God Rank Hero

Chapter 1148: Kill the demon again

Da Fei chose a relatively good card address. The distance between the two mushroom trees is very narrow, which just can hold the human body of Da Fei. Da Fei is simply not satisfied with the terrain anymore! But An Weier's big body is a bit troublesome, but it doesn't matter. An Weier can transform into a human and fight in a human form. [

and many more! Suddenly, Dafei remembered that he had only 1200 blood now, and the necklace totem with blood added was not on his body. It was completely incomparable to An Weier with thousands of blood, and he could not be more positive! Then only summon Nalhia to the top, sandwich it between the two of them as a sandwich, and take charge of healing with his own divine healing technique.

And the last time they fought against General Naga, in the situation that the regiment was about to die, An Weier, Nalhia, and Alifil realized the block. With the block, they can further improve their Capacities in this rampant environment.

(——Blocking: Units have a 30% chance to block physical attacks. In the case of blocking, the units cannot attack. See Chapter 948, "Moment of Force against Time")

After being placed in place, Dafei immediately entered the entire regiment of the Phantom March, and could hide for one second.

Then the next moment, the overwhelming moths roared like black clouds. They filled every tiny space in the woods, no dead ends, no omissions!

The red light burst in front of Dafei!

——The system prompts: Your stealth is discovered by the enemy, and you enter the combat state!

What the hell! I have to say, whether it is God-level stealth or stealth master, it is useless in the face of this most primitive and direct anti-submarine method! Fight then. Brother is waiting for your big devil to come.

as expected. A large red cloud appeared instantly on the radar. The Legion of the Devil really teleported to the first scene every second, and there was also a hero led by a Devil!

Da Fei's heart is tight. This kind of hero, this kind of motivation, if he meets on the normal battlefield, he will definitely be embarrassed to death by the opponent? But now, come on you!

The next moment, the Demon Legion besieged on all sides, but it was not unexpected. Only two large devil can attack An Weier and Nalxia at the same time, and the other big devil can only look around. That's right, this is the most traditional way of playing online games: card position.

The first round of battle was decided in a few seconds. A big devil fell to An Weier's tomahawk, and An Weier lost less than one sixth of his blood. Yes, An Weier will **** blood stunts. This is the gap between heroes and the quality of arms, not to mention that Da Fei is now a god-level bright magic and still has blood.

However, this does not mean that Da Fei is determined to defeat the opponent. After all, the troops still have physical energy consumption, even if the power angel Nalxia's spell can restore physical strength to a certain extent. But after all, they can't endure the endless wheel battle of the opponent. What Fei Fei can do now is to delay as much time as possible, every second. There are dozens of hundreds of dark energy in Ansu Totem Necklace, and they will accumulate more capital for the ultimate transformation!

At this moment, the body of the big demon who just fell to the ground exploded, and several 6th-level soldiers of the abyss demon leaped out, closing the gap left by the dead big devil just now!

That's right, this is the signature stunt that the big devil is sick and dead does not lose his life-sacrifices! As long as it is a dead body, the great devil will immediately sacrifice the body to summon 6th-level cannon fodder, and the body cannot be resurrected after the war. This is also the reason why players are most reluctant to play against **** players with big demons. Even if they win, they will not be able to resurrect many troops.

But at this moment, Dafei suddenly saw "business opportunities"!

If you say that the gap in this attack is on the top of the wheel that is constantly being leveled by the super devil of the 8th level, the physical strength of the Dafei troops will eventually fall. But what role can the abyss demonic cannon fodder of the 6th-level soldiers play? No pressure at all! No, this is what the enemy sent to let him gasp!

Dafei immediately instructed not to attack the abyss demonic cannon fodder. He hacked the other three big demons first, and then said that as the three big demons fell down, a group of cannon fodder exploded on their body. Siege attack!

Da Fei laughed and gave An Weier and Nalxia a defensive command in place. In the case of defense in place, the troops will not attack, and the defense is increased by up to 50%. Under the defense of the Dafei bonus, it is increased by 50%, which is comparable to the high-level city wall.

In short, stand in place and let these cannon fodder hack! Not even physically exhausted.

As a result, Da Fei's unexpected drama scene appeared, a group of cannon fodder and countless moths around Da Fei's weak attack, a group of strong men did look stupidly on the periphery! If you change to players, of course you know that you should let the professional come, but the other party is obviously not a very smart copy npc. Dafei wants to know how long this situation will last?

The time passed by one second, the blood eagle far away in the lake fought for precious time to absorb the power of nature, seeing that the reserve energy of the necklace would exceed 40,000 points, and Dafei was still in the siege of the army. move!

