God Rank Hero

Chapter 1145: Ten blocks of Mitsubishi

Headquarters of the Korean tatazu team. More than 10 minutes have passed, and Li Yinzhu is bored waiting for the development of the battle process. The current progress is no progress. Li Yinzhu couldn't imagine what Dafei was doing.

And a group of coaches have called colleagues from other teams to hold emergency chat room meetings. The topic of the meeting was of course the study of Da Fei and the theory of Da Fei's God of Slaughter Mode. This time, he also specially invited Li Minhao, the world's first professional master in retreat practice.

Originally, Li Minhao had stated that he would not participate in any boring seminars and entertainment conferences, but this time he had to come, because Da Fei's realm had reached a point where Korean professional circles could not understand it.

Looking at Dafei starting from the burning forest, in the tree root space, a series of videos recorded by Li Yinzhu, these top Korean masters are silent.

Jin Xiyong sighed, "Yongjun, the mission of your t-Bo x team is to pin down the Chinese team in the national battlefield. What do you think of this video?"

Pei Yongjun, 20 years old, is the top master of the Korean t-bottle x team, the world's super-class master, with a sunny appearance and a small fresh meat, and many female fans. He is currently in the peak competitive state and is the successor to replace Li Minhao's world's first professional master. It is Li Yinzhu's most admired Oboe. As long as Pei Yongjun participates in the competition and post-match discussions, Li Yinzhu will definitely come to watch and help out. However, Li Yinzhu did not attend the seminar today.

Facing the question from the senior coach, Pei Yongjun immediately sorted out his thoughts and talked: "Yes, senior! I can only express some opinions on Da Fei's drug resistance. Li Yinzhu is the best reference. From Li Yinzhu's blood loss and physical strength Look. This scene is impossible for ordinary players to stick to for a long time. From the recovery and poison resistance equipment we currently know, it is completely impossible to achieve the rock-solid drug resistance effect of Dafei. I heard that Dafei is international During the preliminaries, a wave ss kill was completed under the supervision of the competition committee, and an achievement against disease was obtained. But after my calculations, even if the achievement is not added, the biggest possibility is that Da Fei took office. Occupations dedicated to fighting disease and toxins. "

Park Dong-hun frowned: "Alchemist?"

"It does not rule out this possibility."

Cui Yonghao shook his head: "This possibility is still small, and the most flying time is still at sea!"

Everyone suddenly realized: "Hidden professional navigator ?! It seems that the navigator has an anti-disease skill of extreme survival!"

Jin Xiyong sighed: "At Dafei's current level, becoming a navigator is almost completely certain."

Li Minhao said coldly: "My Korean direction is not at sea. Let's say something meaningful."

Jin Xi could not help but have fun: "Min Hao, tell me what you think makes sense."

Li Minhao said in a deep voice: "You are only one year older than me, can you not rely on the old man to sell the old Min Hao Minhao?"

Jin Xi could not help but stunned: "You!"

Pei Yongjun said unpleasantly, "Li Minhao, how can you talk to your predecessors like this?"

Li Minhao was even more upset: "Can you call Li Minhao?"

Bae Yongjun said, "Minho?"

Li Minhao said angrily: "Presumptuous! Dare to talk to seniors like this, you haven't won the world championship yet!"

Jin Xiyong waved his hand in a hurry: "Stop and stop !!! Don't say anything, everyone takes the video back to study it carefully, especially Dafei's crow group has a terrifying silent effect. Whoever meets him will be finished, everyone must Think of countermeasures. "

Pei Yongjun: "Yes, senior!"

Cui Yonghao also said coldly: "Li Minhao. I suggest you still don't kill the **** side's npc. Your unconventional gameplay is easy to go wrong. The Japanese area is now the end."

Li Minhao sneered: "What's the problem? The amateur player's so-called God of Slaughter Mode? Even if it really leads to the devil, I will kill you!"

Pei Yongjun sneered: "It is clearly the defeat of an amateur player!"

Cui Yonghao angered: "Shut up! Suspense! Suspense!"

As a result, a high-level meeting was so unhappy because of a bad temper among top experts. Jinxi Yongqi grumbled: "You shouldn't ask Li Minhao if you knew it!"

Cui Yonghao sneered: "This kid is very similar to my temper, so it's not good to stimulate him so specifically."

Park Dong-hun sighed with sigh: "Since the last international preliminaries lost to Da Fei, he has been in retreat. With the assistance of several civil college students' associations, he has also killed many **** npc generals. It is estimated that only he is Da Fei's opponent. "

Just then, Jin Xiyong suddenly discovered that Pei Yongjun was still in the chat room, and could not help wondering: "Yongjun, why don't you leave?"

Yongjun coughed: "This, Yinzhu is okay? I heard she cried all night after being pked last night"

Jin Xiyong grinned: "Yinzhu has been okay for a long time. Now Yinzhu knows New Oppa, she is absent-minded."

Yong Jun frowned: "What's New Oppa?"

