God Rank Hero

Chapter 1146: Defeated first round

The first battle against the volcano was officially started. ︽ In the chaotic battle situation, a player named sunshine Orange Treasure raised his arm and shouted, "Come with me!"

However, he is neither the head of the team nor a team cadre, and most people will not listen to him. But after passing by a small group of six godless players, he was still unconsciously infected by his firmness, and he could not follow him voluntarily!

This small part of the class is a witness to the rise of Ono Fresh Orange Treasure! So Fresh Orange Treasure shouted again: "You must not let them cast their spells!"

Then the next moment, there were several red names of the hells standing in front of the smoke, and they were concentrating on reading a great magic. This group of followers could not help but exclaim: "I found the Japanese! Really in front of us!"

At this moment, the head of the team was tangled. If everyone was allowed to disperse and avoid each other at least, at least half of the players on the edge of the bombing area could be saved. But now if you turn your head and charge towards the Japanese, it will be a blast against the Japanese firepower! Maybe one meteorite rain is not terrible, but ten meteorite rains will definitely destroy the group!

So the head made a decision that he thought was the most secure: "Don't worry about them first, save your life first!"

At this moment, Ono smiled happily! Ono knew exactly what a coward's general order meant in the current frenzy. Therefore, as the head of a group, he has to sacrifice his subordinates to achieve his heroic name. Without this self-harming awareness, he is not suitable for the head of the group.

It's close. The team of Fresh Orange Treasure rushes to the Japanese player who is reading the article. The Japanese player at this moment has no resistance! If they resist. They must stop reading. Then you can save the team from crisis. In short, this time is the moment to establish the first fame! There are already players in the squad excited to start video recording this exciting moment!

But they do n’t know, this is the performance of the director in Japan, they just come over to get the bent actors!

As the squad rushed to the Japanese players, the meteorites rain of the Japanese players was finished reading, and the overwhelming meteorites rain smashed down. The rows of information on the team channel killed by the Japanese players appeared on the screen!

The next moment, the 10 Japanese players immediately freed up to deal with the squad that rushed in front of them, and the team members scolded angrily: "Fuck! Come one step behind!"

That's right. In any case, it will come one step late, because this step is in the calculation of professional masters. Finally and the most exciting show officially started!

Fresh Orange Bao clenched his spear: "Brothers, fight!"

"Spell it!"

The next moment, ten fireballs rushed towards us, booming booming! !! !! The Orange Treasure Squad turned away in a sea of ​​fire! Their final bento is to contribute another row of killed messages to the team channel! However-a miracle still occurs!

——Team Channel: The team member "sunshine fresh orange treasure" killed the enemy camp player "Kai Fei Tiger" in Japan!

——Team Channel: The team member "sunshine fresh orange treasure" was killed by "killing life" in the hostile camp in Japan!

"Wow!" The team channel was a sensation at this moment! After the start of the national war, the first kill in China was finally born!

However, this is not the time to celebrate, the head of the group reacted for the first time: "They have no big moves, everyone gathers, charge!"

but. Japanese players will not give Chinese players a chance to gather, and the remaining 9 Japanese players will attack 9 ways. Fireball all the way, spike all the way-the gap between the second-order demon lord and ordinary players is determined! The team channel was screaming.

Seeing the huge gap in power, the leader had to order: "Retreat! The remaining players scattered to retreat!"

And looking at this order from the team channel, "Ono Fresh Orange Treasure" who returned to the resurrection point of the city of punishment laughed again. A failed leader sent two widowers to escape the order. He has backstage. However, it is better to have a background, just happen to spray with him in the background.

At this moment, the Bento teammate who died before returning to the city before the fresh orange treasure happily approached and asked, "How did you kill a small book just now?"

Fresh Orange Bao laughed: "I have a pikeman's hidden professional skills with three shots, but now I can only make two shots, but the second book is just enough!"

Everyone woke up and said, "Now awesome hiding skills! So how did you avoid so many fireballs?"

Fresh Orange Bao laughed: "You can't mix some fire resistance equipment when you come to hell? The key is that I also have an a-level shield Mithril Mirror Shield, which can reflect some magical damage." The public channel displays the properties of the equipment.

