God Rank Hero

Chapter 1120: Japan counterattacks China plot

——Good morning, audience friends, it is 7 o'clock in the morning live broadcast of "Heroes Express", we are fortunate to be connected to the Star Guild team commander and coach Jiang Da guest room for husband Jiang, good husband Jiang! "

Team Jiang laughed: "Hello audience friends, good host, good morning everyone! Since our chairman has been busy all night and really has no energy, let me answer the topics that are most interesting to the audience friends."

The host laughed: "Actually, our live broadcast team spent all night in order to collect material for the show. Now the audience's friends are most concerned about the national war situation of our Chinese players in Japan. In the past night, what happened A lot of encouraging achievements, and some misunderstandings with players from other countries have also occurred. Of course, the most important thing is the world announcement of our famous Chinese player flying at 3:30 in the morning to kill the demon-level strongman, and the total annihilation again. The video of the third bomb of the Japanese national team, and this third bomb incident has attracted widespread attention from all walks of life in Japan, and even well-known Japanese media commented that they condemned Chinese players for their low morality and lack of sports esports spirit ... Um, for this The third bomb incident, what do you think of the Chiang team? "

Team Jiang laughed: "Before, players from all over the world condemned Japan for using the undercover tactics to kill the Bright Alliance forces against the spirit of e-sports. Faced with accusations, the Japanese area responded eloquently that their actions were in line with the rules of camp confrontation. Complying with the rules of the game, not cheating. Now, we can also proudly answer that Da Fei's actions conform to the rules of faction confrontation and the rules of the game. "

The host laughed: "It's true that since everyone is fighting within the rules, there is nothing more to say. Even if Japan has to say something to fight public opinion. I don't think we in China will fall behind. "

Team Jiang smiled: "Exactly. After all, the root of the Japanese national war was caused by their perverse actions. Even their traditional allies may not truly support them, so I believe there will be many international friends flying this time. Praise for our China. "

The host nodded: "It makes sense. And the players are more concerned that now the 15 main players of the European War in Japan have dropped level 6 overnight, and it is almost impossible to return to level 50 in the next week. This means that they will not be able to enter the New World National Theater as soon as possible. So what do the Jiang team think the 15 main players will do in the next few days? Is it true that they will continue to brush up the copy? "

Team Jiang laughed: "This question is a good question. If I replaced it with level 6 of pk. I will not be able to continue copying. This will only make the disadvantages even worse. Use tactics in chess to explain it. If a main chess piece is inevitably eaten, then the only way is to exchange the pieces and find a way to eat one of the opponent's main strengths in another battlefield to recover the disadvantage, so the biggest possibility in Japan is to find a new battlefield! "

The host was surprised: "A new battlefield? Like?"

The Chiang team said positively: "It is not ruled out that the other party may cross the region again and come to the city of Chinese penalty! After all, the 15 main forces in Japan have successfully reached the city of Chinese penalty and successfully completed the task. From China Looking at the severe offensive situation of the city of gods and punishments, the **** side is obviously even more eager to ask for support, so the possibility of them coming to the city of gods and punishments is also very high! "

The host nodded: "It makes sense, then the Blood Wei Guild that presides over the City of God's Punishment in China must be careful."

The Jiang team solemnly said, "Be careful! After all, dropping off in the game is nothing more than reducing some attribute points, and the skills you have learned are all there. Their combat effectiveness has not been much affected, and they are still the top of the **** tribe. Player group. We must not have the illusion that they are very good because they have been guarded for three consecutive times. "

Moderator: "It makes sense! There is also a topic of interest to players below, what is the demon-level power that Da Fei kills? What effect will this have on the progress of the national war? Will **** send a lot of God-powered mad revenge? "

Team Jiang shook his head and smiled: "Everyone knows that Dafei is a player with a very good sense of confidentiality, so we don't know what he killed. Even if we know that at this stage, it is no different than a state secret. But If you want to talk about the impact of killing the strong on the national war process, you still have to look specifically at the position of the strong. If it is a general-level army commander, the problem can be quite serious. Either **** will retaliate madly, or it will Convergence of quantity and power, in my opinion, there is a greater possibility of convergence of quantity and power. After all, from the perspective of the overall progress of the game, the main focus of the **** tribe is on the richer resources of the new world, and no full-scale war has been launched in the old world. Plan. As for ordinary strong men who do not have important positions, let alone let them fight, don't ask them. "

Moderator: "So, thank you for your guidance ..." ...

Blood Wei Studio, the first rays of sunlight in the morning reflected in the window.