Pu Dongxun also smiled: "Of course it's a big fly, a sip of a **** Ouba is so sweet, hey, Yongjun, you must work hard!"

Yong Jun was shocked: "How is that possible? It's just a Chinese person I know on the Internet, just use each other!"

Cui Yonghao sneered: "It's the same thing, so why don't you worry about it?"

"Yes, yes, what should I do, I kick you out of the chat room!"

Yongjun anxiously said, "Hey! Seniors and so on-"

. . . . . .

At 2:30 pm Beijing time and 3:30 pm Tokyo time, the Mitsubishi Corps headquarters in Japan, on the fifteen big screens on the wall are the scenes of Mitsubishi's main players in the Shenpu volcano in China.

At present, the Mitsubishi team has entered the Chinese area for two hours. Both sides have been very careful to maintain a distance and have not yet formally fought. The advantages of Mitsubishi battles are that the **** people's motive force in the volcanic area is undiminished, and the number of troops is strong, and it is difficult to be surrounded by Chinese teams. And the more important advantage is. Time is on the Mitsubishi team. They are not in a hurry. The main task of the Mitsubishi team is to find out the layout of the Chinese team.

In contrast, in China, the action in China was completely carried out in the scolding of the forum. Although Da Fei blocked a lot of saliva for Wei Wei, the futility of nearly two hours made the impetuous mood in the team grow quickly. . Although the professional team has nothing to say, they are annoyed by ordinary players who just coax. The pressure on Xuewei can be imagined.

At this point, Shinoichi Ono made a formal contact with the newly bought Crusader account after a brief contact with the Martians in Hongming Village. Of course, the Crusader account was played by a master sent by Mitsubishi. Ono is only responsible for "speech dubbing", making others feel like he is playing a game.

And speaking of this Martian, Ono was very satisfied. I thought the other party would definitely refuse to join the guild under anger, but did not expect the other party to say four words "may consider" and added to the pond fishing queue without saying a word.

Perhaps he was blasted out of very important equipment, so he promised to join the guild, and let Da Fei be ashamed to return the equipment? If a piece of equipment can make him willing to compromise, Ono is not worried that he will not use it for his own money, and Ono lacks such a powerful thug.

But now it is in the isolated red village, Da Fei has not returned across the district, there is no way to add him to the guild. Only later. Ono believes that Dafei, who he personally recommends, will definitely give it. After all, a person who has compiled a pk before himself can look like Da Fei is very powerful, and Da Fei has no reason to refuse.

at this time. Ono ’s crusader account “sunshine fresh orange treasure” is included in the “Probationary Crusade 3rd Regiment”. Each group is 100 players. Ono ’s mission is to block, contain, and destroy the **** npc troops in the area. To prevent the 15 main forces in the Japanese area from counterattacking with the help of the NPC forces. At the same time, this is also a feat of prestige in the City of Divine Punishment, but for ordinary Crusader players who are currently weak in strength, this task still seems a bit reluctant.

Now, with the internal clues provided by Ono and the two-hour tentative test by the Mitsubishi team, the situation is gradually clear. The Mitsubishi team is about to start. The breakthrough of the Mitsubishi team is the "Neiying" group where Ono is located.

Under the cover of the volcano and fog, 10 members sneaked into the third regiment where Ono was alone. That's right, 10 players do not play alone with 1 soldier, this is a rhythm of 10 people heading to 100 people!

Under normal circumstances, this is death, but now Chinese players have very few soldiers, which means that no army takes on the spell damage of the head coach, not to mention 10 people singled out 100 people, all single wizards, such as Phoenix Feather Such players know how to pick 100 people at a time.

And this is the home of Hell Volcano. Crusader players are greatly behind Hell players in terms of vision and mechanics. This is the rhythm to hang. And in the previous rounds, the main advantage of Japan is that there are more soldiers, so it gives the illusion of not daring to leave the army to give up the advantage. What the Mitsubishi team wants is this unexpected effect.

This is the first battle of Mitsubishi's team abroad. Be sure to block ten to one hundred and fight small! If you win, you will be awesome in China, and you wo n’t lose face if you lose. Of course, you ca n’t lose in the face of ordinary players like the 3rd Regiment!

At this point, the 10 players had sneaked into the periphery of the 3rd Regiment. The players of the 3rd Regiment grumbled and attacked the small npc unit while struggling.

At this moment, the alarm red light exploded, and 10 large red magical arrays were like 10 large umbrellas covering the sky instantly!

The head of the group was suddenly surprised: "Meteor shower! It's Japanese! Let's scatter!"

For a while, the 3rd regiment was scrambling around like a headless fly, and **** npc also took the opportunity to chase after it! At this moment, the Mitsubishi team headquarters couldn't help laughing.

Captain Tsukamoto laughed: "It's time for Ono to behave!"

Therefore, in the third regiment where the enemy was chaotic and unknown, a player named sunshine Orange Treasure raised his arm and shouted, "The enemy is in front, please rush with me!" Better updates faster!

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