God Rank Hero

Chapter 1132: Japan attacked China

At noon, Dafei ’s jungle hunter army trooped through the burning woods, but apart from fewer and fewer abyss demonic mirrors, Dafei never encountered a big demon. That is to say, it's no longer possible to defend the rabbits, and the routine of this task has completely changed.

But it doesn't matter, Dafei's main goal is to absorb the force of nature on the trees. Then, what came is finally coming as expected:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem has absorbed 300 points of Dark Nature Power to gain attribute growth, 110 life, 110 mana! Ansu gains a large amount of dark nature power, and his power is enhanced!

Oh yeah! Grow again! Every 300 points of energy can add 30 life and mana to the totem attribute. If this entire forest is completely absorbed and converted, Dafei cannot imagine how much life mana can be added to this necklace! For a coach with a destiny in the army, life is never too much, preferably as many as ss!

By the way, I haven't met a big devil for a long time. I don't know what happened to Li Yinzhu? With that little girl's personality, it's strange to be so anxious if you haven't contacted for such a long time?

As soon as Da Fei's heart moved, he decided to send a blood eagle to peep over the forest. Peeping at beautiful women is a very interesting and exciting thing in itself. You can see various beautiful scenes such as digging nostrils and picking feet. Even in games, this fun is just as good.

Soon, the blood eagle radar saw a large patch of red dots and green dots in the distance, and took a closer look. It was Li Yinzhu and dozens of big demons. Hundreds of mirrors are in full swing. But under the superb operation of Li Yinzhu. The Demon Legion is clearly not a threat.

Dafei shook his head and laughed. No wonder she decisively split her troops. The original benefits are all on her side. I'm afraid her garland collection progress will be improved a lot. The little girl is really fine. But then again, the real nutrition is in the soup that mortals can't see, and Da Fei's higher-end pursuit will certainly not care. Speaking of soup, Dafei thought it was time for lunch. Fortunately, it's quite easy now. Just ask for takeaway in advance.

At the time of take-offs such as Da Fei, Li Yinzhu's battle quickly ended. The remaining big demon teleported away again, leaving more than a dozen dead bodies on the ground. These big devil were all used by Li Yinzhu's ancient tree forces. Entangled with the ancient tree entangled to death.

It has to be said that the combination of ancient trees and enchanting magic is indeed abnormal. Even the angel army that Dafei is proud of will not be immune once he is recruited. Presumably this is also a common routine for Korean professional masters, and you have to guard against it.

Then Li Yinzhu once again took out the garland rattan and began to **** the corpse, and when he saw this green rattan, Dafei was startled and frowned! its not right. How could her rattan shine?

The next moment, the glowing rattan was wrapped around these dozens of corpses at the same time. These corpses also wither quickly at a rate visible to the naked eye! His jaw dropped to the ground! It turns out that this rattan can suck! This Nima's artifact?

At this moment, Dafei finally understood that it was her authentic rattan wreath! She shared the task wreath for the brother, and the wreath that sucked the corpse in front of the brother was just a second-class product! Let me go. Brother said that the little girl was too kind and sincere to win brother. It turned out that they actually had a big deal.

At this moment, Da Fei is no longer calm! Although a master will keep one hand, but a little girl keeps this hand in front of the world's number one master, and also uses bad products to pass, and Da Fei is uncomfortable in his heart.

It seems that there is only one way. Take your wreath back and study it for Tamilia. She is a god-like vine teacher, and there must be a way to make it blue!

In the midst of tangling, Dafei's friend message rang. OK, just listen to what the little girl said. Dafei opened the message and saw that it was indeed Bufeiyan!

Bu Feiyan solemnly said, "Fei brother, I would like to inform you of the latest news. There are 15 players across Japan who came to the battlefield of the City of God in China in China. The batch that was held by Fei Ge three times yesterday. "

Da Fei was shocked suddenly: "No, right? They were killed by the brother even 6th level, can they really cross the region?"

Bufeiyan sighed: "As long as their reputation is not diminished, what level is actually not important. However, we in China are no better than the EU, and no one is in collusion with them. Feige rest assured."

Rest assured! The city of **** punishment is very empty, and it is close to the front line, which is entirely a paper tiger, OK? However, there is nothing to say until now. I can only believe in the ability of the Grand Guild. After all, compared with the basic skills of fighting in the Grand Guild, a little girl can crush herself.

Da Fei nodded: "Okay, you fight well, brother also speed up the progress." ...

At 11:30 Beijing time, two lines of world information suddenly exploded on the China World Channel:

——World Announcement in China: National War in the City of Divine Punishment is about to begin! 15 players from the Japanese player ’s clothing department, killing off Guan Bai, Echigo Dragon, right and left of the gun ... wait for 15 players to enter the battlefield!

——Shenzhen City of Penalty Area Information: The national war in the city of Shenzhang City is about to start! Japan's player service department generals, killing life ...

