God Rank Hero

Chapter 1136: Years of Slaughtering Experience

The team of Dafei continued to move forward, and the eyes of the mist of the Overseer ornaments Dafei used to gradually see the whole picture of the city wall in front, that is, a tall wooden wall running in front of the forest passage. However, the wooden wall has limited defense durability, and even if the player does not have a special attack machine, the ordinary attack of the army can be used to dismantle the wall with bare hands. Usually it is not an insurmountable obstacle, but it is quite troublesome in this kind of poisonous mist field.

However, Dafei's mind is obviously not this wooden wall, but a large cloud of black clouds over the mushroom forest. That is the other dark nature's power of excitement. The large amount makes Dafei a little dare. miss you! Can it suck?

At this point, the system prompts:

——System Tip: You have collected damage data in the middle-level poison gown field, and you have obtained some progress of the reconnaissance mission.

——System Tip: When you enter the field of advanced poison gowns, you and your troops will be subject to higher toxin damage and disease attenuation effects, as well as continuous aging effects of corrosion life cap!

Li Yinzhu was shocked: "It's actually aging that continues to lower the upper limit of life! Great advanced field!"

Da Fei's eyes narrowed! Aging, the only stunt that the Undead 7th level Ghost Dragon took, but it is only a one-time reduction of the opponent's life limit by a certain percentage, but this field does continue to age, that is to say, it will keep dropping the upper limit, even if the Fei's recovery ability can't withstand the upper limit!

Such a terrifying effect must be achieved by the power of dark nature! Absorb then!

——System Tip: When you use Dark Psychic, you start to draw the power of dark nature in space!

At this moment, Dafei was like a human-shaped range hood. In the forest. The dark energy in the sky flocked to the big fly!

Can do it! Dafei is all excited to jump up!

at this time. Li Yinzhu frowned: "Opa, I'm afraid we can only seize the time to force the siege. Although there will be a great loss, it should still be worthwhile in exchange for the progress of a reconnaissance mission."

Da Fei smiled lightly: "Silver beads, do you see anything special around you?".

Li Yinzhu could not help but stunned: "Are you there? I can't see clearly."

Let me go. You ca n’t see a big range hood that is so big, you ca n’t see it. It ’s really naked, wow hahaha!

Da Fei superior said inexplicably: "I don't think we should act lightly in this case. Instead, wait! Watch!"

Li Yinzhu's eyes widened in surprise: "Wait here, watch?"

Big Feife simply rested on his back: "According to the analysis of Ouba ’s many years of slaughtering God and dragons, the more such an almost desperate scene, the more difficult it is to judge with conventional thinking. So now is the time to show Ouba ’s ability Come, come and come, Yinzhu will sit down and rest! "


What awesome experience of "many years of slaughtering gods and killing dragons", Zhen Li Yinzhu was shocked and speechless on the spot! The coaching team behind Li Yinzhu was stunned!

Jinxi said, "Okay, Silver Bead, just sit down and see what his experience of slaughtering God is!"

Cui Yonghao said coldly, "I really want to see what the best amateur player in the world is!"

Park Dongxun nodded: "Well, anyway, the reconnaissance mission has reached this stage. It is a small gain. Even if it fails, it is not too bad."

"Oh oh, okay!" Li Yinzhu just came back. Then he sat beside Da Fei and laughed, "Okay, what Oba said is what it is."

Da Fei nodded solemnly and said, "Well, what is needed now is patience, and more importantly, don't alarm the defenders of the city walls. Of course, if they give up the advantages of the city walls and take the initiative to play, it is not impossible, then we save effort Siege. "

"The enemy will take the initiative ?!" Li Yinzhu couldn't understand, and the coaches were all baffled! This big fly is either a super master who is absolutely beyond the understanding of these top masters, if it is a neurosis!

Of course, Dafei is not a neurosis, but just a habitual pretense. Da Fei only suspected that the enemy could not allow himself to draw the power of darkness so unscrupulously, most of them wanted to attack the city.

The minutes and seconds elapsed, and the legion's maximum life and physical strength continued to flow. The black cloud above Da Fei's head has formed a vortex that can only be seen by Da Fei. Under the swallowing of the vortex, a large amount of natural force surges into Da Fei's necklace!

Then the system prompts a jingle:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem has drained and converted 1000 Dark Nature Power to gain attribute growth, 210 life, 210 mana! Ansu gained a lot of power of darkness and nature, and his power was strengthened again!

Da Fei is ecstatic, let me go! Even the efficiency of absorption and conversion has been greatly improved. Just now I was only able to convert 300 points of energy at a time. Now I am converting 1,000 points. I instantly add 100 points of life mana. According to this momentum, I become a humanoid wave. dream! and--

At this moment, a huge ambition surged into Da Fei's mind: If all the black clouds of this forest were absorbed, to what extent would Ansu's power be strengthened? Maybe I can single out this mission scenario without relying on the support of the NPC Corps? And if you are singled out, this mission reward is also an artifact level, right?

Da Fei grew more and more excited, more and more excited, couldn't help laughing.

Li Yinzhu was like an ant on a hot pot. When Dafei suddenly laughed, he couldn't help anxiously and said, "Oba, have you made a breakthrough?"

Dafei nodded: "Well, that's patience!"

Li Yinzhu laughed dryly: "Well, okay, be patient!"

At this time, another anxious thing like an ant on a hot pot is Tommy. Dafei suddenly stopped in front, and Tommy can only wait in the middle field behind. Even though Da Fei helped him clear a lot of moths in front, he couldn't hold the stupid wait for several minutes in a row? What does Da Fei want to do? At this moment, the Supernova team also couldn't understand it. No one can understand the big flying world.

As a last resort, Tommy had to retreat to the junior realm, but this also meant that he had distanced himself from Da Fei, and I'm afraid it was difficult to guarantee that he would break in at the most appropriate time.

After 5 minutes, the dark clouds over the forest gradually thinned, and a line of system prompts came out:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem has drained and converted 1000 points of Dark Nature's Power to gain attribute growth, 310 life, 310 mana! Ansu gained a lot of power of darkness and nature, and his power was strengthened again!

Grow again! This speed is so incredible that Dafei is simply incredible!

Just then, Li Yinzhu was excited: "Oba, the decay rate of the upper limit of life has slowed down!"

Dafei laughed: "So, be patient!"

At this moment, a harsh horn sound came from the city wall in front, and then a bang, the sound of the door opening, and then a large red dot came out!

Li Yinzhu was shocked: "The enemy really gave up defending the city and took the initiative! Ouba, why is this?"

Dafei smiled slightly: "Of course it is experience! Ready to face it!" (To be continued ...)

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