God Rank Hero

Chapter 1147: Decisive Dark Raven Metamorphosis

Rotten tree root space, the blood eagle's killing and feast finally came to an end, no blue and no energy. ≤ At this time, most of the moth swarms in the entire space have been eliminated, and it can no longer pose a threat to the blood hawk.

Da Fei hurriedly turned off Dark Psychic, found a hidden bush to restore the blood eagle to recuperate, and Da Fei, which eased the pressure of the two-line operation, also began to retreat toward the entrance.

Looking at the 10,000 points of dark and natural power stored in the necklace, the great laughter was very gratifying. This is the balance obtained after the huge consumption of the crow storm. If the 10,000 energy is converted, the necklace will be added. With more than 1400 lives and mana, he has turned a profit.

From the current situation, the blood eagles really dominate them, and the number of crows that need to be used in the future will be less and less. 10,000 points is only the beginning, and 20,000 and 30,000 are not too many! Just then, the system prompts again:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Cruel Tooth Ansu Totem has absorbed 1400 points of Dark Nature's Power to gain attribute growth, +590 Life, +590 Mana! Ansu gained a lot of power of darkness and nature, and his power was strengthened again!

Dafei laughed again! Da Fei began to imagine what awesome wave ss will be after the energy of this entire space is exhausted and converted!

Finally, the Bloodhawk recovered and the new feast began again. At this time, the enemy's army has made new moves, and new moths sprang up again in the whole mushroom forest. There was a large red cloud on the entire radar. It was unexpected that the enemy's troop production capacity was so amazing!

Da Fei could not help but sigh, it seems that there is not much balance after all. But it doesn't matter. Now every second you take is a profit. Then let it go and transform it into a blood eagle's growth experience!

but. The new moth swarm did not continue to chase the blood eagle in vain, but spread like a mist in the whole mushroom forest, and then began to spread to the outer forest. At the same time, a large group of demons rushed out of the lakeshore fortress, and these demons also lined up in a search formation and pushed toward the carpet outside the forest!

Da Fei was shocked. This is the npc who has learned well. If he can't catch the blood eagle, he will catch the rhythm of the brother's deity! How to do? Even if the blood hawk could kill all the moths, so many demons on the ground pushed like combs. Brother may still be caught?

Da Fei's thoughts turned sharply. It seems that up to now, the other party has started to fight, and that brother has nothing to say, fight! Not to consume moths in vain to destroy moths, but to take advantage of the opportunity of the other side to completely ignore the blood hawk and **** the belly! Ansu also said that as long as the stored energy is enough, he can forcibly destroy the enemy's enchantment to escape, then whoever is the first can get the better!

Then the blood eagle turned on the dark psychic again, and flew directly to the nearby Blackwater Lake waterfall in the opponent's fortress. Here is where the power of darkness and nature is the strongest in the entire scene! At this moment, looking at the reserve value on the necklace kept going up to three digits. Da Fei is entangled with difficulty! Excitingly, at this rate, it is not a problem to absorb tens of thousands. What is tangled is, how long can I still suck?

Time flies in seconds, the enemy's moth hunting group has disappeared from the blood eagle's field of vision, and it is getting closer and closer to the area where Da Fei hides. The necklace did not live up to Dafei's expectations, and quickly broke through the 20,000 mark!

Go ahead, don't stop! 21,000! 23,000! 25,000! 30,000! Break the 30,000 mark!

At the same time, a large swarm of moths swarmed from the perspective of the Dafei deity! Da Fei's heart is cold, here it is! Is this the rhythm of the last fight?

At this moment, the familiar convolution sound sounded in Da Fei's ears again: "It seems it's time to leave, are you ready?"

Dafei suddenly sighed with joy: "It's too timely, is there enough power?"

Ansu sighed: "It's long enough!"

Lying down! Scary brother! Dafei didn't feel good: "Why didn't you say it earlier? I'll be prepared."

Ansu sighed, "I'm reluctant to leave, I'm afraid to say it earlier, you'll run away earlier!"

Dafei couldn't help crying: "I can't bear to leave. Why don't I want to absorb more strength here. If I miss such a rich place, I really don't know where I can encounter so many treasures of dark energy."

Ansu Shen said: "It's the same as I thought!"

Da Fei's brow jumped and immediately heard the voice outside the string: "What do you mean?"

Ansu Shen said: "I want to be a boo! This giant bear is a fallen dark druid. Now he and I are essentially the same existence, so he can't wait to devour me to strengthen Myself, why don't I think so? "

God eats God, brother likes it! Da Fei's heart shook: "Can you kill him?"

Ansu Shen chanted: "That ’s why I want to play it! Now the power stored in the totem will allow me to release a Dark Raven Metamorphosis to you. Normally, it is not possible for ordinary rangers based on the power of nature. Or released by the druid, this is in serious conflict with my dark power of nature, but fortunately you are not an ordinary ranger. Your ranger base is derived from the will of hatred and has nothing to do with the power of nature. But in this way it will When you enter the battle, you have completely lost the chance to escape, you choose! "

The original brother's half-tone ranger still has this benefit! Dafei hurriedly asked, "Can you make the decision? It's up to you? Why should I choose again?"

Ansu sighed, "I've already died once, and I've looked down on life and death, so it's up to you."

Is this the tempo for the brother to single out the god-level giant bear and countless big devil? But the other side couldn't help his brother's blood eagle, and he couldn't help turning into a giant crow! Brother fight, playing games is not a stock market, brother let go!

Dafei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll fight with you! Then, deform it!"

Ansu said indifferently: "Okay! But when I'm drawing energy for a while, when the war starts, I will teleport back and I will have time to transform!"

Lying down! Dafei suddenly suddenly!

Ansu added: "I can't bear to go! The more energy, the better."

Dafei could not laugh or cry: "Yes! You continue to suck, I continue to deal with the other party, when I can't stand it, you are coming back to transform!"

Ansu satisfied: "It's really easy to work with a warrior like you!"

Is this nonsense? Looking at the moth swarm approaching, Da Fei's mind suddenly began to prepare to meet. Of course, moth swarms are not the main threat, and Dafei has to face the big demon army behind! But the number of opponents is so large, not to mention that Da Fei has only 12 angels, even if the strength is 10 times more, he will still be drowned.

Da Fei's mission is to delay time, allowing Ansu to absorb more power. And if you drag on time, there is no doubt that there is only one way: card position!

As a result, Da Fei immediately saw several branches in the mushroom forest close to the mushroom tree. As long as Da Fei got stuck between the two mushroom trees, Da Fei's belly would only be affected by two big devil in front and back. attack. But Dafei certainly won't let their backs be cut in vain, and the back position will be handed over to An Weier! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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