At this time, dozens of team members who were also at the resurrection site saw it, and couldn't help but be surprised: "Good thing! I knew I would prepare a set of fire resistance!"

At this moment, several reporters who had been staying idle in the city of punishment immediately gathered around: "Excuse me, did you encounter Japanese players?"

Ono ’s ambition is just the right one!

Faced with questions from reporters, the complaints of the players at the scene immediately found a vent: "Mom, it was too bad!"

"It is estimated that the regiment will be destroyed. Anyway, I can't run away and be caught up with spikes."

At this moment, the resurrection point was a flash of white light again, and the players could not help laughing: "The leader is dead and back! Reporters and classmates go directly to ask the leader?"

A group of reporters immediately stepped forward: "Excuse me, do you have any opinion on this mission?"

The head of the delegation was not angry: "Sorry, I have nothing to say now!"

At this moment, Ono Fresh Orange Treasure said lightly: "If you are wrong, you are wrong in a word of counsel! I clearly found that Japanese players have begun to report to the police. If you do n’t call others to rush with me, otherwise everyone will destroy everyone. maybe."

"Yes, yes!" The group members finally found their scapegoats for failure: "Too much counsel!" "One counsel!"

The head of the group was anxious: "You can't even save your life, but you're rushing!"

The members of the regiment yelled, "It's not all time to return to the city, and it's good to use eggs?"

The head of the team was anxious: "It's you guys!"

"Fart! Fresh Orange Treasure kills a book by itself! You're bullying you to kill a single one!"

At this moment, the whole resurrection point was noisy like a vegetable market, and a group of reporters were as excited as asking chicken blood.

At this point, in the first round of the first round of the national war in China, Chinese players were defeated with a loss of 1: 100, and this contributed to the first bright orange treasure, and finally entered the high-level vision of the Chinese team from an obscure player.

At this time, the Mitsubishi team headquarters applauded.

Tsukamoto laughed: "The kings worked very hard, and this battle finally fought the strength of my great Japanese main force. The following situation will be better. I will continue with Yamada-kun, Hirata-kun, Doihara-kun, and Oda-kun. Carry the main force and attract the main force in China on the front battlefield. Your 10 people continue to operate in the mountains, hunting ordinary players sneakily, so that ordinary players dare not go out of town to do missions, and they are not given the opportunity to kill soldiers. "

Gun Zhizuo laughed and said, "Did I think, or should I give them a chance?"

Tsukamoto frowned: "Why?"

Gun Zhizuo laughed and said, "Of course it is to make them work hard to kill two or three soldiers and start to have a great sense of security and accomplishment. Isn't it more perfect to send them to hell?"

A group of members laughed: "That makes sense!"

Killing off Guan Baixiao laughed: "Ono Jun's performance is also perfect. At present he has made a name for himself. In the next few battles, we will send him a few heads to make him the head of the team?"

Everyone laughed: "I believe President Igarashi must be very happy to hear this news at the hospital!"

Tsukamoto laughed: "Of course, the princes will continue to work hard to give the president a rest!"

. . . . . .

At this time, the Chinese Guild Alliance chat room.

The first round of the first round completely exposed the gap between the strengths of ordinary Chinese players and Japanese pros. It was a one-way gift-giving, which not only affected the morale of China, but also increased the pressure of blood guilds such as Wei Wei. However, we cannot prevent ordinary players from participating, otherwise it will be more troublesome.

How can we fight the next battle? At this moment, all the big brothers set their eyes on a silent Ma Yinglong head.

Ma Yinglong kept his heart tight: "What do you think of me?"

Zhou Qing sighed, "Brother Ma, you said that the **** players in Japan are all entering the city of God of punishment in China. As the leader of the Dark Alliance in China, you can't send a few **** players over?"

The gangsters spurned: "Yes! Don't you have a thunder fire dragon who claims to be the first **** player in China? Where did you die?"

Ma Yinglong sighed: "All the camps have changed jobs to hide their occupations and can't get in. In short, I thought about this last night. I'm looking for a few folk masters of the **** tribe. Please give me time."

The gangsters scolded: "Your sister's inaugural hidden occupation, it turns out that you have been making a fortune!" (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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