God Rank Hero

Chapter 1133: Flying Back

After ending the phone call with Xiaoli, Dafei began to worry about the situation in the city of the city of punishment in China. However, it is useless to worry. His trumpet is not much better than ordinary players, and he does not have the high-tech that crushes sentient beings. Now he is still weak and can only wait and see. At this time, Da Fei was completely unaware that the "trumpet" said that the leak had caused Xiao Li's infinite reverie.

In anxiety, the friend message rang again. At first glance, this is indeed Li Yinzhu.

Li Yinzhu: "Opa, Japan has attacked the city of divine punishment in China. You must be careful not to let Japan succeed."

Da Fei grinned: "It was all killed by OBA overnight for level 6 goods. What kind of storms can be set off, don't worry."

Li Yinzhu laughed: "This is the best way. Didn't that Martian show up?"

Dafei laughed: "I'm so scared by the killing of Ouba."

Li Yinzhu reminded: "It is not impossible to prevent the opponent from recovering mana or waiting for the cooldown time of the skill. It ’s unavoidable. By the way, how many demons did Ouba kill? My side is a bit fierce."

What the hell! You just need to make a fortune, can you not say it? But it's kind of frank to say it, if you really make a fortune, you can't wait to see you.

Dafei laughed: "Oba is killing the mirror, so easy."

Li Yinzhu nodded: "After we have cleared all the mirror images, I took Oba to a hermit in the forest. He will guide us the position of the demon army, so please wait for Oba."

Da Fei could not help but stunned: "Hermit in the forest?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Of course, in this scene, the tasks that female players can receive are not the same as those of male players. And Oba will go out to kill monsters as soon as possible. Surely I missed the conversation with other npc? If you do, you will lose a lot of task clues. "

Dafei was surprised: "It is true. Oboe is too anxious." I have to say. This kind of mission error is not only a master, it may not be as good as ordinary players. Dafei could not help but feel ashamed, he was really too impetuous.

Li Yinzhu laughed: "So, I was afraid that Ouba would be anxious because of the offensive in Japan, so I came here to remind you."

Dafei laughed: "Be assured that Japanese talents are anxious, what are we anxious for?"

As a result, Dafei started talking and chatting with Li Yinzhu again. This time the topic really got involved in the car. Li Yinzhu tried to promote several models of South Korea to Dafei, and greatly disparaged Japanese cars. This is a big shame even without a driver's license.

Time was spent unknowingly in the chat. At 1 pm, the guerrilla warfare of the Demon Legion had burned more than half of the forest. But neither Fei Fei nor Li Yinzhu has a purpose. One is to collect garlands and the other is to collect the power of dark nature. They have no plans to extinguish the fire and protect the forest, and they are happy to let it go.

But for Tommy, the Martian who has been waiting. There is no doubt that it is a huge torment. Tommy originally thought that in accordance with the progress of the wavelet ss, the timing of the decisive battle of the total wave ss would not be too far away. But Tommy found himself terribly wrong, and looking at the fire spreading more and more, Tommy couldn't understand it! Two consecutive killings, and the inability to take this time out, completely shaken Tommy's confidence.

Da Fei is an unreliable business player, even if you can't figure it out, but Li Yinzhu and herself are professional players of the same age. She is high-end to make herself incomprehensible, which makes Tommy unacceptable. However, the focus of the Supernova team at this time is no longer research and analysis of the big fly, but began to focus on the national battle of the city of gods and punishments in China.

At this time, the big screen of the Super Nova team headquarters also displayed the scenes from the Hell Fortress provided by Japan, as well as the scenes of Chinese players provided by various "reporters" in China.

I have to say that the cross-country counterattack of the Mitsubishi team is indeed a good step for another big brother in the United States, but the premise is that they must win. This is a battle of 15 people against thousands of people. The difficulty is very high. They can Open the situation?

At this time, the volcanic area around the city of Shenpu in China.

There are 200 high-end players in the main pioneer group of the Bloodweaver Ninth Heaven Royal Family, meandering along the misty mountain road, Xiaofang and Xiaoli are among them. Although it is the so-called main force group, it is only yesterday for other Chinese players to enter the city of gods and punishments. This evening, the average reputation of each person is not enough for two or three angels, and the force is quite weak. So Xiaofang Xiaoli, who has dozens of angels brought by Dafei, is absolutely the main force.

However, most of these nearly a hundred people were specially selected to focus on the profession of the spell, relying less on the strength of the force, and at the same time shot, the destructive power is quite amazing, it is estimated that even Da Fei was afraid. And their other role is to serve Xiaofang Xiaoli's main force as a meat shield cannon fodder.

The mission of the vanguard is to approach the **** fortress, repair the arrow towers in several key locations, further combat the power of **** npc, and make it difficult for the Japanese national war players to cross the city. Event space. If the volcano air cavalry legion in the **** side is still there, this operation will definitely be destroyed halfway, but fortunately, the flying dragon legion has been annihilated by Dafei.

