God Rank Hero

Chapter 1117: The third bomb is almost ruthless!

The magic light flashed, and the boat of the sky quietly returned to the pool of light while sneaking. Although it was only a few hours apart, for the big fly who had experienced the rest of the calamity, he still felt a sense of intimacy for no reason.

At this time, the eight gargoyles brought by Dafei are still silently monitoring from the top of the earthquake workshop, the earthquake workshop is still stopped due to lack of fuel, and the revival point of the Japanese classmates is still not moving. Then Da Fei was observing the sky boat, and there was no movement.

Good, it's time to fish, if the fish doesn't run. Dafei started to announce the World Radio.

——Announcement of World Channel in Japan: Congratulations! China's Bright Alliance player Dafei successfully killed the demon-level strongman!

——Announcement of Japan's Camp National War: Battle Report! China's Bright Alliance player Dafei successfully killed the demon-level strongman!

At this moment, Da Fei can already imagine how all players in Japan should react! That's right, the desire to be worshiped is the highest spiritual need of human beings after meeting the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation. What people have in their lifetimes is this cool! Come on, scream! Shocked! Envy it! Be jealous! Haha, wow hahaha. . . .

There is no doubt that all Japanese players and cross-region national war players are shocked! This is not the first **** killed by Da Fei, and of course it will not be the last one. All players once again remember the horror of Da Fei, a dragon-slaying God player!

Fortunately, such a terrible player is in the League of Lights! Da Fei's victory once again inspired national war players from all over the world (except for South Korea). Da Fei's achievements let players from all countries see "China Power"! For a time, Chinese national players in various battlefields were generally favored by players from other countries, including the **** seas that were fighting all night in the Siqiangge battlefield in the elven island city.

The **** sea of ​​madness was relying on the power of the devil. The **** camp that led players to kill in various countries did not dare to enter the water and had gained a good prestige. It was faintly supported by other national war players as commanders. Just when Xuehai Kuangtao thought that he was about to catch up with Dafei, this announcement made by Dafei made Xuehai Kuangtao feel sick as if he had eaten a fly.

Although "China Power" has further strengthened the confidence of players from all countries in the Siqiangga battlefield to be led by high-end players in China, the **** seas have clearly seen the words "second-rate" in the eyes of players from all countries! It was originally "first class"! This gritted the teeth of Xuehai Kuangtao's hatred, and it was even more urgent to complete the battlefield mission. Out of this war zone, head to the sea where the devil is.

. . . . . .

At this time, the sudden world announcement of the Mitsubishi Team Headquarters made the Japanese professional players sleepy and indifferent in the middle of the night.

Igarashi, the president who snored on the headquarters sofa, couldn't help but be shocked: "Kill the demon-level powerhouse? Is there a demon-level powerhouse in our pool of light?"

Tsukamoto frowned: "That means that Da Fei is no longer in the pool of light, and Da Fei has completed the mission of the pool of light to go to another theater!"

Igarashi's face twitched, and she couldn't help but be angry and angry: "Baga! We were fooled by this big fly for hours!"

Tsukamoto said weakly: "President. I think we should let the team members rest for one night, everyone's mental state is not very good, wait for tomorrow, wait for news from China to confirm that Da Fei goes offline and sleeps in Go online. After all, Dafei is just a person and will definitely go offline. "

Igarashi said angrily: "Da Fei has begun to kill the devil-level strong overnight, and we are really scared to go online, not even a person who reports a failure to the Demon King's return! How can we rest? Tonight Where did the joke come to the board of directors, we can rest every day in the future, because our team will be disbanded and we will all be fired-all team members will go online and retreat immediately! "

"Hi Yi!"

. . . . . .

At the same time, Da Fei, who just released the announcement, received the message of friend information as soon as possible. One is, of course, the star goddess. Another is of course the guild beauties who are still struggling with a smile.

Bu Feiyan said with excitement: "Feige is indeed a man who kills God when he eats. Now the eyes of players in South Korea have changed my eyes! Just now, I have been staring at it with bad intentions, and now I'm afraid-begging. Hold on. Phineas thighs! "

Da Fei was in a good mood and laughed: "beauties rest assured! Brother wants to see which stick dares to touch the goddess with a cold hair!"