41 thousand! 40 thousand! 40 thousand! 40 thousand! Watching the data that the necklace continued to soar, Da Fei shuddered with excitement. Was the huge Sartre army killed by his own gun pits? Da Fei can't think of it!

Just then, the system clanged:

——System Tip: Your Artifact Brutal Tooth Ansu Totem has drew and converted 2000 Nature Power of Darkness to gain attribute growth, +790 life, +790 mana! Ansu gained a lot of power of darkness and nature, and his power was strengthened again!

Dafei could not help but scream! This time, I actually converted 2,000 points of energy at a time, adding 200 points of life and mana in one breath! This is the concentration of dark power in the center of the lake! I'm so excited about this, come on, march towards 60,000! Does completing a double task in excess means twice as much as the original 30,000 energy deformed crow? Haha, wow hahaha!

At this moment, a huge roar came from the front, and Dafei felt the ground trembled! Da Fei's heart trembled, did the god-level giant bear finally dispatch himself?

At the same time, Ansou's voice also sounded: "Warrior, this is a long way to go. The time has come for the final victory. Now my reserve energy is much larger than expected, and the odds will increase a bit. If you can Quickly end the battle, the more energy you can save, then start— "

In such an instant, the perspective of Da Fei's blood eagle suddenly changed, and the blood eagle was teleported back to Da Fei's side, and Da Fei was drowned by a large cloud at once!

——System Tip: Ansu has consumed the 51,400 dark forces of nature in the "Cruelty Tooth Ansu Totem" to release the "Jaw Metamorphosis" to you. You gain flying combat ability, silent blood sucking ability, dark corrosion attack, Chance of physical dodge + 51%, attack +51, defense +51, damage +51, attack speed + 51%, your life +51,400, mana +51,400, restore life +51 per second!

. . . . . .

Then the next moment, a huge smoky crow flew up, this is a huge fly transformed into a giant crow! Looking at his sudden lengthened blood strips and his high vision, Dafei was excited! This is what it feels like to be a god. Although it is not as good as being fit with a scorpion, but with the last experience of being a fit with God, this time there is nothing unaccustomed to!

As for the skills of the giant crow, it is too late for Dafei to take a closer look. Anyway, the common crow has the skills that the giant crow has. The ordinary crow does not have the skills to dodge and recover blood, and the crow still has it. This is the core skill that the crow dares to fight with the bear.

Although the enemy has countless large demons, as long as the giant crow rides high above the bear's head and does not land, no more big demons can help the siege. On the contrary, An Weier Nalxia, who is also an air combat unit, can also help to mount a siege on the bear's head. This decisive battle is actually a big fly 3 to 1!

It's close! Looking at the giant bear screaming at an amazing speed ahead, Da Fei is not keeping it. The 10 Seraphs in Angel Space are all fighting. The last nuclear bomb crystal is aimed at the giant bear, and then the lucky light rises and covers the whole army!


10 rockets dragged out the colorful lucky lights, and the giant crow flew down with the rocket Guanghua flying down!

——Boom boom boom boom! !! !! The explosion of blasts blew up countless moths and big demons, clearing a large area of ​​battlefield for the big fly! And then there is the final ultimate move, the dark realm of light tears, start! A large piece of black light fell from the sky and instantly enveloped the battlefield that was still exploding!

That's right, Mana's 50,000 mana is just for the artifact field! As a **** of darkness, how powerful the giant crow can play in the dark realm, Da Fei can already imagine. Although Dire Bear is also a dark creature, it will also benefit from the bonus of the dark realm. However, Dire has a silent attack strengthened by the realm. The Dire Bear can completely suppress the ability.

The battle has reached this point, unless he is a pig, Da Fei can hardly find a reason to not win!

. . . . . .

The lake in the forest where Li Yinzhu is located, Da Fei has not heard anything for half an hour. This made Li Yinzhu who asked npc again and again a little tiresome.

Suddenly, the spirit of the hermit in the forest shook: "I feel the dark energy of the underground world is disappearing fast!"

The Unicorn King also said: "The power of the underground enchantment is also rapidly disintegrating. We need to attack! Warrior, are you ready? We will transport the troops when we are ready!"

Could Dafei really change the situation with one person? Li Yinzhu nodded in surprise: "Ready!"

Just then, the World Channel clanged:

——Announcement of World Channel in Japan: Congratulations! China's Bright Alliance player Dafei successfully killed the demon-level strongman!

——Announcement of Japan's Camp National War: Battle Report! China's Bright Alliance player Dafei successfully killed the demon-level strongman!

Kill the demon again! It's him alone! ? At this moment, Li Yinzhu couldn't believe his eyes! A lot of coaches were shocked with broken chin glasses! (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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