange Island Battlefield? At this moment, Da Fei's eyes brightened. Isn't this the place where Brother Fei Xiang can fight after leaving the mountain? Fine, I'll go here first.

Then Da Fei's eyes fell on the battlefield of the sacred forest behind. Da Fei's brow jumped, the unicorn's racial prestige rewarded? Isn't Brother's artifact jewelry phantom bow missing a higher-level "unicorn mane"? And here is a 3-star emergency. There is only a demon legion, and brother defeated it. Is it not enough to gain reputation?

Da Fei immediately changed his mind and went to the Divine Forest first. (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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