Bu Feiyan laughed: "Even the total wave ss such as the demon was killed by Fei Ge, I believe Fei Ge's mission is fast, as long as Fei Ge completes your mission in that theater, you can support other theaters. . Then the first one will come to support our theater! "

Dafei Haha Avenue: "No problem, no problem!" The so-called goddess is actually no different from ordinary female players! That's right, as a male in the biological sense, a man has pursued this point in the final analysis. Wa hahaha!

However, wildflowers do not have a home fragrance. Ca n’t patronize with the goddess of other people ’s home and leave her beauty alone? So Dafei began to reply to the condolences with a smile.

At this moment, the red dot on the gargoyle radar monitoring the resurrection point off the line flashed. Dafei frowned, lying! Then the next moment, the red dots flickered, all those dozens of Japanese players went online! Dafei surprises his head and frowns! Sink! Sink! Really hooked! It turned out that you really did hide for one night! You are so embarrassed to deliver the third bomb to my brother! ? Haha, wow hahaha!

At this moment, Dafei couldn't describe his mood! This excitement is totally incomparable to brushing strange waves and ss. Even the mood of killing the god-level waves ss just now cannot be compared with now! To be precise, it should be that this unique feeling cannot be replaced by a single-machine achievement. In the final analysis, it is still extremely fun to fight with people!

So Dafei immediately responded with a smile to Yan Ran: "Wait for a few minutes, I will post a third video for you."

Yan Ran couldn't help but smile: "Are there really a third bomb? Are they so stupid?"

Dafei laughed: "This kind of IQ lower limit is used to constantly break through-" So he waved his hand!

The magic light of the sky boat flickered and disappeared in situ!

At this time, the newly launched Japanese team looked around the entire site for the first time and found that the camp was fully equipped and the troops were strong and completely cleaned by Dafei. Even a large number of flying NPC troops in the sky were added.

This time, everyone could not help but be shocked: "Did Dafei not complete the task?"

Just then, the sharp alarm of the camp sounded again-oh! !! !! Mitsubishi Command's 15 big screens are full of fighting alarms! The roaring sound effect was like a bomb detonating at the headquarters. At this moment, the frail nerves of the Japanese team members suddenly collapsed like a bow-struck bird, and everyone had only two words in their hearts: Dafei!

The next moment, a huge shadow enveloped all the team members like death, and the arrows were raining! At this moment, Tsukamoto seems to have exhausted his whole body power to stutter his two words-next. . . line! !! !!

Like a sudden power outage, one of the 15 large screens is dark, and Mitsubishi Command is dead! Time seems to stagnate at this moment!

At this moment, Tsukamoto was pale and trembling! Unforgivable! This is an absolutely unforgivable mistake! If Tsukamoto had a katana near him, Tsukamoto would not hesitate to give thanks!

"Tongtong!" A muffled sound awakened the headquarters.

"President !?"

"Not good! The president passed out! Hurry up and call an ambulance!"

. . . . . . .

Two minutes later, the infinitely satisfied Dafei sent the video to Yanran with a smile: "This is it, the content is similar to the first two, except that the other party ’s level has changed from 46 to 44. You just want to make a title * go up, I can't bear to sympathize with them. "

Although I had been mentally prepared, Yan Yan smiled and was shocked: "Feige, I have one thing to ask, why are the angles of Feige's three videos taken from the sky?"

Dafei laughed and laughed: "Guess? Anyway, it won't be long before everyone will know. In short, beauties rest early, don't stay too late."

Yan Ran nodded with a smile: "Okay, I have a rest after posting this video."

Therefore, when the forum in China is still discussing what changes the big demon-level powerful that Fei Fei kills will bring to the national warfare, a "Feige Resurrection Point Third Bomb is simply ruthless! ”'S post once again detonated China and shocked the world again!

(Sorry friends, the ashtray is stubborn again, and there is only one more today) (To be continued)


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