God Rank Hero

Chapter 1135: Walking through the mushroom forest

As soon as Dafei and Li Yinzhu's team entered the underground scene, they were immediately in the field of poison robes, and various negative conditions such as the reduction of poisoning and physical illness slowed down the entire army.

Suddenly Ma Yiwei and Li Yinzhu screamed on the spot, and Da Fei returned to his mind after a brief shock. Brother didn't have to panic. Brother didn't have any pressure.

Da Fei s-class jewelry Nash's Tooth absorbs 1 poisonous disease plague damage every second, and restores 1 vitality in 10 seconds. S-Class Ring Six-Head Snake Ring Regenerates Army Life 1 every second. The Artifact Earth Dragon's Boots restore 10% of their health every 10 seconds, and the Artifact Ornaments Tier 7 Mountain Giant Hearts, which have just started a while ago, restore 1% of the army's life every 5 seconds.

UCAF had three major anti-disease achievements, including the Plague Antibody, Swarm Plague Antibody, and Corpse Plague Antibody, which had been obtained in the competition, and the impact of the disease has been minimized. In fact, so many messy special effects are far less powerful than a "suffocation" in the sulfur storm.

However, it is clear that Li Yinzhu cannot have such a pervert and face such a difficult situation. Li Yinzhu frowned. "Ouba, this should be a test scene. The Sartre demon will not directly fight the invaders, but will consume the invasion through this mushroom forest first. The strength of the people, so we must go through this forest as fast as possible. "

Da Fei nodded: "It makes sense, then let's go!"

As a result, the two took their troops into this dark mushroom forest where the end could not be seen at a glance. Looking up at the sky is indeed a large wooden ceiling covered with small mushrooms. Obviously, the scene of Dafei is now in the rotten giant tree roots. Looking around, it turned out that there was no red dot on the radar.

It can be seen that Li Yinzhu is indeed a very high-end player. You only need to take a look to understand the general gameplay of a scene.

Li Yinzhu, while directing the druid troops in batches, continued to talk and laugh: "Ouba. Do you think this place looks like Alice in Wonderland?"

Dafei sighed: "It's better not to look like monsters there!" At this moment, Dafei suddenly remembered the poker king, chess queen and wrestling bear who remained in the nightmare space.

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Rest assured, even the most powerful monsters are not to be dealt with by our players. Our mission is to detect, after all, to kill our npc legion."

Da Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "That's where it comes." I have to say that Da Fei thought that this task was for the player to complete, but now he really found out that it was a striker. Such a feeling of loss in his heart can be imagined. But that's fine, anyway, to step on it. It can also be done easily.

Li Yinzhu's eyes turned: "However, Ouba is a man who can slaughter God. If it is Ouba, he may be able to destroy it without the power of npc."

Dafei laughed: "Even if Ouba is a **** of slaughter, that's because of the strength of the npc. Ouba is also a striker. Besides, Ouba was sailing at the time, and now nothing is good. "

Li Yinzhu said with a loud voice: "If even Ouba can't, then our players can really only play soy sauce."

Dafei couldn't help but have fun: "As a Korean, how do you express the meaning of soy sauce in Korean?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "I am destined to go to China for development, of course, I have to master a lot of Chinese and language."

Da Fei was surprised: "Go to China for development?"

Li Yinzhu nodded positively: "Of course, whether we in Korea are stars in the entertainment industry or e-sports, only the Chinese market is recognized as the first-class star, otherwise it is second- and third-rate. It will be eliminated in a short time. . So, on the surface, it is Chinese fans who worship and admire our Korean stars, but in fact. It is our Korean stars that cater to Chinese fans, and those who fail to do so will be eliminated. "

Dafei suddenly suddenly! Had a lot of chats with this little girl, but she did seem unexpectedly mature on this topic alone?

At this moment, Li Yinzhu laughed and said, "When I come to China to develop in the future, Ouba must hold my field!"

Grandma! Give it to that artifact wreath brother and hold your field! Dafei laughed in surprise: "Ah, it must be!"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Then I will introduce to Ou Ba the beautiful female stars in the entertainment industry. Many long-legged beauties, if Ou Ba likes it. I can introduce Ou Ba to their phone and meet Ou Ba! "

What the hell! Seduction brother! You are great! Dafei laughed: "They are in the entertainment industry, you are in the gaming industry. Are you familiar with them?"

Li Yinzhu grinned: "Then Ouba thought, then for so many years, why have I been chosen as the star of tomorrow alone?"

It turned out to be the natural white beauty of South Korea! Da Fei immediately thumbed up and praised: "Of course, because Yinzhu is the most talented and hardworking!"

Li Yinzhu laughed, "Oba really speaks!"

. . . . . .

Just as Da Fei and Li Yinzhu were exploring the road in front of the forest, Martian Tommy's troops also appeared. Tommy's troops are all Level 5 unicorns. The unicorn, which possesses an anti-magic enchantment and has excellent attack and defense speeds, is known as the "Doomsday" unit, and is the most likely to survive to the end of the battlefield.

