God Rank Hero

Chapter 1118: The recognition of Silena

The World Broadcasting has also been issued, and the third bomb has also been updated. The spiritual realm of life should not be too high or too cool. As for the demons who seem to strengthen a lot in the Demon Camp, Da Fei does not plan to kill them. The appearance of the Blood Demon King can also be regarded as a wake-up call for Da Fei. Don't play too much, not every time you have the good luck to kill the fat man. This also proves the importance and correctness of the rhythm of Da Fei's control process from the negative side.

When talking about the big fat man, Da Fei immediately remembered that his soul had not been absorbed, and he had no conditions to absorb soul just at the bottom of the volcano. Now it's on the water then hurry up. As a result, Da Fei immediately called to Serbia and Tamilia to let Tamilia open the door of the space of Holy Vine and let the sea soul battle of Serbia absorb the soul.

With a trace of blood-red remnants entering the battle of sea souls, Da Fei settled down, this is the most perfect harvest.

For ordinary players, the loot is nothing more than explosive point equipment or tossing with collection technology, but for Da Fei, even the meat and the soul will not let go, which is really valuable content. Dafei can't imagine how high-end the soul of a monster-level sea monster is? Perhaps second only to the soul of Hydra? If this is the case, it is estimated that no battleship is worthy of this sea soul, which is still quite a tangled matter.

This kind of tangled matter will be left to the future, and Dafei can finally return to the Cold Emerald City to settle tasks with satisfaction.

With a flash of magic light, Feixiang returned to the cold emerald lake space. At this point, the defender General Deliel rode the Pegasus to lead the team Jade Dragon out of town to greet him: "Warrior! Welcome to Triumph!"

This meets the specifications is very different! At this time, I would not say that I was really sorry that Brother took all his wealth.

Dafei laughed and said, "Where and where is the victory! Now that my boat is about to collapse, I don't know if I can help the city to repair it ~"

Deere laughed: "Warriors rest assured, Lord Silena is already waiting at the dock in person. Lord will repair the Warriors' loss."

Oh! The **** of the ancient tree waited for the brother himself. That is a must drop! Da Fei was pretending to be surprised: "Master Sirena is waiting for me? How can I be embarrassed?"

Deere laughed: "Even Master Silena shot it in person. It may not be able to kill Azark the Blood Demon. The Warrior has accomplished what is hard for Sirela to do, and it is impossible to meet with even higher specifications. Pass it! "

Wow ha ha ha, that's right! Although it must be this effect, the other person can only say it is sour!

Therefore, between Dafei and the female general chatting and farting to improve friendship, the cold emerald city arrived, at this time the fireworks in the city shouted salute. The dock was filled with thunderous crowds, and it seemed that the city's npcs were lining up to welcome them.

Then Da Fei saw a white-bearded grandpa Sirena in a white robe on the dock. Silaina said with emotion: "Warrior, you can come to us to rescue our crisis is really the fate of inevitable, thousands of words of gratitude are combined into one sentence-it is great to have you! Please accept the task Reward! "

——System Tip: You have successfully completed the battle mission "Destroying the Blood Sea Volcano Sulfur Mine of Hell Corps" released by Silena, gaining 10 million experience, 1 million gold coins, 100 units of cold emerald gemstones, and receiving the reward "Sila Accept the Medal of Wisdom and Courage! "

——Silina Medal of Wisdom and Courage: Artifact, Trinket, Knowledge30. Morale 3, dominate the elves. And the commanding power of bright natural creatures is reduced.

——System Tip: Congratulations! You gain the appreciation of the wisdom of the ancient tree, and the achievement "The Appreciation of Silena", the total heroic command power 100, life 100, physical strength 10, the army's life 10%, physical strength 10%, morale 1, your reputation in the elven kingdom 2 Wan ...

Reward artifact! Get appreciated! Dafei could not help laughing, this is a must drop!