"Changed shift! Changed shift! Eat! Eat!"

"Tired, tired! I won't eat anymore, just go to sleep!"

At this time, the whole night's spirited blood Wei Qiqi moved forward to change the blood of the Wei Wei stun gun and greeted: "Sister An! The star's Jiang team just reminded us in the live broadcast that the main force in Japan hit our China. To the city of punishment. "

A group of dismissed beauties laughed and said, "People who have been guarded for 3 times really dare to go abroad! As long as they dare to come over, the number of crusader registrations in China will surely double, and everyone will spit. Drown them! "

The Xuewei Saint Gun said lightly: "Everyone must not underestimate the enemy. After all, the opponent may be a legendary second-order demon. The combat power is not comparable to ordinary players. Otherwise, if you go to more people, you will give the other person a head and experience, but They're done! "

Xuewei Qiqi sighed with a smile: "We will definitely not underestimate the enemy. We are afraid that ordinary Crusader players who have not had the opportunity to participate in the national war are eager to venture into the map and show their limelight."

Xue Wei Sheng gun frowned: "This is indeed a problem, we first do a good job of mobilization and prevention in their respective team groups. When the big sister comes, we are working together with several other big guilds!"

"Got it!"……

At the same time, Shino Ono, a big brother who had been busy building a warehouse in Hongming Village overnight, received information from the headquarters of Mitsubishi.

"Ono Jun, this is Yamada. Did you hear about last night?"

Ono rubbed his bloodshot eyes and said, "I see! Why, Yamada-kun contacted me? Has something changed at the headquarters?"

Yamada shook his head: "How is it possible! If an ordinary Chinese person asked me to make personnel changes, that would be my relative's vengeance. The president was just overworked and went to the hospital to rest. Captain Tsukamoto was here. There is something to do with the fan group. "

Ono just let out a big sigh of relief: "I'm relieved! If it is really because of the irrationality of domestic players, it will be Mitsubishi's biggest tragedy!"

Yamada nodded: "Ono Jun is right. Now we have an important counterattack plan that requires Ono's full cooperation! If the initial results make the headquarters see the prospect of victory, the headquarters will equip you in China within three days. A strong team, so Ono Jun will not have to rely on the wasteful farts of Dafei Guild! "

Ono's spirits revived: "Please direct the headquarters!"

Yamada Masahiro said: "After last night's confrontation, we must admit the fact that our 15 main players are not Da Fei's opponents at all! So we must avoid him, then the battlefield will be selected as the city of gods in China! At present The situation of the city of the city of the penalty in China is very weird. From the series of tasks of collecting materials released by the npc of the city of punishment to the players, this is not like the rhythm of attacking the **** fortress, but it is like the defense and time delay. This is totally inconsistent with the opponent's tactical purpose of moving the fortress. Therefore, we have initially determined that China ’s supernatural city outside the city of punishment is strong and capable, and that our main players have a place to use it! "

Ono frowned: "That's it! But there are already professional players in China reminding Chinese players in the city of punishment to be prepared?"

Yamada sneered: "Will this be a further explanation for the foreign powers in the City of Divine Punishment in China? If they are really strong, they won't even mention it, and they will wait for us to get hooked, right?"

Ono exhilarated, "That makes sense! So what is my task?"

Yamada Masahiro said: "Ono's mission is to find a way to buy a Crusader game number at a high price and mix it into the command team chat group in China. At first you must be anonymous. Our main force will kill first. Those ordinary Chinese players are at a loss, and then give Ono Jun a few heads in a very cooperative manner, so that your reputation can quickly gain influence. The latter thing is what Ono Jun is best at! "

Ono was trembling with excitement: "That's the case! I now have a concrete action plan! At the beginning, Chinese players will definitely guard against the instructions of the Grand Guild, but I will ridicule and instigate the Grand Guild on the forum. The national sentiment of Chinese players puts pressure on the Grand Guild, and then I will use constant victory to prove that the Grand Guild has no leadership at all. By the way, I will give them the hat of a traitorous guild who does not resist the war. At that time, even if I do n’t speak, Naturally, there will be angry youth to help the situation, and Chinese players will be completely out of control, and they will enter the trap carefully laid out by our internal and external cooperation, and wipe out the reverse situation! "

Yamada clapped his hands and laughed: "It is indeed Ono-kun! Okay, then Ono-kun will prepare now! We will notify you before the main force is dispatched!"

"Hey!" (To be continued ...)

Chapter 1120 Conspiracy of Japan's Counterattack in China:


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