In fact, this operation was not necessary. As long as relying on the giant siege machine left by Da Fei, the regular forces of the **** side will be difficult to stun the city. But there is no way. This is public opinion. Xue Wei and the major guilds must make a gesture that a Japanese player can't get out of town.

And in order to deal with the blocking of Chinese players, the 15 members of the Mitsubishi team have already been out of the city, and each of them is using reputation to receive the troops who have exchanged for 500 uniform values ​​in the dangerous front of the mountain road. Yes, although there are few players in Japan, there is no shortage of troops. This is the local advantage of Hell. This is a lonely city where the city of gods can only rely on courier to deliver troops from the gods. So in contrast, the Mitsubishi team is actually more dominant in local battles.

This first battle was equally critical for the Japanese region. Under no circumstances can Chinese players get their throats stuck.

At 1:10 pm, the Pathfinder team members of the Vanguard sent back a report: "If you find a chicken in the foot basin, all the mountains are Level 1 soldiers!"

When the Pathfinder sent their vision on the big screen of the guild headquarters, the three guilds could not help but take a breath.

The magic boy has been introduced in the previous article. It is a strategic unit in the 1st class. Once they have a large scale, they have an incredible amount of horror, and they directly abolish the enemy's senior units and spell players. When Da Fei cleared the Hydra at the beginning, the devil had a great contribution. Although the magic boy in the field of vision is not particularly large, about four or five thousand. Under normal circumstances, any one of the Terran players who play the bow and arrow sea can let them rest for two rounds of arrow rain, but where is the bow and arrow sea now?

In short, whether it is terrain, quantity, or arms restraint, the vanguard is very unfavorable! Not to mention that the attributes and skills of the main force in Japan are unknown. It is silly to force a punch, but dare to advise when you come? That hasn't been sprayed to death by players all over the country!

Isn't it a fight? At this moment, Zhou Qing sweated like rain! The first battle was so crucial that Xuewei couldn't afford the price of failure! However, Xuewei can't afford the price of not fighting! And the same, neither the ninth heaven of the stars and the royal family dare not open this mouth.

"Are you sure? Or wait for the other groups to arrive?" Zhou Qing asked weakly on the team channel.

No one answered. This is a good thing. If it is an ordinary player group, it will definitely explode and yell regardless of the consequences.

At this moment, Xiaoli, who had never been very wordy, suddenly said: "My soldiers are mostly Dafei. In case of an accident, I can't explain to Dafei. Otherwise, ask Dafei, he When he says hit, he hits. If he doesn't hit, he won't hit? "

Zhou Qing couldn't help but hesitated: "Ask Dafei?"

The God Emperor suddenly realized: "Yeah! We ask Fei Ge to get an idea! Fei Ge says not to fight, how dare others talk?"

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized! That's right, who pits the country with nine million? Big fly! Who frowned at Wan Fu? Big fly! Who is going abroad to go to the world? Big fly! Who is promoting our country's prestige in the anti-Japanese war? Big fly! Only Dafei has enough skin and enough prestige that he doesn't care about any public opinion. It is the most appropriate choice to hand over this decision-making power to Dafei.

The ancient stars could not help but exhale a long breath: "Okay, I'll contact Xiao Deng and Da Fei across the area immediately."

. . . . . .

At this time, the happy Dafei who was chatting and collected received the message from Bufeiyan: "Fei brother, the city of God punishment is in trouble. We want to ask you to take it. After all, the main force is your soldier ...

Da Fei was worried about the situation. After hearing Fei Yan's statement and reading the pictures she sent, she suddenly said: "Are you professional? Can you hit you without knowing?"

Bu Feiyan Shen said: "From the perspective of professional technology, we will suffer! But if we do not fight, we will be scolded by players all over the country!"

Dafei was shocked: "Then, if I say no, then players in the country will not scold me?"

Bufeiyan coughed: "Everyone thinks, Fei Brother is not afraid to scold!"

Grandma! Dafei sprayed a spit of water, really when he was a big saint who carried a pot of knights? Da Fei was anxious: "Say! Whose idea is this? Blood Wei or your stars?"

Bufei Yan anxiously said, "No, it is a female player of the Blood Wei Guild who is worried about losing Fei's soldiers!"

Dafei was surprised: "The blood Wei Guild? The blood arrow is exquisite? The blood arrow is fragrance?"

Bu Feiyan said anxiously: "Fei brother, don't be angry, she is a newcomer to the guild and is not sensible!"

What the hell! It's my sister!

Up to now, Da Fei couldn't help crying: "It's a bad thing to be stupid! Then don't fight. When someone asks it, he will say it to the brother. If someone is not convinced, he will come to the brother to single out, and the brother will fight 10,000!"

Bufei Yan said, "Can I publish the screenshot of the original sentence of Fei Brother?"

Dafei laughed: "Anyway!" (To be continued ...)


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