Of course, this is not to say that unicorns are more survivable than the Treant Emerald Dragons of the 6th and 7th level soldiers, but that the 6th and 7th level soldiers are too threatening and are often eliminated by the enemy in the first few rounds. . By the end, the enemy had no power to destroy the unicorn.

After all, this is the value of the backbone. Not only for unicorns, but for other various units, the weakest cannon fodder and the strongest 7th-level soldiers cannot reflect the strength of a race. The backbone of the fourth- and fifth-level soldiers is the king.

And this time, Tommy can be said to have spared no effort in the last fight. The severe punishment of continuous pk in the national war zone has made him not have the reputation to pay the price of the red name. Feeling the power of the poisonous spores field, Tommy was glad that he had chosen the right arms, and at the same time he had a greater grasp on eliminating Da Fei.

Then there is nothing to say now, follow Dafei. Then destroy him behind when Da Fei battles ss!

. . . . . .

Now, Dafei and Li Yinzhu walked unconsciously for 5 minutes in the chat introducing the celebrities. At this moment, the spore fog in the mushroom forest in front was obviously much thicker. There was even a red cloud on the radar.

Da Fei's heart jumped: "Did you finally meet the enemy?"

Li Yinzhu frowned: "Ouba, it seems to be the most troublesome insect swarm! And this robe mist must be more toxic. This will put a lot of pressure on our treatment, and the difficulty will be too great, right? "

Swarm? For Da Fei, who possesses the Artifact Fire Shield with 3 points of fire counter-injury, there is no need to worry about the damage of this small body type. However, in the case of players grouping, Da Fei's attributes can not play Li Yinzhu, it really can't help. But I ’ve already talked so well with the little girl, and now I have a sentence that I ca n’t take you to fly, which affects the image of Chinese men. Unless-but Da Fei is really bad!

Da Fei sighed: "There should be no problem with my army carrying the swarm, and there should be no problem with increased toxicity. The key is-"

Li Yinzhu clapped her hands and smiled: "It is indeed Ouba, so I can trade all my soldiers to Ouba! I should be able to treat myself by myself."

That's right, that's what Dafei couldn't say! But how clever the little girl actually said in advance!

Dafei couldn't help but sigh: "This is really the best way, then Ouba is not arrogant, do you know the meaning of arrogance in Chinese?"

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Emotionalism is fake polite! I understand!"

Fei Fei nodded: "Okay. Let's get started. Oboe will treat you. But you will become a bare commander without soldiers, so be careful."

Li Yinzhu laughed: "Of course!"

After the army trade was completed, Da Fei took Li Yinzhu to the fog, and numerous moths with large fists rushed out of the fog! Then the system beeps:

——The system prompts: You have collected the damage data in the poison robe field, and you have obtained some progress of the reconnaissance mission.

——System Tip: When you enter the field of intermediate poison gowns, you and your troops will suffer higher toxin damage and disease attenuation effect!

Li Yinzhu could not help exclaiming: "What will the seniors look like?"

But Da Fei had no time to answer. Numerous moths drowned Da Fei's legion, and then burst into pieces like a mosquito hitting an electric mosquito net. At this moment, the entire Dafei unit seemed to be a legion burning in flames, and the continuous explosion of sparks burst through the whole mushroom forest like a firecracker!

This is the power of the artifact Flame Shield Xiaoxiao not to enter! The march along the way was exactly sparks with lightning. Completely surpassed Li Yinzhu's knowledge, even the coach behind Li Yinzhu was stunned!

With so many troops in front of the moth-injury moths, there are almost no moths that can fly in front of Li Yinzhu. This intermediate field is no longer enough to threaten. But even so, the effect of the disease inevitably slowed down Li Yinzhu's footsteps, so that this "mosquito repellent journey" seemed extraordinarily long. After about * minutes, Da Fei faintly saw the outline of the tall city wall tower in front of the mist.

Dafei frowned: "Silver beads have been seen. We are close to the enemy fortress!"

At this time, although Li Yinzhu was full of blood. However, under the drag of the disease, the physical strength is insufficient, and even speaking is beginning to pant and struggle: "Ouba, there must be a high-level field ahead, the Sartre devil must rely on this environment to fight against us, I am in this state, I am really sorry, the key Can't help dragging Ouba's hind legs. "

Da Fei laughed: "It's okay, there's Oba, Oba takes you lying down and flying!"

Li Yinzhu sighed with a smile: "Opa is really amazing! I am afraid that all of us professional Koreans can't persist in this environment for too long."

Brother loves beautiful women and says that he can stick to it! Da Fei couldn't help but said: "Who is the first person in the world! This is hard power!"

While talking and laughing, there was a dark cloud in front of Dafei's radar, and the system prompts:

——System Tip: Your dark psychic has found a lot of dark natural forces in front of it. May I ask if you use dark psychic to approach absorption

A big earthquake in Dafei's heart! A lot of the power of dark nature, this is the advanced field? (To be continued)


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