God Rank Hero

Chapter 1119: National Sports Day in Japan

Under Da Fei's instructions, the eight elven dancers bowed very obediently: "Meet Lord Sirena!"

Silena lamented: "Unexpectedly, I still have priests in the Asian plane. It is conceivable how tragic they have been tortured in this millennium. Thank you warriors! But now they are warriors I am following the citizens and can no longer continue to be my priest, but it does n’t matter. I will definitely compensate them. I will carefully train them during this time and do my best to improve their strength. ”

What you want is the result! Dafei was satisfied: "Then let the adults worry!"

Silena shook her head and sighed: "Compared to the torture they suffered, I can't compensate for the guilt in my heart by paying a lot of compensation-then Delly, you can take them to the Emerald Hall for recuperation."

"Yes, sir!"

Sai Laina said with emotion: "So warrior, let's start repairing the ship!"

Ship repair? Since a major friendship breakthrough has been achieved at the level of the priest, it should not be a simple ship repair. How can you say that you have to pluck a piece of sacred wood from you to make up holes?

Da Fei immediately greeted Tamilla: "Master Sirena, when my boat was in the most critical situation, I used the keel to support it, so I have a concept, I want to make the keel and the hull completely Is it possible to further enhance the ability to carry and snoring by boat? "

Silena suddenly snapped: "The keel and the hull merge into one?"

Tamilia immediately said: "Yes, I think this step can be theoretically achieved only with sufficient nutrients and time."

Silena was surprised: "You are the hero of the Fujino family!"

Tamilia salutes: "Yes! But under the training of the Lord Lord. I am still a little different from the ordinary Fujino family."

Silaina said with emotion: "On our plane. There is no Fujinaki family anymore. They died in the war of thousands of years ago, but it was unexpected that there was a Fujinaki family in the warrior's plane. What a pity! The warrior surprised me again and again! Very good! The warrior's advice is very interesting and very challenging, so I will try it out according to the idea of ​​this lady Fujiya! "

Dafei was overjoyed: "Thank you, Lord Silena!"

Tamillas rejoiced: "Then let me help the adults!"

Oh yeah! What is needed is this effect. With his great god, this is most likely accomplished. From what he learned, there were no Fujiki in Japan. How much this balances Da Fei's heart. It can be seen that not only are the maps different, but also the hidden forces are completely different.

Now, with Tamelia's response, Silena began to repair the ship with the priests and shipmen. The back of the eight dancers also disappeared from Fei's sight.

Dafei finally breathed a sigh of relief. It is a pity that after bringing such a big group of people, only eight of them have made a difference. It is also unknown which of the other 15 human dancers is a believer in the Great God.

At this moment, Da Fei suddenly remembered that this kind of amnesia priest should also be a special product of China, but not in Japan? There should be more such priests in the **** slave market in China, right? What if Brother finds another priest when he returns home? There is no Silena in China, wouldn't there be no way for him to continue to compensate?

It was also at this moment that Da Fei suddenly had a very vague idea: if Brother's performance in Japan completely conquered Sirena. Will Silena also follow his brother back home-of course, this is unrealistic. But is it really impossible to send a person to China to resume the sect to recruit believers? At the very least, Habit village is still very grateful to him. There are still some foundations for believers.

While thinking about it, a weary swept across Da Fei's body. After all, the tension has been intense for more than half of the night, and the mental and physical strength can no longer be carried. OK, tangled things will be left for later consideration, it is time to wash and sleep, ready for a brand new day that will wake up with dreams.

Da Fei fell asleep, but other people in various time zones in the world could hardly fall asleep anyway.

At 5 am Tokyo time, in front of the Mitsubishi abc building in Tokyo, local Japanese players could not bear the fact that the national team was continuously humiliated by a Chinese player. They rallyed in front of the building and held high the "Mitsubishi team down" and "Mitsubishi team disbanded" Class banner slogan protest. At the same time, players in other areas of Tokyo also spontaneously drove to the assembly. At a time, traffic in various streets in Tokyo's Akihabara was blocked, and the police force of the police station was dispatched overnight to maintain order.

At this moment, a number of high-level cadres of the Mitsubishi team bent over in front of the demonstrators, they couldn't afford to soak their tears, and their fans soaked the tears in their roar.

A live reporter reached out to a female player in tears in her pajamas: "Excuse me, ladies, do you have anything to say?"

The female player couldn't cry: "I was woken up by Aiko's phone. At that time I was still asleep. I still dreamed about the performance of Jun Oda during the war, but I ca n’t accept the dream Fact! Why is the same mistake made one after another? It's totally unforgivable! But it's not Oda Jun's fault, this is the Mitsubishi team's fault! A decaying organization has killed the talent of a talented player like Oda Jun, and the Mitsubishi team must end class! "

The reporter also handed the microphone to a male player with Bi Sheng's head on his head: "What's your opinion?"

The male player said angrily: "Cheating! This Chinese player must be cheating! He strongly requested that the hero headquarters ban his game account!"

"However, the game console is an intelligent system. Even the headquarters of the hero can't close the player's account."

The male player shouted excitedly: "Then we will mobilize the strength of our players across Japan to fight together!"

Hundreds of players in the audience responded suddenly: "Yes! Now is the most critical moment for our Japanese region, we must fight together!"

At this moment, the Mitsubishi team burst into tears: "Please give us a chance! For the common future of my Greater Japan, let us fight together again!"

"Unity!" "Struggle!" "Unity" "Struggle!" For a time, the slogan of inspiration spread throughout the block.

At 6 am Tokyo time, the well-known Japanese news media "Asahi Shimbun" commented that on April 4, "National Disgrace Day" in the field of e-sports in Japan! It is precisely because of today's "National Disgrace Day" that all Japanese players are more closely united. All the ruling parties and opposition parties at the same time expressed their condolences and encouragement to the players of the Mitsubishi team. . .

. . . . . .

The US supernova team headquarters, a large screen on the wall is playing a video of 15 main players of the Japanese Mitsubishi Team being defended by Da Fei for the third time, but not the third bomber video of Da Fei, but before the Mitsubishi team members go offline. Looking up at the momentary video of the sky, it only took less than 2 seconds.

But these two seconds did provide important information, and the bottom of Da Fei's ship broke a large hole that could not be seen directly. And if you look closely at the comparison from the comprehensive perspective of multiple players, this ship is more than just the bottom.

At this time, Fordson specially invited the developers of the ship design in the game to analyze these dozens of freeze-frame video screenshots.

After carefully reviewing all the screenshots, the designer shook his head and laughed: "The support layer on the second deck is shattered, and his boat can be cut into two at any time. And from the perspective of this damaged wound, this is not an ordinary sea monster. The sharp-angled impact is a high-pressure fountain attack similar to a giant whale sea monster, and it also has a strong acid-like corrosion effect. It can be said that a smash-type fracture has occurred inside the ship, which may not be seen now, but hidden dangers huge."

Fordson said, "That said, this ship is far less terrible than before?"

The designer laughed: "At least this is the case, this is the price to challenge the demon-level strong. By the way, it is likely that the high-pressure corrosion damage can be played by the abyss blood demon family. The captain can let the Japanese area provide relevant information. Information to determine the location of Da Fei. While he is repairing the ship, the damage should be the most successful. "

Fordson nodded. "I see. Thank you for your guidance."

The designer laughed: "Goodbye! But this player is Dafei. His current achievement has been the continuous development of system intelligence, allowing intelligence to continuously evolve new things, far exceeding the initial draft of our original design. Mr. Fortson must be careful. "

"I will." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!


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