Tens of millions of players in China are boiling instantly at this moment! Countless local tyrants swipe the screen on the World Channel for the first time: "I really dare to come! We in China will drown the chicken with a mouthful of spit!"

"Kill them to zero!"

"Exposing all their equipment!"

At this moment, Shinoichi Ono, who had already purchased a Crusader account called "sunshine fresh orange treasure" at a high price through the middle channel, was shaking with excitement! The public opinion of Chinese players is so enthusiastic that they no longer need to deliberately incite them.

At this moment, Ono's phone rang again, and the headquarters instructed again: "Ono-kun, now my great Japanese lander has landed in the **** fortress of the city of the Chinese city of punishment. At the beginning, we will play our due strength and scrub Shame of being shamed by Dafei, and then. When the Chinese players have nothing to do. It's time for your performance! "

Ono exclaimed, "Hey!"

Blood Wei Studio. Although the invasion of Japan was already under the joint prevention of Xuewei and other guilds. However, the strong public opinion that broke out in China instantly gave Xuewei a huge pressure! The poor performance of Xuewei Qiqi in Japan in the morning has been sprayed on the forum, and it has also affected Xuewei's leadership to a certain extent.

At this moment, in the face of the calls of players from all over the country, Xuewei shook! Zhou Qing held an emergency meeting in the chat room as soon as possible and asked other chairmen for countermeasures.

Gu Guxing sighed long and long: "Public opinion cannot be violated, we have no choice! Otherwise, all sorts of messy people will post on the forum and call us passive resistance, and even put on a traitor hat, then we can't take it anymore."

Zhou Qing frowned: "Was our preparation work wasted?"

The emperor sighed: "It can only be used as a backup plan. It is easy to talk to other districts. Only Japan can not be counseled."

The ancient star laughed and said, "Go ahead! I'll see how arrogant the 15 people are in this area!"

Zhou Qing nodded: "OK, let's test the strength of these 15 people."

At this time, the Square of the City of Gods and Punishments of the Crusaders in China was enthusiastic. Although they had already greeted everyone in advance, everyone also expressed their cooperation. But when the wolf came, and the encouragement of the entire World Channel, everyone was calm.

The first battle was related to Xue Wei's leadership ability. Xiaofang Xiaoli's blood arrow fragrance and blood arrow exquisiteness are two of the most powerful players in China, and of course they take the lead.

This time, Xiaofang and Xiaoli began to play drums.

Xiaoli couldn't help but said nervously: "This. At best, our level of operation is to brush the monsters. We haven't done much with people yet. We can't do it."

Xiaofang was also nervous: "Afraid, what are you afraid of, there are many guild masters next to us. As long as a few of us don't place orders, 15 Japanese can still destroy us?"

Xiao Li frowned: "I'm a little nervous, I'm going to the toilet first!"

"Hurry up and wait for a while."

For Xiaoli, the psychological pressure of shouldering such a great mission for the first time was not ordinary. At this moment, Xiaoli thought of her brother, so she called Dafei in the toilet.

At this time, while watching the progress of the forum, Da Fei of Shaved Rice answered the phone: "Little Li, what's the matter?"

Xiaoli: "Did you have dinner?"

Dafei laughed and said, "What are you eating, how about you?"

Xiaoli: "I haven't eaten yet. Tell brother one thing, the masters of the Japanese region cross the region and the city of the Chinese city of punishment came. Xiaofang and I are about to fight."

Dafei frowned: "Are you sure?"

Xiaoli smiled bitterly: "I have never had a pk before, so nervous! But there should be no major problems."

Da Fei's heart sank and he hurriedly said, "I happen to be free at noon. Let me help you with a trumpet!"

Xiaoli quickly shook her head: "No! Brother, you are busy with your class, I'm nervous to talk to Brother, there are many masters around me."

Da Fei said, "Let's go! Isn't it just to play a game? There's no need to be nervous, as long as you have experienced a few pks, you can't go back to eating and drinking like daily."

Xiaoli nodded: "Okay, that brother eats slowly. Remember to drink soup after dinner and sleep all afternoon."

"Haha, I know."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Li's nervousness was somewhat relieved. Suddenly, Xiao Li suddenly felt something was wrong? What was elder brother talking about just now? — "I'll play the trumpet to help!"

small! ? In other words, Big Brother has a large size! ? Could it be that--

At this moment, Xiaoli's long-circling doubts were clear again! Perhaps he is him! ? Although still unsure, but somehow, a huge confidence and courage emerged from Xiaoli's psychology, and the tension just now was swept away instantly.

After returning to the room, Xiao Li was excited and said, "Are you ready?"

Xiaofang couldn't help but hesitated: "Why do you feel wrong when you go to the toilet?"

Xiaoli smiled: "I was urinated just now."

Xiaofang said aloud: "Call them and wait, I also go to the bathroom ..." (to be continued ...)


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