Tonight is really a big wholesale artifact, Japan is really rich in oil! Brother now has a lot of artifacts. Then there is no way out, only the Jewelry of Jewelry can be given to the Deputy Hero. And the attribute of this Medal of Serena actually decreases the commanding power. This attribute can be quite horrible. In the case of a large number of troops, even if it only reduces the commanding power by 1 point, it is hundreds or thousands more than those directly added. The Colonel Medal of the Commander's Warlord Medal is too strong.

However, this is just a mission reward. The appreciation reward does not end with this achievement? The Underworld Lord also appreciated Brother, not only to send achievements, but also to give Brother an invisible hand of preferential rewards.

So Dafei saluted the gift with great anticipation: "Thank you, Lord Silena, for your appreciation!"

Silena laughed: "Warrior, you can defeat Azark the Blood Demon King. This means that there is no battlefield that can limit you. From now on, you can freely support any battle zone in the elven kingdom! However, the warrior's sitting The ship ’s injury is very serious, I ’m afraid that for the time being, you ca n’t freely enter and leave other battlefields. But please rest assured, in order to express my gratitude, I will help you repair and strengthen the recovery. If you ca n’t wait, you do n’t need to strengthen it. As long as it is repaired, I will launch all my priests to transport the warrior ’s boat to other battlefields that are convenient for naval battles. ”

——The system prompts: You have obtained the right of passage in the Japanese national battlefield! You can go to other battlefields at any time.

Strengthen recovery? Is this the reward of the Sirena? Half a month is nothing but a day and a half. It is just convenient for my brother to sleep and rest.

Dafei hurriedly said: "Since the adult is in good intentions, of course, please help me to strengthen my recovery!"

Silena laughed: "Well, then we will start repairing now. As for the Warriors, you can now go to other battlefields through the city's teleportation array. I believe that even without a boat, the Warrior is just another demon fear Exists. "

Lying down! Brother is not iron, brother will go to bed after doing this! But when it comes to the priests, there is one big thing that must be done at this opportunity.

Dafei said positively: "It must live up to the high expectations of the adults. By the way, when it comes to the priests, I suspect that the dancers I saved from the demons in our plane are most likely the priests of the adults. What? "

Deere also hurriedly said, "Yes, sir, the warrior told me this before the expedition."

Silena's beard jumped: "Anything like that? Let me see!"

Oh yeah! npc has such an overwhelming response, then it is sure! Dafei excitedly instructed Alicia behind him, "Hurry up and call those elven dancers-no, all dancers of all races!"

Although several human and dark elf half-dancing dancers are certainly not his priests, it is difficult to say that he immediately promoted the others as soon as he was excited.

"Got it!"

As a result, Alicia brought all 27 dancers, including Istar, to Silena, 4 mixed dark elves, 8 elves, 15 humans. Among them, the eight elves stood in front of the crowd.

At this moment, the eight elves who saw Silena couldn't help but tremble slightly. Although their eyes were still blank, their confused expressions different from other dancers clearly confirmed their identity!

It's done! ?

Dafei looked forward to see the expression of Silena. At this moment, Silena's expression was extremely serious. With a wave of her hand, a green light enveloped the eight people! Then the system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: Your 8 elves followers and dancers have learned the skill taught by Silena "training for nature"!

Probation of Nature's Power: The ability to perceive nature through your body.

Da Fei was pleasantly surprised: "It will be one soon !?"

Deere sighed: "It can be confirmed that these 8 people are indeed the priests of Lord Silena. Even if their brains forget everything, their bodies will never forget the most basic and most difficult things they have ever learned. Something worn away! "

Now that you've confirmed, let's go to Godfather! Dafei hurriedly said to these 8 people: "Your identity is finally confessed. Hurry up and worship Lord Silena!"

(Only 1 is changed, I'm sorry everyone. By the way, ashtray on the 30th will go to Hainan to participate in the author's annual meeting for the starting point, for 4 days. The author's annual meeting has also been held several times in the past two years, ashtray Did not go, this time is really exhausted physically and mentally, just go out and relax, as for the update, it really depends on the situation. Only a few days off.) (To be continued ...)

Chapter 1118: Silena's Recognition:


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